Pets are cool

Pets are cool.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want one.

dogs are pretty cool ye

I just had the best kind of pizza that exists on this planet

Take one!

Dogs are alright I guess,

all the apes in the new planet of the apes movies look super CGI

everyone said these movies are amazing but i can't really get engrossed in them if they're gonna be goldeneye 64 monkeys all the way

When I have my own house!

I wanna pet a doge.


Remember to pet them often

I'm better with cats

I'd pat them every day.

no catgirls

hi people i return!
the haircut lady chopped too much hair off but it's okay because i finally found a box of fruity pebbles

i accidentally the whole planet with monkeys

i accidentally the whole food

Shave your head.
Become a Neo-Nazi.


I wish. Then I could oven degenerates like you

fucking top eats friends

As in "blue rare"?
That's kind of disgusting.


But that is best cook... I mean, i guess I can stretch and say blue/rare is godly taste.
I swear if you cook any more than that you are wasting good meat.


Catgirls are TOP tier though

Blue rare is by definition undercooked. It doesn't even reach an internal temperature high enough to kill off any possible bacteria.


ooh leather

Why should that matter, being a citizen of a country that believes vaccinations are autism causers and that homosexuality is a choice should mean it is merely another "opinion" to ignore.

Is best

why doesn't mike pence just legislate bacteria out of existence tbh


Foodborne illness? The fact that all meat comes from giant processing plants that are incredibly easy for bacteria to spread even in the cleanest of them?

Sorry, that is just like, your opinion.

all meat comes from animals you dumb guy

catboys > catgirls

That is not an opinion.
That is a literal fact.

not human meat

in your opinion

people are animals you tube

Not meat they grow in labs too
Though I heard it tastes really bland

where did the seed cells come from?

mhm, animals

wow, kinda sounds like you are trying to oppress me.

Soylent Green.

I read about meatglue recently
Pretty nasty stuff


Also, the whole thing about cooking foods making them more available for digestion.

Can we please terminate correspondence as I am feeling uncomfortable with your brash and flagrant treading of my emotions.

it's weird to think that we are apes

not so different after all


are we the most evolved of the apes, or merely the best at abstract problem solving?

we can't climb trees too good, and there are lots of those on earth.


Blacks are just the least evolved.

but we need ladders to reach them, a more evolved ape simply ascends the tree

If any of you are playing SC2, you should consult the master!

What kind of fucking pathetic nerd still plays sc

Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid


i don't think a fish is a genius in any arena tbh

Worst Korea.

Well. Fuck you

I could really go for fish right now

hearing hnngg
or eels.
slimy, slippery gooey goodness

i just had tempura battered fish :3

It's like you're just trying to be weird.


it's not weird.
that's just how it feels to have in your mouth.


Pi and Mash and Eels

Pat me

You're just trying to make it even gayer.


Help this is f'd up




you're gay

eels up inside ya

OOF dat five bird roast

You're gayer.

What'd you had?

It is so cold outside.
Makes me miss smoking.
I miss Wish.
And Haikuus.
And Fooj.
And being a happy person.
But then I saw finding a entrance where they can?

Sweet & sour pork :3

five dudes got killed and put inside each other

there can be no more lavish a meal

boring through your mind, through your tummy, through your anus, eels

You met ol' elsie boy? did you dance wit her? We ALL did.


thats soooo gross

some days i wish my panties were made of eels and i couldn't take them off

But seriously I can help if you need it. Game understanding will get you to diamond ez pz

Sounds tasty!


high quality post acknowledged

Isn't that JUST hentai?

Why is Aaron here?

You're dating a dude. How is that "10%" on the Kinsey scale?



Isnt Masters in SC2 is like diamond in League
Like, you're not really good even though it's a high rank

I usually get the thai chicken but omg this might be my new thing.

The blinking rotom dex in the bottom screen is fucking creepy

is there no way to stop it from blinking at you

You could turn it off.


Is Colbs here?

omg i just had the best idea

guys, let's find the kid who got harambe shot, and bully him till he kills himself

Or Cupcake for that matter.

Nah. Masters is top 2% of game

Same as for League.

Via the power off button.

Master is 4% in SC2 though

This was before the ladder revamp

There are a lot more players in league. THis is an elite group. I played vs pros before.

So you're talking about a completely irrelevant meta? :^)

if more people play league shouldn't being in the top 2% be more elite for league than sc

But 2% of 10 players is 0.2 people.
2% of 1,000,000 players is like 20,000

yeah but top 2% of ten people means you're only the best of ten

2% of 1 000 000 means you're the best out of a million

Terran was way weaker when I first got promoted. Easy mode now

But it also means you're better than more people that play.

I think he's trying to insinuate that LoL's top 2% is just rising about the casuals, where as everyone who plays SC must be really good so being in the top 2% is rising above people who are totally good at a videogame.

But over 70% of that playerbase is silver or lower which is Luka level. Have you ever played with Luka?

I mean, comparisons between players is pretty irrelevant overall.

Like, rank 1 two years ago is probably garbage compared to rank 50 now.

Okay Flash

This. The game is filled with people who have been playing a long time. Even winning in bronze is a super steep learning curve for most



I should have picked an uglier player


But for real, I played life back when he was allowed to play and stuff.

Flash my hero!

All SC2 koreans are qts

D-Don't laugh!

What was the name of that guy who thought up the queen spam meta? He was brilliant

Spanishiwa, that's the guy

He was one of them, but the most innovative zerg was Stephano


Why doesn't our top have a keystone


How could you forget boss toss

Maybe he is like me and just got his 13th account perma banned

I was limiting myself to ugly Korean Terrans

they don't look -that- bad..

Why does he have cleanse

But I mean, compared to Flash, MKP, or MMA.

Papa Franku Lore?

Yes please.

I am thankful for SC2 to bring me Destiny though
And good laughs at IdrA

Mm I guess.


Kinda wanna try it now.

You guys don't have Manchu Wok over there though, right?

You'll have to come here instead :3

holy shit man

my friend asked to keep something at my house for a few days, i thought it would be weed or coke or something so i said sure, now i have a fucking sawnoff shotgun in my cupboard 😂

We barely have anything there...

brb going to Emma

Do you need to go to the big city to get stuff or are you already there?


My area isn't terribly noisy, but I'm really close to the university and a couple malls.

Sounds ideal

I hope to find such a place too

There's a house for sale like 8 or 9 doors down

Nice script fgt

"jinx script"


I love this elo man

It's dicks.

brb moving


What color flannel should I get? I already have red

I got a blue


From where/!? I need a nice big comfy one since I am so small

i have never been so crime in my entire life

Clean your cabinets.


it's a hall closet, it has stains from water pipes and no carpets, that's as clean as it gets


only eurocucks could think having a gun in a cabinet is intense lmao

srs fucking business

all guns outside of country estates here are murder weapons, and you'll go to jail forever for having merely smelled one

It's probably gonna shock you but the laws are actually different in the UK.

save a life
bin that

like, you guys know me, i am not respectful of the law, but this is by far and away the most illegal i have ever been 😶

Do Brits even have the same weird group that thinks they're totally gonna fight off communists/nazis/their own government with a shotgun?

a guy down the street from me has a van that says "zombie outbreak defence force" or something on it

there really needs to be a push to roll back these nonsense weapon laws, but right now theres no way in hell itll happen with the state of politics in britain

Because obvs the way to reduce violence is more guns.

US gun laws are doing great

preventing loads of crime

Anyone wanna do anything



id honestly be cool with artillery being legal

i get what they are trying to do with the knife laws here, but it isn't working, if somebody wants to carry a knife as a weapon they will regardless of the law, but people who aren't violent can't carry a pen knife despite them being like the most versatile tool we have ever invented

Well no but in a country where even police can't carry them..

im sure they exist everywhere

Well, knives have functional purpose. Guns don't.

making stuff more dead

How do you feel about the new surveillance law thing?

haven't heard about it, fill me in

Those types of emasculated dudes are honestly baffling. Where they think a gun is a literal symbol of "freedom" and without it, they're just going to be on a never ending ride of violence committed against them.

whoah, check this out

say out loud "I am beautiful"

feel pretty good now don't you? c:

Everything they do is now legal.

i think it may be more or less just as sad that people really think they aren't responsible for their own personal safety

Or just like, don't put yourself in dangerous situations.

is this in the UK?

they wanted to ban encryption here for ages, but were totally humilliated by smart people, and undermined by tech companies implementing mountains more encryption

life is a dangerous situation
less so than it's ever been but still


All hacking the government does is legal now.


i got that bit




shoo shoo libtard pissbaby

The bill is passed, the contents are as is.

by the way tsuchi just because you've never experienced crime in real life doesn't mean it doesn't exist lol

I'd an oobles

same tbh fam


same tbh

i'd let oobles tell people i kissed her softly for a double cheese pizza

It's very much a real thing but having paranoid delusions about violence always about to be committed against you and that you must be prepared for the statistically improbable situations is just fucktarded.

Guns are illegal for a reason. No civilized society needs them.

wow only double cheese? :(

i don't like other toppings, just lots of cheese

thank god we can all fuck dogs now

well im glad that the straw man in your head you've applied to gun owners is so reasonable
i assume you also don't have fire alarms or extinguishers in your house
following your logic that is

A less than 1% chance is really something to be irrationally afraid of.

Four cheese pizza... But what if they made it 5 cheeses!!!!

ok well i can respect that, cheese is good

thank god now i won't have to use my inflatable dog dildo anymore

Yeah, statistics are straw manning something.

dude get me pizza


i feel like you respect my opinion and that's nice

Now I want pizza.
5 Cheese pizza.



butI do not even understand the basics

My glorious, inpenetrable fortress on rust.

Will it have 5 cheeses? and maybe the 6th honourary cheese(garlic butter?)

i wish i was badass enough to shoot burglars

how is that ever comparable to real dick
isn't it too pliable

they sure are when only applied to a tiny minority of gun owners which you've applied to all of them in order to make yourself feel less wrong
my grandpa owns a revolver because niggers exist
it's been sitting in his nightstand for only 30 years and he's needed it twice

it will have whatever whoever is open does cheese-wise

possibly dominos, they have a nice late night deal after midnight

i wish i was badass enough to shoot burgers

you think shooting a burger out of a cannon would cook it

It's literal statistics.

i think meat travels too fast

I wish I was badass enough to shoot my load

I havent dominos this month.
I probably could this weekend.
I dont know.
Maybe I should.
I am going to be adulting hard soon.

you can't adult without a tasty pizza in ur belly

np u have good pizza opinion in my eyes

no only the knot is inflateable, you like,,, inflate it inside urself
i'm gonna be fucking watched if i google this don't make me do it

sorry my first sentence was gibberish
my brain is fried
my point was most gun owners treat firearms as a hobby and a "god forbid, but at least i have it" type of deal
exactly like a fire extinguisher
the dude who is super paranoid doesn't exist


Undeniable truth. How else do you reckon the vikings raped and pillaged those lindesfarne monks? With deepdish in hteir belly.

fire extinguishers cant kill your kids though



god bless forty, but ffs he IS the paranoid man.
He is the paranoid elephant in the room.

probably can dude, don't tempt fate

"oh, this fire extinguisher could never kill all my children." - famous last words

anything is a weapon and if i wanted to kill you i'd use anything i could get my hands on to do it

Judging by the fact that anytime any firearm legislation comes up it's nothing but people crying about how "GUBBERMINT IS STEALING MY GUNS TO ENSLAVE ME SO THEM NIGGERS CAN JUST BEAT AND RAPE ME", yeah, it's kind of a thing.

like ok no offense but if your baby manages to ky with a fire extinguisher it probably wasn't the smartest baby and you're better off getting a new one

that's just the facts of it



that is on the parents for letting children near firearms and having the damn things loaded
every time kids are at my house i move the mags from my pistol away from it and hide the pistol somewhere in a locked case.



What is your main race?

Just call the children/fire extinguisher deaths "partial birth abortions" since that's in vogue.

Ban gasoline sleeves!!!!
Firearms are dangerous!!!!



wait guys guns can kill people?
forget everything i said holy shit

i mean sure it is but this is the same media you find alt-left liberals crying for the eradication of white people on
is it really that surprising that it's easy to find the idiots in this day and age

something like 6 americans were shot by their own dogs last year

No, that's the main news sources and politicians.
Did you not even paying attention to this election where one of the main talking points was literally "Hillary is going to steal our guns"?

Hey loco can you give me some good webcomics

and guess what... NO DEATHS FROM MARIGUANAS.

oh, it's over the last five years


people who leave guns either out in the open or in a drawer somewhere with it loaded or loaded mags next to it should get a little bit of legal trouble alone tbh


lol i never heard that but i'd love to hear a few words from the idiots who thought that

Our incoming Attorney General thinks lax marijuana laws are directly causing unfounded crime increases.


when we've bubble wrapped the entire planet and everyone has a self driving car i'll hand in all my guns and we can begin utopian society
probably still die of a heart attack or something

not even close to a main talking point lol
foreign policy and immigration were mentioned something like 16 times a piece compared to like two on gun control

Rice Boy
Octopus Pie
A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage is Irreversible

Hey I am from there!

gonna shoot guero with a heart attack gun



Eating those bacon burgers arent exactly going to help

i want to laugh but i feel bad for the poor doggos :(

i think you could just hand me a cheeseburger and achieve the same effect




thanks :3

It was one of the main talking points on Fox News after the emails: the mythical crime increase that doesn't exist and that Hilary is going to take people's guns so they can't fend off said nonexistent crime increase.

I Roved Out in Search of Love and Truth

im gonna shoot my dick in ur ass scoots


ok im bored now tsuchi
alex jones also talked about trump kissing goblins
do you want to bring up any more irrelevant shit

I wonder what world you live in.


GOB bless amurrica.
Tricks are for hookers to score crack, take our borders back

silly rabbit, tricks are for kids



i guess the real one since i don't watch faux or clinton news network

erin this is making me so sad

Squash also punishes the dog.

lol it's your country dude

your country is the one where dogs shoot people


god bless america
home of the highest number of dog inflicted gunshot wounds



I wonder if I am now unbanned on /lewd/, maybe its time to bazinga.

accidentally killing their owner is probably like the worst thing ever for a dog tho

it wouldn't sink in what they had done for like a minute, god it would be horrible


Oh boy. Let me guess, your news comes from Facebook posts and other nonsense.
I use a combination of various news sources with different slants to see where people get their unfounded nonsense that isn't based in any observable metric, like the fact that the economy is somehow worse despite all evidence to the contrary or crime rates or that somehow NAFTA isn't disproportionately benefiting us.

if they even made the connection, and didn't just take it as a loud noise out of nowhere and suddenly their owner is meat


WH-what.... o.o'''

stupid doggo.

Something can be biased yet factually accurate.


If its leaving out facts then its not accurate you retard.

I hope you ain't packing there, pardner

My cat in a tie.
It isnt a lie.
Take a peeker-pie,
for "it is I... the cat in the tie"

That's not how it works.

you're gonna make me cry erin

no man mostly just reuters and

being intentionally misleading is not being factually correct

That's not how it works.

I think i'm done here

i fucked your mom so hard she died. fact.

is the . guy ban or bebop

"gay sex can cause aids" is factually accurate while omitting other facts to confirm a bias

im the user you autismo
dont you know we switch like once every 3 million years?



is this bebop?

too old

im sorry buddy i thought so but bebop hasnt been posting with a name and im dumb
i love u

me too pls

How? Everything reported on Clinton and Trump was factually accurate.
Is this really going to turn into the same as saying that "politifact is biased"?


th-thats what jared said

How is that even relevant to what I said?

tfw met jared when 7yrs old
tfw abused at 8yrs old but it was aight

i was somewhat agreeing with you

yeah man
cnn has never mislead the public

damn right steven harper packs
his big dick

"multiple americans have already been fatally wounded by dogs with firearms, and an end to the violence is not yet in sight"

factually accurate, while loaded with implications

Honestly someone trying to say CNN is a good news network is just to far gone.

Don't even talk to him his opinions don't matter now that they lost the vote

Whore. Bet you were asking for it. Dressed all revealing. Like the hungry doggo cannot resist the steak.


This makes me do a scare!

Or literally anything Brietbart says.

Lettuce be hominem.
All news is drake.
It is by ass.


did you just eat your own words just now but try to spin it around on some other news company?? LOL

i think we're done here tsuchi
this was nice though

That is a cute kitty kat.

You're not helping!

gotta love pussy

starcraft crashed on loading screen anddid not let me reconenct and I feel sleepy now Iwill bot hootbrush and bed I tihnk

also i dont even read breitbart but thanks for playing

dont. i did once and its literally pol

I DON'T EVEN GO TO Holla Forums


Nacht nacht

Slaap zacht


Tiem for sleepu. Later potaters
lessthan three ecksdee

I... cannot disagree... red blooded maple man knows.
nee nee awoooobles

No, I'm saying one reported on things with slant but was accurate reporting and not misrepresenting what was being reported. You can have clear slants on something and still report honestly.

good lmfao its the worst
i'd been going there recently because faggots keep doxing each other

I'll honestly tell you 50% of the story from the side that only makes me look good.

please have a seperate account for your opinions pls

i can agree with that at least
im gonna fuck off and watch anime for a while
good talking to you buddy


Her face is ugly.



End me

oink oink

omae wa mo shindeiru

End me again


I got a friend in me

Why should I?

Who is it?


Get out of yourself.

Life is too hard.

over myself

You can drop out any time.





yesterday I sneezed and there was toothpaste all over me the table floor

I can't tell you that.


poor neru

me irl

I thought it would be okai but noooo it say sploosh and then a goopy dripping sound I thought I could hold it in the last time I tried sneezing through my nose and the toothpaste actually went through my nose and it hurt



that sounds horrid, when I was younger I laughed while drinking some soda and wew was that ever painful in the nose. can only imagine toothpaste


telling people who are taking a sip to drink with their nose is bad recipe for ideas


You're the worst


Stop you're gonna hurt my feelings.

probably lol

yes okai is bedtim nana



Will it make you want to kill me?

Me too pls


why is this a thing now

I could never harm another human

I'm a very peaceful person

No you can't yet :c

subtle i want to die

Can I?

You can't either god damn it


Why not


When am I allowed to?


i don't think it is. it's just someone doing it.

Do you not think it's a little cruel, what you're saying? You know I care about you and how you feel, and that I'll keep myself from making that decision if you tell me to. You're strapping me to a life of waking up every day to pain and going to sleep counting the days left in my natural lifespan. You're hurting me more than you can ever, ever know.

Everyone here should become Kurt Cobain.

Zamasu please stop

Do you have the game yet?

a musician

Wanna roleplay where you're Hit and I'm Goku?


Cause then dz has to support me and he give firstblood every fuckin game

60 years or if you get a terminal illness that makes living unbearable

We just need Erin now.

I've seen like 5 different people do it over the last month or so
I'd be way more interesting with a funnel web.



*Stops time and punches u in the chest* Muda

Yeah it's cruel but if there's even a 1% chance you could be happy at the end then I'm willing to put you through that

I have a terminal illness that makes living unbearable.

ty for killing me

make me hurt for you daddy

a-am I better?

Killing is against the rules so I was holding back.


Aw shit mother fucking Z-leer

funnel you say?




You lose again

Jeus christ dude...she's actually be attractive if she was human sized.
How do people even function like that.

I also picked hanzowl

I'm about to head off to the cemetery and catch me a drifloon, I think ill keep him in my party because his evolution is p beefy

can anyone here make grunge music?

I really need to rename my stuff.

Zettai ni makenai yo

Let neru rename them.

No one here is remotely artistic.

I found a Mild Gastly so i'm all set.

What's it called..

Stop I don't know how to respond to this


everyone here is on the artistic spectrum

You should probably give up now while you can still walk away in once piece.

I have two actually, 3D and existance.

closely related to existence

If I'd let her do that it would take me like 5 minutes to find the right image every time I'd post.

make me hurt for you daddy

Just finish me off

probably majik



how can any of us be kurt cobain then



Shut the fuck up Tsuchi it's getting stale.

Do you hate me?

I was mostly just talking about the shotgun suicide.


I may make another for Darwin if he pushes me to

I want t-to play Dota again ^^

chii is dead

Is that a yes?

mgd is a toilet

Ford has been getting partnerships with anime producers to make shit like this

I wonder how much dosh is being exchanged to get those original VA's in

i'm not artistic i just draw and write and sing and play guitar and cook and make dresses and do creative makeuping

not artistic

i wish mgd would go away and darwin would come bacl


N-no way, did Chii quit? D:

baby come bacl

i wish kuus would come back and cat fight emma.

died of a hole in the ass.

do you want a yes or a no?

what the fuck

She died of a heart attack last week.



I want the truth



I d-don't get it, did Chii quit or is Chii just n-not here right now..? :x

mgd is a toilet

i wish i had a fluffy pet dog

Can I tell you the truth but put a slant on it?



Locked in Grim's basement.

Well, no one really, really leaves. I'd say she 95% quit and 5% just isn't here right now.

someone call aspca holy shit

That doesn't m-make sense, just answer my question so I c-can leave x.x'


Just get a standard sized poodle.

says you

Th-this is a real answer, thanks for the help, user~ ^^


im not opposed to small things, but small dogs are just gay


you are gay

As in italics?

They also made a MGS one

mgs is a toilet

I'm sure she'll be on in the next two months

We can go with that.

take that back faggot


The only thing I remember about MGD was the whole "I'm not gay but I just pretend to be a girl and cyber/date dudes on the internet, no homo".

Get a Tibetan Mastiff, a dog that can fight bears, leopards and tigers.

Then yes.

that looks fantastically fluffy

I don't hate you anymore

am sleep

You used to hate me?

Yeah, besides they get pretty damn big, thus why they were used to protect from the aforementioned animals.

Sleep well qt.

I don't know

Am telling the truth or is that just a slant?
