More from the dialectical horeshit of fantasist nonsense that is Phil Greaves.
God Damn Tankie Twitter
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The compass is colonialist.
Calling the DPRK north korea is colonialist is a better take than Star Wars is colonialist tbh
leninism was a mistake
it honestly fucked us over for at least a hundred years, I hate tankies so goddamn much
Wow turns out tankies were SJWs all along
These guys get mad at anyone with vaguely left wing politics who has the ability to hang out with more than four people at once. They're as defeatist as leftcoms but even more agoraphobic and just mentally unwell in general
leftcoms will whinge from the sidelines but people like phil will infiltrate and try get everyone to hate each other
Reminder that phil is followed by Corbyn and these opinions are literally read by the next Prime Minister of Great Britain
May could crucify a kitten and still get elected by this point
If Lenin was around today and had a twitter his tweets would be pretty identical to Phil's. Phil exudes that cranky and bitter old pedant vibe.
Fuck, I best vote for a neoliberal so it will take 20 years to demolish the NHS and not 5 in that case. I really want to pay for a state service I won't get to reap the benefits from when I'm older for the baby boomers!
That's until corbs takes on phil's advice and comes out hard against petty booj clerks and zio-whabbi mercs
The British classcuck mentality seems to be: I'm going to vote against this common good that I need because my neighbor might use it and he doesn't deserve it.
the powerlevel is slowly being revealed
This is a common theme throughout all of British society. It's so fucking insane I've had single mothers and the unemployed complain about single mothers and the unemployed (respectively, not about each other). They're cucks who believe they're better than everyone else, and that there is a magic government naughty and nice list, and they're on the nice list. They're basically spoiled brats who think they're exceptional.
In this case though I'm not voting against the common good, I'm shoving the common good down the Brits' necks and they're telling me to fuck off and go get some neoliberalism instead.
Stand still, this will only hurt a lot.
Corb and McDonnell do a really poor job of hiding their tankie powerlevel. It's a crying shame we'll never see these comrades in power goddamit.
phil greaves is a psyop
Dianne seems a bit dumb though.
Not as big mistake as postleft anarchism
those damn tankies, why are they always smarter and better at everything, why cant we anarchos stop sucking so hard OMG i' so pissed right now -____-°!!!
as expected
nice meme
consider lithium salts o_0
If you follow some on twitter they actually all are, it's hilarious
t. capitalist
the country where leninism was invented and implemented is capitalist now
Phil Greaves is a pizza gate truther and contributor to Infowars.
Molly Klein is a millionaire heiress with paranoid schizophrenia.
Just ignore everything and everyone involved with these two individuals. It's not even worth mocking them or getting mad at them. They are truly mentally ill and there is no getting through to them. They actually doxx and threaten leftists. Just avoid them all together.
they're also both into 9/11 truth
Welcome to Anglo individualism
"post" anything is cancer, but none of the pomos have every accomplished anything in any field. Ever. They're just irrelevant sperglords.
On the other hand, Leninism destroyed the credibility of the word "communism" and caused an immense amount of suffering, while even managing to give the far right, the far right of all people, grounds to say that they're anti-statist. In its final mutated form of any relevance to the wider remnants of the Left (Trotskyists), it continues to push idpol and keep down the left in general just to try and push its shitty vanguards which always fail.
There was no one man who was a bigger disaster for the Left than Lenin. The guy had good intentions, but he really didn't understand Marx. Or Bakunin. Or any proper leftist theory from either side of the aisle.
it never was anything else
Keep defending them. Maybe Molly will give you some money.
I have transcended!
I remember a DPRK official got asked whether DPRK is more polite/correct than North Korea and the response was that either variant is okay. That Phil Greaves guy is literally making up things to be offended about.