needs more burds.
Needs more burds
no. I just hate myself.
I don't care
Don't do it again
you posting this is foreshadowing what a fag you are
then don't make any spelling mistakes.
does it?
u should quit being such a pussy imo
i know u can do it
yeah. seems like an odd choice. hard to make it funny in my opinion. plus every abridged series I've ever seen other than the ones made by little kuriboh have been really subpar to me.
I refuse.
Are they expensive? D:
Just around a park, in a loop lol
There was a couple hundred other people at the same time. Here it is.
I think I need 8 to feel best, don't you?
Try not to think too much about the "hype" and just try and enjoy it for what it is
Yeah, I do think that. The only torrent right now is 480p, with watermarks and messages during the movie :c
but I have so many cat like features
this gif makes my heart go doki doki
well shit
are you insulting this masterpiece?!
And how does this make you feel?
I'm just saying it's not to my taste, I suppose. nothing wrong with liking it!
I did just realize that the song playing on madoka's clock radio in that last clip was a fictional song from "the office" which tickles my funny bone.
confused in my swimsuit area.
;~; yea
sun/moon is prolly like $70 in canada, and a 3ds is prolly like $400
if only i lived in kewl city like u ;~;
i could go out into public parks with tonsa people and be happy too.. u_u
i can work with as little as 2-4 hours, and all the way up to 9-12 hours of sleep.
who did you know here, renko?
pay close attention to the last part of this one for me, cause it's going to be your punishment for not liking what I don't like :^)
hype has a much greater influence on me than i'd like, sadly
then i will wait ty
seriously it's not bad and i really do think u can do it if u try but of course nobody here will try to make u do it thats just how it is it would be best to quit maybe and go somewhere better u worry me
Maybe you're losing your mind.
you mean not liking what you "do" like?
will there be comfy chairs in the rape dungeon?
im a magical girl btw
your concern is so very touching.
I wish it was this
that would have been fucking hilarious.
pft whatever dude ur the one who's gonna stay sad and alone i dont worry about u that much
bird feetsies are my fetish
yeeee I'm tired, sorry about that and yes of course, from my time with those that no one expects
oh noooo how will I ever come to terms with thiiiis
well it sounds like a great place to be locked up!
i feel shit
joke gets old real fast though.
400 for a 3DS?? That's insane
But like you said you have lots of good PC games, and a good computer, so that's good
You don't have any parks?
It wasn't that great really. It was freezing and tiring..
Don't do 2-4 hours baka. It's bad for you..
how do you do cup cake
magic bitch*
magic lass*
it's about how i want to fuck you
but that's bull shit
eh. meh.
that voice for madoka goes from cute to annoying like three times in every sentence.
no fuck you
that was mostly the point lol this is literally the last thing of the video
I woke up at 11:20 and proceeded to browse memes for 40 minutes before getting up
is 12:13 now! anything up?
do it nerd. bet you won't.
seems appropriate.
nothing up as far as I know. just been dicking around online for a while. was playing the new pokemon all day. that and sleeping way more than necessary for whatever reason.
i wanna 3ds
they are fun.
I'm out of here
I'm gonna go sleep on the couch
get bent
it really does, also I'll stop being vague it's one video not an entire abridged series. like 10 minutes long
have fun on the couch you fucking nerd. don't wake up.
aaaaaaaaaaaah. well hey, if you like it that's cool!
That was great, thank you
You're good at guitar
i only had the gba and gbc as handhelds
tgt now tho
those were super good growing up. unplayable now that I've been spoiled to hell and back with the backlit screens on newer devices.
later emily.
I still have my GB nearby. Must be 6-7 games left
oh yeah, sneakily playing it in your room with the door just open enough the light hits your display
good memories
gtg 4 tgt!
[The Grand Tour]
Got me a torrent :3
But I might opt for a FHD one
Fug my ISP blocks this
I would hang over the edge of my bed and have a flashlight all set up with tape or something so it made a good spot for me. did that to read late at night too.
Nvm got 'em
off now for clarkson
it's 720p tho so if you're a graphics snob you might want to wait for somebody to rip a 4K or Full HD version.
k bai
what did I do this time?!
;-; is it dead
nothing I just wanted to mess with youuuuu
ded thread.
how cruel!
mabel is cool
ded community
awww I'm sorry you adorable ball of fluff and lewd
that she iiiis
it's not fluff it's feathers.
red ded
i still gotta finish season 2 i'm on ep 10 or something
fluffy feathers of love
you really should it has one of the best endings I have really seen for a series
but of course
i will i will! i might later tonight, if i don't fall asleep
just woke up
drank my milk, now coffee
not sure what to do today but I'm all free ^ ^
heeheh aussie slang
cool cool. are you playing the new pokemon game?
you adorable dork
good! so how are you doing daggy?
tokai let's spend the day hugging eachother
hehe, you'll never understand what me mean!
mm, okie, sleepy for some reason, mosquitoes can't quit trying to kill me for some reason ;-;. yourself?
yeah... canada jacks up prices pretty bad.
well... my computer... is kinda ok by 'todays standards' :|
shame it cant run everything smoothly... i either have to jack down some settings to medium or low depending on how new or glitchy the game is now...
my computer struggled hard... with horribly unoptimized skyrim on low settings :| on release torrent.
so that pretty much made me feel turned off towards gaming a tad.
because... i want the game to look good when i play it... but the lag and low fps turns me off soo badly... i just drop any new game a few minutes into palying it.
just because i can't run the game on the level of gfx the game's intended to be...
i have sooo many games... i can abrely run anymore... unless i sacrifice the aesthetic of gfx
ruining the expeireince a tad since i cant see the game as it's meant to be seen. missing out on detailed textures and imagery.
sigh... judge me or whatever, but this is my own opinion that affects me.
we have parks but not like the nice ones you see in movies filled with people all around. u_u
kinda dullen barren depressing to go around alone.
yeah it's freezing here too.
its bad but sometimes i get short on time and only can get that much before i have to get up again and go out and do some stuff. :|
nah, I've never played pokemon.
but I'll watch a vid rin sent me today.
maybe some skairim.
we'll see
eh eh bunyip
skyrim is good too.
though I'll prolly get a new character
and do like a war rp
*unsheathes knife*
you one of those types who constantly makes new characters? I usually play for over a hundred hours with each of my skyrim characters.
give me this folder
i only played like three hours of skyrim, didn't know what to do
it's not even close to done. I've only watched 4 episodes and she's only in three. when I finish the other 8 I'll give you the folder.
you can do anything brah.
ok ^^
nah nah but I kinda disliked my start with my character yesterday. Just kinda randomned but now I know what I want.
she's the best, right?
gotcha. well good luck on your second try.
tired as heck but otherwise alright enough I assume
stab me
i want to die in your arms
how dare you!
best monster anyway
that's for sure.
also moar mods
I need them all
mm, whats best race?
playing vanilla enhanced edition for now. it's fine without mods in my opinion. I couldn't get nexus to work last time I tried anyway.
mm, what time is it in canadia?
I dunno. I like elves and kahjit.
i like the snek too
i still need to watch this
how dare you talk back, ten extra spanks!
way too late/early
you haven't watched it yet? wow. yeah you should. make sure to get the uncensored version. it's more fun.
bbut I need bodies to look pretty and and cloaks and weather and gore and stuff.
five more for that too!
you're playing the old version. stuff looks way better in the enhanced edition. I mean, can always look better, but I've been satisfied.
now bark, like a good.... berd.... yeah that makes total sense, lets do that
get some sleep silly, you got much planned for the weekend?
so the special edition thingo is worth it?
i got really shitty internet and it takes forever to download shit
burds don't bark!
well if you have the original and all the expansions you'll get it for free on steam. that's how I got it. so yeah, it's worth it for free. I wouldn't have paid for it, personally.
im ur freind!
you have friends you fag.
but the men look ew and the woman are trash
and and no effects of snow
i mean, me too, i meant downloading it lol, thats a bigger thing for me, it takes forever and i heard you have to download updates fairly often
yeah right
I cant beleive they bullied me this bad
just like real life
stuff looks pretty good in the enhanced edition to me. maybe I'm just easy to please.
I haven't had too many downloads, but yeah it's a large file so it'll take a while.
feel better.
rip, who are you playing as?
do you have the game
modded in remilia scarlet
she has some cool perks
troops gain xp every turn in friendly territory up until level 4 and improved food yield
comes with an improved worker and an improved library and the coolest part is it has it's own custom soundtrack to be 2hu ost
I just want it to look anime
not really friends are all busy af
do as you are told like a good pet or ten more!
wow it looks so natural!
fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. woof.
I try to always get them if i can
now i want it even more tho
is it free?
yeah it's well worth it.
I just recently got it myself so maybe you me and squash can play something sometime.
you aren't even tryyying
woof woof woof!
much better! good boy
wanna do checkers or something?
its 10 on humble bundle if you can manage
how much you got so far?
she is a pretty ice princess
you fix dark souls?
I'm so bad at checkers it's hilarious, actually. not sure how I can be bad at such an easy game, but boy howdy I like don't think I've ever won a game.
I haven't tried running the game yet, but yeah sometime we could totally do something. was thinking of playing some overwatch pretty soon here though.
200+ caps total so far.
WOW it's so progressive because even though the country is like 99% white these just happen to be the children they found! so so progressive!
as though you don't enjoy barking when told to!
darn... $13 cad
i cant manage.
kinda looks interesting.
no I tried everything i could
it still does the same thing
there's a lot of board games ported over and with user content being a big focus there is a lot more board games modded in
in 3 episodes?
thats unfortunate
that sounds pre neat tbh
just through steam w/shop?
yessir. and she's not even in every scene, obviously. I told you I was good at this. I'm sure you'd get more but it wouldn't be much more.
yeah its super duper awesome
this is good bardo. saved.
yeah... looks like u can do interesting rpg stuff on it.
what do I get for shhhhing?
yes it's very frustrating
phantom breaker does something similar
but oddly enough I got fallout 3 to run just fine
graphics and sound show up and everything
not for the other two
i didn't download any other games so i don't know if it's just them
civil war when
yeah classic rpg shit
uhhh drivers updated?
cap the lewd scenes more thouroughly
yep did that
can you get a refund?
how come my controller doesnt work with dark souls 1
but I'd really like to figure out how to get it working
someone get me yogurt
couldnt say i never played that one. try downloading xpadder
maybe ask one of the other dark souls people. Yan or qt
I've got some yogurt for you :^)
Kinda wanna blow a load in Tokai's yogurt
I was gunna ask yaneki but he's not online
That was p lit
Are those even called 'feet'?
Not sure what it would be. Claws? Talons??
cute tomoko
sounds too complicated.
oh well...
i dont know what i want anymore... is it too much to ask for a game to run perfectly these days with one click?
and honey?
he will be soon enough
its an old game
It was super lit
I'm sure we could work out some agreeable terms.
not soon enough.
they are usually pretty small, but I'm making sure to get what I normally get, which is primarily expressions. I just don't mind if they happen to have boobs.
talons. not sure if that's for every bird though. I'd certainly call a harpy's feet talons.
i hope he can help
Yea, I guess. Wasn't sure whether that meant the entire "foot"
the keyboard controls suck.
i've read all the people talking about how it was a bad port to pc.
time to raid them as revenge for the last time
moar pls
anything you want but yes I actually also have honey
can't find
yay! now I can have breakfast
the foot is just called a foot I think. burd foot.
hello hello. sup?
I'll see what I can do.
well obviously. tit for tat.
well that's a shame. I slept way too well.
kinky things, of course.
it'll be a treat
perfect! don't eveer change, adorable
Fuck you and your luxury!
whoa, another PW/AA poster?
Ah, alrighty then.
Ehh. I'm alright. At friends who aren't home so I can internet.
How's you?
you'll always be the best pw poster in my heart fortsenpai
tits for tattoos?
oh don't worry. change is something I'm clearly not capable of.
yeah I'm the worst.
you just sneak over there when he's not home all the time?
Aw yeah.
Even though I post little nowadays, and only a few chars?
I was invited. Guy left this morning, back in the evening. His GF will be back earlier, but is going to a party afterwards.
The original PW poster to you!
Oh well, it's k, I'm gonna die this week anyways.
yes, breakfast
for thee most part that is fine aside from happier, that I'm going to try to help cause
even if you weren't at all posting, bro
Really? How long ya been postin' PW for?
its cold
hmm, I see.
why? raging hillary supporters?
yeah, well don't try too hard. it's not worth the effort.
he posted matt engarde or however you spell it way the fuck back.
Yeah, Engarde.
I was here yesterday too. Slept over. Might sleep over again, dunno.
Since winter of 2011 in pony Holla Forumsread.
I only posted as Matt Engarde back then, though.
Nooooo, I'm talking about the fact that all this time, I overlooked the fact that my dad has a good amount of blood pressure meds all the time.
I decide what is worth effort and it certainly is, nerd
it won't change ever too!
go where the internet is, that's my motto.
well you're not that old yet.
if you say so!
i want faster internet welp
i don't want to tell it for now,sorry for late reply.
Yea, that's a bit longer than me. Not much, but longer.
Oh well.
Yo Senpai.
Exactly! For old guys, those pills make you feel better, but if a healthy young guy like me were to take, say, 6 doses in one sitting...hehe...Ahahahahah!
I am longer than you, yes.
Weird sentence.
You've been posting AA for longer than I have been, yes.
I do, slut
Uncut > cut
Yoho how's stuff?
he means like long cat
it's a meme you dip
That's a bit obscure tho.
Resoundin 'Ehh.'
fine by me. welcome back.
gotta get that internet back!
well that's good, right?
hmph! sleep well
I need it so bad tho... Bloody hell. Next fix-guy comes on Monday
that's soon. but never soon enough.
No no, I'm LONGER than you! You can't see it, but i'm winking right now.
Yes, I have found my way out of this world. I really don't want to leave friends like you, but society has pushed me to the tipping point here.
thanks bae, you da best
It might not even get fixed at that time.
It'll just be the next attempt.
...So it WAS that.
well that's all any of us can hope for.
no shh.
oh I'm sure they'll fix it and not just say they tried so you're stuck with no internet while paying for the service.
o shit i vacuumed my keycap
They're honestly trying, and we might get money back+free month.
my f key...
i've done that before, it sucks ;-;
Found it.
Also emptied vacuum bag in the process.
Aw man that sucked.
Please no Vacuum jokes.
steam keep fucking setting me to offline :/
i blame you
*sucks ikt*
oi m8 w0t
p sure neither of us made the vacuum cleaner sucking connection before you
Subconscious puns!
You still made the pun before I mentioned it.
Take responsibility for your pun-hints, Fort.
i have a pretty kewl wand
and wow... i'm a ravenclaw?
Lol... my patronus is a dog.
I was responsible only for bringing your punning to light. Intentional or not.
Fully intentional.
Anyway I got it back :3
anyone with tabletop sim?
You admit fault!
Good on ya
I don't have time for this back and forth responsibility thing so I'll just take your fault on me.
Whatcha up to, Ikti?
im bored...
already finished my harry potter quiz sorting stuff...
about to play game you?
I am a large self autonomous biological furnace
Just kinda bored.
Finally at a place with internet. (Have no internet home. Been broken for weeks, might last more weeks.) ...but I dunno what to do with it.
Even ended up here.
Things going on in your life? Where've you been?
That's a weird way of saying you're an eating being.
No things. I'm being a NEET until people around me are convinced I can do an education.
What do you mean, where have I been?
what do you do against marine rush
Barely anywhere but home, at friends or at family.
I never go out or anything, except to the movies with my sister every so-often.
I can't stop eating :/
You probably shouldn't stop eating.
I've been eating too much recently uwu
ahw ok
What about you? Whatcha been up to?
How much?
Good morning,
Stage, nothing much more.
Mornin', Goggles.
Doin' well?
a hecking lot
for like the psat 2 weeks i just fucking munch and munch and munch
i havent really put on much weight but i am worried about getting sick
doyou ever have periods wherey oua re just ravenously hungry all the time
think you can go back 2 skol soon?
Probably not anytime soon, sadly.
How ya doin'?
Yes, though I also have days where i don't eat.
I have a really really weird body when it comes to stuff like that.
Neru, do you play NR20?
Actually, I kind of miss NR20.
what is NR20
Iunno. Just doing.
No Rush 20.
You aren't allowed to attack until 20 minutes pass.
that sounds a bit weird
Imean I just have so tiny army in comparison idk what todo
This is how I play any strategy game.
Improve your build order.
Protoss wall is usually a pylon, a gate, and a core near your entrance, with a 'lot blocking the only other square to get up.
Also, warp gate research is the bread and butter of your gateway, so you basically always want to get it asap.
Not LotV. :^)
Legacy of the Void.
Ah. Never played any Starcraft.
NR only really applies to Blizzard strategy games.
Because in most of them the game can very easily be over by the 15 minute mark.
NR20 is essentially just a macro game.
I have wings though
aaa warp gates feel so awkard though but my opponent built stuff in my base and just warped in shit
Fair enough. But every game has rush strategies, no?
You just have WoL?
Shit, I don't remember Toss strats from back then. I think the basic setup is the same, with the pylon, cyber core, gateway wall.
Not LotV anymore.
You can expect a rush counter to be up by 2 minutes, 2 and a half tops.
Because they give you such a fast start now.
Also, that's just silly, but I've heard of stuff like that before, yeah.
I'd really really hate that.
i feel bad about eliminating russia ;~:
Lewd as heck.
Just do this, Neru.
4gate all in to win.
momma russia with her giant titties and beautiful civilization ;~:
Bard pls
make sense to me
4 stargates and spam fliers?
give to me the pats and hugs
am i the only who is a scrub and doesnt league/sc/dota/ow?
i dont play any of those loser games either
*pat pat*
Four gateways.
yeah but you're cool
no you're the cool one ikt
I'm just plain ol' regular ikt.
*pat head*
Leech Life got a massive buff.
if only nice people would notice me...
Hue. I held my phone wrong taking it.
Sorry for not being nice enough.
Oooh. Thought it was a client bug.
lol, wat kinda phone
you can actually see me? i thought i was invisible for a while there...
Leech Life got a buff from 20 power to 80.
Holy fuck.
What? Nah.
I saw the 80 and knew it was high. I've played Pokémon lots, but am not well versed in numbers.
But 20->80 is obscene... Maybe it's the total power over the 4 turns?
Wait. Does Leech Seed even expire?
wanna play chess?
did you not want to talk to me? did you have no curiosity?
how do you think?
is there something bothering you that you didn't want to talk about with me?
what's on your mind today?
are you feeling better now after greiving a while back?
Like on that one site?
I just woke up. And I'm not sure when the lady wants to show me the house.
on table top sim
Tomorrow I'd be down. My head is killing me right now. What all games can you play on it?
Damn. Would be cool to get a DnD game going.
Wanna take a guess at what she's doing?
She's pretty lightly dressed isn't she
Gateways. I got a fairly decent rank for doing 4gate nexus trick. Make the enemy think you're expanding but you'll just cancel the nexus when it's near complete, spam out a few more zealots and make a push they have little chance of winning against
u meh
It hits once.
That's Leech Life.
I tend to only talk to people when they do something like greet the thread when they come in,, ask an open question, talk directly to me or say anything that I'm particularly interested in. Methinks you merely said "bump", which isn't really anything of the likes of my example, but more a "sure is slow in here", like my "SLOW" right after your bump-post.
Boredom first and foremost. Been bored all day. Kinda not feeling like anything.
I didn't. I assume you're talking about when my father died? I was struggling with the fact that I wasn't grieving more than anything else.
How ya doing, Luka?
That explains a lot.
Except why Leech Life was ever 20 power.
i know
I wanna know what they're talking aboot!
do you play any fun games to cure boredem?
i'm just a tiny bit tired and watching youtubes.
Because it's a level 1 bug type move that does hp drain.
It's essentially absorb.
Does anyone know how to deal with feedback loops on real systems etc?
I had it confused with Absorb anyway.
My Pokémon lineups are cool Pokémon with moves that sound good.
Only way to play.
Like I said, not feeling like much. Nothing big like a game of MOBA, and smaller games aren't entertaining enough ATM.
what do you do?
Bit of hearthstone. Bit of youtubes. Watched one epi of an ungoing anime series.
Now I'm bored again.
which anime? what sites do you use to watch ur animes.
do you watch any interesting youtubes channels or something?
I'm senpai?
ugh goodmorning
I have a Lurantis named after Saber because her signature attack makes me think of Excalibur.
And she just knows a bunch of cutting, or sword themed attacks right now. And leech life.
Yes, I've been yelling Seibaa a lot since I got her.
swedish said that if you put a bunch of lotion in your butt that his penis would get moisturized after he's done.
JoJo. I always download through
I watch a variety of Youtube shows.
Can't say whether any are particularly interesting.
Oh yeah. I should check out the new Pokémon.
I have a downloaded copy, but haven't gotten around to booting it in the first place.
swedish would imply that he could even get that disgusting thing hard or big enough
Good morning,
Help me moisturize my dick, Ooble-chan.
You're exactly one year older than me.
Classic example of Senpai.
howr u
ok what kind of lotion squash-sama?
Oh yeah, Feb 17th :3
Really tired. I feel like an old dog.
*Nyuk nyuk*
I won't forget (again)
variety is nice
i like jojo its funny
Pop my asshole like movie theatre popcorn daddy
Shush, old timer.
I am trying to stay away from the candies!
Jojo's great. Lovin' it.
I'm not even 30.
Hey Murder, whaddup?
Not much. About to get a haircut for the first time in like... over a year. Don't know what I'm going to do with it though.
Candy is so good tho
Morniiing! How'r you?
fun shit
Pretty good, kinda.
Just really bored. At friends, but one's leaving soon, and the other one is only coming home in a bit, so I've got no one to do stuff with either.
+ And how are you?
imma nap now
Considering I grew my hair from like, a shaggy mans cut to down my middle back I think it's time to tame it again. And maybe buy a 3ds. Maybe.
Aw that sucks. At least you have the power of the internet and this... board... thing. Community? Idunno. You could always make impulse purchases on the internet.
Impulse purchases are the best.
I said shushies!
It can be. But like- so hard to get it right.
buy me planet coaster instead
Alright Luka, Nini.
I don't have internet at home, that's why I'm at friends, and why I haven't been on lately.
snek eat burd
d-don't chop off my hair or buy a 3ds? \
oh shucks
do you have a neighbour you could pawn some internet off of?
the latter
Neighbours don't have strong enough signal for me to pick up.
Poor them, actually.
a suhhhhh doooood
oh ok
seems fair enough i probably won't
that blows :(
hi nerd
At least I have plenty friends where I can sit all day and stuff.
Make Emma translate!
you have table top sim
wanna play chess?
hi girlie
get a ds instead of cutting your hair
also which pokeman should I get?
I'm leaning towards moon
but that aloan vulpix
Friends are always good!
I have never played chess before, but maybe I can learn when I get back from my city adventure.
get buff mosquito version
im not a good teacher
was worth a shot
What do people tend to use TTS for? I have it, but barely used it.
And they invite me all the time now, because no internet.
Not like I don't come here all the time when I DO have internet, but it's nice that now call me up to invite me. Not just when they see me on Discord or something.
like any board game
I will put this into consideration
brb gonna buy
waitttt it said I left the game despite I got the popup ingame saying we won and I clicked return to score screen
is this a temporary bug?
we totally won that game andit is not in my match histopry
how do i into the low bar squat?
Thread slowed down so fast I feel like I missed a [NEW THREAD]
but highbar squats hit your hamstrings and butt so well
safety tho
I have Sun, Cupcake has Moon.
Sun/Moon have different Alola forms?
Different pokémon with an alola form*
Vulpix, Sandshrew, Meowth, Rattata, Raichu, Diglet, Exeggutor, there might be more that I'm forgetting.
No, I mean... per game. Grim said "I'm leaning towards moon.. but that aloan vulpix" leading me to believe only Sun has Alolan Vulpixes. Which'd suck.
How even?
maybe something awakened deep inside me one or two of those games that tricked the system into thinking Iwas actually not trash
Only certain mons.
It's not like version exclusives are new to the franchise.
still only placed gold on NA for 1v1 though
I bet though that if I keep playing I will drop to like bronze
What a system.
You got carried.
Pretty normal for anything but 1v1 and 2v2, nobody really plays the game modes.
No. ut I always hated it.
Don't be silly, nobody play those ones either.
You're right.
I am sick D:
does it not rank you based not just on wins but also performance though?
I am always right
Wow no way, me too actually!
Oh yeah? You sound pretty neat.
Sorry Luka I fell asleep
Pretty sure your numbers are 50 and 300.
Maybe 350 for a non-special edition new 3ds.
Kind of want to just buy a ton of Table Top Sim and get DND games going.
Goeiemorgen :3
What the heck?
No, I'm the worst.
Doin' okay?
I am worse than you.
no seriously idk what to do against this endless marine spam trash
I was in my bed till 3pm today, are you worse than that?
Scout it out, build photon cannons or more zealots.
Psi storm or colossi?
Well it's 1:48 and I'm going out for lunch soon
i have felt fucking horrible for days
Colossi replaced Reavers?
Sorta, you good?
Yeah, they're giant laser shooters rather than swarm hosts though.
Mn, I'm okay at least.
Hawks @ Canucks, 10:00
Whatchu gonna have for noms?
Probably not going to watch.
I'm not sure, I guess it depend on where my friend wants to go.
consider a doctor
Emma do you check "raw input" or no?
have you thought maybe your body naturally doesn't want to be subjected to your retarded desire to change gender or whatever
What if your friend goes where you want to go?
I do have it checked, yes.
Then we'd both want to go there I suppose.
I don't really want anything in particular though.
Random food time
considering it
seems a bit of a theme since that course of antibiotics
tbh it'll probably end up being Manchu Wok because I have no self-control.
see a doctor
Back in like 1-2 hours
that is like all you've said to me for weeks now
no wait
so see a god damned doctor, you sickly bloody spanner
That looks neat though
Bon Appetit
I just upgraded my trainer class from Lass to Spoiled Bitch with one well placed purchase.
Fucking love it.
Well memed.
i've seen a doctor twice in the last month man
mind boggling
I fucking love tlacoyos
grim buy me tacos
grim buy me taco
it means al ot thx
I have exhausted my excess spending budget
ask in december
buy me taco today i'll buy you taco tomorrow
grim i've never had a taco
because you are a taco
not even kidin bro
Neither have half the girls here.
Was this too mean?
hi buddy
did you/are you getting new pokemans?
grim i have had taco before and i really like them
MY brother got me Sun.
He's bringing it later.
I believe you
it's just
I might have some taco money in December
get me a snowy vulpix pls
there is no such thing as too mean
there is only not mean enough
19 sterling
we loaded lads
I don't usually catch things.
see available: NIL
that money is a pendin payment, it's already gone
get a job loser
Cant post on ff
What di?
whats the error fam
what do you do
do the dnsbls bypass manually
also think 8k was a dud
she hasnt been working on since she has a life to worry about first
the dnsbls bypass error no longer chucks the same so it doesn't do the pop up thing anymore
also gotta remove the version check, search the script for k.versionCheck(); and comment it out with //
Gee why dont you piss off cuntflaps?
Gee why dont you piss off cuntflaps?>
it's cold
it is
i have a tower in my living room crunching trips at full power just for heating cause my gas ran out
ok bye
Thank fuck. No need for that attitude.
daaaaddy please
Oy Grim are you smart and do you know your physics
awh that sucks
I just surround myself with blankets and candles.
aha colossi was amazing holy shit
all these turrets I had to abandon my airships and go for archons to clear turrets and colossi to clear marines
somehow it worked
there were like 4-5 mutual wipeout encounters before the game ended
i thought i was kinda genius solution
i tried it with [email protected]/* */ so i could heat my house and contribute to medical science at the same time, but [email protected]/* */ kept crashing, so now i'm just hashing trips to keep warm.
it wasn't an email
folding @ home
[email protected]/* */ ?
folding @ home
name of a project where people contribute processing power to generating protein folding simulations so we can cure diseases that are caused by problems in protein folding, like alzheimers
is anyone else having issues with steam right now?
evidently not enough
like a bitcoin mining pool but instead of money you get less AIDs in the world
it is clever
pillow etc help too tho
So I do this shit to try and calculate the forces applied to the steering wheel to simulate forces:
int constantForce = -100 * static_cast(settings.FFPhysics * ((3 * accelValsAvg.x + 2 * accelVals.x))); float centerPos = 0.5f;// (controls.SteerLeft + controls.SteerRight) / 2; float divisor = 0.0001f;// (controls.SteerRight - controls.SteerLeft) / 10000.0f; float wheelCenterDeviation = controls.SteerVal - centerPos; int centerForce = static_cast((wheelCenterDeviation / divisor) * vehData.Speed * 0.25) + static_cast((wheelCenterDeviation / divisor) * std::abs(accelValsAvg.y) * 0.25);static_cast(constantForce / steerMult) + static_cast(settings.CenterStrength * centerForce * steerMult)
So there's a bunch of bullshit values grabbed from thin air because they just seemed to feel good. Now I stopped for a second and was like "why don't I just use G-Force?"
So all that is replaced by static_cast(((vehData.RotationVelocity.z * vehData.Velocity) / 9.81f) * -3000) +
(ignore the 3000, it's a multiplier since accepted force for a directinput device clips at +10000 and -10000)
Does this make more sense to use?
Also thinking of throwing slip angles in to calculate understeer and oversteer instead of looking at how the car body moves in general (and for understeer - how it lacks turning in relation to steering input)
It'd mean a somewhat big overhaul in feel and I dunno if users like it if they seem to like how things are calculated now. Also it takes away some degree of control in the settings since it's just one big emergent force instead of multiple parameters.
oh yeah, i totally also have my blankets and pillows.
use mt_rand()
car steers randomly
much better car
thanks :3
I catch a team and just go with that.
Delibird maybe
And I'm not sure on the last one.
do you have like those really soft ones that feel like an animal or just cloth
i have a bed duvet
i am a bed duvet