Will Holla Forums ever be wrong?
Legend of Zelda is white supremacy
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Isn't there an infographic about Zelda being white supremacy that's been made by leftists as a joke making fun of exactly this scenario?
At last I truly see
lmao humans vs orcs again
but TP Zelda best Zelda
Why do the arguments of the alt-right always just sound like a bizarro version of left wing identitarian criticism
There truly is no limit to their stupidity.
because it is
This is a new level of autism
It's hilarious because zelda originally was intended to be a game for urban inner city gamers in interviews with Miyamoto.
That game couldn't be made in any contemporary European majority country tbh. The developers would be prosecuted for hatecrimes.
A few are still ok.
Can someone post trap link I want to masturbate to men being subjugated and wearing something an Ottoman sex slave would wear
Why has no meme sprung up about how Americans have an absolutely fucking retarded view of Europe, often (but not in this case) projecting the problems of their own country onto them?
I'm a bit annoyed nothing memetic has come out of it, given how frequently it crops up.
nice, liberals BTFO
I would but I am at work, sorry to disapoint
Why is /leftycuck/ so obsessed with us?
The aryan race shall prevail!
Because making fun of you turns me on, I'm sorry I need this.
Race war is coming.
This is like when you guys post cuckold porn. You say you don't look at it, but you have it. Just like you're not obsessed with us, yet here you are, looking at our board to see what we're talking about.
Last time I checked the war you got in Berkley was an ancient looking decripit fucking on social security yelling about black supremacy, getting pepper sprayed right in the eyes, and then punched and screaming like a banshee because he couldn't take it
All the while probably in his lifetime talked about how funny it was the left got pepper sprayed
More, it's that you are going to infuriate people so much, that the violence against you will steadily increase to the point that you have to cry victim every ten seconds and you become exactly what you hate, a bitch with a victim mentality
But that's assuming you haven't been a bitch with a victim mentality since day 1
God, I'm so fucking hot for elves. FALC best give us some elves.
Yes I agree it's only going to get worse and worse a lot of people are gonna die!
i can't tell if im more turned on by the pictures or thinking about hoochie masturbating to them
I mean are traps fujo? I thought that was Yaoi. This is just like one flat chest away from futa.
But it's looking like those people are going to largely be you, you fucking troglodyte.
>Yes I agree it's only going to get worse and worse a lot of people are gonna die!
Yeah and it's all your fault :)
Because the whole works hates white people and we hate you right back and multiracial societies are inherently unstable! Glad we agree! Rivers of blood will flow!
I am white and I am not hated by the whole world
You don't fool us Holla Forumstard
No my point was white people hate you SPECIFICALLY for your politics and you aren't setting out your goal, and that indeed this body "white people" will nstead go out and punch you for being insufferable, you'll continue, and more and more people will fuck your shit up
It's not working. I don't know what you're arguing, besides "Yes I do understand people hate me", when it seems the goal of your argument is just "people hate me"
I really don't care if people hate you, in fact I just think it's really funny they do.
You're breaking down into world salad and back tracking as you always do I think it's time for you to take a break and lay your empty little Vietnamese head on a pillow for a while.
i cant find any more
does anyone else ship hoochieXpeebles
You were escalating into vague responses of "I know I'm hated" and "race war" so I really don't see how you can fault me for trying to come up with a logical reason someone would admit this
Let's get back on track
People hate you
Where were you going to go from there?
If there is a Nazi masturbation fantasy, let it be known that Holla Forumsyps will start it, not the "savage" non-whites.
guess how WW1 and WW2 started?
How is it Nazi masturbation fantasy if your own race hates you too
Isn't that just more like insurrection?
Nobody actually is, and racial tensions were higher in other periods of time, and nothing happened
You spent to many hours alone in your home, how do you think you can understand how the world actually works? When was the last time you could say you even talked to someone at a young age?
I have a feeling I'm talking to someone at a young age as we speak.
Interesting. Can I see some citations on this?
Oh? Why not?
No I'm trying to ask where the evidence is when racial violence hasn't existed in a substantial form in any period of time in the last 17 years then in the past when segregation existed and subsequently ended.
I was playing dumb yes, but you are seemingly dumb so you really don't have anyone to blame for people being condescending.
Finally getting some taste I see
Hmm I guess that stories about Hoochie being a mod and deleting all posts when she gets humiliated are true.
Oh well.
As for racial violence check crime victimization rates stratified by races the nogs have gone full blown open season on white people.
delete me mommy
I have. Like I said, it's been lowest since its been in an extremely long period of time. It was higher during the ending of segregation, a racial event that was far more tumultuous than a bunch of nerds thinking its genocide they can't get someone pregnant.
Inflation porn is not discrimination, neither is violence calling you sad
Weird how Holla Forums doesn't see BoTW as cultural marxist SJW propaganda
I guess it's OK when nintendo does it :^)
Link is a leftist
Y'all gonna laugh when Hoochie turns out to be the BO.
we'll be ready mud boy
Gaming journos could just save themselves some work and make a "Alt-right are getting mad over Game" article generator.
this is shopped right? I checked the Guardian website and couldn't find it.
Not that it would surprise me if it were true, given the precedent.
Only homosexuals delete their own posts. Holla Forums eternally btfo'd.
Evidence points to fake, tho I suppose it's possible Grauniad published then deleted it.
Text in OP image might as well apply to SJW/antifa.