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Holla Forums Invasion Tip:

Holla Forums Invasion Tip:

They fucking HATE Paul Ryan. Hate him. Deep down they know Single Payer healthcare is the only system that works. Hell, the CEO of Newsmax even put out an op-ed calling for Trump to ditch Paul Ryan's healthcare plan and put one out mainly run by the government.

The Trumpers are not entirely devoid of reason. If the "Repeal and Replace" plan fucks them in the ass, they will turn on Trump. But not before they turn on Ryan first.

So our move, and the best move for the socialist cause, is to exacerbate these tensions.

The GOP establishment's relationship with Trump is an extremely fragile one, despite all of the fake attempts of showing unity.

We must sow the seeds of doubt. Make it clear that Trumpcare is actually Ryancare and that the plan will fuck millions and millions of people.

Paint Trump as the victim of GOP Malfeasance, not the fool he is, and we can start turning them against each other fast.

Trump will just up the nationalism levels and strenghten the police state. Trumpists are going to capture the state and slowly work their way through the ministries and agencies till they have controll. Downsizing the hotbeds of opposition will look like fulfilling their promises. Hopefully they are to stupid for that but I predict that we will have 8 years of Trump and that only the far left can end this nightmare of a unified capitalist establishment block that is only opposed by far right populists.

I agree Trump will have a full four years short of a massive economic collapse that he would likelyl be blamed for.

My goal is to convert the true believers. I still refuse to believe half of our country is entirely irredeemable and the other half is useless, petty, and greedy.

It's hard to believe this fucking lizard has voters.

muh abortion

The worst possible outcome in this is Trump going full NazBol. He would be unstoppable if that happened

Blows my mind that in a "democracy" (lol) a small constituency of people who live in Wisconsin get to dictate national policy.

This is definitely a potential side effect. Bannon does refer to himself as a Leninist.

Bannon wants to crash the (current) administrative state with no survivors to bring about something else, which would probably have authoritarian and radical Christian characteristics. He's not exactly about to implement a dictatorship of the proletariat, here. The only way Trump becomes "nazbol" is if you equate nazbol with protectionism + white nationalism + Christian crusading against Islam.

Fundamentally, American Evangelical Christians, who make up a big part of the religious right, by and large view the State itself as idolatrous, and this is a big reason why they are against things like welfare - in their mind churches should be playing this role instead. Trump is not a repudiation of the religious right but, its greatest victory yet. They will never abandon him (unless he does something like change his mind on abortion), and basically view him as Cyrus the Great.

No, you need to advocate for Ryans bill, and do what you can to ensure it happens.