New Slajov Zizek article

"The only way to defeat Trump— and to redeem what is worth saving in liberal democracy—is to detach ourselves from liberal democracy’s corpse and establish a new Left."-Slavoj Zizek

Zizek often says shit like this, but never specifies how this new Left should be brought about.

I get the feeling the same is true of Brexit.

He mentions a couple of potential objectives.

how do we do that

He mentions objectives, not how the movement which is to bring them about should arise. Anyone can speculate on what policies they'd like to see enacted, that's hardly useful insight.

So now it's:

Oh jolly.

Worked out decently last time.


He needs to stick to philosophy and not politics.

Dunno. I've asked you bad goy here many times. I mean one foreseeable way to implement is policies is to have people vote for candidates who endorse them. These candidates can either be existing politicians sympathetic to your goals or rallying popular support and creating awoovement. But the first thing you need is objectives. Like solid objectives. Liberal IDPol, the driving trend of the mainstream 'left' does not have such objectives.

Why not a libertarian/anarchist left?

Because anarchism is a meme. Imagine how an anarchist USSR would have fared against the Nazis…

Seriously, though, how are you going to going to try to re-establish social democracy, which is basically what Zizek is arguing as far as I can tell, when people voted against social democracy because they are angry about benefits going to minorities, and voted against environmental laws because they destroy jobs? How are you going to get people to vote for more international organizations when they're angry about international organizations that get rid of Sovereignty (read: the niggers are coming!)

Why is Zizek such a compulsive shill for social democracy? He doesn't even advocate reformism.
We should absolutely detach ourselves from the corpse of liberal democracy so that we can build a more radical alternative, not more libshit.

Depends, right now it is impractical.
If we could freely travel through space it would be a different story.

It's like the structure of atoms in gases, liquids and solids.
In gases - there's anarchy.
In liquids - it's more like a soft authoritarianism
In solids - a rigid from of authoritarianism

Anti-organisation anarchism, most punks and post left anarchism is a total meme and pure lifestylism. Ansyns, Anarchist Communalists, Platformists ect. are completely fine.

Communalist a aren't anarchists fuckwit.

We reject you just as we reject Marxists, we just happen to have a sense of liberty.

He's stuck in the 20th century, and seems to want desperately to return to the comfy, modest detente of the 1970s.

So what do you think 21st century leftism should be?

I have no fucking idea, but somehow we have to either change peoples' minds about third-world immigrants or simply go against their will and implement Communism anyway.

I forgot the third option which would basically just be nazbol.

read Bordiga

your first two are pretty unlikely so that settles it. Not Socialism with internationalist characteristics is the new-new left.

Isn't the gist of Bordiga "fuck democracy, just form the Party, take power, and do Communism?"

In terms of all of that racial and beauty and cultural nonsense, I'm not even mad. Good, I unironically can't wait for everyone to be blended together.

Well, Not Socialism wouldn't really be accurate. For instance, few people really complain about migrants from somewhat civilized countries. Like, do you see anyone complaining about the damn Vietnamese or Indians taking our jerbs and raping people? Not really.They just really don't like Arabs and Africans. I guess the British people bitch about Polish people, but whatever, the British suck anyway.

I think it would make much more sense for the left in "civilized" countries to try to cooperate to build something new, though I'm not sure what exactly that would be. I would agree that global cooperation is needed on matters like the environment and public health, for instance. Something like a new international labor movement to reduce work hours would be nice, considering how we're going to be in a state of perpetual oversupply of labor. We should also stop falling over ourselves trying to save the Arabs and the Africans from themselves. It's not popular, not really working, and I'm really getting tired of sectarianism over who to support in Arab conflict #123. I think the best that could be done is to achieve some level of stability in those societies so that economic development can take place.