Excuse me I am new to lefty world of view. Exactly what powers would people seek in a left wing world? Like, in a capitalist world people seek monetary power. And what if I want a particular car for myself, how do I get it, and where would it come from if there are no companies making profit?
Excuse me I am new to lefty world of view. Exactly what powers would people seek in a left wing world? Like...
In communism (which is the same as socialism, despite what tankies will tell you), people will seek being (community), rather than having. This is an advanced scientific form of how people lived for 50,000 years before class society.
You would seek to self actualize, you can do more meaningful things with your life and get invested in a real passion, instead of just whatever makes the most money to buy what advertisements tell you to.
inb4 he replies with "but I want that caaaaaaaar"
don't worry. we will cure you of your status anxiety. you will not desire cars anymore.
The power to improve yourself without any constraints that might limit your true potential.
You need to give up any/all toothbrush(s) to the state in exchange of getting a car.
Marx distinguished clearly between the situation in a communist society in its infancy, and a later, higher phase of communist society, theorizing different means of societal and economic organization for both. Leninists call the first socialism and the latter communism for conveniences sake so that the difference between these stages of development becomes more clear. I do not believe that insisting on the interchangeable use of the terms brings anything but confusion.
Their are a lot of ideologies within Leftism. It depends on which variant you're living in.
I think people would still strive to gain influence and be respected. Influence and respect would come from worthwhile things like cultivating yourself and serving the community.
The love of their work. Think about it. What do you truly love in life, music, writing? You would be free to accomplish these goals without economic constraints binding you, and free to another job as well.
It would be for the love of labor itself, be it science, the arts, or otherwise. I wouldn't see how minimum wage jobs would be a problem because you wouldn't have to focus on them completely for a lifetime, you could just focus on community service in shifts.
But at the end of the day your labor would be helping the community.
whatever exchange value you want to obtain in ex change of yours
The only reason Star Trek had no money was because they invented the replicator. It made money meaningless.
real capitalists would've made it a crime to own a replicator and rented it out
Exactly the same "powers" as always. Escape from pain and anxiety.
If you ask how people would accumulate capital, it would be social capital, acquired by helping others.
Well how do you get it in a capitalist world? You don't. (Unless you're willing to shell out ten times the regular cost of a car.) You buy what companies sell you.
Socialism - worker ownership of the means of production
Communism - a stateless, classless society
It's a useful distinction. You can speak of socialist states, for example, while communist state makes no sense.
True, but at some point, the inherent contradiction between the ideology of paying people for their property and the reality that they had zero input in creating it becomes obvious and insufferable even for the most classcucked.
Automation, much less replication, will end capitalism, one way (end of private property) or another (a high-tech equivalent feudal warlord society).
So you mean they were a (largely) post-scarcity society where the production of most was fully automated?
You realize you don't need replicators to do that, right?
*production of most goods
why don't we invent one then?
Ya know, Xray vision, super strenght , flight.. the regular stuff
Jokes aside. In a socialist society you can chase you desires whatever they are as long as they don't run over other people's rights. Production in a socialist society is decided by societal demand. So if you wan't a car that is not widely available you can either convince a shitload of people to want the same car you do .Or learn how to make a car yourself maybe create a custom car community with people who share this interest. (but cars are overrated anyway and most people won't need them)
TOS had no replicators.
Crippling existential angst in the face of impending human extinction if we do not end this system of continuous unlimited growth and ecological destruction. I would also rather not live in a society where I risk ending up starving in the streets if I fuck up somehow.
They did use food synthesizers however
I may be wrong as I'm a little new to leftism too. But I'd think in a socialist/communist society if you wanted a car, you'd just produce it yourself after the means of production had been seized by the public.
That would really depend more of the development of the industry than the system itself.
Producing yourself the commodities you're using could also happen under capitalism providing you can afford renting fees of copyrights