I wonder how many Holla Forumsyps and their fellow travelers realize that a return of the "traditional family" would mean working for their greater majority of their waking hours and no more video games and anime, ever. Every actual traditionalist family I've ever been aware of have been full-on No Fun Allowed.
I wonder how many Holla Forumsyps and their fellow travelers realize that a return of the "traditional family" would...
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Thinking about the consequences of their ideology isn't their strong point. It's just a lot of childish shouting.
Men wanting to work to provide for a loving wife and children in society that doesn't teach them to hate themselves for being white. What an alien concept.
But oy vey there won't be any miscegenation propaganda starring strong womyn in the DLC for the latest video game. What a mitzvah!
Having large, extended family households like Asians works much better than nuclear families tbqh.
Nazis are unloveable
I find that other people tend to be unlovable because they are quick to judge and have tolerance for everything socialism except for the national kind. It's really no surprise to me that communists are literally the same
You're just scum
Classic Holla Forums
I'll reiterate. In the traditional patriarchal family you idealize, you wouldn't have to worry about the content video game DLC because you would never play video games. Firstly, because you would be working most of the time (and consequently would rarely get to spend any real, quality time with your "loving family") and, secondly, because, in traditional families, the patriarch playing video games is seen as very abnormal, degenerate, man-child behavior.
Yes I know because we'd be busy building successful white societies and raising large white families. We'd have purpose instead of shitty video games and occasional lay with a drunk skank riding the cock carrousel because of womyns empowerment. What's there not to like?
So why arent you autists at Holla Forums doing precisely that? Why do you spend hours on the computer instead of raising and homesteading white communities??
Because you dont care about the white race, you just use them to justify your impotent rage
Probably the same reason you're not firebombing the local police hq. The feds have thoroughly infiltrated all pro white movements and the majority of women have been brainwashed into putting career before child rearing at all costs.
What does a "successful white society" even look like? What is even the point of having a big family? Do you even know?
Not really. Pretty much every Asian I know is deeply class-cucked. Not a racial thing, it's just that class-cuckery is deeply embedded in Asian culture. There's a reason they have such a high suicide rate.
I knew Holla Forums was delusional, but I didn't know it had gotten this bad.
Heh you know what it looks like! Stop frauding! And the purpose of having a large family is to keep the bloodline going, hedge your bets in terms of overall reproductive fitness, and to have someone take care or you in your old age and to keep the society you contributed to all your life going after your death!
I am not firebombing the local police Autism Level because it deals more harm than good, it will get me killed and I wont be able to continue forming worker cooperatives
You claim they are on the same level but they arent, having kids isnt against the law you autist
If you really cared about it you would create a hippie-esque utopia where you do nothing but fucking in order to raise white population
Basically you are too stupid to even do white nationalism rigjt
Local police hq*
All white nationalist movements are either fed honeypots and or in the process of becoming fed honeypots, read a book you dumb idiot!
Servility. Slave morality. Bootlicker to your core. Have fun working yourself to death for your masters.
Lol. What a stupid post. You're the bootlicker and the boots belong to muslim and African invaders who will destroy our societies and canabalize your corpse when the welfare starts to run out.
Are you fucking autistic??? How are the Feds stopping you from putting your penis inside a white girls vagina and then just cumming inside???
Tyrone the nig can do it, why cant you?
You fucking cuck!
I cum inside all the time but they don't want children! They want to be independent womyn and aren't worried at all about the white birth rate!
No I don't. And, to be honest, I don't think you do either.
I don't see how any of these things benefit me. It sounds more like you've enslaved yourself to vague concepts again, Holla Forums.
This is the only tangible benefit you've named, and having a large family is hardly the only way to achieve this.
Holla Forumsyps in a nutshell
Just go to church and find a church girl you dumb fuck.
Most church girls want a traditional family.
You're a fraud and only concerned with yourself. As your city gets darker and darker and you become a minority that suffers under the jackboot of muslim imperialism you will realize the error or your ways.
Bullshit you do, you neckbeard, have you actually seen a vagina?
I have. You're childish m8
He hasn't. Knocking a girl up is quite easy, actually, even if you're just going after the white ones.
I don't care about my nation or race.
I'm opposed to theocratic laws and government, but people of my own race are a bigger threat in that regard than non-white Muslims.
I honestly see no reason to be shitting my pants over Shariah when Dominionism is still a much larger and influential force.
Heh you're funny friend white women are the number one consumers of the pill. Have you ever raw dogged a woman?
It's okay you'll start to when you realize the rest of the world cares about their nation and their race and is actively hostile towards both your nation and your race.
Enough times I'm entirely lucky not to be stuck with a kid. Being young and stupid does that to you. Funny enough, I'm almost certainly more aryan than you.
nazi cunt fuck off
Annnnnd I'm done with you idiots, one is claiming he's more aryan than me and the other has no more arguments left other than reddit tier "go away" posting.
You COMMUSHITS are easy! Mental midgets full of lies and contradictions!
As far as choosing beteen two evils, bourgeois atomization, alienation and disruption of social institutions > any "traditional lifestyle" tbh
You see, fam, I don't really have a nation or race. None of the international proletariat do. These are both concepts and institutions that serve the bourgeoisie, not the workers.
Are there people who have fallen for these spooks? Yes, but they're no comrades of mine. You aren't going to find much love for nationalists of any stripe here.
See you in gulag!
Ive bet you've never been told " could feel your cumshot hitting inaide" you cuck!
Dont try to kid anyone, the mask ia off, if you cared about the white race, you would have 20 kids by now, you cuck!
Post more qt nazi girls
Communists are literal submissive masochists. The only love they get is when they're a good little cat.
Fuck me you are so cuddled I bet you don't even have a job.
What a fucking joke.
For starters they play a real game called "life".
Thanks, grandma.
If we lived in a true anarchist or communist society, we'd be enslaved to the person with the most cash or persuasive power.
And they'd literally have you in chains.
Until around the 1800's, there was worldwide full blown slavery.
You will ALWAYS be a slave. The question is how that slave will be treated.
I love when political illiterates try to talk politics like they know what they're talking about.
That is why the left is still losing more and more ground. You literally escape from reality, then complain to those trying to correct the real world.
Wake up.
Which, within the confines of the patriarchal family and the capitalist system, is an intolerable "game".
And a game that, judging by the fact that you're on this website at all to begin with, you have opted out of.
I like when intellectual nobody's read texts but don't look at what it is really saying prima facie.
There will always be a king or something with supreme authority - unless you are a nomad in the wilderness.
Society functions on the perception of where the authority lies and a mutual agreement or trust in the neighbour to commit to agreed framework of that society.
Every-time it reverts to monarchy, plutocracy or some other form of aristocracy. Even with communism. There was a ruling elite class of people in the Soviet union and other failed communist states.
Yep, life sucks, but a bit of change in perception helps you to cope with it.
Either live or fade to escape land.
I work to fix myself everyday, instead of wallow in my misery and masturbate over it.
I'm making small progress, but I will try to swim as best as I can.
And you need to learn to try to swim too.
Same here. They hate self improvement because it reminds them what they are
[citation needed]
"Reverts"? You act like there was some kind of cycle when there wasn't. Class society has only tried to be democratic fairly recently, and it's no surprise that class society can only operate within the confines of the class system.
What you're pointing out is that class collaborationism is a fantasy, not that classless society is a fantasy.
How about changing the game, my dude, instead of upholding an ideal you know is shit.
One day leftypol will ditch it's liberal cancer when they realize that labor is the most important thing.
True socialists ask for step ladders to try and swim better, not payment for simply living and doing nothing.
The focus should be on the structure of getting people into work - not all this tradition vs progress crap.
Leave that shit to religious and "progressive" cults.
The true left tries to manufacture a system where all ideologies mesh. The right manufactures a singular ideology.
It needs to look at the derivative law and social structure that could possibly allow the coexistence of cultures.
Instead it's just Holla Forums 2.0 - "no religion or communism" flavor.
Liberalism needs new thought, not rejection. The problem was when one religion tried to enforce it's muscle too much over the other. The problem was mixing the conflicting ideologies physically - when they needed space. Republics require to coexistence of ideologies. Otherwise Holla Forums is no better than Holla Forums or the empire of star wars.
Because it isn't inferior, otherwise it wouldn't still be the main model.
You can't change the universe, you must adapt to the universe.
It isn't the main model anymore. It's already dying.
Human social organization isn't an absolute law of nature.
We aren't liberals, my man.
We do, in fact, believe in the enforcement of a single ideology.
Or, at least, a single range of ideologies that comprise the anti-capitalist left.
I agree it's dying, but I also think the world is in decline with it. The economy is very inefficient and as we go further towards hell you'll start to see increased poverty in western nations.
I personally see the decline of every definable social-political system that used to exist on earth as we head towards the inevitable caste system that will exist if we don't nationalize nations and destroy globalism.
We're becoming a giant India.
You miss the key point that capitalism is jewish, which lose you all credibility
And once it becomes a giant india - game over there is no modifying the hive afterwards.
Races will not mix either. We tried that, it failed.
Capitalism is capitalism, it had origins before the existence of jews.
It was a natural mechanism that allowed many people to live in a confined space and produce enough food pragmatically.
Becoming the patriarch of a wholesome family is the highest goal of every healthy man.
Every single one of your ancestors managed to find a mate and successfully raise children into adulthood. Evolution has strongly selected for traits which facilitate this process. If you are a grown man and you find yourself uninterested in becoming the patriarch of a family, then there is a high possibility that you are suffering from a hormonal or neurological disorder. Perhaps you should try to limit your intake of xenoestrogens.
They talked about this on Chapo Trap House a little while ago, basically saying how fathers in nuclear families worked themselves to death and dropped dead at 55 trying to support a wife and three kids and how in general it was total shit. Holla Forums thinks it's going to be like some hentai video where they come home from a long day at the Jew ovens to some doe eyed big titted cartoon who will cook them dinner and suck their dick while having no personality or ambitions of their own. In reality they will go work 14 hours a day for a few bucks an hour and get crammed into some shitty hovel with six other families because big daddy Trump banned those evil commie trade unions.
Wanting or having kids is all fine and dandy but it shouldn't be forced, sometimes you got to take a step back and ask yourself if you should. I am of the belief that not everyone should have kids, especially after the shitshow that was my parents. If you're going to have kids you should at least be capable and willing to do so.
I don't understand Holla Forums how can be firmly against single mothers and firmly against abortion at the same time.
How is that any different from "every jew in the world is an evil holocaust-reminding baby-eating deeply triggering and problematic pro-israel genocide-enabler and I know this even though I've never actually talked to a jew in my entire life" mindset that you have?
Until the invention of agriculture between 20,000 to 9,500 BCE, meaning quite late in the evolution of the species, it's quite likely that the majority of humans were conceived in gang-bangs. When we look at other species that engage in sex for pleasure, such as pigs or dolphins, they don't have a strong patriarchal structure, and group sex is quite common. The human penis is shaped like a plunger, and naturally plunges a rival's semen out of the vagina to make way for your semen, meaning that most of our male ancestors were getting sloppy seconds.
You don't know what mitzvah means
Nazi """philosophy""" everybody.
Imagine being this alienated from women
Somebody post the Alunya comic.
Anecdotes are spooks
I can't speak of Holla Forums, but I get the impression that they are mildly tolerant of single-mothers so long as their children are genetically European, and that they support abortion access for all non-Europeans. Holla Forums are white nationalists not Republicans.
Most social mammals and almost all social primates are patriarchal. All pre-agricultural humans are patriarchal and highly monogamous.
Since human females are largely incapacitated during pregnancy, they require a loyal male partner to care for them. This is only possible with the assured paternity provided by strict monogamy. The only non-monogamous extant human population are probably Bantus, whose females are able to subsist on backyard farming in highly fertile soils without any male assistance. The Bantu breeding pattern is repeated in diaspora African populations.
That stuff about pre-agricultural humans being patriarchal is horse shit. Ancient Roman accounts of Celtic and Germanic tribes describe women as playing a major role in society, and indigenous American people's are almost universally matriarchal or egalitarian.
Aren't models entirely dependent on environment and material conditions? So when those change, why do they insist on hanging on, why be so afraid?
Engels disagrees with you.
Being afraid it's the core of rightist ideology.
Celtic and Germanic societies were highly patriarchal, women were only allowed political rights under extreme circumstances i.e. lack of a male heir.
Your link only mentions the Hopi as matriarchal, and the evidence for that seems pretty dubious.
All existing hunter-gather populations are patriarchal and monogamous.
this guy sincerely provided the weakest line of argumentation I have seen in a while, damn
It's no use debating Holla Forumsacks, you're not going to convince them with logic and arguments, their politics derive largely from the unconscious and are non-rational.
Many Holla Forumsyps are trying to get out of their little "comfortable safespace" and are trying to start the journey towards that.
They've lived in indulgence for so long that it's hard to break free from it and work again.
But at the same time, they do seem to be making minor progress.
Why not be glad about this? Why just go "you're such a tool for trying to contribute to your society"?
They want to stop being a leech.
Single mothers exploit the PC of the court system are unjustly reactive to the father who is simply being a dad.
Sometimes they do it simply to get a cut of the pie.
That is why they are against single mothers.
That and mothers have issues training boys to become men. They tend to see them as a barbie doll and not a person.
All mothers do that. Mothers have always tried to nurture while the Father trained independence.
Good dog.
I also like how he ignores the surge in immigrant crime.
Also I am disturbed by this writers obsession with Holla Forums memes.
It's like it gets to him or something.
Like the word cuck.
It's like the writer of that was actually describing his own life story, but tried to project it on the bully that made him deep inside realize it.
Some people have kids to exploit the gov't or the fathers or both. Thats what i'm saying, people have kids for the wrong reason and don't raise them up properly and you end up with dysfunctional people. Some women have kids because they get knocked up and can't or won't abort them because of beliefs or laws. Not all women are being manipulative cunts.
Nah I disagree.
All women are cunts :^)
you are familiar with the fact that a population of people who push for both genders to become hard workers are more than twice as productive compared to countries where there's even so much as a social stigma toward working women.
He unironically believes people are brainwashed, I wouldn't expect much.
What argument is 'you suck marx cock meanie dickhead xddddd"
You legitimately think you're being clever
Holy shit lmfaoo
I'm going to play armchair psychiatrist when a psychiatrist posts here
You aren't "bullying" anyone by annoying everyone, you're just making people hate you more strongly. I would not be surprised if in the next ten years Holla Forumsyps get doxxed and it doesn't stop at getting them fired and ruining their lives like today, but getting sledgehammers and jacking up their cars
If you want to keep escalating pretending to be powerful people are going to get so completely tired of your bullshit they're just going to shoot you, and since you live with your parents and your dumb fuck mutt for the rest of your life, I doubt you would want them shot either.
But you win because you're the bully. It doesn't matter that your dad's F150 got bruised the fuck up by hammers. You win. You infuriated people so you win. The same people you accuse of being subhuman monsters are going to prove just how low you actually are in terms of 'muh anuddah shoah"
Because you aren't powerful at all and all you are doing is making a future more transparent for you, far more easy to destroy you with.
But by the way, on getting a car, that's assuming you'll ever get a driver's license
lol nice ragequit faggot
thx for the laffs and refresher on projection and meme-tier ideology
I wonder why NEETs think they're better at being workers than women in the workplace when they've never worked an hour in their entire life
Interesting. Glad to see I'm not alone in my position that the 'threat' of the alt-right is being inflated.
Does the 'notes' here imply you are working on a more expansive analysis? Because I'd love to see that.
Seen this yet? baltimore-art.com
The author attempts to profile (by lack of a better word) the alt-right by looking at their symbols. Might be useful.
What would your response be to the argument that the alt-right does have has power in their desire?
Certainly this desire is a lacking; of a feeling of accomplishment, of self-esteem, of physical contact, and so on; but a lack that drives them to tenaciously commit to their ideals. (Even if said ideals are exposed to be insubstantial over and over again.)
After all, this lack is what motivated Breivik (to me the prototypical Holla Forums-poster) to get a gun. It's this same lack that, as you aptly address, causes them to search for a Big Other - for a Trump. Are they merely lost in the woods, led astray by their own reactionary position?
Well, the analysis part is more or less done (maybe I will add some corrections, as another user pointed out it should be "unconscious" instead of "subconscious"), what I would like to do is move on to expand on that last paragraph:
I've hit a writer's block when it comes to how actually accomplish this (I almost didn't include that paragraph in the draft), it is clear Holla Forums will always dismiss everything we have to say as being Jewish propaganda and cultural Marxism, so how do we even get to them? I find this approach the mainstream left currently takes of just being snobbish and calling them manchildren and so on to be quite horrible, it will only exacerbate the problem since it feeds into their delusional paranoia, so again, I am at a complete loss here.
I was aware of that article but upon rereading it I became aware of something I didn't see before, much of the aesthetics of the alt-right are primarily shaped by a sublimation of the death drive, no? If so it might be time to dust off my old Marcuseism (read him ages ago), perhaps, this is mere conjecture, we could frame the struggle between the alt-right and the left as the struggle between Eros and Thanatos displaced into political philosophy. Not sure what that, if anything, means just yet.
I'm surprised to see that meme here. I'm guessing peeps are enjoying the new season?
So what?
Who cares about X birthrates?
All human beings are scum.
I literally read that as:
My wager would be dialectics - or more precisely theorycrafting. They hold a position that we already know is not tenable in the grand scheme of things.
Eventually Trump will do something that doesn't sit well with the group - though that arguably has already happened - or they will become disillusioned with their own due to infighting - which we've seen a bit here and there already. If neither of these two happen, we can be sure the material conditions will not be changed sufficiently under the current system nor in the direction the Northern hemisphere is heading. Alienation and the like will keep burdening members of the alt-right, making them more disillusioned with their current position.
That's the weakness of reactionaries: they put their faith into a phantasmic ideal (often embodied by the Big Other), which fails to deliver in the long run. Once this 'phantasmic ideal' fails to be realized, disillusion will set in: if the Big Other does not deliver, it seizes to be the Big Other and a different one will take its place.
If none pops up the person will sooner or later realize they were duped, making this person susceptible to other ideas. "I did everything! I converted all my friends, I ridiculed liberals, I stayed true to my race; yet I'm still [x]! Holla Forums you lied to me!" (Or something to that effect.)
When that happens we should be ready for it. We should provide theory that collides with their own, so they are forced to reconsider their (by then already wobbly) position. We've already seen this happen with Bookchin.
Entirely stolen from Žižek, though reified here and there.
Aside from the above, though directly related, merely receiving them with some f can do wonders. As you mentioned, the establishment seems determined to treat alt-right supporters with condescending contention, which will only drive them further away if no other option becomes present. If we communicate clearly that, although they did have the wrong end of the stick, we have no hate for the person, we also communicate we are different from the establishment. Give them the opportunity to reconsider what they thought of the 'left' and, hopefully, make our ideals their own.
And the Big Other that fails to deliver is called a shill. See to alt-rightists, they never really lose.
"Oh, /ourguy/ that we've been supporting for 3 years said something we don't like? He never was on our side to begin with, nice try goy. 4D CHESS CUCKS ALL WE DO IS WIN."
Or they'll just hide behind memes and satire. It's "winning" when they like it, and just jokes,satire, and memes when they get BTFO.
This whole "no-matter-the-outcome-I-still-win-somehow" gambit is so tiring.
Yes, this is what I'm afraid of, when Trump doesn't deliver the alt-right will insist he's just playing 5D chess, the scary thing is that Trump and his ilk can nonetheless deliver great damage to minorities and the environment and so on. So what if the alt-right won't get their Pan-galactic Fourth Reich? The damage will be already done.
If anything I find pic related somehow very relevant. Also I have a new appreciation for that Zizek's quote: "to embrace each other, that's serious Leninist work."
We can - and absolutely should - assist minorities. As opposed to the environment, this is something where we can very directly and very firmly intervene (physical if need be).
As for the alt-rights' persistent denial: you're far more knowledgeable about Lacan than me. The answer is right there, my dude.
It's funny because it's true.
Kek, I love it when Hoochie bullies the polyps.
Relax, you get sound/honest money and there won't be a need to work so much for so little. This is why people want to end the fed.
Man I hope so
Everyone who doesn't like you is Jewish, it's an easy lifestyle. You don't have to blame anyone but a single group of people you are being genocided because people don't want to fuck you because you're acting insane
Hilariously, you calling people Jew is like a Jew calling someone an anti-semite.
t. is in an open relationship with his practice girlfriend
saving this thread from oblivion cause it's hilarious
''Ton arrière-arrière-grand-père, il a défriché la terre
Ton arrière-grand-pere, il a labouré la terre
Et pis ton grand-pere a rentabilisé la terre
pis ton pere, il l'a vendu pour devenir fonctionnaire''
But Tradition can't be brought back anyway because everything nowadays is done for the sake of profit and not passing down rites and culture, so all I can do is weeping about a bucolic life and a loving family I'll never have. So I can only be an alienated left-nationalist who is seen as spooked by the leftists and as cuck by the rightists
Unscientific. Hunter gatherer cultures that exist today are not gang-bangy. The whole "humans cooperate and are compassionate" thing didnt evolve just in the last 30k years, idiot.