why are anarchists such dipshits
Why are anarchists such dipshits
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taking care of your community is good you retard
Anarkiddies should do more of this shit.
I don't see what the problem with this is. They're helping their community while the state proceeds to be a useless institution of power.
direct action yo
*anarchists refuse to work* You Bitch Mother Fucker , enjoy the GULAG.
*anarchists do work that helps everyone who uses the roads* what a bunch of immature Dip shits
Wait, what's the problem here? At first glance, that seems pretty fucking cool. You know what else is great about it? It can be used to needle ancaps. See? Leftists know how to maintain roads without a state.
kill yourself OP, this is actually good.
these anarchists just need to do more branding on it, like put a big red anarchy sign on their filled pothole or something. otherwise people will just wonder why ninjas are doing roadwork.
tbh direct action to meet basic needs of people (healthcare, transportation, housing, food) should be the things anarchists should do MOST of. the smashy smashy shit is counterproductive for everyone except the riot cops who make overtime
This is what you should be doing, asshole. I'm not even an anarchist, but this is the kind of shit that gets people thinking about the true nature of things.
stop being fucking retarded
hearts and minds and parallel institutions are all good things we could use A HELL OF A LOT more of, this is good but needs to get done on larger scales and not just in portland
Anarkiddies are dumb because they lack sound theory. Even when you do good things, you'll still be dumb, but you'll be a lovable baka for all of us to enjoy.
It's a good start, OP. Why are you annoyed by this?
kill yourself you dumb marxist
Literally serving the people. Only a retard would disagree with this. Not an anarchist btw,
Rudolph Rocker and Peter Kropotkin may take you up on that, nigga.
Explain why this is a bad thing?
They're kids that haven't grown up. You can't blame them for being brainwashed ever since they stepped foot in school. Their world is shaped by what they learn in school. Schools are nothing more than an education camp. They don't teach critical thinking. Anarchists are just kids. We all know damn well that "anarchists" would be the first to die out in a collapse. These kids grew up in a city. They have no survival skills. They've never held a gun. They've never skinned a deer. Nothing. Disgusting. You'd be surprised how many adults were "anarchists" when they were in their teens and 20's but they grew out of it. Saw the real world.
Does anyone have the ideology ball of ancap giving the thumbs down, and the text reading "when there's roads"?
motherfucker I have done all these things
you've never left your parents basement, much less your city
requesting this
t. armchair marxist """""""intellectual""""""
I live on 20 acres. I can survive off the grid. Even survive an EMP blast. Plenty of wildlife to live off of. Fresh water source. Great soil. You'll die. You'll be overran by a gang of feral niggers once 911 is down. You're cornered.
I will personally kill your kind once capitalism collapses
They would do so in order to plant a hidden ninja, who is able to enter a catatonic state so that he needs no air, beneath the concrete so that when the retard that he wants to kill drives his car over the filled-in hole the ninja can suddenly explode out of it and jam his katana straight up the guys ass with enough force that his colon explodes.
Take your pic(k) famdini.
Only a true NEET would worry about having his computer fried by an EMP blast when the nuclear blast that caused it is right outside.
Once capitalism collapses, you're the one who's fucked living in your ghetto city. You're going to be surrounded by desperate fags trying to survive. Just imagine if the power goes out. No water. No AC. No gasoline. No food. Nothing.
I'll be here comfy on my own land and shooting trash 100+m away.
Even the dumbest Marxist is better than the smartest anarchist.
your bullets can't stop pollution in your nearest water well, faggot
this again? should I quote Marx on the JQ or his letter to Engels?
I don't know. It worked out pretty well for Seattle in 1919.
How would it get polluted in the first place? No underground shit runs by here. It's literally a well, that's closed. Of course, you have to filter it before drinking, regardless.
You just can't win.
Are you fuckin stupid? Do you not know how aquifers work?
Where do you think they put the silos? And if you aren't worried about nukes, why worry about EMPs?
Top kek, m8. I'll just go to my local armory, ask my good buddy the supply SGT to take out the 60mm mortar and fuck your shit up with math and shit. Then we'll re-distribute your toothbrush like good commies.
all you need to do is drop chemical on the land above the, they will filter down there eventually
Don't worry, wannabe cowboy proprietors like yourself are the best to hunt
Please. Everyone recognizes that OP is a faggot.
anarchists are idiotic smashies with no theory except when they actually do stuff then it doesn't count.
That was close enough to where your average person could survive without electricity. These days? With generations of people that grew up with technology and all the shit we take for granted? They're fucked once the power goes out. No doubt. Just look at the retards that clean out stores when severe weather is coming for a day or two.
Obviously you don't. Nothing is contaminating my source. Not even nuclear fallout. It would take a very long time for it to contaminate my source.
EMP the greatest imminent threat. Caused by a nuke or a solar flare. Our grid is weak. Our infrastructure is trash. Our own sun can kill 90%+ of Americans when it feels like it.
100m minimum. That's not even bringing out the big guns. GL having the resources to carry that mortar. Or even find me in the first place. Or even think I'm worth a target. Heh, kiddo. Step on my mine.
Keyword is "sound". Your theory sucks dick because it doesn't reflect reality. Marxism is fucking science.
Great thread to prove that people who shit on "anarkiddies" are ready to shit on anyone who attempts to help their community. Truly classy and revolutionary.
It's called a fucking Joe who is also my personal buttsecks slave. What, you think people can't carry shit or something?
I'm sure supply has PAS-13s.
You shitposted on the internet. Literally worst than hitler.
We have a mine guy.
Listen kid, nothing personnel(kek), but they call me Weatherman for a reason, and I'm predicting a shitstorm. :^)
Oh yea? What aquifer is that?
heh, funny cause if you were really preparing you would agree with me and we would be best bros and join up to defend our land and kill faggots stepping on our land and building our own community where we fuck all the women and start civilization over
I've been to one World's Fair, a picnic, a rodeo, and that's the stupidest thing I've ever read.
Quit falseflagging, faggot.
kek, that will change one society collapses
That sounds reactionary. You ever met my friend Willie Pete?
Are you enjoying your ruse cruise?
marxist are actually that dumb tho
I mean this is good, but it would be better if they stole the materials from a Home Depot or some shit.
Still, good on 'em.
I left Marxism precisely because it isn't a science. Ironically, in acknowledging that it isn't a "science", anarchism ends up being more scientific in many ways. This attitude of "my ideology's superior to yours because I have a complex theory with long words" makes you sound like an elitist PoMo bourgie fuckwad, probably because you lowkey are one.
Significant swathes of Marxian economics are still useful, but the rest is just trash tier metaphysics.
Anarchism knows that what it's really about is engineering a new society on the basis of historical trends in human nature and analyses of past non-hierarchical, self-organized human structures as the basis for new ones in the modern world, to give maximum freedom to the individual because that's what it's about.
Pic related. Also, ignore the annil, he has autism.
If they did, do you think they would say it publicly and have the cops come down on them for fixing streets?
Anarchism is always destined for failure. You fucking moron. You fucking idiot.
Uh-huh. Don't let me stop you from making an ass of yourself.
yeah fuck you cunt
No, Marxism is sound because it has so far predicted every trend in capitalist society while anarchist theory has not. Marxism points to a sound solution while anarchism does not. Marxism continues to be a theory with predictive power and models(unlike any anarchist theory), and so this makes it science. Get over yourself, fag. If you'd actually read a fucking book, you'd realize you're wrong.
makes you think
And now they start fighting with each other. Can you two dumb fucks just kill each other for our entertainment?
What theory? lmao
Anarchists in a nutshell.
thank you for shaming my inner tankie
Lol @ anarchists wanting a pat on the back for filling in porky's potholes for them. I'm sure they're thanking you for saving them the money.
Meanwhile, socialists eliminate homelessness.
Except that's not what Marx said, dipshit.
we should just help little timmy get his autism medicine just like these guys helped patch the read
Maybe you should take a trip to a socialist country where they have high literacy rates.
Dude, anarchists are doing something far more important. Meanwhile Marxists can't fucking do anything right or of any value.
lmao, we should also raise a fund and take this autists to cuba
except to those african, latin american, and asian socialist nations where the "socialist" state took over but didn't help them, right?
why is it so easy to trigger marxists?
ITT: Holla Forums pretends to be marxists, anarchists chomp angrily at the bait
Name one Marxist state still around.
You think anarchism doesn't work?
Here is a picture of all of the successful anarchist revolutions.
lol remember when the "revolutionary" catalonia had to crawl to the soviets for help?
So you admit there are no Marxist states still around. Good luck achieving grand things in your 100 man parties.
Just because they didn't reach socialism, doesn't mean they weren't Marxists.
Good luck achieving anything ever! It'll be a first!
stop namefagging you miserable identity-cunt
How does that "needles ancaps" aren't they the ones who say that a stateless society is capable of maintaining that kind of infrastructure? spoilers: they do and they're wrong
ancap-nil should go
Because they assume that their porkies are going to hire people to pay for the maintainance of the roads. People maintaining the roads in order to benefit the community runs totally contrary to human nature.
This is based tbh
I'm drunk off my ass, and this thread is shit. Seriously, can we ban some of these retards?
but you are?
dialectical naturalism and the bookchin crowd doesn't follow Marxism drivel, you should read them
i literally never understood what was the deal with kulaks and why lenin hated them until literally i saw this. i get it now. i'm sorry for shittalking lenin.
You can't have your cake and eat it too; I get the impression you just don't like anarchists all that much.
Well put; came to similar conclusions as well through my explorations of theory.
The only thing anarchists have is failed revolutions.
I know that the bookchin crowd doesnt follow Marxism, but theyre vastly superior to anarcho capitalism with nihilist characteristics
No shit. I don't like ideologies destined to fail.
are you unironically this dumb? why exactly do you belive I support private property as a natural right, you shit for brains?
as opposed to failed states? syndicalism and the cooperative movement actually helped the proletariat
cooperatively owned anarcho capitalism with nihilist characteristics
Do you not understand that cooperative property isn't private property, as it is upheld on a voluntary basis and not by the rule of law?
Do you belive you can call me a capitalists because I support the idea of a cooperative economic as a transition phase, yet you post as a fucking market socialist?
I dont get it, what exactly is your resentment?
why is cointelpro allowed to continue posting?
Meaningless semantics.
Everything is upheld by violence, otherwise anyone could just go about destroying property as they please. This is especially true when firms exist, which by definition have to exclude their resources from the rest of society.
Fucking armchair faggots REEEE
Fucking faggots REEEE
Sounds to me like you're just a bunch of faggots with an irrational hatred for anarchists
no it isn't you dumb autists, property held by the rule of law is unalienable, it is yours no matter what as long as the government stays in power, cooperative property is mantained by the will of the society, if it grants a greater good to society, then it makes sense that no one will take it from you, if you do not, then another cooperative firm can take over it
you need a repressive state for the first one, you don't need one for the second one
no, just because you are a fucking savage, as every other marxists, doesn't make voluntary property, private property
not any different from the repressive central planning state that marxists are dckriding all over the thread, the production in soviet states and its satellites was excluded from the people, as it was decided by the politburo
welcome to marxism
You may be a market socialist, but you're cool.
Nice argument, weenie. Doesn't change the fact that co-operative property only exists on the threat of violence.
Another non-argument that does your case no favors.
This is Holla Forums tier understanding of history
You can't backstab a group you where never allies with.
Feel free to point out where the threat of violence is Mr. Molyneux
Considering where all the Marxist "revolutions" led to I don't think you have any right to be smug.
Trotraitor detected.
t. never read any anarchist literature
primcom pls go
made me think
Thanks for proving his point, faggot.
Why can't we all just get along?