How do we defeat Holla Forums and annex their board?
How do we defeat Holla Forums and annex their board?
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you will never defeat us
not sure why you guys followed us to Holla Forums in the first place tbh
we spend years observing them and scheming until one day mum gets us a nice cake with 16 candles on it and we stop caring
you cant interrupt this social experiment
No, that means all the Right wing retards would go somewhere else.
Keep them in their autistic containment board.
Make them read Kuhn and understand why positivism is bad
t. r/The_Donald
so cancer stuck in 2010?
They're already doing that via sperg outs on HWNDU. That and they get BTFO when they raid here.
Don't engage with them unless they engage with us.
Argentina is whiter than Holla Forums
I find it strange how the hottest Holla Forumstards tend to be the mixed race/non-white ones. All the white guys there are apparently uggos.
There are white guys there?
britanny venti is half black white and thicccccccccccccc
How can people who buy whole heartedly into the college campus socialist orthodoxy with a little bit of antifa larping on the weekends EVER be considered politically correct?
We are the forbidden fruit you are garden variety tomatoes.
trigger them with memes
Holla Forums posters confirmed for being fruits.
Did you say the wrong thing? Cause you literally just said "How could socialism EVER be considered politically correct?"
this meme alone will destroy Holla Forums because of demoralization
Top kek
Because that went so well last time?
Why of course. And we'll use our numerous cultural marxism to brainwash them too.
At some point between these fuuu comics and now, they decided to colonize all the boards.
that's why we have to take some boards back. starting with halfchan's Holla Forums board.
stop being a fucking pussy
Stop trying to shit up the board you dumb faggot.
grow a pair of nuts, faggot. why are you so scared of Holla Forums?
You have to go back.
Why would you want to annex Holla Forums? It's basically a shithole like Africa.
This is why you will never be relevant
kek, grow up kids
there is not any "take over" going on, is just truth spreading, thats why you see Holla Forums spreading everywhere.
You cant stop truth
fuck off Holla Forums
go make a thread on 8pol titled "this is a multi-racial" board. make a strawpoll. you'll get chased out KEK
Reality Holla Forums BTFOed by Straw/pol/
It's simple
Call all their sensible and well written posters "shills" for some random reason, get other to jump on board, influence the newfags, and demand more rule cuckery for nonsensical items.
Holla Forums is already destroyed for the most part
This place only started with the first exodus of Holla Forumsacks no?
Holla Forums's ancestral ground is /lit/, not Holla Forums
It's simple. You cannot go full commie on them. Suggest Asserism (left wing Not Socialism). It is great at pointing out the flaws in capitalist thinking, and is a good transition to be a truly left board.
I've noticed that most Holla Forums users don't actually understand their enemies' arguments. I can take down several Holla Forumslaks easily. All I say is that private property rights are really muh privileges, and that inequality of man repudiates capitalism. If people are naturally inequal, then capitalism stifles the natural aristocracy by denying equal opportunity to rise to the top. If they have faith that the best rises to the top, then a equal start would not harm their world view. Thus, economic inequality is the enemy of the "natural aristocracy", and private property is the foundation of the oppression.