Most people on pol are very open to purely economic leftism. Why is this angle not pushed harder...

Most people on pol are very open to purely economic leftism. Why is this angle not pushed harder? I feel that will just a small amount of concentrated effort from leftists online, many of them could be brought around to an anticapitalist position. It would just require allowing their social views to go unchallenged for the time being.

t. anticapitalist poltard

Other urls found in this thread:

because leftists tend to spurge out when someone brings up traditional values.

most off Holla Forums is too retarded to see that for example nationalism dosen't really conflict with internationalism

Because leftists wish to destroy indigenous Europeans and regularly rejoice about Europe being swallowed whole within a generation by Arabs and africans as revenge for 19th century imperialism.

no such thing

Oy vey, the Goy know, etc.

P.s. ur a cuck


Leftists and pol are natural enemies. Like leftists and conservatives. Or leftists and liberals. Or leftists and other leftists.

Damn leftists, they ruined China.

Which is funny because capitalism is the true threat to traditional values. In a socialist society traditional, Judeo-Christian values would be able to thrive better than in any other system.

ok then, de-spook me on nationalism

Also it's capitalism that makes progressive values untenable

meanwhile in hasidic new york…

This meme needs to end. Christianity is a very Hellenic religion which diverged massively from Judaism, which is far more similar to Islam. This term is just an attempt to create an alliance between Jews and Christians against Muslims.


Tell that to Zizek.

Nazbols make Nazis come over to our side.

If you want to get really edgy, they all came from Zoroastrianism.

Traditional values, I hear this a lot, but seldom is there any substance in it. What values are you specifically talking about?

The problem is not merely about the values, but also about the importance. From my personal experience with Holla Forumslacks myself included years ago, economic base doesn't matter as much as the superstructure. It is indeed true that most Holla Forumslacks have the vague idea that le free market is shit but will ultimately spread their assholes to any conservative promising social democrat policies because said underlying economic structure isn't as important to them as fag parades or fatties with pink hair on twitter. I mean, I saw many Holla Forumstards on Holla Forums claiming that "economy doesn't matter as much as race/culture".
Asserists might also be a good example of what I'm talking about. I've noticed that while arguing with others they don't call themselves Nazis often, I believe this is the case precisely because your average Nazi is an illiterate Hitlerite who unironically believes welfare is socialism.

Holla Forumstards unironically want a wife who is totally obedient to them in every way and correctly assume that commies find that distasteful.

There are only so many of us to try, user, but I thought we *were* pushing that angle; I know I was. Pointing out that capitalism isn't helping them is a fruitful angle of attack, and I know this place has more than a few ex-Holla Forums types around.

Not that turning them into nazbols is sufficient - we do need to challenge their social views. But this challenge should not be made in isolation, but on the basis of these social views propping up the economic system which is destroying them (and us).

It's also often fruitful to point out that many of the things they hate about racial minorities (i.e. crime, job competition) aren't inherent to those demographics, but follow in a predictable way from capitalist material conditions.

it's a great way to unite people, it's no coincidence that all successful leftist revolutions had some sort off nationalism mixed into it,
but why bother since your a leftcom

Thing is much of what leftypol would call capitalism, pol would just call life. Life is pain, saith the buddha (the original edgelord).

Patriotism isn't nationalism.

gooblegabbles aren't fluxemwutsons

Yes, but at the same time that nationalism should be challenged so that after the revolution you don't end up with a bunch of ethnocentrists in power.

Its kind of like how one can use Christianity to lure in lefty Christians, but you shouldn't subscribe to Christianity in actuality.

I just have that flair because I subscribe to Luxemburg, and she is usually vaguely cast under the Leftcom umbrella. I keep it however because it trolls you people lol.

What is the difference between stalin's socialism in one country and Not Socialism then?

Less yammering about muh race.

The last thing we need is more Nazbols. They're at the perfect level right now where they produce zesty memes without being actually influential.

Socialism in one country was purely for practical reasons under Stalin's view, not because he thought slavs were the best or something.

Stalin liked to mix around ethnicity actuality, forcibly move them to different lands, spice things up.

That Stalin. He's such a card.

isn't zesty memes the defintion of influential on a mongolian throat-singing board?

you assume all nationalism is ethnocentric?


Traditional values are pretty fucking gay

No, I am aware of non-ethnic nationalities. Hell, there is even non-ethnic fascism with Brazilian Intregralism.

muh proposition nation! we hold ourselves together with our adherence to the sacred sentence, our Proposition. My neighbor doesn't speak english and believes the world is controlled by volcano gods, so he can't understand it, but fuck him LOL.

Because I'm a Jew and I don't want to die.

Have you forgotten about pol's new daddy? Capitalism is great, as are rich Wall Street jews. Everything else but "trickle down" economics and tax cuts for the rich jewish billionaires is communist and for "shitskins".

Holla Forums Is just the online propaganda wing of the GOP now.

Is is white, too?

In fact, the only way to counter Bourgeois decadence (aka fun) is to remove Capitalism.

Hitler is back! Quick, hide in the attic: >>>/oven/

the judeo-christian meme was created by zionists in order to get christians to support their shit.

sounds like a pretty good argument.

He undid this shit after the war tho.

I don't know if we want to convert them. The reason why Holla Forums type ideology will never have the success of classical fascism is because of the libertarian influence. Even Holla Forums realizes the system is in serious crisis, but they moronically argue to maintain it because they're incapable of identifying the structural problems in the economy and would rather just blame jews.

What made the OG fascists successful was their pseudo-anticapitalist rhetoric. Its not a coincidence that successful far right movement like the FN have socdem characteristics. Even Trumps success was based on pro-worker rhetoric. Common people aren't going to support an ideology which fellates banker, "job creators," and other parasites and is totally opposed to any sort of redistribution. (Maybe im underestimating how class-cucked burgers are.)

Basically I'm saying let them remain lolbertarians it basically guarantees their reactionary social beliefs will remain marginal during the next period of capitalist crisis.

Because "economic leftism" is only explained by the same theory that explains why racism and traditional values are bullshit.
If you're "economically left, but actually reactionary," you're really just a fucking dumbass who won't READ A BOOK.


wew lad

That is literally what this board is about.

No, that is not what he said. Not even close. Weak strawman.

In case you seriously do not understand what he means, his point is that leftist economics are based on materialist principles which hold that all imaginary concepts that find purchase in a society are shaped by material realities. Culture, race, tradition, and all that are not causes in themselves but rather symptoms of the present material reality. All of those immaterial concepts are constantly changing to reflect the changes in reality, which is itself in constant motion. Thus, if you wish to have society behave a particular way, you must change its material relationships such that the desired outcome will be functionally optimal.

this kids is what mental retardation looks like

some people just make for gulag residents

They will never take an "honest aryan businessman's" private property from him.

I feel that what they really crave is to not be dominated. All the projecting of cuck this and cuck that is a prime weakness that can be extended from their hatred of the government to other members of the ruling class. I've had quite a bit of success going into anti-commie threads and trying to educate about what communism actually is. Answering questions in a respectful manner and never acting as if they're inferior to me helps a lot. There's a huge inferiority complex there just ripe for the picking but it takes a level head and knowing how to convey complex issues into simple to understand and short loaded questions. Never act like you have all the answers and pretend like you're there to learn instead. You catch them off their guard this way. Also this video helps a lot in getting them to reach conclusions on their own.

Except they literally idolize people in power because they think anyone can magically have societal influence with sheer masculine willpower.
Also they secretly touch themselves to Greek statues

I think it's that they are willing to submit to a fascist state in order to have some modicum of power within it, themselves. Much like many police in contemporary society. Lick the boot a little bit, and other people could be licking your own. It's quite similar to that pic of the cop, soldier, businessmen and politicians sucking dick, like a totem pole of cock suckers, with one guy at the top. "Well, I'll lick it a little bit more if someone sucks on mine" is how the thinking goes.

i believe i may be of service

Thank you!

No cop tho :(

They really don't, if there's one thing they fight for it is people they percieve as being oppressed. To them liberals/leftists (they are literally interchangeable words to them) are stronger than even Donald Trump. They love Trump only because he played the role of the victim constantly, not because they see him as powerful. Make the rich seem powerful too and suddenly they have a new target to take down. Life is actually a video game of orcs vs humans to them, we just need to give them a new boss battle.

The blond guy is a police commissioner!

In fairness, Capital is difficult to understand without at least an expectation of what it is about. Holla Forums has absolutely no clue what Capital is about.


Christianity seems much more similar to Islam than Judaism is to either.

I-I'm not into thicc
no bully pls

r u ghey son?

I'd have never understood Capital if I hadn't read Wage Labor And Capital and the 18th Brumaire first, and I'm a generally well-educated and intelligent college graduate.

What makes you think they'd understand it out of the blue without even a guide to it? Did you? Because you're a liar then.

Huh. Well, thanks for the unintentional advice.

You what now m8?

well i was gonna post something that could be more into your liking but the greeks liked that thicc i guess.

Synopsis of Old Testament
Yeah no

That they did. I like 'em cute and portable.

Got a source for that?

How is patriotism different from nationalism ? Can you elaborate ?

It's not

most people on Holla Forums know jackshit about economics, sometimes it's 'god bless the free market and the job creators' and other times it's 'we need socialism but only for white people'

I'm fine with leftist economics provided we only have white gentiles in our country.

Seriously. That's my only condition. Keep the jews and the mudskins out of our country. Anything else I'm fine with whatever leftist stuff. LGBT rights? Command economy? I'm not fans of these things but I'd be ok with them in exchange for keeping the shitskins and kikes out.

Unfortunately the left is pretty fixated on filling white countries with shitskins and keeping the kikes in, so we're at a bit of an impasse.

You are such a fucking moron

Compelling argument. I don't want low Autism Level, high aggression shitskins and devious nation-wrecking kikes living in my country, they are objectively a net negative.

You owe even racialism and nationalism to kikes.

That is not Gnosticism

You're a net negative to life in this planet

Read this friend

Patriotism is loving your country and just celebrating it and not willing to critize it, nationalism is loving your country and wanting to make your people better.