Is Holla Forums sincere?
Recently the topic of sincerity vs. irony has been rolling in here but we need to talk about it properly
Is irony a (pure) ideology? how can we use sincerity for our purposes?
Is Holla Forums sincere?
Part of the problem with online irony is Poe's law. You ca keep making ironic jokes about a thing, but eventually you'll attract people who genuinely do believe that. Take a look at Holla Forums for example, the nazi memes where just being edgy back in the day where as now there are a contingent of actual nazis on Holla Forums unironically posting those memes. Or hell even here nazbol was a meme and now we have actual nazbols
( Although it doesn't help that every time a polyp comes here looking to see our ways or convert people just say "Be a nazbol, it's commie but you can still hate Jews and be an ethno-nationalist" that ups the amount of nazbols)
Which is why I choose to go with sincerity, although I like irony as a form of comedy and expression
Irony is a pretty common way of making people laugh, and it's been part of imageboards ever since they exists.
For Irony to be effective, you have to use common reference and framework shared between you and your audience.
When someone for which your thought process is alien, it become a lot harder to be sure if you're are joking or not. (think about it, it's easier for us to tell when gulag posting is a joke than when helicopter ride posting is)
So what i conclude from this is, you can use irony with people you already have connivency with for inside jokes, but when you're trying to explain your point of view to someone who do not share it, you are condemned to sternpost.
Language depends on honesty and mutual agreeance, both of which are sincere. Without these, language ceases to become useful and as such I decide to mirror this function.
Irony v. sincerity debate is a meme debate from twitter with no implications in the real world
No it isnt
Part of our discourse has always been through irony and humor. The aut-right weren't the first to adopt a fetish as a way to attack their opponents. I remember way back during OWS, seeing signs that said eat the rich. And vore has been a common thing among leftists before that on other mediums besides here.
I think the problem is our opponents are either socially retarded or try to take us seriously to force us to turn back into the no-fun class-conscious annoyances who won't shut up about the means of production. I think we need to continue using irony and humor because we don't use it enough
Satire is good.
Modern irony is bad.
Sincerity is the best.
It's not other people, it's the users of irony themselves. Irony is in many cases reserved honesty, given a layer of plausible deniability with the allowances of humor, in this sense, people are at their most sincere when they use irony.
An example is the "shooting tsars" leftypol youtube vid, they won't honestly say that they really do want to put little prince george against the wall and blow his brains about, so they do it with irony.
we're far less irony poisoned than leftist twitter tbh
And we're also a lot more serious and post less memes xddd than Holla Forums or practically any other board, but it's still not enough if you ask me.
It's not a bloody academic forum mate, lighten up
I'm physically and mentally unable to.
Well it's no wonder, you're the one who's been talking about it.
oh the iron knee
An interesting thought I keep having is the number of times my "ironic" beliefs start to slip closer and closer into my mind.
They don't become genuine, so to speak, but on some low-level they crop up with a little feeling of "yes, I really want this."
For example, I've been saying Pol Pot was right quite often. Now at first, this was just a hyperbolic way to express how much I hate the modern world - better to burn it down and kill everyone, right? Well now when I say it, there's a slight feeling of "Yeah, he sort of was really", even though the initial statement was chosen purely for shock value. Within a second I catch on with the standard "Killing people and burning hospitals is bad" thinking too, but for that brief second there's something there that wasn't there before.
I dunno though. Recursive self-awareness on my part was a horrible mistake, so seeing all culture engage in the same is very tiring.
irony is good IMO because I would never want to live without any nuance or humor in my life, and if you think any irony at all is counter revolutionary you're probably an autistic twitter tankie
That sounds like an strange feeling
irony must be a hell of a drug
not all comedy needs to be ironic and not all irony needs to take over things that are not comedy
Based Post
It's because it collectivizes the means of consumption and gives them to the preyletariat.
What this nigga said tbh.
I wish it was though