Japanese Antifa is on the rise!
Japanese Antifa is on the rise!
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So, realistically, how big of a presents does leftism have in Japan? Is it just among a couple NEET who hate work or do the left really have swing over there?
The Communist party consistently get 10% of the vote & seats.
Whorediga helped the fascists with his apathy, and pathetic cowardice, fyi fampai
why haven't we collaborated with japanese leftists ?
if we can collaborate with the russian leftists from time to time then why can't we do the same with the japanese leftists ?
not an argument
do leftcoms do anything other than complain ?
nothing that would require that they leave the armchair :^)
if any of you weebs speak Japanese, try contacting them here:
The Jap Communist party are just edgy SocDems. They're even explicitly pacifist.
Fucking leftcom faggots. Yeah, so what if it's just anti-racist activism and a communist party with a social democratic platform succeeding. It's still better than doing nothing, and it shifts the overton window left. In ten years, we'll have real class consciousness in Japan and that's when the revolution will start, just you wait.
I wonder if you people ever saw a history book from the inside.
one of the groups has a twitter feed that's kawaii as fuck
Ideological purism is cancer. A Marxist party tries to completely restructure society on Marxist lines with not a single historical example to go on and end up with an imperfect system which isn't a socialist utopia 100% in line with what Marx said? It's actually liberalism despite all the fundamental differences! At this point you've made the term so vague as to be essentially meaningless. It's completely intellectually dishonest, as anything which doesn't go fully according to plan is instantly disowned. It also makes leftists look absolute idiots who function entirely on "not real socialism!" no true Scotsman arguments like AnCaps do with capitalism. Pic related.
But I do like this image's ability to get tankies and anarchists to unite.
Why does everything japs do always seem vintage?
I love that mascot.
That picture doesn't make sense. Stalin claimed it was real socialism.
here's another one
Because enabling militarism is precisely what a country under firm control by Nanking-denying imperialists needs.
There's stuff about culchurul apropreeatchun stuff on their tumblr and twitter. Looks like it's just more western violent authoritarian liberal stuff. Not any anarchism or other leftist ideas here.
They'll take a half-baked western idea and improve it till it works,
Liberalism cannot be reformed.
B-but I through Japan was a redpilled country because they make the cartoons where I get my seasonal waifus (even if manga was basically created by leftists) and lewd games (and everyone knows there is nothing more right-wing that media with sexual content with homosexual undertones)
I would post that on Holla Forums but i wonder if they would dismiss it on the basis it's an article from al jazeera.
If I'm not mistaken, the JCP is currently the only thing keeping Japan's notorious anti-war constitutional clause alive.
Isn't there a leftist Japanese image board?
Well-known? Only two textboards, one for leftists in general and a smaller one for otaku.
hopefully they're not as cringy as in the US
They're similar, don't expect them to ever go rad.
Membership-wise, it's also the nation's largest party. It runs its own theoretical and press organs, operates worker cooperatives, and partners with good-tier labour movements. Given that every other party is a different flavour of centre-right to far-right, many suggest that the Communists are the only actual opposition movement.
Different countries require different circumstances, and in Japan those circumstances are a country with a really unfortunate history of imperialist atrocities. Pro-war kinda correlates with ultranationalist bougie creepery, and somebody's got to make a principled opposition. That's the sort of thing that draws people in.
Their whole population is vintage
Japan kinda invented the new left edgy university student - tens of thousands of students blocked Eisenhower's plane from landing by mobbing Narita Airport in the 50s. Unfortunately, their new left also ended up going down strange rabbit-holes to the point where some declared themselves to be anti-Japanese and demanded the annihilation of everything Japan-related. It was strange. , it'd almost be bad if they went rad because they'd probably end up back at that. Or at that Marxist group that declared dating to be a capitalist conspiracy and holidays to be bourgeois.
JCP and Komeitô, though the latter isn't going to oppose a constitutional reform too aggressively. They need to stay faithful to their LDP masters.
what are they called ?
The bigger one is /poverty/ on 2ch. I can't remember the name of the smaller one.
The reason communism hasn't taken a stronger foothold is due to American Reconstructionism post WW2 and their own homogeneous society in which they disapprove or outright hate anyone who isnt Japanese.
Liberalism is far more destructive disease. It's not "ideological purism" to tell shit ideology to fuck off.
All the AntiFa is on the rise globally. Proof that accelerationism isn't a myth.
Wouldn't that prove Antifa is a reactionary movement?
no, what proves that is the name. you fool. clear as day.
Isn't the Communist party like really growing becasue of Trumps Autism?
Death by face sitting
Soon, but I'll probably have to go for the cheaper Chinese model
Japan loves Nazism.
Wait Japanes have their own antigermans?? Any sources I would love to compare them.
i think they just like the aesthetics
wasn't that chinese ?
Even though Hitler was a huge wapanese current japs only like nazis for their uniforms.
one job m8
Where is the Iron front when you need them?
Based Miura
ww1 symbols and uniforms
Was this the reason you killed Rosa?
besides the massive transfer of land and wealth that occurred along with jeapordizing the possibility of socialist revos in Germany and France
Without it there would be no bolshevik revolution either.
there could have been German, French, Mexican, Spanish revolutions. Much more important countries to turn over politically/economically than Russia.
More leftist anime is comming out!
then explain this
Have you ever considered the possibility that they both have a fascist past and are both have a right-wing segment of the population that is deeply spooked?
The show has a WWI theme and generally depicts Tanya and her superiors as awful people.
So does half of the world.
Your point?