ITT: Lefty writers who have a writing style which is pleasant to read.
ITT: Lefty writers who have a writing style which is pleasant to read
unrelated but Kropotkin looks like he was the most pleasant person to talk to
He looks like communist Santa.
Can't say I find his ideas particularly inspiring, but he has a really clear style which is easy to follow.
I posted this thread before literally with Kropotking lol.
David Graeber although a little conversational and self satisfied is still clear and concise.
Orwell obv
I unironically like Stalin's writing. His sentences are really concise and short with a clear question-answer structure which walks the reader through the problem. The content isn't world-shattering, but he's one of the few writers who actually seems to have intended for poorly educated people to be able to understand what he wrote.
Stalin didn't know how to write, that was all Lenin!
He reads like those neo-reactionary PUA types.
The Motorcycle Diaries is a pretty nice read.
Not very political though.
Cliche, but I love reading Marx. It makes me feel fired up. He has a lot of energy in his writing.
Orwell, shame that he was so easy to read that reactionaries found it in their soul to read and misinterpret his ideas
but yeah stuff like his description of how it felt like coming to Catalonia for the first time is fucking beautiful
Yeah, shame that anarchism is a naive ideology destined for collapse.
sure thing kiddo
George Orwell is great to read.
In Politics and the English Language he even talks about how shitty writing is used as a tool to 'make lies and murder sound respectable, and give the appearance of solidity to pure wind'.
Can't we have like a single thread without random sectarianism? I strongly dislike narchoism myself but I still put Kropotkin in the OP.
It should be bannable tbh. Not sectarian banter, but random sectarian shitposting.
he was just fucking racist m-l scum tbh
Aldous Huxley. He somewhat hurt my fee-fees shitting on 20th century socialism, but he was a British aristocrat who wanted to sell his books so I guess we have to deal. I love his book Island as a social formation and his book Point-Counterpoint is one of my favorites ever.
All those books were mistakes, tbh. Now a ton of normies believe that 1984 is essentially a description of how the USSR functioned and that Animal Farm proves why socialism can never work.
Let it be known, though, that I do not explicitly find his writing style to be pleasant.
Except when he's on a more technical part, like laying down terminology and such. The initial part of Das Kapital is a bore because of it, but then he gets the insights coming hard and fast and in a slightly lyrical prose and I'm like "damn girl you write to your momma with that pen?"
The duo Monsieur Dupont
My boyyyyyyy!!!!!
He later pushed for racial integration in the schools in Cuba and went to Congo to fight in a guerilla war.
At least blame him for the firing squads. That at least is understandable.
People spam that shit whenever anyone suggests doing anything. Don't pretend you're presenting some sort of radical, universally maligned opinion here.