Holla Forums I keep asking this but I don't get an answer will racist instruments such as academic literacy tests that are only used to perpetuate white muh privilege be eliminated in a revolutionary socialist system?
Holla Forums I keep asking this but I don't get an answer will racist instruments such as academic literacy tests that...
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No, suppressing literacy tests is not a part of socialism's to do list. Happy?
From each according to his ability right? So this means there will no affirmative action in socialism right? What happens when you don't have many black teachers then?
afirmative action will be abolished, and quotas for minorities in certain fields will be abolished aswell
Yeah but then black people are gonna be underrepresented n SHIET what then? How will we conduct our marxist history lessons in ebonics?
64 percent is still fucking pathetic, what's wrong with the USA?
A "literacy" test that the BEST scoring demographic gets a d-grade on is not what 99% of people mean when they say "literacy test."
First of all, refound the dunce factory that is burgerland public educational system.
Everybody would greatly benefit for it, nt only miorities.
Asians whites and jews seem to be doing okay!
Yeah you're right but it clearly says academic literacy skills tests clearly you flew through high school with ds yourself
Clearly not if 64% of whites cannot pass a literacy test as per your source
64% of whites are passing.
Hmm such bad reading comprehension. Are you black yourself?
How many times are you going to post this thread?
Have you ever thought about the fact that all these "tests" are Jewish propaganda to get everybody else to hate each other and kill each other so that the Jews can control the world? I mean, nobody ever talks about why Jews always score so high on Autism Level and literacy tests, but just focus on how low black and hispanic people score low.
Until I get a sufficient answer.
So you are going to post it literally forever when no one throws in the towel and embraces your obsession with blacks nonwhites?
No I have not considered that, and everyone DOES talk about high Jewish Autism Level all the time.
We purge the cultural capitalist elements in the black communities.
Nah man I just wanna see what Holla Forums thinks about it. We all know whitey is going to be blamed in another generation for allowing illiterate teachers teach inner city schools in another generation. Maybe they should teach them voodoo classes next.
Fine then i will post this as well
Literacy is bourgeois. Pol Pot be praised.
I don't know if you can tell, but no one really cares. It's a typical bureaucratic failing of modern education.
That all sociological bullshit race realism is irrefutable.
But this is going to back fire, no? We need more black teachers fine but shouldn't they be competent?
The black race keeps digging it's own grave.
(damage control intensifies)
Explains it. Read the sticky.
the archduke of autism strikes again
Black kids only respect black teachers from da hood if you ever went to an inner city school you'd know this. But they should at least be literate!
I'm more disappointed with Holla Forums taking the low quality bait and the mods not insta-bumplocking this thread, than I am with the Holla Forumsyp who unironically thinks he's clever.
user answered OP's questions, and ultimately it comes to this
Well OP, what is the problem? Why would they be underrepresented in their community? Regardless of the actual intellectual capacity of blacks, which by the way I'm probably one of the few on this board who don't discount the possible biological reasons, the conditions will change and with it society. It's really not that hard to grasp to whichever degree.
here it is again
no one here is advocating for affirmative action, we are not liberals. Why act like a literal child purposely? You've got your answers, you've got your sources, you can go and read and write a thought out rebuttal, but instead you just post the same thread over and over. Looks like you've got some growing up to do.
I mean really, don't you just sit back for a moment and think "wow, I am fucking weird"?
Well here is this thread again remember to sage the thread.
irrefutable like the titanic was unsinkable
Are you a woman? Your whole argument boils down to weird shaming and holding the "correct" position.
society will change to whichever degree*
If it's not testing "can read yes/no" then it is in fact fully possible to put a racial bias in a "literacy" test because different demographics frequently consume different media and you can just put in a bunch of words that get used more frequently in white media
This is literally the fourth time this dude has asked this in 24 hours.
I could see how you'd think that if you can't read and just have to make up your own version of the post instead
Take your meds
Yeah seeing as stuff that isn't kanya and BET are still in business i'm pretty sure that's 100% made up
congrats are in fucking order
Actually a literacy test is pointless for certain subjects like PE and art.
That's great, I'm pretty sure 'is familiar with the academic texts to get a degree' is not what they're testing here because having a degree is a pretty good indicator of that.
Dude, wtf you are even trying to say? We are meritocratic in the way that a teacher should be competent, and you already know we are not liberals. You just want to bitch with us about IdPol?
Tough if this is how things actually works in Burgerland, i understand how that country became retardation HQ
Huh Hispanics speak a totally different language at home from blacks yet they're still outperforming them huh really makes you think…
spic detected LEL
This thread again……
Shit-tier mods
you should be shamed for shitposting
I did not even state my position. With your reading comprehension, by your standards, you could easily be mistaken for being black. And judging you're from Holla Forums you probably are.
My whole argument boils down to you having your questions answered, sources provided, and yet still you refuse to read and write anything worthwhile. Your bait is weak which Holla Forums unfortunately takes and you're literally acting like a child. I'm only writing this because apparently it's your 4th thread, with undoubtedly more to come our way. But the thing about being weird, I'm being real with you man, take a minute to sit back and review your replies - you know, I know it,you're shitposting and writing moronic responses I know you'll retort this with some ironic cheeky reply, but after the jouissance wears off from all the (you)s and you finally get off your chair, look at how much little effort you've put in your thought or integrity. You know how I know you'll do it? Because you're aware you're not actually tackling anything, which will take a bite out of your ego, and that's gonna bug you now I pointed that out.
We can pretend this is internet fun and all, imaginary people behind the posts, but you've really got some growing up to do.
is there a 5th column on the mod team?
Um but no for real black students are unable to be controlled by non black students that is pretty common knowledge.
what is your point? how is that relevant to socialism?
“We want high standards, without a doubt. Not every given test is going to get us there,” Pace University professor Leslie Soodak told the AP.
Soodak was a member of the task force that advocated abandoning literacy tests for teachers.
“Having a white workforce really doesn’t match our student body anymore,” Soodak added.
Blogs posts and threads on Holla Forums do not make common knowledge user.
Water is wet
Fire burns
idpol is cancer
More news at eleven
What about going to majority black middle and high schools myself? Is that not good enough?
Hunny half of the reason they're pushing for more black teachers is because of this.
Ban list suggest the newest ban was given about 10-15 minutes before this thread was created, so it's more likely they are all busy fapping to traps.
Were there any black people in your school
OP, in what way are you brain damage? In the way that you can't comprehend what is written to you i.e. we don't care for that nor do we push for that, we are not liberals, or are you damaged in the sort of way that causes you to act childishly and incapable of any reasonable discussion?
Great, now stop LARPing faggot
What would be the point of a literacy test in a society where everyone learns how to read and write?
Well you singled out that post as particularly idiotic when it's common knowledge the current education system is pushing for more black teachers in predominantly black schools (for a reason) standards be damned and I was merely correcting you. Nowhere did I attack your personal views on the subject. Seems like you're the one with reading comprehension problems.
Anecdotal evidence, add hominid, begging the question, Milkman's fallacy, etc.
the post you were replying to wasn't me
my point is how does this relate at all to the matter at hand? Your original question was about literacy tests in socialism, which anons answered you, then you moved the goalpost to be about quotas for some reason.
What are you even arguing about? Affirmative action has no relation to socialism and the entire institution as it is will not remain as it is, so the very thing you're asking about is irrelevant. Is it really that hard to understand that what you're asking is nonsensical? You've started your thread with a shitpost and now you're trying to argue in good faith, embarrassing tbh.
MY anecdotal evidence is that it doesn't particularly matter what the race of either the problem student or the teacher is. The same teachers were equally effective or ineffective for the problem white and black kids, and the least able to control students was a white lady who couldn't even control the GOOD students while the best was a fat white disable lady. (To be fair it is very intimidating to have someone wave their own prosthetic leg at you.)
Great standards you are aiming for.
No. Fuck affirmative action and lowering standards. We should elevate everyone to the highest level, not dumb down people to the lowest.
Thanks for the mental image user.
jk, actually it's my fetish
I'm really disappointed you finally baited a response
this whole thread is about a retarded stormfag strownaning in every post.