Memes of Production

Post your best memes of production

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A thread died for this.


Is this the OC thread?
I was looking for the OC thread.
This isn't a meme, it's a bit of a skeleton.

You get it?

It's like helicopter parenting + recession + maybe a bit of the surveillance state are the helicopter. Clever, isn't it?

I plan on working on more memes, but I'm getting tired so this will do for now

The material force of ideology makes it so I cannot see what I am effectively eating

I figured it was a reference to throwing people out of helicopters but those work to.


It's both - basically a suggestion of immunity to that and an allusion to neo-fascist keyboard warriors being hardline devotees to the status-quo. I wanna develop it some more.

Is this the board for 4d chess?

I like your handwriting

No wonder you you leftist faggots are losing, you have no sense of humor.
Here's some free advice for you filthy gommies.
Don't be so long winded. keep it short, simple and to the point and remember joke>message. If it's not funny to someone other than you then chances are normalfags aren't gonna buy your shitty propaganda.

Holla Forums memes just come across as unfunny and bitter most of the time. Don't hate the players, hate the game.

Go back to your cage you autist

you guys have no sense of humor.

still won't change the fact you fags will never succeed at anything with these shitty memes.

Catgirls will lead the revolution.

Go be an autist somewhere else, you are just degrading yourself, where are your parents?


catgirls alone aren't going to help, especially when they're hideous. the only cute pictures of your mascot are the ones where she's getting either by fugged by the fat man or Holla Forumstan.

ad hominem? really? christ at least have a decent argument.

And no one is surprised

It would be an ad hom if I were arguing with you, I am not, let me speak to your parents, they dont know how to control an autistic child, I deal with these type of problems all day

Tell me to take you to see a shrink


if you're making these for Holla Forums then there's a problem already, make memes for normalfags who might consider your shitty propaganda if you make theme laugh.

sure seems like an argument to me bud.

catgirls reveal latent consumerism

Look Timmy, I dont arguee with little autistic kids, Tell your parents you migjt have autism and that want to see a doctor
There is no point in arguing this, you migjt have the 'tism, period

you keep avoiding the argument at hand. is there something you need to get off your chest friend?

Lol why the fuck would we do that?

No shit, dumbass. Were you in a coma for all the fighting over the "common, working class"?

r/soc is that you?

I have a great sense of humor.

I wish. If anything, I'm too sexist to like catgirls.
But that's not relevant. I mean, I do have a roughly genuine point about how the entire thing arises through Japanese porkies cramming things together for the dosh, creating the thing, and so on and so forth, and the desire being outside reality and yada yada yada it's just more porky shit.

But fuck articulating it coherently. I want to die.

What argument again, your ADHD that stops you from being able to read complex sentences, your lack of humour?

Thisis just another symptom of your autism

What's wrong, user?

This is gay, make me laugh.

with memes like yours? you guys will never win.
your memes are made for yourselves, normalfags aren't in on your pathetic jokes.

show me something you find funny.

again with the autism, user, i think this is really about you and not me, are you okay?

Humour is hierarchical


In a word: Capitalism.
I do not believe a better future exists for this world. I believe one could in theory, but that the way political forces operate is such that it won't - so even beyond myself, misery is the result and existence is a cruel joke.

(And perhaps even more specifically: Consumer-capitalism. While certainly by no means immune to it, my borderline autistic approach to it basically makes me socially incompatible with everyone, because 95% of people are operating under it semi-contentedly.)

Can't close Pandora's box though.

Which is why you're here instead of ignoring us as insignificant, and why every socialist org in the US has tripled in size over the last 6 months.

You are the black guy that doesnt know his real dad not me

Another autistic trait


Lies. I met my dad weeks ago. Try harder.

i got banned from Holla Forums for a day because i accidentally forgot to sage a slide thread
i'm just goofing around here before i go to bed. speaking of which can you guys hurry this up i'm tired.

honestly user, you're making even less than i am right now, get a good night's sleep we'll talk in the morning.

Every revolution seemed impossible until it happened.

Moreover, you probably have depression. It's not you that is the problem.

Told you humour was hierarchical

Go to bed we will all pray so that you don't wake up


Well that explains a lot


thanks user, i hope you get a good nights sleep, so we can talk tomorrow.
Goodnight leftyfags!

Dont come back

Commie skeletons are the best Holla Forums meme by far.





more shit




Anyone got any more proky pls?




I love whoever made yilauta retarded pepe/porky. He cracks me up.

you got any requests? somebody asked for the pinoshit retard porky and i did it.

Has he been christened? What about borkie? Like, broke porky, geddit? huehue
Do the Donald porky, but borkie. It will become very useful over the years I imagine. Maybe a Hitler one too since he went full retard towards the end.

Install Photoshop or at least Gimp jesus christ.

Found the eternal critic.

medixo is baying for dat wall

faek news. preesident obema payed u to say that

Hahaha oh shit nigger what are you doing.
Post head.

maek emerica grate agen

i forget to ware my tye

wear gonna magamerica greatbritain!

You mean Frederich Engels

Hey Holla Forums I brought you some raw resources for the meme production.
Can bring you more if you want.

These are fucking badass, did you make them? Get more!

Nah, they are old Russian prison tattoos, collected them some time ago.
Here are some more.

Here is some more.
Posting mostly the ones with the communist symbolic for the potential reapropriation them as a memes of production.
Btw hope I won't get banned for low-res vaginas on the GULAG tattoos. That would be very unfortunate.

Should I post more?
I still have about a dozen left.


H-here I go.

Thanks for the proky :)

Some of them are quite lewd

lel @ the Stirner webm

BENIS pls don't ban me
That's pretty much it.
Have some other ones, but not that communism related.


Have a porky

Marx, Lenin and Stalin with giant penises. Now I've seen everything.


now that's what i call cuckoldry

i thought lefties were usually anti gun?

liberalism =/= leftism



Most lewd were probably done on the ones in the lower caste, but still, yeah, some probably were done to "show those commies".

Tell us about the gulag tatts, who was it that was getting them? Are there links beyond style to later prison tattoos?

Calling people nigger is the pinnacle of comedy.

I assume it was the same as regular Russian prison tattoos, like regular prison USSR tattoos and later post-USSR tattoos, though post-ussr probably had less anti-ussr content. Can't really tell too much nuances.
Majority who had them were "cool guys", the thiefs (vor) who were the top caste of the criminals. Probably some regular prisoners in the middle got some shit tattooed too, but not something only the top ones were able to get.
And some were forcibly tattooed on the lower cast, aka petuh/chuhan, aka the untouchables, mostly passive homosexuals, most of the time not by their own will. Maybe some on snitches too, though they usually got killed or demoted to the lower caste.

why are retards here?

I like communist skeletons, I think we should make it like a mascot or something.


that's fucking awesome. we need a banner of this.

Borderline normalfag passing through this board: can disprove by saying the boss one in made me laugh way harder than any Holla Forums meme I've seen, even the ones involving the Happy Merchant, on top of being much more relatable.

However he is right in something, the most obscure hystorical and long-winded ones are such an enigma to me, and an unfunny one at that. More "boss" and businessmen memes with "Porky" in their place and less weird philosophers, the only ones I found funny were the Zizek ones. Try to be more relatable, because I bet you lots of lower class idiots like me are exploited. There's your biggest missed potential. Make us feel that class struggle.

And embrace Stalin, the man was hilarious-looking and a winner.

These are my favorites of most recently.

its not like there aren't alot of Holla Forums memes that are longwinded autism reiterating some kind of reactionary or white nationalist thought.
the philosopher ones probably wont appeal to normalfags. If the goal is to appeal to normalfags relating the ideas directly is a million times better than referencing the philosophers.
They're more for people who already get it, though. I imagine the longwinded autism Holla Forums memes are entertaining to the people who are already in on them too.

as well, Holla Forums's view on how funny lefty memes are is massively warped and biased. They're predisposed to want to disdain them and they'll directly contradict their beliefs, even if the only belief contradicted is their idea about what "those people" are like or what a certain word means. I dont mean this derisively, they're just already set up not to get them and to dislike them.
Deliberatly trying to make memes to appeal to normies would probably be useful and convert people but itd also necesarially involve being pushy ideological blowhards instead of just having fun. But, again, it would probably behelpful. Ugh.


This fits Pinochet so well. This one with him and Reagan made me laugh as well. You should make more fun of Reagan and expose him for the monster he was, he basically killed labor rights worldwide.

I get what you're saying, those would be the theocratic/Christian ones with the crusaders and stuff, I've never given a shit about that period of history so I don't think they're funny either. But still, remember what I said and make more worker-boss memes, Holla Forums. What's wrong with those? They would be useful and it's the most relatable and positive aspect of leftism: the empowerment of workers.

Ironically, what's good about our memes is that we have an giant reserve of history to build our memes on, while Holla Forums mostly only has chan memes to convert to their deeds.
Like they can use some nazi/cold war propaganda, but in their version it just looks repulsive to the outside world, while we using it ironically actually has an appeal, like that commie skeleton.



Oh wow, I love the equivalence of the porn actress with the other third world labourers who are living in squalor and have to put up with endless drudgery.

Do feminists really believe this is appropriate satire?

It's just conservative autism

all of this shit is sad and makes me want to hang out with the red hat kids. get the fuck in this thread and help brainstorm more efficient memery

Teach yourself how to use creative software you dumb fucking critic.

Funny that you would mention food and water…

Ancap-Kun is not normalfag friendly enough tbh.
I hesitated with Porky…

I'm glad you're good at using creative software.
Too bad you're not creative. Ever heard of constructive criticism you fucking neanderthal?

It's pretty much impossible to make this sort of thing memetic because of the lack of white space and lack of consistent colour in the main body of the art, meaning you'd have to create some text with an outline on it to place over it, making it look like a facebook meme. I say impossible, but I haven't seen anyone pull one off yet. If it had text in the art that could be edited out it could be done.

I have heard of it, but I haven't seen it yet. Imageboards are shit for constructive criticism and the majority of the time it's "this is shit" and "make something better". Teach yourself how to use software and you'll quickly understand what I mean and why it's frustrating to hear, and after a couple of years you'll get sick of the "we need to make better memes" shit, because you'll realise the people saying we and your memes have never even bothered to open up MSPaint. This is the same for most (not all) of the people from Holla Forums who come over, as given their huge size by comparison along with a 4chan counterpart they produce next to nothing and are just involved in a tribal circlejerk, not realising that the people who actually do make OC get bored of places and move around.

how do you make this leap in logic?


It's how they calculate the death toll for communism, along with number of people that would have been born but weren't.

Because that's the kind of logic used to come up with a "death toll of communism", presumably

Good work my dude

die retard

Top kek, thank you for the constructive criticism

absolutely disgusting, and not just because I'm a triggered ansoc.

Is removing the background making things easier?

The difference between an ancom and a tankie is the ancom knows his own soul enough to never trust himself with power.


Stockholm syndrom at its finest, peak rulecuckery.

Thought the Night In The Woods thread was still up. Guess I'll post this here. Is it gud?

the Soviet state was directly responsible for famines and mass incarceration under conditions that led to a massive death toll

"capitalism" isn't responsbile for a Kenyan villager dying of malaria.

Nice slight of hand. We're not talking about "the soviet state", we're talking about "communism"

now i can come back since my ban is lifted sorry i triggered mod-chan so much you'll be glad to know i've slept nothing but long comfy sleeps since tuesday. i hope you filthy communists had lots of comfy sleeps too.

Man, that's not cool for Marx.

Can russiafags help me understand text?