So commies you've been saying that capitalism is about to collapse for over a hundred years now.. when will you give up and accept the fact that western liberal capitalist democracies are the end stage of our political evolution as a species? They have produced the greatest wealth, the greatest standard of living and the greatest freedoms.
Socialism continues to fail wherever it has been tried. Every socialist attempt has been nothing short of an embarrassment.
We'll become extinct before we ever become communist.
I don't know how you can be so retarded that you look at the world around you and think that capitalism is improving the lives of anyone other than the bourgeoisie.
Andrew Long
Muh bourgeoisie
Yes the rich are doing well. But so are the people in the Middle and Lower class if you compare their standard of living to their grandfather's and fathers. I'm lower middle class and perfectly content with the system we have now. I have everything I possibly need. We need a little more social democratic reforms yes. But anyone who thinks socialism is the answer is frankly retarded. Socialism has a track record of failure and continues to fail.
Capitalism is here to stay. Deal with it. stop being delusional.
Aaron White
Socialist: capitalism is not perfect, therefore embrace my shitty system which has a track record of failure. Every time it fails I have to deny that it was either real socialism or it was because the ebil capitalists stop the socialists from succeeding.
It's a philosophy for man children who simply don't want to grow up and face reality.
Nathan Hughes
OP, I'm not even a leftist but holy shit you are retarded. Read again what you wrote. Also lurk before posting.
William Lopez
Show me one example of a socialist country today which has accumulated more wealth and provided a better standard of living to its citizens than capitalist countries.
You can't. You know why? Your idealogy is a failure. It fails in every single way and will never stop failing.
Hudson Cox
This is true of certain developing countries like China; not so in the west. C U C K U C K
Aiden Perez
Capitalism has collapsed, this "wolrdwide financial crisis" is the new reallity and is only getting worst
Of course you are too stupid to asume this
Kevin Roberts
Nope it hasn't. And you'll keep talking about the collapse of capitalism 50 years form now when you're an old man living in a capitalist utopia being taken care of by the wonderful welfare state.
Gabriel Clark
Fucking lemmings.
Elijah Perez
Technically you're right since global warming will kill us all in a few hundred years.
And capitalism has collapsed, it's simply rebuilt at the working class's expense with propaganda and mass media
John Gonzalez
sigh, this is retarded to the point we can start talking about leftypol shilling
A cuck would be someone who wants a system which would objectively make his life worse. Under capitalism I work for a boss.. I get money. I don't like that job. I go find another job or at worst become a NEET living of welfare. Under socialism it's the same thing except I'll be working for the state and would have less freedoms. Probably make even less money too given socialisms track record.
State socialism have been the only real decent attempts at socialism. Anarchists are idealist children.
Wealth and income inequalities are memes. Why would I give a fuck if Bill Gates is worth 80 bill if I'm living a comfy life already? Only envious buttmad faggots would get mad about inequality.
Even a poor person would be stupid to advocate for socialism. There's zero proof his life will better.
Eli Flores
I'm not advocating for socialism, but to think capitalism is the be-all end-all system is exceptionally naive, which is why I don't exclude other possible systems. Lurk and read a fucking book. The point is not to tear down capitalism, but to go beyond it.
Luis Richardson
start doing some reasoning, not just retarded trolling
i wonder how much is going to take you to go cry on Holla Forums
Robert Martin
Not an argument nerd.
Fukuyama has yet to proven wrong. And socialism has yet to rebound from its previous laughable failures. It collapsed and it's never going to come back despite your manchild fantasies. No country would be stupid enough to embrace socialism if they want to compete in this global economy. This is why China is one of the most successful capitalist countries today. the Chinese are smart enough to never make the same mistake twice.
Isaiah Smith
You're the one living in a fantasy world where porky doesn't hog the wealth you produce. Work harder next year — maybe he'll buy another BMW!
Brayden Gomez
and what if you don't? and what if someone else doesn't? Are his reasons legitimized then?
The point isn't personal, the point is systemic.
Jonathan Rivera
read a fucking book you amerilard and yet when capitalism's extremely long track list of modern issues is brought up: dats corporatism we don't have REAL capitalism
Caleb Martin
I'm not a Holla Forums user. I'm a liberal. They're as retarded as you guys.
Again the socialist cannot provide a valid response.
Also nice straw man. I never brought up corporatism. Only lolbert retards use this argument. Capitalism requires a state.
Ryan Jackson
So provide some examples of socialist countries which have 'produced the greatest wealth, the greatest standard of living and the greatest freedoms.'
Give us some practical examples of your economic idealogy working today and outcompeting capitalist economies in terms of say productivity? Oh you won't find any. You know why? It's a failed idealogy. Let go already.
i am not being a fag, literally, read a book. a short one would suffice. and yet it's basically the same reasoning, vague babbling of "success" and "failures" with no real meaning the early benefits of capitalism are even a part of modern left wing economic theories, even feudalism was at some point an improvement over the status quo
Brody Bell
If you are not a liberal in 2017 you are an embarrassment to the human species.
Jose Cruz
hasn't your kind taken enough heads?
Nicholas Johnson
You have a state ad elites that fund destruction of attempts. Co-ops are breddy gud tho.
Dylan Ramirez
that's not how it works the supposed bastions of prosperity like hong kong literally cannot exist without slave labor in other countries
Joseph Ross
Good goy, good. Why would you care about all those rich people, they do you no harm. Honest! just continue being distracted with cheap brainless entertainment and don't pay attention to all those haters, they're just a bunch of stupid libruls, who can only offer fake news!
Camden Brown
OP in the 1800s: the french revolution failed, therefore Monarchism is the way to go!
Ryder Lewis
Yeah… no.
Jordan Hughes
also i noticed how quick liberals always are to poison the well about "not true socialism" they are too far up their own ass to accept they are wrong but don't feel like doing any research so they just call any argument about definitions a no true scotsman
Jeremiah Ward
no, actually, millennials are objectively worse-off than their fathers were. moreover, their fathers are also worse-off than they used to be, and are now saddled with supporting their failsons.
Jose Powell
You get the bullet too
Sebastian Jenkins
It's the end stage because climate change + nukes will kill us all. Remember, we may all still die at the hands of capitalism.
Luis Evans
Elijah Allen
Ethan James
"Twenty five years ago, I didn't have a sense or a theory about how democracies can go backward," said Fukuyama in a phone interview. "And I think they clearly can."
Connor Miller
Co-op the world.
Joseph Perry
what's your job?
Nicholas Torres
EVERY system ever has been the best up until then, produced the greatest wealth, the greatest standard of living and the greatest freedoms. Capitalism is no exception. However, to look at the world now, after 200 years or so of capitalism, and conclude that the evolution of society is over is fucking ridiculous. Feudalism was the dominant mode of production for over 800 years, and slave society was for thousands of years before that.
James Mitchell
I'm fairly sure that this is a falseflag by a fellow lefty/pol/etariat to test your argument skills, and for all who posted meme responses failed
Eli King
You could say the same thing about fascism, feudalism, and slavery. Every economic system increases the material standing of its members over time. This is not an argument for capitalism.