Neoliberal mentions that most manufacturing jobs are automated and working class people better "get real jobs"...

tankies were right about everything

Other urls found in this thread:

What did they count as "real jobs"? I always thought of manufacturing as one of the realest jobs there is.

You know, the sort of thing with a dress code, where you attend meetings, answer emails, network, perhaps have working lunches. Isn't that the apex of human self-actualisation?

Yes and apparently an awful lot of people in the left actually believes said neolib, which is way more of a problem than the rest of your greentext. How do we kill this meme?

Don't worry. His job will be automated like all the others.

Capitalism must develop its productive potential to the point where there are so many unemployed that the consumer base collapses.

This is necessary for socialism. Just wait, he'll come around when the robots come for him.

Oh, it doesn't stop there:
Neoliberalism is the rightist terminal brain cancer inside modern leftism

Requesting more info because my brain no understand much good.

People used to grow their own food, mend their own clothes, etc. Because these activities took place outside of the market, they were not measure as part of GDP. Now people are pressed into wage labour they purchase these goods on the market. Hence per-capita GDP appears to rise even when that doesn't necessarily imply an improvement in the standard of living.

Love pencil pusher jobs that produce literally nothing.

Forgot an especially infuriating one:

How massive of a meme is the GDP? I imagine speculation/valorization alone inflates it to shit.

Oh right, informal activities suddenly start being counted in the official economy despite there being absolutely no increase in value whatsoever. I gotchu, thanks.

Glad I could help.

It's pretty flawed as a measure of material wealth, nevermind general well-being of the population. It's part of the reason why the Soviet bloc looked so much poorer (on paper) than the West.

Reminder that the USSR did not use GDP

Yes, but infographics float around comparing estimates of Soviet GDP with other states.

Most are sourced from the World Factbook's figures

I hate these people with a passion unmatched for nearly anything else. Pencil pushers are the worst, they exists purely as a parasite, a leech on the system. They are the perfect expression of the mentally neutered and chemically castrated postmodern debt slave.

Speaking as an actual economics major: 100% totally a meme used by people in power to conveniently hide the truth. GDP has several major problems:

1. It does not measure standard of living whatsoever. This is why the US tops GDP, but has a garbage standard of living among peers.

2. It measures money, NOT production. Since 2000, total production of goods and services in the US economy has been more or less flat or declining even, but GDP has continued to grow at a decent clip.

3. It counts people just moving money from one place to another as growth, when in reality nothing has been produced and nobody has gained anything real or tangible. This is especially because the majority of the financial markets aren't trades on debt or stocks to companies that actually produce things, but rather speculation or purely financial related instruments like insurance and other value-extraction schemes.

4. Has no relation to well being of the population

5. Easy to manipulate using all manner of banking mechanisms like interest rates.

Real money or credit money?

Speaking of debt/asset ratios, I've been tinkering with this article:

Do you know anything that might point me in the right direction for statistics on "netting"? That is, large percentages of total debt actually just owed between the same two entities, artificially inflating total debts?

Start creating your own job
