How do I explain communism to normies as simply as capitalists explain capitalism? Retard Cappies describe capitalism as "voluntary exchange of goods and services", but is there any similar kind of "catch-all" phrase that is actually correct for communism?
How do I explain communism to normies as simply as capitalists explain capitalism...
Worker control of the means of production
I think "voluntary exchange of goods and services" fits communism pretty well.
If you use this standard of bad faith to make a definition of something, you can use pretty much every definition of communism you think might seduce your audience,except unlike cappis, you'll be called out on it for going against dominant ideology.
This one is ok. So is "democracy in the workplace" or "democratic economy". You could try slightly harder stuff like "production for use, not production for exchange" and point to how much speculation/derivatives drive the current economy. Whenever you hear "job creators" call them "job witholders" or "job gatekeepers" and explain that people could go to work without permission and still make money except for the government saying the company gets to tell you no.
"Shit" is most befitting tbh
*seizes your property and forces a hobo to live with you and your wife and children*
I don't understand private property: the post
*imports millions of refugees to live in those derelict buildings*
*shoots you for being a bad communist and believing in private property*
*Films your wife getting gangbanged by niggers*
Reminds me of that time England took a massive shit all over the world and called it their colonies.
You are underage.
Yes, all of those derelict buildings built in 2007. What ancient buildings. True archaic developments that no human being would want to live in. No wonder people are homeless by choice.
When he gets out into the working world and grows up a little he'll understand. Kids'll be kids.
*Forces job creators to leave and crashes economy*
*Takes land from hard working whites and gives it to niggers leading them into starvation*
if you need to sum it up in a stupid little sound byte (the way capitalists often do), it'd be best described as a democratically planned economy where we all have equal control over the means of production, rather than having a system where individuals own parts of it. emphasis should be placed on production to satisfy human need, rather than producing things just so they can be sold on a market and exchanged between different capitalists for sums of money subject to the whims of supply and demand.
point out that there is always work to be done, people to be fed, goods to be crafted, etc. despite the fact that under capitalism there is always some level of unemployment, and that humanity has had the productive capacity and technology to feed everyone, generate energy with far less pollution, house everyone, and automate more and more jobs so that no one has to do them, if it weren't for the fact that it is not profitable to do so.
You mean consumers, aka workers?
man I wish MY points were so bad that they could only be delivered in a shitty 4chan speak
*appreciates your lies and offers you a job at the university of retractions*
Don't worry soldier, we're getting you out of here!
I wish this was 4chan, then being underage would actually be against the rules and you wouldn't be allowed to post here.
I'd be 100% in favour of expropriating the property of someone who owned 200 houses and a fleet of cars and putting them in a concentration camp, and I'm not even a tankie or Trot.
*Laughs at comrades joke*
*Greentexts a sentence pointing out how your point is erroneous*
*Enters mech suit and calls in escape helicopter*
Explain it to them like this "it doesn't work and will lead to millions of deaths"
Get away from me you damn dirty commie!
when has communism not failed?
When has capitalism not failed?
*shoots you for holding back some grain to feed your children*
Haha, using the mech suit against Holla Forums are we?
You're the bumbumking's bitch now!'
You people are making my breakfast a little less fun.
Who let the Holla Forumstards out of their cages? Shouldn't high school be starting around now?
That sums my message up tbh
Except it's failed every single time? Are you ignorant?
You'd be pretty good if you weren't commies lads
Submit before the bumbumking, this is an extension of our liege's court!
Shouldn't your job be starting right now? Oh wait . . .
name one time capitalism has failed and been replaced by a system that hasnt
*sips coca cola beverage in my affordable housing*
oh shit you're right!
Kill yourself you fucking mongoloid
Around the clock we're watching you, and we're gonna get you all!
Good lamb.
Based NEETs tbh lads, i love communism tbf, else i couldn't be a based NEET if we didn't have lenin tbh.
I was like that once too. An ancap, god forgive me.
Stay offended kids.
Lads, you communists are all gay and like /cuteboys/ yeah?
What do you think of this hunk?
*Gets raped by refugees*
It's failed every time, it's continuing to fail now.
name specifics
hurrr just like communism
except your specific brand is sure to work!
*Sends you to the Gulag for past wrong think and winds Holla Forums elections*
*tries to save you but your mummy gets in the way smh*
Failure is just another word for victory comrade.
I think my boyfriend is cuter.
The big Jewish red one in Russia back when white people were not gay.
Capitalism never fails because it's in a constant state of crisis. That's how it thrives tbh
It's ok lass, the mech suit guarded me from their long black penises which we communists love to lick tbh
All of them.
Mine is greater still
*sucks your dick in a communist way*
The proletariats birth rates are too high!
who gives a shit about on paper, your theory might sound nice but it doesn't work in practice at all so what's the point?
Bit homophobic..
Tbh the BumBumKing is a smart lad ngl, could take on Holla Forums even without his mech suit on.
Hmmm, shame tbh lamb
*Knocks down ancient buildings in order to set up concrete flats*
the people's spirit must be crushed so that they can work for utopia!
Now, I'm only on the east coast so forgive me if I'm wrong but you really should be in school by now, no?
Imperialists wars? Bengali famine? Homelessness? Widespread environnmental destructions? Outsourcing well paid jobs to be replaced with almost-slavery conditions in third world shitholes?
*waits for great philosophers and poets to arrive around every street corner but they never come*
*artificially drives down wages with immigrants in order to escalate the communist revolutionary cause*
but all of that happens with communism tho?
Who's a good little lamb?
kek, nice mythology kiddo
*Appreciates your rightfink*
give me ONE example of successful communism without deflecting about capitalism.
Utter failure indeed
That's not imperialism, it's liberation from the capitalist tyrants :^)
But it wasn't real communism!
*sneaks anglos into the board when you're not looking*
Sure, as long as you can give me one example of successful capitalism from the era before there was any capitalist societies. Since we all know something can't happen unless it's happened before. But by this logic you'll never get laid, so, maybe change up your logic.
Nice meme
*takes credit for Tsar's work*
I made this.
*Divides Poland with the Nazis*
*Laughs at you thinking Holla Forums members are here*
wew it's literally impossible for you isn't it?
*picks up ice pick*
I hope there are no rivals about smh
I'm seriously concerned for your mental state. Do your parents know you're skipping school to argue on the internet?
Ok, now that's bringing baiting on a new level
t. can't stop deflecting to save his life
*starves to death*
Quality thread guys
Capitalist Democracy - Corporations decide what you can buy and overcharge you for it. You have a lot of choice and an out of control economy. You'll only get ahead if you know the right people.
Communist State - State decides what you need and you queue for it. You have no choice and need to spy on your family. You'll only get ahead if you know the right people.
*becomes aroused*
It's that girl's bum isn't it lad?
People already do that under capitalism
damn, I would be starving if the surplus value of my labor wouldn't go towards CEOs and shareholders
Commie boys, what do you think of mummy?
read a book, stupid nigger
Why post when you're not going to convince anyone of anything other than you being retarded? It's Monday morning, don't you have a job to go to? Or is being a stupid faggot here your job, since you all keep cropping up at 8-9AM EST every day recently.
Because he's afraid that he's wrong
*have a million dicks stuck in every of my bodily orifices at once
Capitalists never explain capitalism. That is why nobody who does not read Smith and Marx knows what it is.
If capitalism had been replaced, we wouldn't currently be struggling to replace it you genius.
No they 'explain' it just lie their fucking asses off.
Or have actually drunk rothbard's kool-aid which is even sadder.
This is objectively one of the worst threads I've ever seen outside of Holla Forums or Holla Forums.
The worker is entitled to the full value of the products he/she creates.
You can't. Ideology's function is to make the current state of a affairs seem immutable.
Either take them seriously as working people and explain things the way they are or don't bother. All these simplistic attempts at defining communism (wonder why you're asking for that with that flag) will do more harm than anything, because communism and all other radical/revolutionary forms of politics aren't just this variation on the present state of things as most people can simply name them. Communism is, in fact, a movement that aims to radically alter near-everything as we know it, and that this is not because we want this but because this movement knows this to be necessary. The damage you deal with reductionist sentences like "worker ownership" is thus damaging in several ways, because on top of giving them ideas of things that are already possible under that definition (which will create FDCK types who think joint ownership enterprise is communism and state spending isn't capitalism), you also defacto set them up as useful idiots for that idea, instead of familiarizing them all with the very complicated task of overthrowing capitalism and what it will mean.