Why are tankies so conservative when it comes to social issues (especially trans rights)?
Why are tankies so conservative when it comes to social issues (especially trans rights)?
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"conservative" is not dependent on them being tankies
Rojava`s green republican federalists and feminists take "conservative" positions for example
Which tankies have you been talking to? Most of the tankies I've seen are fucking tumblr-tier
The tankies on this board. The thing is that like half the posts with a tankie flag are satire.
why do tankies take almost Nazi-tier positions ("eliminating parasites ") on lumpenproles? Look if i wanted that sorta argument and rhetoric and position i'd just go fap to Binding and Hoche and Aktion T4. why do they try to be second-rate Nazis when it comes to workshy and/or disabled people and/or autists when you can literally just be a fucking Nazi?
Because they're Holla Forums
serious answer: people of all stripes can be bad at self-crit, esp if they're only focused on the shit that's bad for them
also being self-righteous makes the orgasm part of your brain light up
takes a lot of work to get past all of that basically
Half this board are false-flags at this point. It's become an absolute shit-show of threads bitching about IDpol on every page and "what did he mean?" We've been successfully infiltrated and destroyed, boys.
Ones on leftypol.
They are anti-porn and prostitution for example. Not very progressive.
I warned you about memes, guys. I told you, and you didn't listen.
class determinism and essentialism: Saying certain fights (gender equality, racial intolerance, transphobia) can wait until the revolution is just another way of dismissing them.
Because they're stuck in a misinterpretation of a misinterpretation, any kind of social change that doesn't explicity align with their vision is threatening to them.
Because I don't want to live in a degenerate society just because it's a socialist society.
define degenerate and explain why i should give a fuck what other people do with their lives if it doesn't effect me negatively.
individualism is oppressive
whats more oppressive than giving away control over yourself to the gov?
I'm an pretty close to ML and I'm in no way actually reactionary. I'm opposed to idpol, but I'm 100% pro-homosex and the like.
Collectivism isn't giving control of yourself to the gov, it's towards the people. There is no such thing as the individual beyond its role within the community.
So are the ones on lebbit, and most MLs in the west actually.
They manage to be anti-porn and prostitution on the basis that it's rape, while being in favor of transgender politics and all that luggage.
I'm against the porn industry, as an actual leftist should be, but I'm not against porn. I prefer doujins anyway.
I'm a Blanquist, which a lot of people consider close to ML, but I am fairly libertine.
Trans rights are not an issue I should focus on, you're not special. That doesn't mean I oppose you.
There's plenty of niggas on the left that have for over a hundred years never been against porn.
What you meant to say was "as an actual socialist should be".
Most Stalinoids I've seen will be against the former because, through using the logic people being coerced to work a wage or starve under capitalism, that means getting fucked on set means being coerced to fuck or starve, which is rape according them.
The latter they oppose because it sexualizes womyns and a part of the market also has children depicted.
You kind of missed the word industry there. The porn industry is incredibly exploitative. Socialists should all be against the porn industry, just as they should be against any exploitative capitalist industry. However, I wouldn't classify porn as rape anymore than I would classify any other occupation a forceful relationship of work or starve.
How does it feel to LARP the fucking 19th century.
I think we're both arguing semantics at this point, but yeah.
Same, but the vast majority of western MLs seem to not be of that opinion.
Because of human nature. People are born with a whole pile of evolutionary baggage and inherent biases which make them fairly horrible to coexist with. In some cases they learn to overcome those biases, but in many cases they don't. Nothing preached by social conservatives/authoritarians is based on logic or reason - it's all based on gut instincts.
They are russophilos first socialist second
I'm glad you are so willing to be enslaved and worked to death for the good of the community.
As part of the collective you serve the interests of the community, which in part is your own self interest. Under the status quo, which is more in line with individualism, you work to serve an individual and are served a boot to lick while being told it benefits you.
Could tankies be, dare I say it, /ourguys/?
What's ML mean? is it a type of communist? Major Loser? lol
cucked by spooks
They're authoritarian, not conservative.
im also pro you getting AIDS
i also dont understand why communists dont just be nazis, its a better ideology
aww fugg!!! :DDD:DDD:DD ebin fug :-DDDD
Why are dumb faggots like you so obsessed with idpol?
Are you asking why Marxism is economic, not sexual, or why people in general do not accept Frankfurt school?
Porn and prostitution have nothing to do with neither Capitalism nor Socialism.
Saying that Toilet Question is just as important as Revolution is dismissing Revolution: it is much easier to fight for than for the Revolution.
And we will never run out of "easy fights".
Everything is commodified under Capitalism.
Being able to buy cookies on market under Capitalism does not make cookies inherently Capitalist.
Why are tankies this retarded?
Where, if anywhere, in their post did they say anything about selling your labor in post-capitalism?
Ergo, they're implying
Prostitution as an act has everything to do with a money-based society in which one sells their labor for profit.
Actually it is only YOU implying, you're making up points of response that dont exist you stupid cuck.
>>>Holla Forums
What the actual fuck. Are we being raided by shitposters who deliberately play dumb?
Firstly, prostitution does not necessarily mean payment in money. It does not require money-based society.
Secondly, you don't understand the meaning of Capitalism. Capitalism is not defined by existence of money - slave-owners had money, feudals had money.
Capitalist mode of production requires industry. You may attempt to claim that modern porn industry (with its mass-produced media) is inherently Capitalist (which would also be wrong, but for different reasons), but prostitution clearly predates industrial production.
Yes. It's been happening for a few days.
More like for ever.
I think a lot of them are just morons. This seems like a concerted effort by smart people to be stupid.
Is transgenderism actually on the rise due to muh gay frogs hormonal imbalances conspiracy?
wait OP is that image from Keijo?
I think it probably has more to do with an increased visibility and tolerance leading to increased instances of being trans and "out."
Like how reports of autism increased over the past twenty years or so as doctors became more familiar with it
a real tankie would mandate transgender acceptance for all, else they get the tanks :P
idk about trans people but what happened with autistic people is almost entirely explained just by diagnosis shifts from other diagnoses (like generic diagnoses of mental retardation or learning disabilities) to specific ones of autism spectrum.
Could you explain for me?
Can you give me an example? I personally don't pander to the whole LGTB+ movement and I think gender dsyphoria is a mental issue which shouldn't be solved by giving hormones to minors.
Flags should be disabled, honestly.
You need to go back.
That's considered a transphobic position.
Did you not see cookie example from above? Even if cookies are produced via Capitalist mode of production - mass-produced on factories and sold on market for money - cookies themselves aren't inherently Capitalist.
Similarly enough, unless you engage in obscurantist sophistry about use-value and start claiming that only material goods have use-value and porn - just like any labour that does not produce material goods (like teaching people) - is unproductive labour, then modern porn industry - as production of pornographic media - clearly cannot be considered inherently Capitalist just because it is primarily functioning via Capitalist mode of production under Capitalism.
Flags clarify context of the posts - provided posts aren't shitposts. It means one thing if Anarchist claims that something isn't Socialism, and completely different if it's Communist.
Granted, joke flags should be removed and an actual ML flag introduced.
Why tho? I would never bully a transsexual, I just have a more sceptical opinion on this whole industry behind it. Secondly, I believe the actual amount of people suffering from gender dsyphoria is hilariously low, it's a very rare affliction. It's a non issue, really. The amount of presence of transsexuals in the media and the public debates is aritcifially inflated (and Zizeks hour-long rants about Gender certainly do not help) - that, and doctors making too fast decision for hormone therapies, either to cash in on this trend or being afraid to be harassed by SJWs. Abolish the capitalist healthcare system and the issue solves itself.
If you hold bigoted opinions you are a bigot. It's just that simple.
They're authoritarians, so they like to control peoples lives. It goes hand in hand.
Is this even a term normal people use outside of liberal filter bubbles?
What you are saying is bullshit. The transgender population is a fraction. There is no "trans industry." What the fuck would that even mean? I wonder if you only live online because that's the only way I could imagine you thinking the trans population is prevalent enough for you to have these dumb ass opinions.
I'm glad you're standing up to this transmisogynistic red fascist and it's given me the courage to do so myself. "Tankies" have never been welcome here and this has always been a socialist/feminist board with a welcoming culture of acceptance, open to all as a safe space for the discussion of socialist ideas. I can't wait until the mods remember how this board used to be and they once again stand up to sexists, racists and fascists - be they in a Gestapo uniform, a MAGA hat, or flying the red flag.
spooky stuff friendo
Pic related. Actual gender dysphoria is a fairly rare illness once you take away the IdPol and studies imply that it's mostly environmental. The same with homosexuality. That doesn't mean there are a few people that are genetically predisposed to both deviations, but it's mostly environmental.
Remember, a drag queen or a cross-dresser is not somebody afflicted by gender dsyphoria. That's just a fetish.
An industry is one bourgie trans women being on the cover of a magazine?
It's one of the biggest style magazines worldwide. NYT has articles about a ten year old boy turning into a girl. A stupid irrelevant debate about bathrooms became a political issue in the USA. I'm sure there are hundreds of more examples.
Do you know how expensive a sex change is? In liberal capitalism every progressive stance towards a certain IdPol only becomes viable once it's profitable. You can not tell me that treating kids with alleged gender dysphoria have to be injected with hormones. You know that's irreversible, right? I definitely don't advocate the genital mutilation of minors or adults without gender dysphoria just to pander to some stupid IdPol.
Tankies are the reason bullshit like le horseshoe theory is a thing. They're the ultimate larpers.
what are talking about, at least on twitter tankies are always gay or trans or something
because all authoritarians are uptight no-fun-allowed types.
tankies, nazis, wahabi islamists… same shit, different assholes.
oh dear oh dear
violence is a characteristic of fascism
your anger is amusing. also here's a protip: not everybody who despises authoritarianism of all kinds is a liberal.
l i b e r a l
the concept of authoritarianism itself is a product of liberal idealism
lol another red fascist
Explain to me a single society in the entirety of human history that couldn't be described as authoritarian
If you can't the concept is worthless
Why, exactly, is it wrong to kill people who want to subjugate others? Saying violence makes you a tyrant is like saying eating makes you morbidly obese, it's forced context.
grow up hippy
beacuse you only remove the symptom of a problem and not it's deeper causes.
the american and french revolutions broke or at least significantly curbed the power of the feudalist class at the cost of a high blood toll. the only result was that the capitalist bourgouisie took power.
the russion revolution violently broke the power of the capitalists, only to create a new ruling class of bureaucrats.
if you want change on a fundamental level, you need to change your consciousness and the conciousness of those around you.
an important step in this process is the realization that killing others has never made the world a better place and never will.
i take being called a hippy as a compliment.
Oh, so you don't actually have any politics and you're just shitposting. Got it.
I support trans rights.
Tee hee I have a unique ideology xD
Wow I don't want women to have to sell their sex to not starve and be raped on camera by greasy porky freaks.
Fuck off you liberal.
another butthurt post without any contents. how about giving a shout at refuting my point that violence only removes the symptoms of a social problem and not it's deeper roots? it's ironic that you accuse me of "not having politics" in the same breath.
tankies everybody.
Violence is good and necessary for destroying the capitalist class. You're perfectly happy with the state's monopoly on violence. You're a good little classcuck.
This has absolutely no basis in reality. Trans people have hella issues and difficulty finding doctors who're OK prescribing hormones or doing surgery. I could count the surgeons who do SRS in the *entire United States* on my two hands (and they all have huge months-long waitlists). If there was profit to be made from trans healthcare there'd be people rushing to provide medical services to trans people because it is a hugely under-served market.
Also the medical approach to trans people is literally the opposite of "too fast decision" – to the point that many trans people end up just getting grey-market hormones because doctors drag their feet (or there just aren't any doctors in their area who are fine with a new trans patient).
yes, actually, the cost of SRS is pretty much commensurate with the complexity and time of the surgery involved. If anything, that the medical industry doesn't generally give a fuck about trans people (nor wish to provide effective and timely medical access) means that there's a huge undersupply of doctors and so surgeons don't face enough competition.
Are liberal IDpolers making trans people in bathrooms a stupid political issue as part of some culture war nonsense? Yes.
Do trans people appreciate or benefit from this? No. Trans people want to go to the bathroom that'll raise the least amount of fuss and notice (getting accosted in the fucking toilets is no fun), and media focus on trannies in the shitter is detrimental to that.
Are most trans people also the people who decide what's on the cover of style magazines? No. Most trans people are poor proles or lumpenproles and are certainly not part of the liberal elite that uses them as pawns and tokens in some pointless culture war.
It is just one of many perversions. Do we need to give some additional rights to coprophiles, zoophiles, gerontophiles and others?
what a lovely strawman you built yourself there. show me where i spoke in favour of state supression of civil rights/police violence. Hint: i never did.
now that's what i call a well formulated argument. you surely know how to convince others of your point of view. try containing your butthurt next time, just a suggestion, you might not look like an angry kiddy then.
Serious question: why are you here?
Liberals made me hate fags
it's the only leftist place i know where you can discuss fairly openly which is not idpol infested. also, believe it or not, i enjoy talking to you.
State violence goes far beyond the scope of police brutality, you fucking lib. Empty homes outnumbering the homeless population is violence, people not having access to health care is violence, working people starving is violence, etc.
If anyone here is childish, it is you and your naive aversion to violence.
You claim to want to discuss leftist politics, but you clutch your pearls at the notion of violence against the capitalist class. Fuck of lib.
i see you felt the necessity to move the goalposts a little. nice try. i didn't limit my definition of state violence in my post, though.
also you are the one being naive here. killing some figureheads without adressing the deeper psychological/societal causes of an issue will achieve nothing at all. but enjoy larping as a violent revolutionary hero, you deluded romantic.
i'm against the use of violence against members of all classes, not only against capitalists. another strawman argument from you. have you ever considered listening to the people you're talking to? might help.
I'll humor you. What are these psychological issues that a worker's revolution would fail to address?
not limited to a worker's revolution. i happened in the past in the bourgeois french and american revolution and in the russian revolution, which was labeled a worker's revolution, but it was mostly led by bourgouis renegades and the grunts who followed them were mostly peasants.
for example in important issue is the arrogant and self righteous stance that because you have been the victim of opression in the past, you have a moral high ground and are immune to beoming an unjust tyrant yourself.
another one would be the delusion that the end justifies the means.
basically you will become what you fought against.
Lol this is meaningless hogwash. You sound like that dril tweet.
i like your style. you sure refuted my points.
Because no one cares if youre trans in the first place. making a huge issue about it only causes the media and capitalist institutions to focus on it and exploit it.
Because this is not a woman no matter how hard they believe and stamp their feet
Tankies realize that in order to seize the means of production, you need successive generations to do that. I don't know if you found something contrary but last I checked, you need a sperm to fertilize an egg.
why the
did Castro listen to the Soviets about the missiles, WHY didn't he launch them??
Tankies aren't communists.
They're weird Russophile reactionaries.
I'd say giving control of your life over to your boss is much more demoralizing
Things have changed drastically since even 2010. It's not that all of a sudden more people are trans, it's that better information and availability of resources is causing them not to stay hidden as much.