Destiny debated with JonTron on the topic of 'demographic displacement' (refugee crisis & immigration) It's safe Jon...

Destiny debated with JonTron on the topic of 'demographic displacement' (refugee crisis & immigration) It's safe Jon got BTFO'd


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Which side is Destiny and which side is JonTron? I'm asking because I can't bear to watch another leftist lose another debate tbh.

JonTron was on Holla Forums's side

Oh nice. It seems to have ended, can I watch it anywhere?

I don't think I'm going to watch this shit because >Twitchmazon but can someone give me a recap of their basic stances? I'm assuming it went like this-

isnt jontron iranian

Apparently JonTron ended it by saying "RIP my career" so he probably did even worse than that

aka the retard's who don't read a fuckin book side.

Of course he got destroyed. He is still immature & fails to understand so many things. I used to be politically like JonTron. I used to be a total Holla Forumstard neo-nazi but I read a fuckin book & grew the fuck up.

I don't think Jon will stay a nationalist sympathizer for long. He will kill the spook eventually. Question is JonTron religious?

If he is an atheist he will get it eventually. He will kill the nationalism spook when he grows up.

He went full white gen0cide and brought up a biological talking point about crime such as rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites

Do you have a timestamp for that? I don't want to sit through a fucking Jontron video.

Please let's NOT turn into Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /r9k/, etc!


God fucking dammit I'm so salty because everyone who's ever talked to JonTron thinks he's a nice guy and he's fun to be around and though I honestly don't like his channel all that much (he overreacts and takes things out of context and shit, The Zoo Race was A++ though) I don't want to completely give up on him because I know for a fact that his politics don't come from a place of hatred, that's what he thinks is true. And it's probably the post-Gamergate crowd that got him into a lot of this shit.

Well actually the statistic is "rich black kids are more likely to go to prison than poor white kids" and that has everything to do with the areas in which they live and nothing to do with absurd race science but this social geography is way over their heads. God he's worse than I thought.

you should've seen it when the stream was online lol

Basically I know 100% that JonTron doesn't think other races are subhuman. He probably isn't even all that prejudiced. He's just tangled up in a lot of reactionary ideology because it's so good at presenting itself as "realist" and that's attractive to meme-tier weak minds that want to seek the truth but don't want to actually process it and evaluate it.

I think JonTron is agnostic or respectfully atheist given how he treats religion in The Zoo Race and some other videos but that's just a hunch

This is definitely the online subculture more open to reactionary horseshit for some reason.

Stream is still going, with Destiny only now.

Well if he is really an atheist he will get it eventually because the idea of nation, culture and all that bullshit he believes in is imaginary.

The faster he sees those concepts just like he sees god aka as imaginary. The faster he will mature & see how things really are. It's easier for an atheist to get rid of the other extra bullshit than the religious because they already have experience doing it. All spooks have something in common and that is, that all of them are imaginary, unreal.

The New Atheists are highly reactionary, though.


I don't see where the debate is, Merkel's government openly talks about replacing the native German population. Which of course your average good goyim leftist will always deny until they're blue in the face and after a while they'll ask "so what? Who cares if you're replaced? xD"

You're all disgusting cuckolds who will hang in day of the rope.


Whenever nerds talk say "I want to talk about video games, not politics!" I think of this quote.

Why don't you ask jontron for a streamed debate

The quote says geeks not nerds.


fucking rekt

I grinned.

They will become egoists around this 4 years. Calling it.

It's because of gamergate. JonTron or his friends were targeted during that iirc which made him vulnerable to right-wing opportunists. Back then a lot people on the right tried to take advantage of and propagandize people who were angry about what was going on, (Milo, most notably) and it was effective. They know it works now too and so they are way more active everytime something happens. They were all over pewdiepie not very long ago. That was a fantastic success for them btw and the mainstream press was basically dancing to their tune. They intentionally created the scandal and then reaped the benefits. Pretty fucked up.

Wait, isn't Destiny the liberal we sent a Trot to debate/chat with a couple of months ago?
Did the fucking 4 radicalise him?


Idk where the idea that atheists inherently turn into egoists comes from. It's much more common to see them get into secular religions like humanism.

Nah but it won't work with Pewdiepie. Pewds has a girlfriend, he is not the neckbeard type gamer. He is the kind of guy that meets different people, sees a lot of backgrounds, lives in different places. It's easier to de-spook yourself from a lot of things that way. Internationalists > Nationalists since they're less fanatical to the spook of "nation".

It pays like shit unless you can get insanely huge numbers of views. I know this because OnlyAfro he is my friend he only makes like $400 a month which is way less than the min wage.

Tell that to Hitchens, who died a spooked neocon dipshit

Well, that's even worse.

I don't mind at all. I've been watching a lot of youtubers lately for a project and the amount of work they put into their videos, the frequency they produce new content and the effort just into cultivating and maintaining their persona is intense. they're no longer random retards screaming into a camera, they're maturing into professional entertainers with small scale production crews. They're all handsome as fuck too.

is this true? if so that's pretty cool

It's because they like to pretend that saying "there is no god" actually answers any metaphysical or existential questions of human existence that all humans since the dawn of man have asked. They think religion is literally just about explaining natural, empirically measurable phenomena and it somehow never crosses their mind that there may be some questions that can't be answered by naive positivism.

Well, I guess we differ when we think that being an entertainer should be a profession.
Even when we achieve FALC, and everyone is free to pursuit their own interests, I don't believe being an entertainer should be considered a profession. It doesn't seem healty such personality cult.

Well, it's not just Felix (pewdiepie) I'm worried about, but also his fan base, who are susceptible to these tactics. But Pewdiepie still never realized that the guys at WSJ who produced that hack job on him were getting played by the same people who came to his defense. When Holla Forums makes a dozen threads saying "pewdiepie is /ourguy/" and the daily stormer makes a picture of him their banner they are not doing it to get HIS attention nor because they really think he's "redpilling" people by making the same joke you can see in a new Seth Rogan movie or the first 15 seasons South Park. They were trying to get attention from buzzfeed and struck big. And they are still doing it and they will get him fucked in another scandal again.

actually i said that because gods are no different to nation, culture, etc. imaginary.

But the deeper problem that they've conflated religion with all philosophy and done away with the lot of it as if they can answer questions of epistemology or ethics or metaphysics using "reason" remains.

Someone invite Destiny to Holla Forums.

And once again we all see why pol wins while leftypol whines

"RIP my career" - jontron after the stream

So is there anywhere to actually watch this?

Nice winning move goyim

>Holla Forums - White Nationalism
>Holla Forums - Civic Nationalism
I wonder πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€whoπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ could be behind this?

like 5 minutes in.

Hopefully someone uploads the whole stream, I could only find parts of it.

JonTron's $5 donation message

"There's no oppression in America. It doesn't exist." - JonTron

"We got rid of discrimination in Western countries." - JonTron


Turns out we've been calling people for having a meme tier understanding wrongly. This is the true meme tier.

I mean it's not even imageboard quality. It's fucking macro images on twitter quality.

Had to double post since he's made me reevaluate how dense people can be that I've had to take pause.

Yeah but that's actually the level of understanding of the average american or worse. I remember just off-handedly remarking that someone's understanding of a law as unconstitutional was off and ended up going down a rabbit hole where I ended up having to explain basic shit like that Social Security was a government thing

He'd probably come off a bit 'cooler' if his voice was deeper, but that's just me.

Preparing for debates is a Jewish trick now.

Is destiny even jewish or what?

Ya he has that whiny liberal nu male quality to him. It's a shame because he actually wreked jontron though.

Nice, now when Holla Forums openly antagonizes him we can use the opportunity to really put the "red" back in red pill and get him on our side

Humans vs Orcs here they go again. They're quick to put spooks into anything lmao!

btw someone should send Destiny a link to this thread in a PM. Maybe…

I love all the "I could easily fucking destroy Destiny if I debated him" posts from Holla Forumstards.
My favorite one is "I'd have to take anxiety medication beforehand…"

Lol Holla Forums is full of socially retarded dweebs that would be so funny to watch. gn.

I remember this guy tried to debate Molymeme but the meme man turned him down.


Who are you quoting?

Two people were in the debate, you have two guesses

Who are you quoting?

How fucking delusional can you be that you think Jon did remotely well in that debate

Kek, this sort of sycophantic shit is probably what gives birth to half the AnNils.

This is so fucking entertaining that I think it made me realize that what I'm really looking for in a debate is the max amount of autism possible. I've decided the next goal in my life should be to see JonTron or someone that retarded in the aut-right debate Unruhe

Yeah, a lot of Internet """debates""" are fucking useless. It's all entertainment.
You think JonTron is even going to reconsider his political views? I highly doubt it.

Iran = Land of the Aryans, mate.

Oh absolutely not. But could you imagine a more spergy debate? It would be fucking hilarious

JonTron was a babbling, incoherent moron. Destiny really took him to task. Always nice to see alt-Reich types taken down even if it was by a liberal.

The guy seems to acknowledge the class problem and hates SJW types. We could try pushing him further left.

Oh we could definitely do that but we need someone actually knowledgable to do it. And our roster seems dry.

I'm sure we could get Muke to do it.

Didn't he already lose a debate to destiny? Or was that someone else?

Well, I meant for Muke to debate Jontron. That would be more autistic than Jontron vs. Unruhe, which would be total retardation.

Damn dude why do you want to kill my fun? Honestly the thing about Muke is that he's not really wedded strongly enough to a single ideology which makes his debate technique overall weaker. He really needs to just hunker down and decide on a specific stance. Unruhe may be a total loony but you can see his confidence in his position help him in debates, and you also get more entertaining debates when people are solidly convinced of their beliefs.

That's why this debate is so entertaining. Destiny and JonTron are each absolutely convinced of their stances without deviation

A trot went and spoke to destiny, but it wasn't really a debate and was more the trot talking about leftism.

Yeah but I was under the impression that was round 2 and I seemed to have missed round 1

Some guy went on and his mic didn't work. Leftypol and the twitch chat mocked him a bit.

Sorry, didn't mean to kill your fun. I'm with, Jontron vs. Unruhe would be entertaining. I wonder if anyone here is in regular contact with Unruhe to get him to do it. I'm sure he'd be interested given Jontron just came out in ahistorical defense of fucking colonialism. Turd Worldists are retarded, but they're not Jontron level retarded.

Idk, someone should definitely try dropping a PM on his channel

Has destiny actually Read a Book? I'm not gonna watch it because I don't really care but if it's true that JonTron got BTFO'ed I'm glad to hear

He's definitely read something since he clearly came prepared with facts and stats and history citations whereas neckbeard came with memes and stuttering and misplaced condescension

If anything it's a good watch to get a feel of along what axes the average Holla Forums tier user (not the prominent people like Spencer who peddle the shit in the first place) thinks and considers, and also along what lines the average american liberal thinks in turn. Those are the exact interjections where we need to prepare our points and ideas.

Thats a positive I guess. Nothing worse than two people who don't know what they're on about debating.

Jews confirmed for batman.

so what? Who cares if you're replaced? xD


k, cuck


There is something funny about this statement in general. It is like they completely ignore that European superiority is rooted in the long history of the European continent. Now that globalisation has acted as the great equaliser. Whitey is afraid that the others don't think they are necessary any longer. So they cling to old delusions of grandeur while Arabians could take over Europe and develop to the same level as Europeans given enough time. Not to mention that these Arabs would actually return Europe back to the reactionary values that polyps value so much.


Holla Forumsyps only value traditionals values because they think it's key to help the White race perpetuate.
A Brown Europe, no matter how virtuous it would be, is always a bad end because it would not be a White Europe.

The paradox of Holla Forums is that their whole success can be summed to memes>genes (as we can see with their ethnic diversity) but their whole ideology is based on the opposite genes>memes.

Do you not understand how dialectics work? The reason immigrants flood Europe is because of capitalism and material conditions. Immigrants live in shitholes because of political and religious leaders. You could claim this is the fault of Islam. But that is only a half-truth. Capitalism keeps these regimes in place because of oil money. All the regimes have to do is appeal to the west, receive their money, and fund their armies. They don't have to care about the people. And because the regimes are kept in place, the religious leaders are kept in place by the regimes. They will then pacify the population with dogmas. The west facilitated this by creating the conditions. If the west didn't require oil, there wouldn't be any demand, and Arabia could have slowly developed into democratic states. The west also doesn't disassemble these regimes because of profit. Not to mention that wars created to secure western interests and to feed the war machine. Radicalises Muslims to become terrorists. The push came from the west so the pushback will be against the west.

And guess what. You will push back and then they will push back. Keep going forever or realise that the brown hordes are a historical necessity created by your own ignorance.

I'm actually hope Krauts and the rest of the West will be replaced and their countries turned into warring shitholes

fun fact: it takes only 2 hours for Russian tanks to reach Berlin :^)

But most of them are 100% cultish and don't really care about educating others and themselves int he process.Just look at Sargon.Do you think that guy spends any time reevaluating his views and reading literature that would normally go against what he believes?

He is intelectually dishonst just like most political e-celebs.They are attention seeking whore who only seek validation.

I'm not surprised someone who regularly posts things like this was shit at debating tbh.


What the fuck

I watch a few YouTubers on occasion but political ones are basically always shit. Can't think of any that I enjoy watching. I think the main issue is that politics is built on discussion and it's so one sided that it's pretty worthless unless they are just there to inform.

That's the unironical capitalist definition of freedom.


Wow, he's really become part of the alt-right now.

I don't know what's more American, the food analogy or the pure capitalist ideology behind it.

What about worrying about immigrants when it's Europe that actually has it bad?

Is anyone surprised le retro game neck beard is a racist reactionary as well?

A little bit yeah, but I don't really know anything about him or watch his show regularly. I watched a couple episodes and he was kinda funny sometimes, but really it just struck me as being terribly bourgeois.

egoraptor, the guy jontron did "game grumps" with, is a socdem

SJWstiny did it again

I mean I couldn't name one actually socialist Gaming Youtuber. Due to the fact a large portion of these audiences are American/edgy kids I could see it effecting their audience numbers.

Most people here grow up atheist and haven't spend a single day in their life seriously considering religion. This whole "atheists are such smart critical thinkers" meme really needs to die ASAP, what you think of religion has little bearing on how you think of anything else and need not have come about through any serious intellectual exercise on your part.

look what this champ had to say about colonization


So, is this a Hillary supporter who considers Trump being affiliated with Russia? And i should believe that they aren't both garbage e-celebs with shit opinions? Come on libtards.

Liberalism is bad but it's better than fascism.

Well, is he? Genuine question, I don't know.
All I know is he completely wrecked JonTron and brought up class quite a few times when the other party mentioned race.


I think god and culture are two different things

Great subversion, there, redditard. Every's porkie wet dream is to make you love and adore capitalism in all its glory, while being fooled with idpol bullshit pseudo equality.

I think him getting exposed to socialist arguments by the polish trot has pushed him a little more to the left

But you can ignore politics when you're interacting with people about something that isn't political, it is just harder now because everyone wants to talk politics

He supported Hillary if I recall because she was the lesser of two evils. I don't know about the Russia stuff.
His opinions are shit, but when he debates he uses reals > feels.

Why do you call it a debate and not a doscussion? Not everything has to be winners or losers, it is just presenting different ideas.

Fuck yes.

And another post with his opinions on Trump

Hi Destiny.

Isn't he in Northern Europe? He is probably being effected by migrants in some way which may send him further to the right.

explains a lot

Because it can't sell well if there is no some kind of symbolic fight.
I really should read about the society of spectacle, i bet Debord said something about that.

Y'all some delusional fucks

It's moreso to impress the people who are on the sidelines with who can be less autistic. The people who watch are more likely to be swayed.

Admittedly it is more that it is a step in the right direction for Holla Forums but there are some who seem to be content with Trump winning as the end all

Yeah, it seems he supported Bernie and criticized both Hillary and Trump, and then switched to only shitting on Trump once he won.

Does anyone have a YT link?

about what?

How many times do you think he has ejaculated on that Milo poster. Also why bother framing it if you're just gonna rest it on a fuckin shelf.

Civic nationalism is the future for Holla Forums.

It hasn't been uploaded yet.



I grabbed this clip off YouTube

Friendly reminder that JonTron was abused by his parents.

JonTron is referring to women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.

Yeah and I'm laughing at how over the top the analogy is.

Gonna be honest, I felt bad about this retard after he got destroyed in front of a few thousands and this doesn't help.

The Internet detective thing is a bit scary, tbh.
It's a grim reminder that you can never be too wary abot what you post on the Internet

Hey fuck off, I'm not a reactionary

egpraptor is an SJW and an irritating fuckwit. At least JonTron is entertaining.

Jon is getting btfo in his comment section on his last video. Sort by newest first.

Very tired of so-called leftists getting angry whenever someone rightfully calls trash like "gamers" or "otaku" reactionaries. Pure idpol.


Can you imagine it, user? The world goes to hell in a handbasket, WW3 blows out, you find yourself in command of a gommie revolution and an international threat to capitalism… and then the international porky press finds all your old forum posts in threads about circumcision.

I just saw this, Jesus Christ.

He's got a point tho, Ego is a bit of a SJW.

Yeah, it's why I deleted my post.

I like JonTron's videos but he clearly has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to politics. He should stick to making fun of video games.

Also winning a debate with somebody who thinks that colonization was beneficial to the third world isn't exactly an accomplishment.

I find it deliciously ironic that the standard SJW sidecut ended up becoming the alt-right cut.

Is he even alt-right? I thought he was more in the realm of "dude socialized healthcare and Finland are great but fuck SJWs and maybe immigration has some negative effects" which is exactly how I used to be. Basically the stereotypical Bernie bro I guess.

If you want to not live like a north-Sentinelese, it was beneficial.

Super reactionary liberal


I hope you're using that term ironically.

If you mean Richard Spencer, he's a white nationalist who babbles on about "voluntary deportation" in order to make America white so not what I'd call a liberal.

Sort of. I just mean people with socdem economics but some vaguely conservative or "classical liberal" social views.


Oh so yeah, used to be a common liberal who has been baited by the aut-right.

I have the feeling that Destiny's beatdown will knock some sense into him, he seems to be self-aware enough.

you get subjugated, you take over the infrastructure, administrative, technological advantages once you get independence.

that's how every empire ever has worked.

That would be the case colonialism ever actually ended. It just turned from state colonization to corporate colonization.

yeah, those corporations forced Zimbabwe to chase off all the foreign farmers.

so china is still a colony? has anyone told them?

Has anyone told any of the former Asian colonies?

I do wonder why they're doing so well but African countries aren't.

The point is that "Bernie bro" was a term made up by the Clinton campaign to make it seem like anyone who didn't agree with her was a sexist man.

Nobody does neo-colonialism better than the asians.

You're precious.

How could you forget about "peaceful ethnic cleansing"?

Foreign corporations still extract Zimbabwean resources.

China was never a colony. They were semi-colonial at most, and they were also dirt poor until they managed to expel foreign influence and re-assert dominance over their own resources, ie end their semi colonial status.

You mean the ones that have re-asserted genuine domestic control over their economies, were propped up by Marshall Plan-esque US aid to contain China, or both?

What is your basis for calling those reactionaries?

Because Sahara.
The sahara essentially seperated north and south Africa almost as much as the atlantic seperated the americas from eurasiaafrica as a result they had less exchange via trade, economic competition wars, getting conquered and then released and the likes.

Which doesn't mean there aren't asian former colonies that have a poor standard of living or impressive Malinese/Kanem Bornuese Empires but they had far less trade.

Something as simple as the chicken making its way into europe from indochina probably greatly benefitted euopean animal husbandry.

Also Africa has half of the earths gold and over 90% of it's platinum, so there is a case to be made that the ground ressources are essential to africa's position(by which I mean the majority of subsaharan africa)



The idea i've seen presented is paying non-white people to move out of the country.

A 'classical liberal' is a pseudo-libertarian who likes free trade and thinks the poor should just be left to die because welfare doesn't work (see Malthusian theory, iron law of wages). Very closely related to neoliberalism (which is how neolibs got the name). It's got about as much to do with sandernistas as hillbots have to do with 'the left'.

Poor idiots, I didn't even understand you have no idea why Trump actually got elected and Bernie was laughed off the stage.

What a great argument.

Everytime someone posts in a thread my page scrolls down to see the new comment, how do I stop that without disabling notifications?

no Holla Forums. you're precious

So you agree the likes of niggers and Native Americans are inferior.

Why couldn't the various tribes of niggers compete against each other? European nations, for example, had next to no contact with East Asian ones until the 16th century, and even then it would take them another few centuries to have the technology to project their power that far.

Why exactly couldn't the coons build stable civilization by competing against each other? Sub-Saharan Africa is huge, full of resources and people.


A) I'm not a succdem so bringing up Bernie is irrelevant

B) The entire appeal of Trump was that he was going to take on the elites, even though he and his entire cabinet are elites. Trumpenproles got cucked harder than anybody else.

The Clinton clan had enough influence to rig the primary but not enough to rig the election.
Fucking Alex Jones could have won against Clinton.

How is that a bad thing? Public education is a Marxist indoctrination tool full of incompetent fuckwits that are only capable of screeching about white muh privilege and inventing new ways to fuck everyone else over so niggers don't look so bad.

Just recently they decided there should be no literacy test for teachers in the New York area. That's the kind of leftist subhumans the education sector shits out. Anyone that isn't part of that retardation is an improvement.



We're gonna be seeing dead Marxists hanging from trees within two decades.

Watch/read Zizek.

Can someone translate this? I don't speak autist.

I love making up greentext stories in my head to make up for my inferiority complex.

Part One of our ground-breaking four part investigative report on the annual White muh privilege Conference in Madison, Wisconsin 2014

Highlights include:

-White people were invented in 1681.
-Racism was invented in Colonial America by White Capitalists as a tool to divide labor and keep the working class in their place.
-Individualism is a White construct
-Islamic societies have historically protected Jews from White Christians.
-Highschool Students in attendance
-Wisconsin Public Department of Instruction attendance

The chicken spread all the way to europe from indochina.
Goldcoins from roman emperors were found in Japanese temples uncovered recently for the first time in thousand years.

europe had no contact with china, but they traded with arabs who traded with persians, who traded with indians who traded with indochinese.
that's the thing, ideas spread via exchange (although the arab slave trade seems to be quite the exception as an odd kind of exchange)

They were in a similar situation as the north americans who never developed metallurgy, and whose most developed weapons were clubs with obsidianstone fragments on them.

I really wish this place had quality moderation.

That bothers you and not the Holla Forumstards shitposting in the very same thread?


I fuckin wish. I'm not even a Marxist but this would be better than whatever they're doing now. I never went to Uni but I have friends that do and I've never met a Marxist in person.

Yes absolutely no effort posts like "lol" do bother me more than people who are ignorant but at least put a little effort into their posts instead of trolling.

Laughing at retards isn't trolling.

I'd really like living in your bubble where marxists held the power in the West

Yup, a muh Diamond cuck, nothing left to talk about.

I guess it will forever remain a mystery why East Asian populations managed to effectively use Western technology when it came into their hands (especially Japan, that was for all intents and purposes cut off from the rest of the world for close to three centuries after the Tokugawa came to power) but nigger shitholes to this day seem utterly incapable of grasping even the basics of agriculture.

You're an idiot.

because they already had functioning societies beforehand.

And what does this liberial faggotry have to do with Marxism?

I think he's saying that Marxists have control of the west but they are losing power. JonTron BTFO'd marxists so hard that the entire of Holla Forums is salty. And that Marxists are going to bu hanged from trees?

every time

Then complain to the board owner because, while shitty, posts like 'lol' or 'kek' don't break the rules.

I'm sure he'd love another post asking him to "ban things I don't like."

People who self-identify as such have most of the time been right-winger reactionaries, especially lately, and it's worse with otaku than gamers.

I'm sure nobody has a problem with enjoying 2D and vidya, it's the subcultures and industries behind them that almost everyone hates.

I mean, I get you, I also saw empire of dust and how the kongolese did jack all with the dutch infrastructure after they left, and the chinese company unable to do any work with their kongolese contractors, but taking the maya as an example is terrible, the maya had less of a functioning system than the africans, which is partially because noiron and partially because corn is a fucking shitty grain and not well storageable.
Africa by comparision had a good grain.


I'm not gonna waste time doing that.

I love both.

Me too. That's probably why I hate both otaku and gamers so much.

I'm an idiot. Thank you.

Otaku here, leftists started TV anime and created most of our cultural touchstones.

Even assuming your statement is correct (it's not; you're either mistaking a loud but tiny minority for a majority, mistaking criticism of idpol for reactionary sentiment, or more likely both), such a circumstance is historically contingent and not inherent to otaku culture; given the political success of the right lately, you might as well harbor similar contempt for nearly every group of people on earth.

You're a fucking idiot. The parts of sub Saharan Africa that aren't jungle are more akin to the Eurasian steppes than to what would be mainland Europe or Asia. By and large they didn't experience the same material conditions that facilitated the Roman it Chinese empires because these semi nomads would expand, prosper, reach carrying capacity, then either experience depopulation from warfare or famine, much like the step nomads, only they didn't have a depopulated Europe to escape to.

You are such a massive fucking retard and I wouldn't doubt you've spent more than five minutes studying even the Wikipedia articles on Africa or its history or its cultures. You are an intellectual embarrassment.

I'm way ahead of that.

The source for calling gamers names is capitalist-protestant ideology. People getting mad that other people still have time for other things than working, and that's a sin. Nobody with a time-consuming hobby is save from the scorn of these people. Can you imagine being like such a person? Imagine a face frozen as it is biting on a citrus fruit, forever.


Sure we do: Morons elected another moron to represent them. it's not rocket science.

Then shut up

oh shit the Holla Forumstards with a victim complex are here

the nationalism that got them their independence also plummeted most african nations that rejected their former overlords advise into wars and massive missmanagement. And lets not forget Liberia.

Imagine calling yourself a "gamer" and being proud of it.

a literal torture chamber

Persecution complex is more accurate.

I hate the word gamer so much.
Recently I was interested in buying a PC for gaymen. I always said "PC for playing video games" but my dad kept saying "gaming PC" and it was pain

Destroy PC culture!

"PC master race" is even more cringe and if you don't like AAA titles its just a waste of money

Well, consoles are a capitalist maneuver worse than the graphic card industry.

At least gamer had a more or less neutral connotation until recently, thanks to children and manchildren.
Meanwhile otaku has always been very negative and the association of anime otaku with the right had already started in Japan over a decade ago. Weird shit.

Why is this attitude so prevalent here? What you do with your free time isn't a shorthand way of determining your political leanings at all. I think egoraptor is annoying and that doesn't make less of a communist.

Just because you read a couple of shitty articles during GamerGate doesn't mean you've got to make a "FUGGIN GAMERZ AER NAZIS AMIRITE LOL xD" post in every thread something vidya-related is mentioned.

Well, actually i meant, i love both the content and the industries and people involved in it.

I honestly could not care less about your #NotAllGamers bullshit. Also stop thinking I'm talking about enjoying video games, I'm talking about those labels.

ahh ahhhhhhhh the persecution complex from Holla Forumsermin doesn't stop

This is a perfect example of PC idiocy. Who fucking cares whether you call it PC for playing video games or gaming PC?

Indeed, we need to eliminate the Politically Correct culture.

Reddit libs plz go.

People were literally calling gamers violent sexists for criticizing influence-peddling within their industry.

Jesus christ the other guy is right, you people really love feeling like victims.

it's always funny when a reddit spacer calls others reddit

How do you define AAA titles? And if you aren't interested in playing graphically intensive games a PC should be cheaper than a console.

Enjoying things is not a problem. Tying a hobby to your ego like it defines who you are, to the point anything remotely negative said about this become a personnal attack is when things are going downhill.
On top of that, the tendency of people outside the group to essentialize said group feed into that shit.
That extreme personnalization is at work everywhere and it's absolute cancer.

The idea of a "persecution complex" is an inherently conservative critique, one far more compatible with right-wing thought than with anything approaching the left. How do you expect to change anything if so much as acknowledging a problem makes one a victim?

Let's put that goony sarcasm aside for a minute and close your facebook and twitter tabs and let's look at what remains:
And this is bad why?

Why does that annoy you so much? Do you also have disdain for all the other people involved in the hobby, the programmers and designers?

Yes,yes. Good goy, good. 30 shekelcents have been deposited to your account by your greatest ally: Israel.

Keep up the good work, goy.

Classic conservative talking point.

But that's not what I said, I said "Imagine calling yourself a "gamer". I don't know why you need to put words in my mouth to feed your victim complex even more, you drooling retard.

A gamer is someone who plays games as a hobby.

Now I see why many call Holla Forums cancerous

He probably means games that require high specs

And a self-defined "gamer" is a fucking retard.

Fucking shit. I used to love him. It's gonna be hard watching his videos now.

Gaming is probably the lowest form of culture/art mankind has come up with. Anime is a close 2nd.

What's wrong with defining one's self by a hobby - which is, after all, what one spends their time doing whenever they have a choice in the matter? Certainly it shouldn't obscure one's understanding of their class position - but at the same time, our class position will be abolished after the revolution.

I'm a gamer and a prole, but I'd rather just be a gamer.

Games aren't art and games that try to be art fail at being games and being art.

A lot. It's very pathetic and means you must not have much of a personality.

Please, PLEASE, be satire

Answer the question: Do you also have disdain for all the other people involved in the hobby, the programmers and designers?

Better to be neclbeard than a liberal egotistical loser with toliet paper degree.

I don't care if you deny being liberals, you share the exact same core beliefs as they do.

If you'd bother reading the thread or reading between lines you'd realize I clearly do not. I don't even have a disdain for people who play video games, I think the label "gamer" is almost idpol at this point.

Defining one's self by a "personality" is even worse; no one does so honestly. When people try they usually just end up claiming whatever traits their society notionally values, whether or not they actually possess them.

i love what this thread devolved into

Don't responding to him, he's a dense retard if he also didn't complain about the "artist", "binge-watcher", or "hobbyist" label.

Why did you take out your flag mr. "I'm a gamer before I'm a prole"? Did you stop being a socialist? There isn't a gamer flag sadly.

A PC would still be cheaper if the purpose is to play games that are graphically intensive.

Empire of Dust only points out the naivete of the assumption that imperialism is beneficial. Machines and infrastructure are useless to people who don't know how to use them; the practical aspect of running a modern society is not simple. The director himself attested to this.

The only reason the film is popular with rightists is because, unlike the numerous other films about Chinese neocolonialism, this one focused on individual characters which lets them masturbate to a black man's professional incompetence.

Blasphemy. Anime is the highest form of art.

This, most console games look horrible compared to computer games

Artist actually create. Hobbyist or binge wacther identity is equally cringe

fucking lol

Wait wut?

I'm not the same user and I don't play videogames as they've become politicized, expensive, and sparse in content. I'm just calling out retardation for what it is.

this is how i see many of the /r9k/ and Holla Forums tards that come here, incredibly useless to the revolution and probably only look after themselves

The fact that you were ambiguous about the thing that they create proves that they don't do much.



Same as .

You're letting your cultural prejudices get in the way of building a revolutionary movement.

Can I be your friend and call myself a cineast? Or do I have to refer to myself as an movie-watcher person who is totally not one of those loser cineasts?

you aren't exactly making your case in this thread lmfao

You're not wrong but I'd unironically trust nazbols over weebs. Not him tho.

If you're someone who spends a considerable amount of time playing video games then I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with calling yourself a gamer. It's simply a method of legitimising video games as something to do as a long-standing recreational activity, hobby, or in some cases, as a job. When people unite under a label they've chosen for themselves rather than one that was pre-determined, is it really idpol?

It's kind of the same with 'otaku'. The word was originally intended, and still is, as a term of derision, but the same people it was meant to offend reclaimed it as a bel a la Anno with the likes of Otaku no Video and the general subculture of the anime fandom from the late 80s to early 2000s. Likewise, the term 'weeaboo' is from a PBF comic that moot used as a wordfilter on 4chan for wapanese (i.e. a white person who thinks they are Japanese) in the mid 2000s because he was mad that people were calling him and other former ADTRW users that. But, of course, weeb stuck around and is now mostly used as a self-depreciating term amongst weebs themselves.

I don't have a problem with these labels to attach yourself to a community or subculture you like. I'm not going to stop using them because I don't believe in this guilt-by-association SJW bullshit that just because there are reactionaries who use these labels, I'm aligning myself with them if I do as well.

If you don't like the subculture of otaku, which is largely determined by imageboards, then why the fuck are you here?

I don't feel like I'm being persecuted personally or anything, I just disagree with you. Characterising people you as self-pitying, regardless of whether they are or not is a right wing tactic.

I agree with this, actually. Far point.

This image is obviously cringeworthy, but there were a decent number of good points that were being made by the GamerGate crowd about the gaming industry in general and the growing amount of idpol and censorship infiltrating the community - it's just a shame that Holla Forums latched onto it and anti-GamerGate posters were so retarded that it ending up pushing people to the right.

Calm down, Jesus fucking Christ

define "art"

Yeah, "us gamers" is definitely idpol by now.

Holy shit, how did I not see this perfect post? Thanks.

I have never seen a nazbol who wasn't a weeb


Those are ironic nazbols.

They create for the people that you despise. But that's okay in your view, you view it as productive because they get money.

Capitalism is your identity. You always agree that doing things is fine, as long as it is for money. Doing things for money is all that should matter, no matter what the activity is. And you disdain when activity happens that is not in exchange for money. You love the whole production process until it reaches the point where it goes to the consumer. At this point, you frown, and hate it. Producing pancakes would make you happy as long as there were nobody to actually eat them. If only a robot would pay you money to make pancakes sixty hours a week and then throw them all in the trash, then you would be a very happy person.

nice paragraph filled with shit you pulled out of your ass lmao


There's a way in which that's utterly true - I cringe at GGers rallying to the defense of prominent youtubers or developers who don't need the help, or ignoring strikes within the industry. I got into it because I was furious at shit like industry blacklists and paid "reviews" - and I still am, but GG these days would rather whine about e-celebs saying something they dislike than build the popular momentum for even the reforms they started out fighting for, let alone to do something about the economy which turns most of us into NEETs.

But one must also be cognizant of how idpol develops, and understand that the alternative is not raging at people for how they define themselves or demonizing subgroups of the population (which is itself a form of idpol), but connecting the problems they face to the broader class struggle and joining hands with them for the liberation of all.

If they pulled it out of their that would explain why it's filled with shit

Suddenly this makes a lot more sense.

Contentless eceleb thread #9324866492178

You're an idiot.

Can't blame a fat nerd that makes money for doing nothing objectively useful to society for defending caputalism tbh

Useful=useful for capitalism.
Your post is pure ideology.

There's hardly anyone as a percentage of the population who make things that are "objectively useful"

Nigga I've been on imageboards and textboards since fucking 2005, no need to give me a history lesson or ask me why I'm here. Actually, asking me why I'm still here makes a bit of sense…

Fuck, now I wonder if I just grew tired of those retarded labels and imageboard culture due to overexposition.


Alright man, I still think the labels can be useful in certain contexts so I think we'll just have to disagree about that, and I do still think imageboards are better than the rest of the web at large, but I can see what you're coming from. I think I saw a couple of good posts from people with your opinion on/leftyweebpol/ which is actually a good board if you cna withstand the label.

Did anyone else see that stream where Destiny had a debate with Sky, Siv, and TotalBiscuit about female streamers and came across like a total dumbass? Did this guy improve his debate skills yet?

Game journalism companies (with the collaboration of a disturbingly high number of journalists) organized industry blacklists of quite a few journalists and independent developers, it's a large part of what kicked off Gamergate. The blacklists were mostly done on the basis of ridiculous personal grudges, and occasionally on the basis of running stories too critical of certain companies.

(I wish I had a good write-up somewhere but I haven't kept up with GG in a while and didn't bother copying over my bookmarks, if I ever had one I've since lost it. Ask around on Holla Forums if you're curious I guess.)

Good for your mental health.

This is your brain on Holla Forums


Holy fucking kek Jontron is such a fucking neckbeard.

Holy shit, I thought Destiny was the ultimate liberal but he blew him the fuck out


From business's standpoint it's not a bad move.
Identitarians are a very captive and juicy niche market. It makes the best brand loyalty.

Better having 100's of loyal customers than aiming at a broad and volatile target demographic.

How many largely interchangeable gaming personalities can spew the same banal views presented with the same memes before it's no longer "niche" though? At some point you're just not offering anything new.

that's why you gotta be the first, and when it gets dry, you find another identity to adopt.

braise gapitalism and its efficiency :DDD

Never underestimate the power of narcissism.

I almost feel bad for this fucking idiot. His entire livelihood is his brand and popularity online. Was it really worth it to go out and champion white nationalism? Would he really benefit that much from it? There really are a handful of tech guys in Silicon Valley that are hard reactionaries with good, high paying jobs who largely remain anonymous because they're already rich. They might sincerely believe in white nationalism or some kind of sci-fi dystopia of tech aristocrats controlling the world, but they aren't going to ruin their careers over it because they are already rich! They live just about the best life they can right now!

Jontron has just about everything a creative type could want. Self-employed as a content creator on YouTube with millions of fans. And he thought it was worth it to alienate himself by defending white nationalism on some dude's twitch stream?

When you are being this fucking stupid, I can't help but feel bad. Jontron is just an idiot, he needs to read a book. Read one book on colonialism, and see if he still has the balls to be like "yeah, it turned out great for them".

And look at the Islamic society now… how is this information even relevant? Whitey's fault that Islamists are antisemitic?

We are officially living in the worst timeline

You disappoint me

mein gott

The problem is modern idpolers don't actually go at each other's throat and remove each others, but whine how oppressed they are on social platforms and spread their retardation.

Yeah and that's where we get our niche of selling pure anti-idpol to normies. After they've been inundated with the same tired argument from both sides for the millionth time

We have to find a way of making it more than a niche tho.

Here's a link to the full debate on YouTube. It's 2 hours long so strap in.

Why would you want Destiny on your side?

He's probably trying to cash in on the edgy racist kid demographic.

Why not? I welcome anyone becoming socialist


1.Any liberal becoming a socialist is good news
2.If part of his audience look into socialism out of curiosity it's even better.

For the people who don't want to waste 2 hours, there's a tl;dw quote compilation on JonTron's subreddit which is roasting the shit out of him atm

Yeah, but it's Destiny. He's a completely unlikable cunt who comes across as a total autist. Why would we want to be associated with him?

LOL jfc rip career indeed jon

In a world where enough people advocate socialist ideas for it to have tangible effects irl, not only is it likely, but also entirely necessary, for people you don't like to like socialism too

The entire academic system is infected.

When you convert a popular figure you could also convert many of their fans.
It's in the third post you referenced.

Because that's all they talk about.


I'd still drink a beer w/ Jon, he's a comedian and one I've enjoyed watching for a while. Anyone criticizing him without watching any of his content should relax and start up a jontron playlist.

Struck a nerve?

this is your brain on breitbart

Also fucking lol'd at the "ok well jim crow happened recently for black communities, so what's the muslims' excuse?"

The two only good things he said in all of the fucking stream:
Absolutely everything else was embarrassingly retarded and I almost feel bad for him.

Also lolling hard at the redditors saying "Jon won" or "nobody won". Come on dude.

Fuck, none of the vidya channels I follow are reactionary, and if they do, they don't sperg on twitter, more often that not they are liberals.
The only close thing is some dude enjoying that Trump Doom wad (that was totally not made as paid viral marketing, coming from nobody out of fucking nowhere) or that shitty moonman wad a little too much.
On a unrelated note, Holla Forums has been fucking /vr/ more and more these last months, it even has 8/pol/ shilling openly last time I checked

We MUST colonise vidya boards with leftism to fight this cancer.

I don't know how it can be achieved but we must show the gamer another way.

Never made it as pro-gamer
I couldn't cut it as
a memer stealing
tired of living like a lamer
I'm sick of wins without
sense of achieving
And this is how you rewind me

This is how you rewind me
To where I really were
This is how you rewind me
To what I really am

Hipster's won't be sorry
to sacrifice gameplay for story
but they are mistaken
For handing me
A game worth breaking
And I've been wronged
I've been down
Into the bin's bottom of every gamestop
These five words in my head
Are we having fun yet


Just act normally and naturally post your ideas and thoughts on those boards, "colonization" is fucking stupid and brings nothing but shit to this board.

If I tried to do that I'll just be like HURR DURR FUCKING SJWS, GO BACK TO TUMBLR etc.



How do we subvert Destiny?

Yeah and by attempting to colonize them you'll feed their victim complex. I'm not sure "recruiting" people by feeding them memes Γ‘ la Holla Forums is something I'd like, makes me think they're mentally weak if their ideologies can change so easily.

At least by being sincere some of them might go through an actual and lasting change in thought.

He was pretty chill in the leftypol convo, I think he might be receptive to leftism. Would be a big boon if we could turn him. Someone could offer to discuss with him on leftist issues again.

I've got a bad feeling the furthest he could get is turning into an /r/socialism-tier tard

As long as you don't sperg out yourself, you can still give a good impression to silent lurkers and taut te curiosity of some of them.
Also, you can't seriously expect anyone to admit they are wrong about their ideas and start patting you on the back for correcting them on an anonymous imageboard.

He's said before that he leans conservatively, its just american conservatism is so retarded its hard for him to identify with it.

Zizekposting goes unnoticed by Holla Forumsyps, and you can use Hegel on new vegas threads.
I also bet that some easy to digest wolff would do wonders.
Don't forget that 4chan has a huge user turnout rate, the 4chan of 2 years from now will be a completely different beast.


What does it say about those of us who have stuck around for a decade?

Destiny is petit-bourg, I doubt he will ever consider himself anti-capitalist

I don't want to think about it.

Holy fuck that's pathetic

We're reaching bootlicking levels that shouldn't even be possible

Speaking of which.

Didn't they have a bunch of terrorism in the 90's?

I remember 4/v/ being somewhat anti-capitalist when I used to browse back in 2011-2012
How is it possible not to know how shit their society has gotten? I thought everybody has heard of hikkis and herbivore men.

Fug, meant to

Japan may be an autistic country where everyone is alienated and depressed, with an extremely high suicide rate and no desire among young people to date or have children, and a nontrivial portion of society are shut ins, but hey, at least its Ordered with High Trust and High Autism Level, women know their place, and there are no niggers!

t. typical reactionary

I wonder about the viability of making a "will to live" index or something. Like, it takes in consideration average material wealth, subjective happiness, degree of alienation and community, rates of drug abuse and suicide etc etc. The Repugnant Index.

Koreans fill that role in Japanese society but of course it doesn't count since gooks are all the same…

That would contradict the capitalist narrative that material wealth is the only measure of success and happiness, so that won't happen in an official capacity.

He's got the tard part down already.

So has JonTron been fully doxxed yet? New York antifa needs to get involved at this point. Youtube celebrities need to learn that fascism is not a joke.

aww come on man, he's just misguided, dont be a dick.

No he's trying to make a buck off of reactionary ideology. He needs to be forced to reconsider.


Are you fucking stupid? So making money off USSR imagery should be totally cool?

or people should just not make money under capitalism.

Tankies are so fucking retarded jesus christ

dox r/soc mods instead or something

be useful, not buttmad that youtube is full of retards

yes if its for the purpose of detournement :^)

The USSR was the opposite of reactionary.

Go false-flag elsewhere, Holla Forums

Jesus you are literal children. I feel like a big brother.

You are the child here.

Just checked r/Jontron and everyone there is mocking him for his beliefs and telling him to shut up and make more funny videos about vidya. Looks like the problem is solving itself.

…or to the left.

Sargon and Richard Spencer are atheists, but atheism doesn't stop beliefs like that

The existence of diehard neoliberal "internationalists" proves that wrong though.


Neoliberal internationalists live in a lot of different places, but they only meet the local porkies. You'd hope Pewdiepie's experience on the web, without the filtering involved in universities or upscale enclaves, enlightened him a bit. (and despite your jab, "neckbeards" actually tend to be fairly enlightening in that regard; the people the system sees as defective leeches offer a very different perspective than the ruling class.)

But probably not; there's talking to people and then there's *knowing* people, and he's rich enough that grasping his material interests doesn't mean taking our side.

underrated post

Porkies acting in their own interests aren't "spooked". They just have interests entirely counter to the working class.

Destiny uploaded it to his youtube channel, so I listened to it

Jontron is a waste of oxygen. Why does he pretend to be able to argue for anything?

Lel JonTron's sub count is decreasing

oh wow it's almost by the second

just watched the stream and it was even worse than it sounds. Near the end Jon says that there is no discrimination in America and that Destiny wants to have a thought police for disagreeing.

Why are so many youtube celebs trying to cash in on the white nationalism meme?

There's no money to be made in it so there's no "cashing in" really. Also name another one besides jontron. If you say pewdiepie you're a tool.

But I thought that for the SJW crowd non-whites cannot be racist, after all, he's half iranian half hungarian :^)

j/k but seriously you can't expect a youtube game commentator to be acknowledged in politics.

Nice try poltard. If you spout fascist bullshit you are basically a fascist and deserve nothing short of fucking death. Poverty is too good for you faggots.

Of course. However fascist sympathizers must be destroyed no matter how aware they are of their own ignorance and reactionary behavior.

Stop. Holla Forums tried to meme pewdiepie being a nazi into reality and got a high leg up by journalists who want to *make* news, not just report on it. There is no trace of fascism in pewdiepie a videos and he is not a neo-nazi.

Pewdiepie is not a nazi.

I for one have enjoyed the sjw engage in Holla Forumsesque debates over whether Iranians are white.

They're both idiots is how I see it, Destiny started strong but near the end he went with the whole "hurr Iran is different from Saudi Arabia" no shit you idiot that's what Jontron was saying the whole time with his whole muh tribalism meme. You were winning already you moron.

Nonetheless Jon spent the entire debate deflecting and avoiding coming off clear as to what his views on blacks are, saying he feel trapped, why even going into a debate then if you're not going to be honest and say "yeah I think blacks commit more crime because they're black"? Like if that's what you think just fucking say it and don't waste everyone's time just having everyone read between lines, you read between lines is clear he's racist, but he is so vague that if you accuse him directly he'll be just like "ay ay ay I haven't said anything racist."

For me they both go to gulag, Jontron for being racist, Destiny for being a liberal. Also sage because fuck Holla Forums coming here.

This hits too close to home. Jon is me from an darker timeline where I didn't go hard left. Leave this poor kid alone.

I unsubbed. I'll wait till he matures. His content is still hilarious but his mind is fucked up reminds me of me when I was a Holla Forumstard and I cringe.

Turns out his parents were right to treat him so harshly.

Shame they didn't finish the job.

You're a fool if you don't think this abuse created his ideological perspective

No his economic class did. I was abused in a very similiar manner growing up. However my family was poor and so was I so I never dabbled in fascist bullshit. Jon is just a fat rich boy who has never bothered to associate with actual humans outside of his muh privileged bubble and so is of course sympathetic to fascism. He needs to be brought down to earth.

turns out their parents were right

I dunno, maybe freudposter/lacanigger can shed a light on his case.

RIP Jontron's career 2010-2017

May he be remembered for fucking himself

This is worse than his Daikatana review.

I think he is funny & I used to be a dumbass who believed in the same spooks he does right now. People change. I hope he wises the fuck up and does.


Some of them read books, but they only specifically select for things they are sure will be in line with their specific viewpoint that they have encased themselves in and will drop a book the instant it deviates from their subscribed ideology.

You mean the Aum sect? IIRC the second Mother game had a "Happy Happiest" sect that was a spoof of them, and in the mid 90s they did the infamous Sarin gas attack.

I think it's fair to say Japan has a slightly higher standard of living than the EU or USA. Look at the average lifespan. I don't think JonTron's comments on Japan are weird.

Problem is when you have multiple aspects going into a single score, how do you assign weights to them? If you don't assign weights, you can only make distinctions when some country A is no worse than country B in any aspect and better in at least one. I think average lifespan is the best, because stress and health of course have an effect on it, and I'm always paranoid about government fiddling with data to make itself look good. Results for economic growth depends a lot on how you measure inflation, age is very simple and robust against bullshit.

based stallman

No offensive, but when I read your post I imagined a concentration camp with big-nosed people inside and you are on the outside, saying
and next scene, the camps are as full as before, but more diverse, and you say

Move to this thread

Do we have any words if his contract with normal boots has been cut or his partnership with youtube terminated?

It is in the nature of the Jew to be a vicious schemer and no tool is too heinous for him. He is so shameless that he even prepares for debate and reads books. Holla Forums tried to warn you, but you pointed your fingers and laughed. Who is looking like a fool now?

This is just like when I am losing in a fighting game even though I am the more skilled player. Because I fight with honor.

Tbf the porkies of tomorrow will have the same dirt on them, or worst.

So it's all gonna even out in the end and FB posts are gonna replace nukes as mutually assured destruction

Well sorta, but the issue is, they control the press so they're safe. Same reason Porkies aren't being lynched right now, come to think of it.

Ignoring the means of communication was a mistake.

can someone make me a Destiny Pepe pls thx

are you talking about quentin?

Anthropologist that triggers stormniggers

look at this reactionary fuck