Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night?

was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night?
for every kiss your beauty trumped my doubt

and my head told my heart, let love grow
but my heart told my head, this time no, this time no

Other urls found in this thread:



Put in the mouth whole and swallow.
That's probably the only reasonable way.



i love how the door literally isnt there until she points it out

imagine what else could be missing from scenes he is in





jurassic park with robot cowboys

Yeah that came out kinda wrong..


its so great

This ends now.

I would shittalk gnar if not for darwin

toogood overload

It won't end until you come out in Cupcake's mouth.

she's right you know

i think delos wants to replace humanity

they keep talking about some sort of higher plan outside the park


I made a folder for bomb rat like 4 years ago.

I'm ready

haha hey everyone look im gay!


oh cool it works for a fullscreen

yeah I have no idea what's going to happen with all that but if they have that many seasons planned I definitely see things moving beyond the park and some crazy new world starting to develop

lol omg gay things!

You mean especially because of.

I'm good.

now you don't have to exit out of your porn.

usually I got a rectangle region anyway

just trying to get the rectangle effects working


you know it


No one likes Raichu.

shut your whore mouth


What show is that btw?


how shit how desperate can you get


You never know if you don't go
Never shine if you don't glow

I love that this site exists and I'll be using it forever now

Thank you master.

dude go outside

I used it successfully to find out about Keigo and Dfrag


but add 1000 layers of sarcasm.

we can only speculate what the outside world is like based off what people have said

man in black describing it as boring and pointless

maybe if a host does escape it'd be a bitter sweet worthless existance

btw when barnard looks at the photo of arnold is just a younger ford with his father and space on the right where someone should be

i think barnard is modeled after arnold and the scenes with barnard with dolores is actually arnold before he died

proud of u


yu-gi-oh something something
I dunno what's it called I lost count.
But it's the latest one.

Film when


Okay, open your mouth so I can stuff it closed. :3

Do you really have to space spoilers like that

thanks mommy

what do u mean?

put ur name on jerk

I will toothburs and bed and then

maybe tomrow

omg the post police is here


how rude.

holy fuck I think you have a really good point. holy shit HOLY SHIT. that also explains why he seems to have a special bond with ford even though he's a robot.


wait, aren't YOU the post police


Tomorrow tomorrow or today tomorrow?


Please forgive me master.

no YOU shut your mouth

don't read his spoilers you fucking peeping tom

goodnight neru

There's an irony to this considering how often you've gone user just to keep from being filtered.

dindu nuffin

curry police

checking your spices 24/7


Your whore mouth belongs to me tho.

Get over her dude. If she wanted to talk to you should would. She doesn't like you or me and that's why she ignores us and doesn't come here anymore. You need to move on.
I'm serious. here have this present

Soon enough I will hunt those fuckers again
SOON I TELL YOUI'll probably be gone for a month or two again and won't be able to log in as admin


wow grim. wow.

yeah so stay in your lane

he replaced arnold after he transcended his physical form to become a god to the hosts

I didn't even know this existed to want.
But I want it now.
Even if it doesn't.

I actually had to check some for cooking today
needed some coriander seed so I got some from a garam masala mix

He should still just be permabanned tbh.


I know the sheriff 8D


oh yea well i never pretended to be someone's lost love only to disappoint them!

speak 4 urself
ikaros and i are in love



if it belonged to everyone who tried to stake a claim on it I wouldn't even be able to close my mouth anymore.

well that just seems silly but maybe he managed to find a way to upload his consciousness into the park...

why you gotta be so racist brah

I am going to get cupcake to beat you.

leave me out of your petty squabbles, emma.

you gonna cry to him again?

iunno how else his influence is still around

talking to dolores

Are you implying mouths can be gaped by cocks?

Nah, but he'll remove you if you ban me for no good reason

I have multiple black friends who call me their 'nigga'

You better checked with your mom, or else you need to be ashamed.
moms are best cooks

Is that why you're so desperate to find and talk to them? You can't even tell which user is them when they do post here and you thought Test of all people was her just now. Get over it dude. If you truly loved her you would be able to tell when it's her.
Whenever I see the one I'm still tripping over post as user literally everyone on the internet I know it's her and we end up talking.

Check yourself

that's why I'm saying maybe he found a way to upload himself. which I guess is just a more rational way of saying what you said initially.

He would give up if I fought back and cum the second I hit him.

Oh no..

I think Sci's beyond the "okay" levels of obsession.

I cook better than both of my parents combined. I learned from my father and then incorporated my own kitchen experimenting to perfect my recipes.

Grim used to love emma, like manaka though emma was a huge whore and poor grim had to join the curry police in the hope he could heal a broken heart by strictly shaking down shady saffron dealers and racketeeing masala madia men.

"I have black friends so I'm not a racist LOL"


I think so.
at the very least I'm implying the workings of a jaw can be worn down to nothing.


I was gonna cook but I didn't have any milk or bread so I gave up.




I'm a girl ;)

I am the law


nah but seriously
I used to be really racist against welfare-abusing blacks

but now I just call anyone who does that a leech, problem solved


that would just be so soul crushing please dont make bebop remove me grim please im so sorry

he is GOD

ban is best thread girl

wow, that's actually pretty neat.

suck it

Sounds like a pretty good deal for him.

hey :)


Idunno those chicken hearts looked pretty questionable..

I crai errytime

shut up u dont know anything

im asexual :o)

I guess you dislocate the jaw and make it much easier to throat fuck them with virutally no resistance.

that face makes me uncomfortable
I'd be glad to have you over for lunch one day though


They can look as questionable as you want them to look
they literally melt in your mouth, they're so fucking good UNF

This is why you are a poor rapist
Guess work gets you caught

don't be crass.

yeah it's an economical problem, not a racial one.

we shall see...we. shall. see.

that sounds painful as hell.

after not sleepy bed reset cooldowns

too many homos in thread at once

But is it a good deal for me?

i'm not making bad deals anymore!

WE are ONLY gonna make GREAT deals from now on.

don't be ass

I got mugged at gunpoint for a metrocard when I was in highschool, and they were a couple of black people who lived in the projects across the little park. That stemmed my intense hate of those kinds of people


Dont be sass

actually I have a similar story. once while walking home from walmart with my sister some mexicans from schools pulled a fucking gun on us, but the retards did it from so far away we were able to just go down a different street and head home and call the police. but I've been wary of mexicans ever since.

if i push it on myself then i'm going to do it to others as well. everybody should fit my standards :^)

The black humor in that event was that I found my keys that I was looking for weeks for

by emptying my bag onto the ground, the keys that were buried in the bottom of it fell out

So I could unlock my door with a bleeding head

Yeah, actually. It's best deal you could ever make.

It'll be yearrrsss before you ever stumble upon a deal this good again.


Damn. I've had issues with Mexicans being drunk or abusing drugs around my school/home/work, bu never really had any negative interactions cuz they piss off when I yell at them

pls legibly define them here

I don't empathize with physical pain lol

Zed support check
Illaoi up next

Subscribe for more bronze updates

idk w/e


Riven support
I had one it was great

Prove it to me.

cupp irl


u irl

Atleast i dont get mugged by minorities
Enjoy your "freedom"

I can change that

read backwater as blackwater

>hates jews
so many people from here already fucked up on just the first one alone

so why haven't you done anything in the past few years to improve yourself? don't you know that being a neet is actually bad for you?!?


It's heaven down here
Anything works

Also I don't own Riven sadly. Shyvana maybe


of course

Could you please nit use that racial slur



that's kinda gay


I'm asexual.
That means I don't care for sex.

But I want to fuck Ikarous so much you have no idea.
But it's fine because we're totally in love.
She just never talks to me, and stopped coming around, and deleted everyone.

But it's fine.
'cos we're in love.

-t. Sci

i could make a legit list of things i believe everyone should actually have though. its how i base my opinion of people and if i am going to keep talking to them for very long

why not do something then?


ur kinda gay

hugs are fine too

you wanted to fuck lexi

thats all I need to say :^)

I see.

You ain't got shit until you go through Draven sup.

I thought that's what Pakis do there, too.

we talked all the time until she was suddenly gone ;_ ;

I just don't want you to upset grim

Pulling the lexi card out

tfw didn't get deleted on alt account and we cyber all day

hell yeah dude i mean when you don't know you're all in my nigga
you know i'm not the only one who got memed hard too right? :^)

you upset me half the time you post
I know you like to meme but the shit you say sometimes

i'll get around to it

Isn't it also the Bangladeshi?

At least you didn't get blackmailed



its alright i wanted to fuck her too

I'll get right on believing. :^)


That doesn't help anyone's case Moogs.

it would be cute if it was a female friend

I had the e-struggle snuggles


sure it does

Well, if i upset you grim, thats good. Because you need to MTFU

i thought it was coming on the fifteenth today but then it happened like a week and a half early

I can't Mexican that fritttatta up

not enough beaner within my soul

BEBOP IS SO FULL OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn son

I asked my dad about what to do about my wisdom teeth since the dentist said I should get a scan.
he argued he wasn't ever bothered with it for 30+ years so it should be good.

that's kinda want I want to do but it doesn't feel right somewhere

but also

I still have my wisdom teeth.

im gonna go watch anime bye

It doesn't matter really.


I agree with this notion

its not really a spoiler if you dont understand the context

she actually didn't delete my alt account though, but it's because i don't go on it much ever



i actually just used the bathroom so you're wrong lmao


oh, I suppose I can wait then anyway.
they ain't getting more of my euros

Get the xray.
If they're without issue, they won't remove them.
If they're growing in too closed/angled, they'll remove them.

"Natural health" is fucking retarded.

only like 5 people on Holla Forums have been able to prove they're pure white af through 'dna testing' shit
it's funny how many of those guys are suicidal now that they know they aren't pure and can't accept it

was meant for ban

American doctors will push to remove them even if they aren't growing in too close together, just for the sake of easiness and money

idk about euro docs

That's horrible
I'm pretty sure if I get a DNA test itll show I have some middle eastern dna in me, even when my parents know I'm 100% indian to the best of their knowledge. My facial features are pretty arabic and I get a lot of arabic greetings from people on the street/in businesses/from clients

I got the xray
looked alright.
but he said to go to another cause they know more.

we had a p big scandal about doctors taking more money or making more hours.
personally saw some as well.
fuck them




my father and aunt both did it, their percentages were way out from each other
i kinda wanna do it just to see but right now its not important enough

That face when 99%white

ugh its like 200-400 bucks

thats why I dont do it
get a fuckin ps4 for that money lmao

can you not

There's no reason to keep or remove them just for the sake of it.
Most people get them removed because they grow in horribly because they're relics from when our jaws were more accommodating.
There's no benefit to them just to have them so just rely on whatever the dentist/O&M thinks.

yeah exactly lmao
thats like . more money for me to throw in stocks

mine is gonna be a lot of irish for the most part besides indian

like I got pretty bad heart pain some years ago, regularly felt like I got stabbed. that went away

how can I rely on the dentist when he's known to overcharge and fuck with shit all the time.


are you doing well stockwise?

By getting a second opinion?

we only got a personal dentist
if I go to another they gotta transfer the documents and all.




yeah. i lost a little bit of money my first week but since then i haven't lost a penny. trump winning has been making my little green bars look more like gold to me based on how good it is

thats good
I wish I could have flipped on some of the stocks during election week

That's kind of how it is here.
Schedule an appointment with another dentist for a "consultation" or examination then fill out the authorization for that dentist to get your records before the visit.
See what he says if you don't trust your own.

is this all really worth the hassle though.

I might just not feel a thing ever.

It takes, what, two hours total?

holy shit its windy af

coulda and shoulda
i was telling Lenko to every single day for a month leading up to it and the fucker kept saying he didn't have any money to do it with
he gets a little bit of money and buys a new headset right where there were gains of 5x incoming and he said "it's too good to be true" even though he said he believed in it.
you can always start any time, just do research

I think I'll call in tomorrow.

Squash ur terrible

when are you off

Yeah, I can't argue with that.

10 pm. Same time as always. When I come here at lunch I am half way through.

man are you in for a surprise.
shit takes way too long.

i forget

actually. grim i kinda wanna tell you all the times just in the past 2months i have seen free money and how everyone i tell says "its too good to be true" and passes up moneyk

the biggest one so far was spending $200 to get $18k
so triggered

Is dental covered by the state there even if you're 21?
I figured you were paying out of pocket to begin with.
Then fuck, just get it done if you're not paying for it.

and it all costs that little extra

*jew hands*

It's fine. Someday I'll get a day job.


my insurance doesn't cover it.
because I'm a dumb ass siding with the corporation against corporatism and sending all profit to charity, whilst giving jackshit dental service. it's all my own money.

Face the cans to the front.



I'm only kidding

our jews got deported

I paid like $1000 to get mine removed.
Dental insurance is a joke here.
Like, there's no way it's beneficial to pay for it as opposed to just paying out of pocket since it covers nothing and does nothing.

you dont seem to mind

lol good
save your country while you can

Tokai's got a toothache?

that's adorable

I'll probably work factory shit my whole life.
No reason to really complain now.

I can't afford that.
I'm a student in debt with a volunteer job.

didn't do shit though, dutch people are just like jews.
they all immigrated here thinking they were getting cash but found out we're greedier than them.

I dont

good goy Toki


hey that's not me.
I got colonial blood.
sharing and volunteering for everything.

Wait. That's not right. Fuck if I know how much it was total.
Dental prices are way too expensive for people who can't even be real doctors.

I'm trying to build credit so I can go to school and learn how to run an arcade and repair shit.

heroes of the storm is a literal clusterfuck.



true that.
would be bad if I just wait it out until it actually hurts?

Thank you ,daddy.

dont forget it

sorry Im not even paying much attention

are you ever though

What a faggot

I remember everything.
I still need to collect.

Anyhow back to work.

That means they're impacted at that point.
I thought that's where you were at currently. If you're having no issue and the x-rays don't show them that to already coming in in an uncomfortable manner, then yeah, just wait.


ofc toki

I rarely do nowadays since threads are usually dead
It also doesnt help I'm usually stoned or drunk

I'm actually sober rn though

oh no, it's all okay now. should've specified.
good, means I can just wait and not deal with failed systems.

like when my granddad gave those leftover indonesians some money to get out of poverty they just didn't work for a year.
amazing people.

I get that.

wtf why


I have work in like an hr

Good news though, after today I'm off till Sat
We need to tc again and get you drunk enough to wear a skirt
Which shouldnt be too hard tbh

Don't be so down on Manaka and your fellow catshit-coffeekin.

Fuck you, Soto, you missed your chance.

i got a cool hat for free ^^

We already got toki in a skirt on tc
Tip aoto

Rip soto

What did I do now?

Nigga I was fucking there

oh ok

my drunk does not combine skirts

I have zero respect for actual indonesians.
dutch east india people here are all cool.
but those fucks at the islands are pure scum.

Then stfu u divvy cunt

Nee nee

I'll fight any indonesian
merdeka indonesia my ass

genocidal pieces of shit
Nederlands-Indie nooit vergeet

What about Manaka?
's a real sweetheart.

Nigga quit lying
I remember seeing you wear that red and black one while you chugged wine

wine chug is the shit

is it from Java?
cause they can nuke that.
Sumatra as well if it's from there.
Borneo is ok, flores and bali too.

but I did it before chugging

but I want that genji skin

I actually don't know where Mananka is from, honestly.

Jap traitors they are

fucking burned my ancestral home
death to them

then just fight your way through the shit storm bae

the next morning is shit though

Yeah, I know
I was trying to get you to lift your skirt

I honestly don't believe you own panties yet fam

beat my baby grandma senseless
terrible people

it matters greatly.
people from java are just neo imperialist pieces of shit. Sumatrans are all jihadis.
the rest just got caught up in the shit.

that's just allowed for one person

Wouldn't your baby grandma just be your mother?

They're a bunch of chain smoking jihadists.

I know some pretty well educated indonesians

they're nice people

Damn, thought I clicked on this thread, not Holla Forums

just assuming this is mine.
no, my grandmother as a baby.
she and her family got thrown in a jap camp.
and when the japs surrendered they got fucked by javanese for being part chinese.


enjoy them before they get shot for interpreting the quran wrong.

They're christian and well off

Rin said it was okay to show me

bet they're enjoying those protests at the moment

oh boy now you said it it must be true


wonderful people

Has Rin shaved his eyebrows yet?

man I love jakarta
*coughs on kretek smoke*
I wanna see all the sights
*gets blinded by smog*
I'll go find like a map for this shit
*falls on the ground because of mud roads*
*get robbed by a 6yo* tfoe belanda scum
awh fuck this man I need a drink
*get hacked to death by islamist mob*

Babe, bed time.

has your tumor returned yet?

it's actually kind of fun when you have no idea what the fuck is going on, but I imagine it'll get old by the time I'm on game 15. I'm on my 3rd game now.

Sweet dreams.


Ill go brush..

I was actually talking to Tokai, but good call.
'night, Lecherous Portugal.


who are you playing in it?


Btw I wanted to ask if you had this pic like 1 year ago but keep forgetting about it.

I was on a leave one year ago.
But no, thanks.


azmodan. I picked him at random and I'm just sticking with him. I like how he fucks up enemy towers and stuff, but I melt like butter when they notice me and attack with their whole team.

goodnight rin



good choice, usually I keep to syk, tyr and lili lol did decently with zarya too

syl even

I don't want to buy any heroes. I'm literally just playing the 15 games with friends and then being done.

oh probably a good idea, I mean there's a reason I don't play it often, though that might be cause I suck at mobas


hoi im home

Only mobas, huh.

I also suck at mobas! and just have no general interest in them. all I want is that genji skin. they made it cool enough that I need it.

I also am not great at rts but I don't play those at all really

it's quite the good skin, they'll probably start doing this a ton to get people to play all their games

rts's sucks in general.

ugh. I hope not. I'm certainly not playing wow or anything like that to get skins.

command and conquer called. they want you to stop spreading this lie.

this is true for a lot of them but there are really decent looking ones

that one is most unlikely, it's more likely that they use hearthstone and hots for that

Tell them to stop sucking so hard then.

They look good, fine.

Still suck.

I can't argue this I have not played any of them

but they don't. YOU SUCK

okay almost all of them do but shut up.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh I don't want to play that eiiiiiiiiiiiither

I've played many.

All sucked.

You suck far more than I.

I know the feeling, I really don't like heearthstone



how so?




Just is.

A figurative and literal technicality.

doesn't seem confusing

Wasn't confusing, simply curious.

huh okay then I guess



that's right. I win.

You guys like my good trip made by g-d's chosen ones.







i kinda wanna drink hard and do some shit with niggas
anybody here even play games though??

what do you want to play

Up for some Co-op E.Y.E.?

why don't we all ever play stuff together? I'm sure there's something the entire board could do some random night lol


itd just be overwatch or some lame shit like that

Let's play a game of spreadsheets.

don't like the idea?

too many of us for that, I was thinking something that can fit almost if not all of us. tbh I think we should have a closer group here

our tastes are too varied and i often feel too close as is

good luck tho

Something likeee Town of Salem maybe

most people here prefer not to spend time around certain other people

Not really.

But to be fair I don't think I'm here enough to qualify being on the board.

board game online can facilitate 32 people and has no set up or server host needed


i dont own it ;~;

idk tbh i have asked for everyone to do stuff but always bakas

tfw using excel more this year than ever before

well then

don't be so negative bae

exactly! you are great subs!

if we play a game they could fuck over their disliked peoples so it's a win win. plus it doesn't have to be played bur I think a lot would enjoy it. get drunk shoot the shit

I think you qualify trace, don't be silly you are awesome and a part of us here

good thinking too!

I can imagine but if enough of us push for something I think the majority will give in an join



i don't wanna play truck simulator in space right now and strongly prefer shooting the people with actual guns rn

the question is what to play though
since like, board games can kinda take a while and certain people wont like that

nah. i'm fapping ATM.

im not

i just prefer a small circle and i do play videogames with those few

i also am annoyed with and dislike quite a lot of people here so its better for me and them i keep interaction to a minimum

get ds3 so i can carry you

tfw VR isn't something everyone owns so we can't go play virtual pool or something

best girl of that show I really want this to be a thing now it'd be so fun! unrelated note, how is your day subs?

I'm sure cup would agree too so ye

this is true it would have to be one we can get through quick so like in 1 hour you'd get maybe 3+ games in

I know the feeling but still you could use the game to get back at them if you wanted. people get really bothered when you focus them

nah the majority of them i can act decently too and the silent bitterness is preferable to me

there is enough dumb drama regarding videogames imo

Just because he's the only one I talk to 90% of the time.

Awesome, I beat my all-time high score in osu
And had a couple good lectures, with no assignments due until Friday

legit want to play pool and all the places here are kinda shit plus its raining hard

i've been saying i'd play ds for forever now but never buy it when its on sale. i wanna go through from the start just to get a feel of how things have or haven't evolved in it

ss13 is like perfect for that but not many here even know what that is and i'd say maybe 3 would even touch it


do it please

but its like.. its so simple..

maybe when they come on sale

can people here not have fun drama? like when families "break" over monopoly lol

that doesn't change a whole lot, I didn't talk to many people when I joined but a good few people considered me part of it anyway

sounds great! good to see some nice people having decent days now like they deserve

I'm in the boat of not knowing what that is sadly

goddamn it

no never


this saddens me sebs.....

do I have to give you one of those roleplay hugs or something to get my point across?

If you wish for me to take you even less seriously.

youre the reason im not actually taking that trip to the islands or buying an m3/m5 soon

super amazing game that only kinda looks bad if you expect too much
usually ends in me just blowing up the space station everybody is in though :^)

lol sry
trying to attain as many shekels as i can right now and that means i need to not spend many

subtle help

dont be


m3>m5 though
that and i want an old one that i can just throw new shit in. i love that old look and they were hella good anyway and still blow people out of the water today.

My x key feels weird

it wasn't born to be tapped that much

wait why don't you take me seriously exactly?

lol that actually sounds pretty neat

but but sebs my vision is falling apart. I'll need my black robot to kill someone now

i dont get the reference

2months and 6days till i either get the job or get told to fuck off for ~6months. this is the only reason for me to dislike trump

it's p fun once you learn everything that is going on
that or just seems like insanity. its both really

cups was

westworld sebs, westworld

what door?

I bet you can relate
my face WHEN !!!!


WhatPulse says it has only been tapped 4 million times, that seems low.

Like, it doesn't click if I push it from the bottom only and you can wiggle the key with your finger a lot easier that I can with my other keys. Is it RIP?

nice digits. ye games like that are usually the best, like overwatch looks insane if you've not played it but once you get a hang of it fuuuuck is it fun

despite what you mean, I'd still say the blonde's doors. multiple times


i forgot you watched the show

You actually osu'd so much your key broke, that is impressive


Though take the cap off and see if it's busted underneath

I placed the order for that keyboard Dec 1st 2015...

This feels like a rip-off.

ah yeah true true. its not as easy/newb friendly to get into though(which is why i like it)

i guess i shouldn't judge/be too hard on ya
get a gud new one or just never use that key again lol

did it have a warranty?

It;s a blessing to live in this beautiful country

I'll have to find the box to get the cap puller but I already went to my room so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

It's only x so it's not like it's important.

Though I'll have to change my bindings for osu!...

Err, probably something dumb like 90 days.

Brings a tear to my eye.
Godspeed Serbia, you magnificent bastards.

i love that gun stat btw. its because of people like me that it is so high lmfao

lmfao feels good

you use z/x? i did for 4months and i broke mine from pressing it too hard
gaaaaay. thats why you get the extra 1/2yr warranty!

i dont even remember what this gif is but its in this folder so it has to be relevant

new phone who dis

kek its a gif of me

It's the default.


i actually didn't know this. for some reason though q/w was default
if you don't just click with ur mouse ur an plebi bet you use a tablet and don't even click with it :^)

so mean

I'll look into it a little later, sounds really interesting at the very least

Just use your fingers!


I use a mouse

I'll play with it tomorrow once I get home from school. I'm there until 5 though.

yes hi


why arent u pr0 yet then
also ur making me wanna play it but im garbage

salut grenouille

tfw you can see me on google earth ditching class outside the police station

gonna go do things. bye

I'm Angelsim


And starting at 8-9 or something, too? D:

Good afternoon.

what are you up to tonight?

hey gogga


Hey bard


how you doing buddy

i dont mean to be

Not good. How about you?


why live

the fuck? does he expect blood to come out of his dick or something? lmfao


it's kay bae, don't worry

10am, but close enough.




I am doing alright feeling a bit hungry I gope you get to feeling better oon :(

i remember going on there and asking stuff. looking back at it, i'm glad i didn't have the 'tism when i was younger

But why?

It's not going to get better. It's going to get worse and I just have to ignore it.

how was high school for you, Holla Forums?

pretty good for the most part but they keep telling me to leave since i graduated a few years ago
like hey i just wanna hit on cute girls???

the internet is awful i think i have autism from it now

Rip keyboard

I finally got a girl to give me her number but I didn't know how to text girls so I ended up negging her.

She did not turn into Niagara Falls so I cried for a week straight and transferred to another school.

8hug* itll be okay :(

truly one of the best/worst things we've created

$10 @ Wal-Mart. I'll go pick one up here and you just meet me at my house. Don't tell your bf though, he might get jealous.

i think mostly the worst b-but it'll be okay.......... right?

Every one of my piers was cancerous, I was cancerousstill am, the school fucked my schedule so much and the teachers didn't want to teach.

I went to an alternative schooling option run by the local highschool and graduated 7 months early
It was titties
2rd student out of there right after my friend
there was like 25 kids iin this school so it wasnt too stressful
we got food brought to us from the main school after we pplaiced an order in the morning. And the teahers there ran a snack bar thing you could buy hot pockets or pop tarts or sodas or whatever at
I even got some college credit done there

Oh, I was going to wait until Cyber Monday and see if I can snag a Das or something for cheap.

top wew
It's like you didn't want to work your ass off for something that would be completely meaningless and full of classes that wouldn't help you in the future.

the fuck

hopefully. i mean memes are easily the worst thing to come of it but people bringing them into irl things isn't AS bad as it could be

i bet u wont get a blank one tho. might as well get a corsairrr

That works. for me, a keyboard is a keyboard so wal-mart's would do.

It won't but thanks

everyone knew my name but i didn't know anyone elses name

i did the morning announcements and when someone would tick me off i'd find out their most hated song and play 3 remixes of it on the morning radio

besides that it was ok i won a few awards for being good with gun in cadet and also for being art awoo

that is true

get this bullshit
the year I graduated, they took down that school i went to and sourced it over to the new college building they built a half mile down the road
Now if any student went into that school system as a freshman when that college had that program there, they could graduate highschool with a full college bachelors degree by the time they finished highschool from the credits they earn in these programs they can enroll in

I'd just replace the keycaps with something more kawaii anyways

But mechanical tho.


all the girls my age want someone above 18
is this normal?

it's ok, i'm cancer too

sounds comfy
for me it's a lot of rigor, maybe too much rigor
basically i've taken and passed 4 APs and now they're throwing 6 more at me this year
everyone's smart there and it sort of sucks

gun in cadet?

You need the vigor to overcome the rigor

Yeah they're all sluts

triggered. if you do send pics tho cuz sounds neat

wait is this why theyre so easy now though? lol not that i know or anything

Cyber monday?

Telll those girls I'm over twenty

It won't be until december or anything though.

The Monday after Black Friday

ya i was in cadets so i shot gun and got military shoots



im sure you'll live to december so its k

hard to have the vigor sometimes
right now i'm procrastinating on doing related rates problems and that's not even mentioning all the studying i don't do
managed to do really well up to this point though

eh, i knew that much already
my school seems to be a split between the 'wait for marriage' types and the 'fuck random old strangers at party' types
not much of a middle
you can hit them up bard, weed and alcohol up your success rate even more

did you end up military-ing

15 hero of the storm games in a row.

not a terrible game, all things considered.

glad I never have to play it again.

Have you ever heard the sound
of a rubber ball breaking a window?


It's still like 2 weeks away!

I dunno, I just got a nose bleed and those are usually the sign of the apocalypse.

everybody's gotta go through school fella
just stick to your guns ti you get out
freedom will be that much sseeter

I have absolutely no fucking words.
That's bullshit.

im gonna start a support group for passive aggressive people and then come in and shoot up the place

Then I take it back. You can have it on black friday.

I'll be long dead by then.



you cunt

Why shoot it up yourself when you can just send in Bebop?

HAHAHAHAHA clips.twitch.tv/ninja/CourageousRhinocerosPuppeyFace
he's fucking speechless right now. holy shit lmao

really? the world must have ended a dozen times already because of me, no wonder its the way it is..

yeah that'll totally work.

We will rebuild you... but stronger.

because i'm the leader


No, just for me.

I'm not a robot!

good for those kids
But I never got that oppurtunity wtf

i guess
it's just really hard when the future is so uncertain from my perspective

of course, that's also an excuse for not getting over my inherent laziness

might as well finish those problems

RIP. bye bye

Are you sure? I couldn't tell.

i think we would work better as a team

you die first

wow. what a great idea. you're not a total faggot at all

They would never expect it.


Get lost.

what year are you in
2 more years for you?

I thought she was shitting out her vagina but it was just a black penis.

I can just see Cupcake sitting in the corner of the passive aggressive convention with a scowl on his face even after he's shot, just angrily staring at anyone left.

oh. true

so did he admit to making your throat hurt, after he woke up?

i didn't even notice the nigger dick



9/10 of all women

hell no!

You're truly a passive aggressive god amongst less angsty men.

Rolled 2 (1d2)hit up shkreli
hit up moot


is thread dead or is 8ch just broken


Hopefully both.

Deader than the feeling in Cupcake's extremities.


League is anime now

Post more bomb rat.

hi look at my favourite gif!!!!!


McFucking kill yourself.

I really really like this gif
Can I save it?

Oh hey look, it's my favorite .jpg

only if you do it with me daddy!!!!!!!! your squishie only gets the best uwu

yeah ofc it's a good gif

that's a good fucking jpg holy shit

Cute !! It's cute !!!!!



ur not very cash money


I hope you cause an earthquake that levels Toronto when you fling yourself off the nearest building.


That better not be Emma.

here it is with more frames cuz webm

i hope daddy is satisfied with his squishies little cummies! uwu


I'm just your average joe with an average job
I'm your average white suburbanite slob


the world would fucking end if that was emma


I like football and porno and books about war



Is it simply some other random Canadian?



I hope u like it's resting place



She isn't as random as she seems.

I lied

why don't you just shut up and sing the song, pal



HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes daddy

ido but now i must bed so goodnight to u too!!!!!!


bye oole

I thankfully forgot Dennis Leary ever was a "comedian".


I do not even know anymore.



I find him funny.



sometimes its best to just let things unfurl on their own


I was just remembering that.

There's plenty of things I like.

Stranger things have occurred, I suppose.

i used to identify as somewhat gay
I just can't do the cock


rare video of archives

hi 4m
sometimes a nigga just wants to get away

Yeah hopefully he keeps treating the press like this for his entire presidency; they earned it

do you think they'll let up? The media that is


Doesn't that count as bestiality?




They're showing no signs of doing so.

Ziggs is a Yordle you shitlord, a mammalian bipedal sentient being residing on Runeterra.


It looks like a midget in a fursuit.

Holy shit.
Test can be a yordle.


Enough about your sexual preferences please :c



How is anything but a furry midget?

Don't lash out at me because you know you love me and can't accept it.

The character, not you.
I'm not calling you a furry midget.

was this one posted here before?


I'd defuse those bombs :^)

I've posted it more than once.


Thats what I look like in real life.



Sleep well Grim.
That webm though.