Describe how your family views leftist politics

Other sister is a muslim worshipping idpol liberal who thinks she's a communist. She tried to convert to Islam once but my parents talked her out of it. Thinks communism is liberalism but with hippie communes. Gets mad when I say fag around her

Yeah, it's called being female.

My parents are solidly devoted classcucks who vote for the Republican party. They have banned any political discussion in their home because they are uniformed retards and get upset whenever their opinions are met with dissent.

Are they religious-right?

both my parents are marxist-leninists

Sounds autistic.

No, at least there's that. My mother grew up Catholic, but never goes to church, and my father grew up in a fairly secular household.

My aunt was a a Catholic socialist for a lot of her life, but she's a boring liberal now that she's old.

My dad is a vague conservative, if he was younger he's probably have been a right-Libertarian or something. Unfortunately, he watches a lot of Fox news so he is slowly being brainwashed further into that crap.

My mom is a Catholic first and foremost, on political issues she is usually an American Neo-Liberal, she bizarrely idolizes Bill Clinton. However most of the time she stays out of Politics and officially is in no party.

My older sister is an anime nerd girl who is vaguely into leftist politics, but at the same time I have heard her spout literal fash shit, she likes eugenics for example, and she is ok if we killed people in society which are unfit.

unsurprising family

Tell us when your sis kills herself.


Mom is died in the wool Marxist/Lenin advocate. Dad is republican with strong conservative views.

I have 10 siblings. I think you can figure out how their fights end.

Why are they even married, or are they?

Both are center-right people who followed a classic path here in my country:

They were poor, ascended to the middle-class with the help of a center-left government which they initially supported, after they made it they were sold into neoliberal ideology about how they pulled themselves by their bootstraps, started voting for the Right and now they always fight with their shitty left-wing son who wants access to the same right of free post-secondary education, welfare and public sector opportunities that they've had.

they're married because they are in love with each other. as much as i dont want to think about it, im sure the sex and other hobbies and shit they enjoy are a big part of it to.

Anyone here related to nationalists or fascists

What country are you from?

my dad is a dialectical anarchist czarist capitalist. my mom a Trotskiest primitive anarcho syndalist post modernist humanist statist. And I usually vote democrat

Such is life when you're petty booj

"What" ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in "What"?

like what?

My parents know I'm pretty lefty but I don't let them know too much. Mom still believes communism is unfeasible and repressive, and sees the Soviet Union as something evil that had to be destroyed.

She's pretty opposed to implementing single payer or an NHS in America because of memes she's heard about Venezuela or something

My mom thinks I'm a Trump Supporter because I tell her that the Russia thing is being exaggerated as a political moves by the libs

Is she educated?

My dad is a dialectical anarcho primitive market welfare statist capitalist. my mother is a trotskiest anfem statist malarkist. and i usually i vote for the green party

My mother and I talk shit about the rich normally and how the world is going to shit because of what the capitalists draining the earth for their profits. My dad is more apolitically nihilistic even if he is more quiet although he is lumpen. I think he wouldn't object to a leftist society though.
My mom definitely has leftist sympathies because of me.
They could both be Christian leftists.

You disappoint Engels with moronic statements like that.

My mother probably falls into that category. Like Holla Forums, it's not always easy to tell when she is joking. Dad is a fan of Ho Chi Minh. The thing is, she is undeniably the smart one. Boomers are weird.

Internet feminist liberal

Reactionary that hates Republicans for idpol reasons

Baby boomer Democrat, complains about Trump (used to watch The Apprentice all the time) CNN all day


My parents watch MSNBC every night. It's infuriating when I'm in my room and even when I close my door it's "TRUMP DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, LOOK HOW INTELLECTUAL I SOUND WITH THIS PAPER" from Rachel Maddow

Lol what kind of stuff does your mom say

Christian leftists are fine.

I was pretty much a staunch atheist through high school and first few semesters at college. Now you could be a creationist flat earther for all I care as long as you're class-concious.

This sounds just like my roommate who is a gay male.

I say 'bitch' 'cunt' etc. and he says stupid shit like 'fuck your patriarchical attitudes' but not even 5 hours later he'll be joking about 'niggers' and saying shit about rape like its funny.

He's the biggest fucking hypocrite when it comes to his own idpol horseshit.

And yet, he too thinks he's a communist. It's fucking dumb as hell. I take pot shots with him at right wingers still, but I never ever talk to him in any serious manner about leftist politics anymore. It's just too risky and dumb anymore. I just let him believe he's some kind of Marxist, but I don't think he has a fucking clue what he's talking about. He's in too deep with the anti-gun, pacifist Hillary crowd to get out of it.

He also regularly calls the cops on people in our neighborhood which has a reasonable number of blacks.

I mean, I don't mean to be "that guy," but this shit pisses me off because its like he doesn't even care about the fact that its only a matter of time where he calls some minor incident in and the cops end up jailing someone or outright killing them outside our house.

I'm not kidding when I say I DON'T trust cops and try to avoid them as much as possible. It's just fucking dumb that some people will dial 911 over the most petty things. He's definitely one of those people and it just irks me to no end.

Who did he vote for in the primary? Thats what really matters.

If it was anyone but Bernie he's trash.

Classic old people shit like, "Those Mexicans need to go back to where they came from. They come here, work on a farm, and now their kids are supposed to be Americans? I'm sorry, but just because their immigrant mothers gave birth to them here, that doesn't make them American."

Me: "Mom, that's literally you. Your mother came here from Germany to work on a dairy farm."

Her: "Oh yeah."

And I can never tell how much of it is just her fucking around.

I honestly don't know man. He might have voted Bernie in the primary, but he was all the way Hillary for the real deal.

Months after Trump's win, though, he went on this huge rant about how "things would be different" if Hillary would have won.

This is when I knew I lost him. He's doubling down on the nutty ass liberalism that got us into this fucking mess, and even worse, I tried to explain to him the pseudo class character of Trump's support and why Hillary got her butt kicked.

He seemed to almost deny that white people don't have it bad in certian parts of the country at some point. I tried to explain to him that yes, places like Pittsburgh and Appalachia are fucking SHIT holes and used to be industrial powerhouses. It's just nuts having to explain this shit to people, that they have no hope or prospects and are being left behind completely, and the right are jumping on them like fucking wolves to flame up racial tensions. And its working.

Its like talking to a fucking wall, bc he'll agree, then 2 hours later, goes back to defending Obama and Hillary like the D's and R's are *sooOOo* fucking different.

I honestly believe that there is not enough of a difference between the two parties for it to fucking matter much.

Between Hillary and Trump, I honest to god wanted Trump, because I want the 'honest' (non-Nazi) republicans to see him for the liar he is, and hopefully change their mind. At the very least, he is useful in that he is exposing just how fucked the system truly is for us all. Bernie did it for the Dems that were listening, and Trump is doing it for the Repubs that are bothering to listen as well. In the grand scheme of things, I view this as a GOOD thing for actually tipping over the chess board.

Back to Holla Forums, kraut

I live with my aunt and uncle.
Aunt is Luxemburgist.
Uncle is hardcore tankie.

Is he as cancerous as the tankies on this board who are basically Holla Forums at this point?

I don't know can I have some specifics? I don't come on this board much these days, I just happened to pick an interest in this thread.

There's some Tankies on this board who think Pol Pot and Kim Jon Un were good leaders.

meant to say are in the case of Kim Jong. Unfortunately the guys still alive


Ok friends let's get back on topic which is
My dad is a liberal lefty who loves local news, the weather and to defend his cheap healthcare to death. He is getting older and finding it hard not to rely on the government for covering his costs.

My mother on the other hand is very non-political and tries her absolute best to avoid it outside of my dad's opinions so she basically saves face.

I personally find that defending Obamacare to the death is the wrong way to go and we should definitely relinquish our obsession on insurance within the United States because it influences people to be careless because oh INSURANCE WILL COVER IT. I believe if Trump is worth his weight to classic liberals he'll keep Obama care as long as possible as leverage against cuckservatives while he looks towards dismantling exponentially rising prices in big pharma and the exploding health care bubble.

If it doesn't sound like I'm coming off lefty enough its probably because I'm not. Is there any right-wing ideas that some lefties endorse such as literally guns for everyone so we can prove once and for all the gun violence is more of a people problem than a the guns itself?

He certainly doesn't think highly of Pol Pot… he was the one that showed me how he was CIA. It's just that he is a big fan of Stalin's regime and will always defend him.
Maybe I should've said stalinist instead of tankie. My apologies.

Oh, look, it's a liberal. How cute.

You are the reason bourgeoisie feminism exists

I definitely enjoy my fair share of a liberal application to a good conservative ideas. Essentially I was raised non-political and lead to believe republicans were the party of the rich and the democrats of the poor. But now I've realized it's some big balancing act between the two parties to keep the ship of liberalism sailing. somehow I've predicted every new president since I was born, idk how really tho

Most anarchists and even tankies support free guns for everyone, only demsocs oppose them.

What's the difference between a demsoc and a socdem?


aren't demsocs essentially just like Nazis because knowing their ethnocentrism they wouldn't advocate guns for everyone except their own kind.

Demsoc = we can trick the bourgeoisie into ending class exploitation

Socdem = we can trick the proletariat into thinking we ended class exploitation

Both are often pro gun control

socdem = capitalist welfare state
demsoc = socialism

Working class socdem
used to vote labour until iraq, then voted green
hates the tories because they closed the government department he worked for
thinks that benefits are too high
re-joined the labour party to vote for Owen Smith
worried about automation taking jobs but his solution is for "corporations to realise they need to give people jobs"
Middle class liberal
was hesitant about voting labour in last GE because she thought Ed Miliband's wife was "too ugly" eventually came round after my youngest brother got his photo taken with the local labour candidate
Loves Sadiq Khan
has arguments on twitter about feminism (he loves taylor swift)
but also I saw pic-related in his room when I was moving some things out of the loft so idk. There's definitely potential.
likes sadiq
thinks trump is going to start a war with us
is like 9 years old

former syndicalist, now she is an liberal feminist idpoler that think she is leftist
old school socdem that hate the modern socdems and SJWs, probably easiest to redpill
liberal feminist idpoler

My mother is terminally wagecucked. And is constantly pushing me to take a job out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere just "for the experience". Even though it would take me a fucking hour to commute there, I'd hate everyone, they'd hate me and the cherry on top is it's an affiliate of GCHQ whom I fucking despise.

This post is like a sitcom.


Dad is a working class liberal but has the whole "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality and likes the idea of socialism but it "doesn't work in practice" and thinks it's all dictatorships and gulags and "when the gubbermint does stuff" even when I provide examples that it isn't.

Mum is a also a liberal but she sympathises with leftism in general.

Brother thinks the entirety of both sides of the political spectrum are stupid and is a centrist without even knowing it.

conveniently hitting the balancing point of being able to associate with both sides while simultaneously trolling both for his own personal pleasure, a nihilist who believes in the natural order of things and wants the government to help people as much as it stays the fuck out of his life. Sound like him?

More like just sits in his room and watches japshit after school. He's fifteen but i feel like most fifteen year olds have some semblance of a political stance. He's just outright stated that both sides are equally as stupid as each other. Probably believes in the horseshoe theory idk

My entire family is totally fucking classcucked. At least we're all becoming woke in terms of idpol, recognizing that it all just leads to division and pointless conflict. I'm arguably the most woke on this in realizing it's a class issue, which nobody else will acknowledge.

At least my girlfriend agrees with me on communism and other leftist matters, even though she still has a lot to learn. She develops crushes on guys she finds sexy almost too easily (her crushes include Alex from A Clockwork Orange, Jesse Eisenberg (especially as Lex Luthor in BvS), Loki, TDK trilogy Joker and Bane, etc), and developed a crush on Oscar Wilde when she had to do research on him for drama class. I immediately told her he's a socialist after discovering that he wrote "Soul of Man", and now it's on both our reading lists.

Is at least left wing. Would probably be down with a socialist government if he thought it could happen. Voted Labour until Blair then voted LibDems till they formed a coalition with the Tories now I think he's back to Labour. He said he likes Corbyn but he's getting a bit fed up with his lack of real action. Listens to a lot of left wing musicians as well.
Just goes with whatever really. Votes Labour every election mostly because I think it's just what shes used to and seems to dislike Tories. Kinda pointless trying to have a political conversation with.
Is like 13 so not really worth having a conversation with him about it. Mostly just parrots what me or my dad say. Likes to shit on trump though.

I think one of my uncles browses Holla Forums or some similar medium. Just a hunch based on the particular sort of vile he spews

Father is typical liberal

Another occasion

They can all burn for I care

Don't ask, don't tell.
Frequently rant about capitalism, bosses and how Robespierre set a good example. Both laborers, one retired due to being crippled in a workplace accident.
Not explicitly socialists but rather pro-nationalization socdems.
Class conscious at least. Died before I could talk any depth of politics with them.
Mostly laborers and supporters of socialist parties, apparently.

we're Russian immigrants, left in mid 90s when shit was hitting the fan.

Grandfather sometimes idealized the USSR, how he could buy himself a car every year if he wanted to. He was also state employed and his father was a member of the party.

Shit's fucked brehs, don't think I could make any of them vouch for genuine leftist tendency. family is a spook anyway


You all weird me out