My shitty opinion

When I first was introduced to this place, I thought it was for 4chan communists. Basically, people in line with 4chan ideals but who also believe in communism.

But recently, this place has become more and more of a SJW haven. I don't like it.


fucks sake, right, why has it become an "SJW haven" then?

probably because there's a moderate respect for women and we don't hate minorities

cept for the nazbol gang, but we love em anyways

we still have nazbols if you want to edge it

I guess its because we can talk about feminism without screeching autistically

It was
What does that even mean?
I don't deny reddit has greatly harmed Holla Forums but we're nowhere near SJW in any aspect, pretty much every other leftist community on the internet hates us.

It's unironically because of a massive influx of redditors. All you can do is argue against their bullshit.

Fuck sake if you're going to samefag at least change you flag.

That's just embarrassing.

Translation: people don't say niggers and kikes every 5 words, so they must be sjws


shit your right. shut it down lads, cant be having that.

Anything to the left of Holla Forums is "SJW" to them so I don't know why you even bother asking him.

not the same guy, theres more than one red flag poster here

I am convinced you keep the nazbols around simply to keep up the sexy aspect of socialism.

Ah yes the old "i dont like something because it became more popular" arguement.
…yeah? sorry, was that ment to be a point on it s own or? you do know where you are, right? this is a politics and discussion board, youve just described every thread.


And made by a Holla Forumstard, amazing.

It's not about reddit's politics, it's about their mentality.

i still havent managed to identify a "redditor" per say, i often get accused of being one though. mabye because i like to talk about the outside world and equate my real world experiances.

What is the reddit mentality?

No, it's the "another website has sent a large migration here because of drama and the posters are easily spotted because they post completely different" argument.

sup, how ya doing

Being a liberal. Like someone from r/socialism. That's all.
Sadly like any term the definition became more and more loose, just like with "idpol".

Nigger what?

using unnecessary lines like

lol, tongue and cheek shitposting is reddiotr behaviours now? fuck, fun is banned

I wish.


Most people here hate idpol with a passion, it's a diversion from class warfare. We hate SJWs and Holla Forumstards alike. Identarians are porky's allies.

It's more than being a liberal. Liberals are shitty but redditors are worse. They have an entire mindset and culture that infuses everything they engage with.

Too bad that passion makes some retards think anything even tangentially related to race or whatever the fuck is """idpol""", and it only works against us because it makes actual idpol harder to attack since they're turning it into a buzzword.

Lots of us, actually. I wonder why

whoda thunk leftypol was filled with socialists huh? sheer coincidence i suppose

I'm always amused when I am referred to as a 'redditor' as my internet home is actually an obscure former Pokemon forum lol

Yes, leftypol, the place where there are weekly threads on "will I be assigned a gf under communism" and "can I be a leftist and still be race realist" is a SJW haven.