Im a covert member of an anti-feminist facebook page, the only real reason as to why is to giggle quietly to myself then realise its not a joke and get sad. Recently however ive seen a steady rise in a certain type of meme theyre sharing (suprising enough, these guys are so collectively intune with their beliefs they transcend discourse and jump straight to memes) and theyre old school macros of women saying something to the extent of
"i can slap you when im upset, but you cant hit me because your a woman beater"
Mix and match some words here and there every time, essentially its men complaining they not allowed to legally knock a tooth out of their partners.
Granted, the page is young men so the violent undertones are somewhat understood, however i do feel uncomfortable with this argument. Is there something to be said of the anti-feminist movement and a violent, near-patriarchal ideal of how men deserve power, rather than a legitimate critique of the third wave?
Woman beating
Other urls found in this thread:
Women aren't generally accepted to be allowed to hit men, it's a meme in itself. You should be allowed to give a backhand to a woman that slaps you, I've seen people get away with punching them in the face when they do but I think a slap is pretty pathetic and you just need to make a point.
Sage because feminists and MRAs are a pretty much spent force.
Personally, the only thing I think Holla Forums has right is it's anti-feminist sentiment. Nobody against third wave feminism wants the right to beat women, that's just silly. People are just tired of the bitchyness of these new feminists. They want to be sexually liberated and push these ideals on other people. You can be a leftist and like conservative social values.
why are you okay with hitting women?
also no sage because there are anons here who buy into mad garbage about feminism being some weird oppressive force certain to take their freeze peach
im sure Holla Forums would like to have the right of not being convicted for domestic violence. Strawmanning the third wave as bitchy is misguided, as is thinking its about sexual liberation, when thats actually a smaller part of its aim, societal equity between men and women.
Women don't deserve special treatment. Violence when unnecessary is never right, but it's not anymore heinous when done against a woman.
Pls go back to reddit or lurk long enough to understand board culture and change your shitty opinions.
Id say its pretty low to hit someone significantly smaller than you, especially women.
And as for the second point, i dont have to justify how long ive been posting for to you, that "freeze peach" comment was a pisstake.
ad hominem. not an argument
i don't think certain behaviors like social promiscuity should be normalized. If you look at this chart based on a medical study the more sexual partner a person has the more mental illness they have. They also have an increase chance of failed marriage
It might be low but it's not any worse.
It's a reddit meme meant to denigrate free speech. Unless you're trolling it shouldn't be used in actual discussion.
i was trolling so you can untie ya knickers, bud.
Only if you help me ;)
Bourgeoisie institution fit only for the scrap heap.
despite the flawed statement, the only mental illness shown is depression, whilst i can see from the evidence that thats true, the rest of the charts given are fairly understandable. Your also implying marriages are an inherently good thing which is wrong.
It also shows that starting sexual activity at "12 and younger" increases overall promiscuity. In other words, there's a substantial part of their pool whose promiscuity probably bears some relation to their having been raped as children. I'd suggest that if we're to relate the two, promiscuity is more likely an effect of depression than a cause.
semantics is not an argument
Yes. Promiscuity leads to depression which is a mental illness.
Monogamy is healthy. The older you get your quality of life drops if you're single.
This is also technically true.
why is quality of life higher for people who are married at an older age?
dude, you have got to see "the more mental illness" doesnt make sense as a statement. Just because there was a mental illness charted, it doesnt mean promiscuity causes mental illness in general but the specific ilness shown, e.g. depression.
The site you linked talked about marital status, not any sort of non marriage based monogamy. You have to also realise your quality life drops with ageing, because FUCKING OBVIOUSLY. Lonlieness is an issue amongst old people, not because of a lack of monogamy but because being lonely fucking sucks.
It doesn't actually say it causes depression, either as far as I could tell.
Because living with someone who loves you usually means they encourage you to take care of yourself hence living longer, not because of some mystical power of monogamy itself.
that is a fair point, correlation and causation and what not
I don't see a problem with that. If you hit me, I'm going to hit you back. I'm not a sexist that doesn't hit women because they're women, and yes, I'm going to hit you as hard as possible, because pulling punches because someone is a woman is sexist. Now, if you want to be civil and yell childish insults at each other like adults, then no hitting necessary.
dude youre fucked in the head. dont hit women.
The fuck is your problem dude? I've seen women half my size take people down, go moralize elsewhere, virtue-signaling fag.
Are you implying that women are weak or something, you sexist pig?
Yeah, nah. You're a sexist cunt. You know who it's especially low to hit? Children. There's never the same knee-jerk outrage when someone hits a kid, but if a man slaps a woman who slapped him, there's a good chance he's gonna be rushed by a mob of other men.
It's funny because the attitude OP is putting forwards is essentially neo-patriarchy. Except that rather than an individual man being responsible for/"owning" individual women it's men as a group that are being made out to be responsible for every woman.
This is all that needs to be said on the matter. Anyone who disagrees with this while claiming to support equality is a liar.
That's correct.
Social conservatism is the entire problem with feminism. You do not have the right to dictate what other people do on their own or with other consenting individuals.
You should be allowed to hit women in self defense. I don't see why you're defending liberal feminists. It's exactly this kind of sentiment that let's so many women get away with female on male spousal abuse.
Most women could probably kick my trap ass. Women are strong fam.
What are you even talking about that isn't even remotely connected to what he said
Don't start nothin', there won't be nothin'.
You wanna start somethin', there's gonna be somethin'.
I wish there were a bunch if graphs that showed how alienated men become when all they do is jerk off to their 2d waifus and browse imageboards in most of their free time.
best fucking response to crypto-MRAs who try to establish some golden rule of promiscuity = mental illness using correlation graphs. made me laugh irl, thanks user.
yes, which is why I honestly have just as hard a time interacting with anti-feminist dudes as I do with muh muh privilege idpolers. at least idpolers have correctly identified the fact that most minorities have lower qualities of life on average due to socioeconomic factors, even if I find their political views contemptible; anti-SJWs, on the other hand, are busy sticking their fingers in their ears and pretending everything's fine, no, that straight white men are actually under threat for their identity. it's identity politics with any arguments remotely relatable to the real world removed imo.
I guess you can be a social democrat and be a spooked retard - socdems are leftists, right?
Opposition towards feminism has always been woman hateric, rarely out of an actual dislike of women - but rather commonly out of a inability to take a step back and look at things rationally. "Anti-feminists" tend to ignore that the most apt critiques of feminist movements has come from ''other feminists'. If people here seriously think that 'third-wave' feminism is not under constant critique and self-critique from the feminist movement, they just don't know what they're talking about.
Leftypol discussing feminism reminds me a lot of Holla Forums discussing socialism: a display of blatant ignorance on the topic.
Why so low?
Wew, is this magic? So if I put my penis in enough women some unseen metaphysical grip will steal my happiness that I stored in my pockets? The charts you showed clearly hint at the age at which it starts, rather than promiscuity per se, as the source of the issue. And would it be unreasonable to assume that the worse are the material conditions, ergo the worse is everything surrounding the child, the more they will be prone to reckless and impulsive behavior?
I highly doubt it's promiscuity in itself that causes the undesirable effects. I've heard people claim that it's because your brain becomes more and more desensitized and it's essentially neurological damage so to speak, but it's more often than not simply an ad hoc shouted by reactionaries instead of any proof or arguments.
Step up your game pal. Pic related, read him.
Those pockets? Your balls.
Intra-feminist critique is typically over not being idpol enough; any voices within mainstream feminism which challenge its class orientation and role as an ideological pillar of bourgeois power quickly find themselves purged.
Perhaps many of these critics remain "feminist" in some sense after said purges, but even the Men's Rights Movement originated as a force within feminism; it means little as a defense of the actually reactionary, authoritarian, and idpol political force that people criticize when they criticize feminism.
Maybe it'll teach her to not use violence to try to solve her problems, especially someone who can kick her ass.
reformist scum detected.
Maybe we shouldn't hit other people, especially if that other person is smaller/weaker than you regardless of gender identity.
Seems like a good rule of thumb to me!
Do they store it in a warehouse? I swear every side of this argument is retarded. Very large warehouses of retardation.
Most women who hit others as a whim are literally bullies who do so because they think they're not gonna be hit back and the only reason this silly meme exists is because people think it's ok to take a woman less seriously, to have her shortcomings be banalized because lol she's a wimmin xd. Women who don't realize this are their own undoing.
You must be the pinnacle of mental health then
Ngl I like gently slapping my so with or cupping their neck with love and affection
Now if only they would do the same to me but harder
Kill yourself, SJW. Or don't, we'll get it done either way.
>>>Holla Forums
Well, she shouldn't have touched me. Plus, women are more likely to use weapons and I carry a gun, so if a woman ever attacks me like that, chances are I'm going to mag-dump her. All that competition shooting really made me fast on the trigger.
This here board is a brocialist board, boy. How about you go back the way you came?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please kill me god
He doesn't represent the anarchists.