Who else redpills tbeir normie friend's? How do you do it?
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kill yourself tbh
A lot of my friends are pretty open and receptive to good explanations and sources. Though I do have this one Russian friend who still thinks Stalin killed 800 vermillion people.
Please tell me you're not becoming one of those school kids who semi-ironically become a leftist and then won't shut up about it to everyone
y tho, send them wage labour and capital
Fuck off.
You gotta ease Russians into it. Talk about how great Russia used to be, how Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space, how Stalin's brave soldiers defeated the Nazi invaders etc. When someone brings up an anti-com point gaslight and say it's russophobic.
Trying to build a socialist mindset from the foundation of liberal sensibilities is very likely to backfire tbh
I disagree. People by default have negative views of the USSR, you have to start out with small steps like this.
Eventually start talking about how Stalin's 5 year plan industrialised Russia, how there was 0 unemployment and homelessness, education was free etc.
You can't just immediately start with communist views about how Stalin did nothing wrong kulaks were evil etc. you come off as too much of a radical.
are you guys saying the Soviets/Stalin arent responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of their own citizens?
gonna need a bigger bait famalamaslamma
assume I'm new here, but have read Solzhenitsyn and accept the standard history of the soviet union and the GULAGS. have you got some alternative narrative?
You mean the Cold War history of the USSR
did the Holodomor not happen? were millions of people not unjustly interned in the GULAGs and starved/frozen to death? did Stalin not constantly carry out purges on dissidents and their families?
i'm guessing this is him destroying Nazi Germany. funnily enough i've heard the same argument in reverse, that Hitler saved Europe from communism.
Sure. Stalin was a very necessary leader of the Soviet Union and for leftism in general. Keep in mind if you are a westerner, you have been a certain narrative of communism and the Soviet Union in general.
These are very good videos:
Holodomor (when Stalin literally ate all the grain for himself because he wanted to kill Ukranians for some reason):
Stalin was a hater who killed everyone:
My views:
- There is a ton of fucking misinformation about Stalin (how he killed guards for disturbing him, he killed people for not clapping, he killed people for sneezing etc.)
- Without Stalin's 5 year plan the Soviet Union would not have survived WW2 or become a superpower.
- Stalin did not purposely cause a famine. Why the fuck would he do that. Famines were common in the Russian empire because the country still had agrarian agriculture. Stalin put an end to famines. The myth that he starved Ukranians on purpose is nationalist propaganda (see Azov Battalion, neo-nazi Ukranian group).
- People often claim he killed 20 million to 100+ million people. This is stupid, because it is blaming stupid shit like people in WW2 dying on him.
- The cult of personality started by Stalin is conflicting. I think it's creepy but on the other hand they were needed to inspire hope and make propaganda.
- The purges were brutal, and they lead to revisionists taking over the party after Stalin died. He should not have killed so many original revolutionaries out of paranoia.
daily reminder to post capital, not the manifesto
didn't the implementation of communist policies led to the starvation? exterminating the kulaks on the idea that their success was thanks to oppression was wrong and created massive problems, and attempting to centralise agricultural production led to gross inefficiencies. even if he didn't deliberately cause the Holodomor, the communist policies led to it.
and i agree you can't blame the WW2 deaths on communism, but tens of millions of people still died on the Gulag Archipelago, which can be blamed on the structure of the communist state.
The genre of "Gulag Archipelago”, as determined by Solzhenitsyn himself, “imaginative study”, in other words "fiction study"
Besides, he claims information that he couldn't possibly know, like how many people were interned in the gulag system. You don't figure out how many people are imprisoned in America from going to jail.
i can't find any sources where he describes the book in those terms. he didn't base it only on his own experiences, but years of research and interviews.
and it's not like 100% of the information on the Gulags comes from Solzhenitsyn.
IDK man, I'd give them "Wage Labor And Capital" instead of the whole she-bang with "Capital Vol 1". It's basically the same ideas, but in a very condensed form.
We need our own blackpill plans, anarchofam. What do you think of Graeber's essays "On The Phenomenon Of Bullshit Jobs" and "Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You!" as a follow up?
We need a good way to Trojan-horse anarchism without mentioning it by name because people either think it's Mad Max or hippie communes and dirty squats and antifa (well, the latter is it today, but it can become much more).
A good video on Mao by demsoc01:
I think Mao and Stalin were bad leaders because Tyranny is bad in of itself, but their badness is often decontextualized to make them seem far worse than they actually were.
I slowly acclimatize them to murray bookchin memes and tell them to google murray bookchin
nice misinterpretation of events famalan
are you saying Stalin didn't implement communist policies?
Are you new here? It's a fact he didn't, even Tankies acknowledge this.
yeah pretty new