Redpill me on South Korea
Redpill me on South Korea
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It's a fascist country that pretends to be a bourgeoisie democracy. It's entire culture is the product of obscene amounts of foreign involvement and imperialism. They barely count as "korean" anymore.
American puppet nation with the same dedication to blind consumerism
No more, no less
Higher Suicide rate than the DPRK
kinda skeptical of DPRK stats but I'm sure South Korea is a shithole
Don't do that.
a trashy shitty copy of what they think america is.
the entire country is basically a fake purse
this. rampant consumerism + traditional asian cultural norms = depressing shithole
socialism will probably catch on there last as they'll be permanently spooked by the NK next door boogeyman
plastic Asian who trew away their culture to become a satire of America's.
everything is fake and superficial
it could catch on if you use trojan horse language like *worker co-ops* and *99%*
what the fuck is asian culture
pick one lad. bourgeois democracy fits the description pretty well. that doesn't mean it isn't shit.
Japanese capitalism on steroids,with even less culture that developed independently from capitalism.
Also fucking boring landscape and they have shitty fake mangas. Seriously manhwas are shit, just like their fake hentai.
Politically they are worse at pretending to be a democracy than even Japan and have less communist presence.
"only work ethic matters" and "you are a constant representation of your family in public so don't 'disgrace' us"
The Worst scum and villainy you can find in Asia. Its a Puppet State by the US Imperialist pigs who the South Koreans try to model themselves after.
Their blind dedication to consumerism and exploitation of the workers has no bounds, this is why the DPRK must save what is left. Only Best Korea can straighten up these imperialist dogs in line and to protect the rest of Asia.
Pretty common.
Literally this and Taiwan are the only two country to achieve development in 20th century capitalism. You guys shouldn't troll with the everything in South Korea is bad and everything in North Korea is good stuff. There are earnest leftists in South Korea that look at the North objectively and want to unite under something that's in between. And Korean culture is cool as hell, no matter what side of the border you're on.
only like one person ITT thought north korea was better. and korean culture is less like the walmart version of japan and more like the 2010's sleek and revised liberal business trying to replicate something similar and better from the 90's version of japan
They must accept Juche
Comparing with Japan is dumb and gay, you are dumb and gay
I've heard they're relatively easy to fuck as a white guy.
The South Korean left is more progressive and more pro-North Korea than the shitty Amerikkkan left. They just mobilized millions of people to force the impeachment of their president, also impossible in Amerikkka.
that's a pretty big leap in logic
Actually it isn't
It's a normal everyday liberal democracy on the level of France or Germany that's tanking fast just like all liberal democracies are.
From what I've read, it sounds like hell on earth compared to most of the West.
no porn, Gattaca-style plastic surgeries. If you can't afford to get rid of your encephalic fold, then you're automatically a prole. Sounds like hell on Earth to be working class.
how do you mean
on the surface level, impeachment and massive social bribery cases against the hereditary heads of your massive industrial corporations sounds like stability?
its an almost fucking satirical example of the "society of the spectacle" and everything awful about late capitalism
Its full of Hentai babes for you to get excited over you virgin fuck.
explain pls
Agree we shouldn't appropriate RW terminology…
the extremity of consumerism in South Korean society is like that of a parody of other existing liberal democracies such as Japan and the US, like it's desperately trying to be like them as if they're older siblings to be looked up to.
this extremity is only made worse by the existence of the worst of traditional asian culture such as bringing honor to the family and the importance of work ethic.
since consumerism plays such a huge part in their society, the commodities that are to be consumed begin to take the place of real lived human experience, especially as the technology improves, with a huge amount of South Koreans being so consumed by media and the internet that the government has classified cyber addiction as a mental illness, with many youths feeling alienated and disassociated with family and others in society.
and again, the cultural norms of a specialized expectation of individuals form traditional asian culture only adds to the toxicity, with the rigorousness of work and school life increasingly diminishing areas where lived human experience can be realized.
this all culminates into the advent of South Korea developing the 2nd worst suicide rate internationally and the worst suicide rate within a liberal democratic nation since the 90's asian financial crisis, since the economy and society are all that is expected of individuals, and when it collapses people feel worthless as if they have nothing left to live for. and it doesn't help that mental health treatment is discouraged in order to keep the farce of their society alive.
Left wing Democracies aren't more community based, they keep more people out of poverty. The Whigs do not give anybody other than power hungry weasels a friend group.
No it just sounds fucking stupid.
and i forgot to mention that many employers are discouraged from hiring people who don't meet a predetermined standard of beauty, with even parents highly encouraging their children to have plastic surgery done to them, and when they don't they bring "dishonor" to their family.
this is especially true in the pop culture industry for obvious reasons, but the child and teen celebrity culture is even more rampant and toxic than that of americas, with kids being handled as if they're literal commodities by their directors.
i don't see how any one could take any more than small doses of that shit
Literal capitalist dystopia and US puppet state. Used to be much shittier than the DPRK until the 90s when the govt gave a shit ton of gibsmedats to corporations.
Every SK student I have talked to wants to kill themselves because they know if they don't make it they are going to be wageslaves. Even the ones that do make it have to work insane hours.
Yet westerners think its is le epic home of kpop and esports xDDD
-Samsung and LG own a large part of the govt
-Massacred tons of communists
-Super fucking high rates of corruption
-Constant political scandals (think of what happened with the president consulting FUCKING RASPUTIN - her father (former president) was killed by the Korean CIA too)
Syngman Rhee? more like
SK women will fuck anything that isn't Korean. It's like they hate Korean men. There's a weird SK specific brand of Feminism that has infiltrated their mainstream. Like they have romance shows that always show a girl meeting a handsome non korean stranger or a woman who is cheating on her wageslave husband with a foriegner. Plus, Gangnam is a rich part of Korea and its spreading out. Cost of living is too high.
No jobs, no girls = 16 man SK Starcraft tournaments 24/7 followed by jumping off buildings.
This is why NK will win in the end.
I hope so. Feels bad man.
It's fine. Nice place nice people.
Boyyyyy you nerds sure hate prosperous, functioning, industrious homogeneous societies huh?
lel how awfully racist of you to notice pro miscegenation propaganda in Korean media, maybe you ought to watch German media sometimes.
Wanna know how I know you're not/pol/? Because they hate fun and irrelevant shiting. If its one thing Holla Forums and Holla Forums agree on, its North Korea is best Korea. Fuck off to reddit.
*d-e-generacy and r-acemixing
Neither of you are from around here, Mr. Doublepost and Doublefiltered.
Lick my cock, doublenigger.
2 birds 1 stone.
damn I never really thought thought much of SK but this thread makes it sound horrific
hummmm…..maybe worth a shot.
will i get laid as a 5'10 Italian there?
So that's why EVERY SINGLE thing the Koreans do has NTR everywhere.
Only after you swallow my semen
This thread is shit. Besides being filled with orientalists horeshit and making assertions about the inherent inferiority of the east to the west ( look through this thread for every mention of aspects "Asian culture" and see how many of them unconsciously assume it's inherently wrong" (spoilers: all of them) and it general it mirrors the Holla Forums AND reddit consensus, which are the same thing, because few people here really know anything about that country and repeat the same sexpat-relayed info to each other, forever, until they feel confident enough to reassert it as fact.
South Korea was basically a command economy when it industrialized (which is why it industrialized so quickly)
A glib facsimile of culture and a very interesting study of Baudrillard's Simulcra and Simulation.
Their entire "culture" is completely manufactured or stolen and bastardised from America. It's crazy. Everything is fake and planned.
What the fuck.
TFW the Korean war was the death of all organic national culture and identity in Korea
the korean peninsula is hell on earth
Maps are shitty too
True patricians know The Ma Clique should have won!
Hold me, comrades. I am genuinely scared for our future. Not the "I am slightly concerned because people I don't like are gaining power" but because we are being marched into dystopia, and there's a smouldering feeling in the pit of my stomach that we won't be able to stop it.
Koreans are nuts.
oh my god where are all their knees
high suicide rates, wage slavery and constant corruption isnt functioning
Neither does imminent civil war sparked by idpol or a government controlled by a secret cabal
i never said that was functioning either
how do you… how do you even measure that
Like alluded to, one other thing SK shares with Taiwan (and incipient South Vietnam before the north conquered them) is that both were literally right-wing dictatorships up until the late-80s-early-90s (coincidentally the same period in which such movements peaked and failed in China with the Tiananmen Square Massacre).
It's bleak, but not unprecedented, nor without hope. South Korea spent most of its history as a poverty-stricken totalitarian backwater, only reformed to democracy as the result of labor and student mobilization massive to the point of near-revolution.
Since then, democratic activism and corporate dictatorship have waxed and waned inversely over the years. Things are now getting bad enough, that hopefully another movement will take place and firmly set the autocrats on their heels once more.
can someone explain wassup with south korean and plastic surgery to me
Same reason Japan wanted to have a co-prosperity sphere. They envied Europe's colonialism in Africa and wanted a piece of the pie.
East Asia got cucked so hard by imperialism that nowadays their culture strives to be the western imperialist. This includes body modification to bring themselves in line with Western beauty standards.
this is so embarrassing it gives me diarrhea
I think it had less to do with 'envy' and more to do with it was either colonize out be colonized.
Basically North Korea with capitalism.
People thinking they're aspiring to western beauty standards are badly mistaken
This is fucking horrible misinformation. All you fucking know are right wing memes (pro tip: there is a Korean right wing and they like to fucking lie about llorean politics knowing that they won't be challenged)