Why are Cuban Americans among the most reactionary immigrant group in America? I'm no fan of Fidel, and even the exiles are a spooky bunch.
Miami Exiles/Gusanos Hate Thread
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You have seriously never met West LA Persians.
Because they're bourgies escaped from the revolution
How bad?
My best friend is a Cuban-American from Florida, and I am making him slowly like Communism/Socialism.
I have made him hate American Capitalism.
(so its a start)
His parents on the otherhand are spooked to fuck. I think most of the Cuban-Americans in Florida are from the Bay of Pigs failure. So they lost to Communists twice, and have been butthurt since.
Literally all of them are Zionist shills who support American-Israeli war with Iran.
This pretty much.
Pic Related, they're all pretty butthurt about it.
Castro did nothing wrong
why the fuck not?
He let the subject of this thread escape
Castro is the only tankie leader who was actually human and not a emotionally dead sociopath
consequently also the best tankie leader
He also became a caricature by the turn of the century who still gave 3 hour speeches. Chavez picked that up from him.
No one would've cared if he died in 2002 or 2016. He was just living out the end of his life as the feudal head of a stultified gerontocracy. Some people just have to go at the right time.
t. liberals
Nigga he can make speeches as long as he wants in exchange for not being a genocidal maniac like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc
I don't really think apologising decades after the fact for throwing gays in prison humanises him much tbh
Hey, but there days you can get government payed sex changes in Cuba! :D
The west was doing the exact same thing though at that time, but instead of having to wait for the old to die like here, Castro actually grew as a person
When their kids will flee to some imperialist shithole and join the upper classes of some imperialist country and write propaganda like, “my mom was sent away to a horrible prison when all she did was praise Castro and then i had to eat condoms on pizza.” these brats will then vote for that country’s far right political party, much as cuban expats vote trump today, or get cushy media jobs representing the disintersted and civil discourse from political “opponents,” like ana navarro does, while being huge pieces of shit that deserve whatever state repression they had coming.
Look at fucking Ted Cruz and that one girl Donnie had on his team
Because decades of political pandering have insulated them from any kind of self reflection or criticism. If they were treated like their Mexican cousins when they got to the US instead of Victims of Communism™ I doubt they'd consider capitalism so highly.
Cuban Americans are mostly whites and whites can't help but love capitalism because exploiting people is all they know how to do.
yes, I know I'm getting baited by Turd Worldist trash, but oh well. whites are far more likely to be exploiters, but that's not to say that exploiters are even a majority of whites. never mind the whole debate about what it means to be 'white', because it is a social construct at the end of the day. you seem incapable of basic logic, and this essentialist view of races belongs on
to answer OP though, these are people and the offspring of people who had the motivation and the resources to escape Cuba after their large amounts of private property were taken by the state to be used as public property. why do you think they're so fucking salty about anything left-wing? leftists in Cuba took away their God-given right to exploit the shit out of people to amass a fortune. boo fucking hoo.
Hhhhh please God help me but white latinos exist
Ayy lmao bourg gonna bourg
We wuz vikingz n shiet?
Castro took my grandpas sugar plantation where he exploited the shit out of people and kept them poor and illiterate :c feel sorry for me
stalin was the most effective leader, he was just horribly oppressive
Castro speeches are goat. I certainly hope we get another guy like him.