"Communism works well on paper, but human nature prevents it from coming into fruition...
Classucks' favorite argument, I tell ya whot.
I know a classcuck who falls for this fallacy super-hard…
Why does this one guy piss you off so hard? There are worse people out there.
Name 10. I'm waiting.
Name 3 of my albums.
Reminder capitalism doesn't even work on paper.
Most of the Right have Autism
so explain why a a hive-world of bugmen is a good thing
It's good that newfags see this.
We have all seen this argument used un-ironicly by the right.
This argument is used un-ironically by anyone who isn't a postmodernist.
isn't it?
Excellent taste. Allow me to join you, Bat'ko.
It does, 100%, the piece of paper with capitalist rules and goals says "fuck you".
Ah yes the Human nature argument class cucks and the right wing fags hold onto so dearly.
frankly the larpers do cement that view
A little off topic, but the new Samurai Jack episode was phenomenal.
No it was trash.
Samurais don't fight with guns.
And why didn't Aku die at the end of the last series?
i find it interesting that communist try to make the world more fair by completely ignoring people's humanity and instead see them as nothing more than "workers"
No, newfag, you're thinking of capitalism.
I find it interesting that you are fucking stupid
Under capitalism you are either a slave or a slave owner. Under communism everyone is a worker and the word loses meaning so true individuality can blossom.
Nothing works, humans are only destined to keep making mistakes and failing.
baka. The whole point of it was that jack lost his way. He doesnt care about tradition anymore.
Bat'ko nobody in history ever uttered this combination of words.
*incoherent autistic screeching and rampant shitposting*
You believe in a version of human nature too. You just believe that humans are naturally good, benevolent creatures and evil only exists because that inherent goodness gets corrupted by our environment. For instance, that's why the left is so opposed to porn - you believe that there must be something external which corrupts people and turns them into evil rapists.
not even that guy but
That's one hell of spook you saying their bucko.
Have you even fucking SEEN our catgirls, newfag??
Besides, if you so claim we're against porn, I *dare* you to explain to me what these
are. Go on, I'll be waiting.
This is so fucking dumb. You base "everybody's the same they just follow their programming" on non-replicable social psychology, Christian anthropology, and blatantly paranoid, resentful academic theory.
Biology does play a role here, and some societies will do better than others by virtue of being more realistic with the kind of hardware they're running on.
The point is that we don't even know what human nature is, you autist.
Itz like capitalizm an sheet yo, always been that way
Kin selection, dominance hierarchies, sociality, language capability, etc.
There have been some studies on this.
Remember to keep it really vague so you're not exposed for not knowing what you're talking about
Oh ok.
who is this semen demon
no idea famerino
Tell me humans do not have any of those things you fucking gerbil.
WTF I love human nature now!
Humans have a lot of traits but that doesn't mean they're inherent and pre-social you dipshit, that's the point
Even animals have behavior and patterns of sociability that change once their surrounding material world and their means of subsistence change.
You can literally never say whether or not something is biologically innate unless it varies in a way that scales exclusively with a certain gene sequence.
Nobody can know for sure what human nature is, but it's very naive to assume all human behavior is taught. Any parent who has raised children knows there's some degree of personality and character traits that are, seemingly, divorced from environment.
We will, however, have better answers to these questions soon. Genetics will absolutely evaporate a lot of speculation here, and is already beginning to do so.
And, for the second time, that's the whole fucking point.
Rewrite this in a way non-dipshits can also understand
Even if not all human behavior is taught the point is that innate human impulses, whatever they might be or if they exist at all, are shaped, restrained and usually conditioned by the framework of historical circumstances and acculturation, the latter having, then, the upper hand over the former.
If that's not the case, then just bringing up a few different historical scenarios will get you stumbling upon your own presumptions if you try to come up with a coherent immutable human behavior. The most basic impulse that could be described as natural, that of self-preservation, is consistently violated by systems that are cultural and historically relative: people have always deliberately walked into death because of political ideologies, because of systems of honor, because of social conflicts, because of hurt pride, lost love, financial failure, etc. Impulses of kinship are also modified according to material necessity, as shown by the many different forms that the family unit has taken throughout history and the different manners parents have threated their children. And of course, ever since families have existed, different methods of abortion or sacrifice have also existed, in case the kid would threaten a person's economic circumstances, social status, etc. So clearly this principle of kinship is not strong, or at least not strong enough to dictate societal norms instead of the opposite.
Yep, keep unloading the tasks of solving the inconsistencies of your worldview on an incoming scientific discovery. Even if human behavior and biology were completely unveiled and codified, the very first thing the people doing it would have to take into account is mutability and adaptation according to a variety of circumstances outside the individual itself.
Wew fucking lad
If you were alive then you'd know it was because it was going to go on hiatus because Genndy et al were burned out and going to work on Clone Wars and CN just canceled it.
it was ushered to me last week
is literally word salad
I wonder how many vaccines Barron has taken…
Holy fucking kek, what is even going on here?
He mistook a call for a high five for a simple handwaving?