Do /we/ have a /guy/ in the dutch election the 15th? or is it all reactionaries, idpolers, and porkie hacks
Do /we/ have a /guy/ in the dutch election the 15th? or is it all reactionaries, idpolers, and porkie hacks
party for the animeowls
Do you really need to ask?
I barely know anything about Dutch politics. Can't the parties form a coalition to keep Wilders from power?
Geert is /ourguy/
They will, don't worry. All dutch governments are coalitions, and since every other party has said they won't work with PVV, that means Wilders won't be in power, even if PVV gets the most votes.
In terms of leftist parties, your choices are between SP, who operate in a similar space to Die Linke, and Groenlinks, who are the greens.
Leader is in a christian sect that is against abortion and gay marriage.
So just a regular christian?
Waarom is hij zo perfect?
smerig dit
t. partijkartellist
Willen jullie meer of minder Intifadas?
They're all liberals. The SP ("Socialist" Party) has some radical factions within it, but the current leadership is just mediocre SocDems/SocLibs. Their leader Roemer is a wimp who considers Pope Francis to be a socialist.
/onzevent/ is Rutte of Wilders. Versnellen, jongens.
Nothing quite like accelerationism when the far right is more popular than the far left.
Dat is wat je niet snapt tho. Beter dat het onvermijdelijk falen in de naam van de superpopulaire rechtse kandidaten zoals VVD of PVV dan in de naam van een zwakke links-liberale partij zoals de SP of PvdA.
Er komt rond het eind van dit tiental ook nog eens een grote '08-rangse crisis aan die de val en dus de versnelling alleen maar meer zal helpen.
Welke val? Van het kapitalisme? Dat zegt men al decennia, en 't gebeurt nooit.
De val van de huidige nauwelijks-stabiele economie, niet van het kapitalisme. In zo'n economische crisis is er werkelijk kans voor linkse politiek, en meer dan die lauwwarme bullshit die we nu in het plaatje hebben. Verwacht nog meer OWS-rangse glorious uprisings, maar dan groter en radicaler.
who's winning currently?
Uit het niets vergeten mensen opeens al die jaren anti-communistische propaganda en worden weer radicaal links ook al is er op dit moment geen enkele beweging van een dergelijke aard?
VVD (Tory-types) and PVV (UKIP+) are currently in the lead for nearly every poll, with some of the other traditionally bigger parties taking big hits like the PvdA (SocDem) and SP (more SocDem). Surprisingly our greenies are not doing too bad and most luckily the literal Tumblrites at DENK are going nowhere.
Je hebt nog steeds een voluntaristisch concept van politiek in je hoofd. Mensen "accepteren" ook reactionaire politiek die op symbolisch niveau bijna niet te scheiden is van fascistische rhetoriek onlangs decennia aan anti-fascistische leer op school en in de media. Shit, toen ik 10 was moest mijn hele klas naar Vught maar bijna twaalf jaar later is de regio Amersfoort een van de grootste PVV stemmers, met grote groepen die op Wilders stemmen omdat ze Nazistische ondertonen in zijn rhetoriek zien.
Plus, ik hoop helemaal niet op een terugkomst naar het communisme of iets super radicaals. Zoals Zizek het zegt krijgen we gewoon een radicaler liberale politiek met wie weet onze eigen Sanders. Als we dat al krijgen na een paar jaar Rutte-Wilders I was het dit meer dan waard.
what's the goal of PVV? leave the EU?
One of their major goals, yeah; a complete withdrawal from the EU, a return to the Dutch guilder, a public web register where Dutch citizens can write complaints about the Polish, a burqa ban, severe curbing of a bunch of places where headscarfs are legal, restricting the building of Mosques, dual-citizens from the MENA region being extradited if they commit more than petty crimes, solidifying relations with Israƫl, etc
why just from MENA?
Because the PVV are outwardly Islamophobic.
bruh, not everyone in MENA is muslim, thats a pretty simplistic world view or poorly covered racism
We're talking about the PVV here, my dude. Find out for yourself and check the English Wikipedia article on them. It's pretty comprehensive.
he seems like a religious nut case with strong zionist tendencies.
the bastard is more rightwing than Bannon who's quite a nutjob himself. he Makes Pence look like a liberal hippie in comparison.
his political party is shady as fuck and nobody really knows who's founding it.
he's not anti-islam, the guy is on full Crussade mode.
who the fuck votes for him?!
People who have to live with Muslims and the problems of mass immigration, who do you think?
People dissatisfied with the alternatives, which is left-liberal parties like D66 or generic conservative liberals like the VVD. Needless to say, up and coming meme parties like the greens and DENK aren't very satisfactory either.
Can we have this globally?
We already do. It's called Krautchan.
You got beef with Poles?
Victim mentality, historical revisionism and short-sighted nationalism are all very en vogue in Poland.
because according to statistics from other countries, the people who are more likely to be anti-immigrants are also the ones who rarely or never delt with the.
its the Foxnews effect.
Give me a single place where it isn't.
I don't have much to defend Poles on but they're a part of the butthurt belt for a reason.
Poland is a reactionary garbage nation steeped in catholic and anti-communist spookery. I have no doubt they'd be the primary source of White armies in Europe in any revolutionary situation.
Artikel1 zijn de tumblrites
Denk is gewoon de Turken-PVV
Again I like the bantz but Poles really aren't much shittier than literally another distinct ethno-national demographic in its most spooked variety.
Also unless you think Poles have the magic to revive Slavic monarchies they don't have much of a White army to justify having. Poles would definitely embrace their own brand of fascism at hihg speeds.
Shit, ik had niet eens door dat Artikel 1 nu ook een eigen partij was.
Bourgeois electoralisme is een veel te groot circus voor me. Krijg allemaal de kanker.
Whites weren't all monarchists. All reactionary armies in a civil war situation can be consider White armies.
Canada, Spain, Probably Italy too.
I second Italy and Spain.
Can't say much about Canada, but Spain has a type of localist autism that might not be national, but is provincional-regional. Literally every denomination of an area there would kill itself for the ideological edifice of their particular area.
And Italy? I'm Italian. It's bad alright, but mostly up north. Down south allegiance to the nation, state and whatnot is all dead because the south of Italy's always had the short end of the stick on everything for at least a hundred years and it's fresh in everyone's memories. It's why revolutionary working class activity is still somewhat alive down there, and how I got in touch with Bordigist communists through the local SI Cobas organizing.
Lega Nord is bad, but its not in power or even a particularly serious political force unlike PiS. And the regional autisms of Galicia, Valencia or Catalonia aren't reactionary nor do they want to rewrite history in the mold of the Polish or Hungarians.
There's more than Lega Nord in Italy and there's way more small scale Spanish nationalisms, but really all I was saying that Poland might be one of the worst examples of nationalist autism, but that the rest of the world is far from exempt of nationalist autism itself.
I get your point though. I've just had the 'fortune' of dealing with some of Poland's finest. Also, students seem internationalist and at least vaguely left-leaning just about everywhere in Europe - except in Poland. Though this is purely anecdotal.
Hallo leftcom, is het mogelijk een Nederlandse groep te starten of iets dergelijks (Insh'allah ik ben geen AIVD)? Ik heb het gevoel alsof best veel Nederlandse jongeren makkelijk om te praten zijn naar het socialisme. Wat ga je overigens stemmen?
I think the best strategy for socialist politicians in the netherlands is to co-opt the racism angle by wearing blackface
Is it ever not like that? If we're lucky, we get a Bernie or a Corbyn, which doesn't stand a chance of winning anyway.
Man, I don't expect victory, I just wish there was a candidate that made me feel proud of casting my puny, useless vote for him or her.