How do we make the refugees class conscious?
They could give us the numbers we need, but instead we're letting them be lumpenized by capitalist welfare culture.
How do we make the refugees class conscious?
They could give us the numbers we need, but instead we're letting them be lumpenized by capitalist welfare culture.
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You cannot make that which lacks self consciousness class conscious. This applies to most of humanity, not just refugees.
The ruling class ruined their homeland so hard they had to uproot their lives and go somewhere else. They're already aware of their place in the scheme of things.
I know you think that sounds deep but this doesn't actually mean anything
You know what, at most, one of those words means.
Greek anarchists are helping refugees build squats and commune type organisms. Would be very easy to drop radical ideas in gradually with such a process.
In my country, the biggest union supported some Africans getting exploited by some fast food chain.
That or left leaning, charities peopletend to listen more to the people that show they care about them.
Soup kitchen were a factor of NSDAP success, or more recently, Muslim Brotherhood's success.
Stop treating them as refugees, thats a label used by the ruling class meant to divide and conquer. They are workers who are exploited by the ruling class. Nothing more nothing less.
Send them back home. The first world will make any revolutionary potential 0.
The best thing for Syrians is to live safely in Syria, not to move Syria to the US
Shit I think this is the first time I've seen a genuine example of class reductionism.
Well, it's technically the proper word. The negative connotations with the word "refugee" are very new and almost entirely due to yuropoor government incompetence.
There is no potential for revolution anywhere as long as the ruling class lives. Try building the left up in Syria and suddenly porky has found a new enemy.
Muslim Brotherhood's ability to work underground and build a powerful enough infrastructure to exploit any instability for their gain at any time is really good. Leftists in the Middle East should learn from them in that regard. Only leftist group that operated to a similar tactic was PYD and look how well that's working out. Arab Spring was such a missed opportunity in general
They are refugees though
Theyre a bioweapon used by the ruling class against us, its like asking how to make ebola class conscious
Y'know, it's like you guys aren't even trying
Holy shit, i didn't know that.
Refugees are a subcategories of immigrants.
Grouping all immigration into an homogenous block is very deletarious to the understanding of the picture
Its true though
education, organisation and action
workers without countries are the best targets of propaganda and they are the best example of what will happen if capitalism keeps going like this
Why would they want to work when they get free money and can rape any bitch they want?
into the trash it goes
Cool ghost story
Labelling as refugees or immigrants is identity politics pure and simple. You're arguing that being born in certain geographical positions on the globe means you deserve unique treatment. Porky is far too powerful and we need all the support we can get. You start accepting that people are different and treat them different because of minor issues and you suddenly have a fractured left incapable of doing amything. Why else do you think the left is the weakest it has ever been? Identity politics are cancer.
teach them how to create co-ops
this imageboard is for leftists not isis and nazis
To do what?to Outvote the productive part of the society and make them pay for other peoples living?
I dont get it
The Raqqa massacre was/is a complete fabrication m8
Everything leftists believe is a complete fabrication
Non self conscious pleb detected.
everything but the ego is tho
why are you still here retard?
did Holla Forums and r/thedonald banned you for not been stupid enough?
As opposed to le invisible hand?
The hand that grabs you and holds you down as you are brutally raped and murdered isn't invisible just because it is brown.
sorry to rojava shill but i think it's interesting how you can build a blue print for a new type of society in a refugee camp. Neoliberal NGOs in Europe obviously aren't gonna be radicalising refugees on socialism though.
go away
Agitated? Good then I'm doing my job right.
The only thing that exists is the ego therefore turn my country into swedish hell where rapists get 2 months in prison. Not sure i follow this
U wot m8
You are stupid, you unironically belive that we should let rapist run free because of someretarded liberal shit you saw on pol
you are so incredibly stupid you belive somehow rapists won't get the rope
please go be fucking stupid somewhere else
Lmao what. Get some reading comprehension you schitzophrenic. Rapists are being set free, this is the main reason why pol is angry and why everything is fucked.
They're economic migrants.
Why do you think they're being set free?
Ah fuck meant to quote
and yet you belive we support them being set free, stop being fucking retarded
They are being used as a bioweapon as i said before. The aim is genocide
Yeah there have been government officials saying the rapists are just as much victims as the raped because they were found guilty of rape and imprisoned.
Do you understand none of them will ever give a shit about European ideals? They don't give a shit about any economical or political ideas, they come for the money/situation and will move somewhere else if things go bad where they are of if they go better at another place.
as long as your retarded ass gets genocided, its all good
By who? For what purpose do they need a bioweapon? What is your evidence?
No clue how you don't see inmediate contradictions. Also read more zizek.
Now you're just making bullshit up. Holla Forums's obsession with rape is getting Tumblr-tier.
Their self-interest is what we want them to care about to begin with. See zizkek
yeah the right has gone fully alt facts now.
There is no contradiction.
If a maoist country somewhere become the most prosperous place on heath, they will go there.
If some libertarian wet dream become prosperous, they will move there.
For them, it's the same. They go where life is easy.
The people behind the arab spring. Soros, Obama, Clinton, the (former) state department, top EU bureacrats, Merkel, etc.
Are you so dumb you believe the line that the migrant crisis was an accident? Gaddafi said as much would happen. The "Oh no we dun goofed and accidentally wrecked europe" line doesnt really cut it when everyone in question is a complete sociopath
go be retarded somewhere else
Go fuck yourself
Which is why we need to abolish global capitalism and make the entire planet class conscious. Did you even read the article I linked? It didn't take long for you to respond to it. Where is the time needed to let Zizek's ideas settle?
well go fuck yourself AND be retarded somewhere else, you fucking cunt
Remember when the riots started over breadlines?
I do.
They wouldn't get gibs on a libertarian country so they wouldn't move there. I don't think maoists would pay for their shit either.
So they're intelligent people who know what's good for them?
It sounds like you want us to think less of them for not being cucked.
I am reading it.
I expected something else. Are you a parody of a Holla Forums Leftist parody?
Sounds like you're drinking republican branded koolaid. Republican porky doesn't care about you. Stop being a classcuck and join us in the struggle.
To be fair, Sweden literally takes welfare lumpens on purpose. 34% working is more than they expected.
The Somalis in the US are basically different people.
Sounds like you have no argument
U wot m8? That system outgrew Western ethnicities for decades.
Do you think they read Stirner?
No, but there will be no need for papers to get the same job than the locals.
This is why they go to England right now.
If there is too much of them, no place on earth will ever prosper. The world flourish when everyone plant flowers, not when everyone go to the small flourished parts.
They must be helped in their own countries.
Sounds like you can't even explain why you think there's no argument. What is the fallacy?
nice liberal faggotry
Liberals are the ones who want them here.
t. faggot who will complain about foreign aid even when it's half a bowl of rice a day
so you're even worse than a liberal
Stirner is a meme.
Then we should recruit them to our ideology that aims to accomplish this?
Try addressing the point rather than sperging about Muh Rethuglicans
why are polyps so unbelievably stupid?
A free bowl of rice a day.
Meanwhile, the local ricefarmer can't sell his rice. Nice job CAP.
Nah I am not creative enough to make unbelievable shit like this up.
It's almost as if capitalism is contrary to human needs
I don't understand your question.
First you claim soros is brainwashing everyone into fighting the authorities then you claim every conflict in Africa is the African's fault?
jesus.No wonder righ-wingers are so popular.
Nice source.
How do people reach the conclusion that this is caused by marxism again?
You are mistaking me for another guy, I never said that.
Anyway, the people who are handling the guns are at fault if there is a war. They way not have started the mess, but they are the one doing it.
its almost as if its necessary for capitalism to maintain the triablistic cultural hegemony
The state hasn't changed just because a new porky is a figurehead now. There has been no revolution and you've been tricked into believing the establishment are good guys now. You are fighting for more of the same under a different brand. Reminder that all the primaries are screened to ensure they'll play ball with big money. Yes even Trump and Sanders are porky in disguise, created to give you the impression that you have won by doing nothing. Until the government is physically overthrown there will be no change.
Capitalism don't give a fuck if the Han Chinese culture become the mainstream one.
Something along the lines of SAY IT LOUD SAY IT CLEAR very popular in the left and far left.
Wrong. Trump and all the guys in his cabinet were the lesser porky who couldn't go up anymore because the big boss porkies act like a clique.
Changing the elites for another elite = revolution.
You are just expecting too much from revolutions.
but it does nee it, they don't need an specific one, like Han Chinese culture, they just need it to function and reinforce key points, one of them being tribalism
now THIS is shitposting
Pamphlets like the Manifesto and Jacobin's ABCs already exist to digest leftist thought for normies. Modern youth are already skeptical of anti-red paranoia; these people are unlikely to even know about it yet. They are simply a working class demographic worth trying to connect with, that is all we're saying.
Asylum status is temporary after all. May as well make the most of the situation, and the ones that go back later could even spread our views in countries where they are much less socially taboo.
The rape of white women is just the way in which colonized peoples of color express their rage at denizens of settler nations for the rape of their nation through imperialist exploitation and the destruction of their previous communal, egalitarian way of life. White women should feel lucky that colonized peoples are kind enough to stop at gang rape and not take their revenge further, as their settler ancestors were guilty of far worse.
t. typical third worldist retard
at least you know you're a cuck now. that's the first step.
Read the managerial revolution. Its not all about porky, bureacrats hold real power too. What do you think the deep state is exactly?
This isn't even remotely relevant to Marxism, it's frankly confusing to imagine why one would think so. It's nothing but a more assertive brand of the same feel-good status quo liberalism.
A meme by people who don't realize that what they don't like about the government is essentially part of the reason it even exists?
Communists and Anarchists think liberals don't go far enough in taking on refugees, if anything. The workers of the world have no country.
stop being retarded pls
there is no ethical duty to "take on refugees", in fact, the very essence of borders is what allows big capital to exploit migrants
The left would have handled the crisis a hundred times better though, even if they were suckdems. Most of the problems can be traced to liberal incompetence itself.
Clash of civilizations isn't mere idpol.
It does not come from Marxism, but go to a Marxist crowd and say you want 'fugees to go back in their own countries.
this, it was the right-wing capital that supported the iraq invasion, which caused all this mess
It's not a matter of duty. A left-wing government, assuming that such a thing existed, would simply not enforce borders and manage the migration of as many refugees as is environmentally possible into wealthy countries in an orderly way.
This, my friend, is what we call a contradiction.
I was against the invasion. Does it give me the right to refuse economic clandestine migrants passing as war refugees?
but it is the opposite, mantaining borders is an "ethical duty" because "muh clash of civilization" retards that belive their tribe is better than another. look at Holla Forums they belive they are the good, moral and honourable men that fight againts fun
borders are mantained by morality
Marx's work is like a religious text, the overwhelming majority of people haven't read it, even if they hold strong opinions about it.
I would have posted the MSM articles but the fake news outlets don't really report on this shit now do they.
hmmmm its almost as if the government and the ruling class doesn't care about you at all yet you keep supporting their cultural hegemony
Show where I mention Marxism in my comment
never did I implied you mentioned Marx tho
Fair enough.
I've seen mainstream news articles where this kind of thing is reported, which makes me doubt the validity of your citation. The fact that it's literally always "gang rape" or some other controversial thing and never a typical sexual assault is telling, especially when these same news outlets instead claim feminazi lies when the supposed rapist is white. Liberal media just reverses this bias.
Sorry, but the meme fixation on refugees isn't a universal constant.
It is gang rape when there are multiple perpetrators dragging a girl into the bushes during recess on the school grounds. It is not gang rape when you have one perpetrator that failed to get verbal consent from the girl or they were both drunk and the state decided that it was rape. Because they do that in Sweden.
Two boys and one girl isn't gang rape, it's a threesome.
Also the article says it was on a bathroom.
Assuming we got the real story, or if it's even possible to know with how politically charged these incidents are. People like Pamela Gellar are not known for their intellectual integrity, even among other conservatives. IIRC, there have been cases where native girls consented to sex with migrants then claimed it was rape, presumably to avoid social ostracism, but this could be bullshit too for all I know.
Besides, even if it was true, it'd be far more damning of European government than the perpetrators.
I hate that Holla Forums is close to the truth and sees the same problems we do but then they draw retarded conclusions like the Jewish cultural marxist world order run by lizard people seeking to kill all white people.
dumb nazi, you frogot to take your flag off
Guess this place really isn't that different from Holla Forums.
Did he actually say this or is it an another Holla Forums-tier rumour?
I'm not memeing.
I'm also not a NEET.
No, it is not a rumour, at the end of his life, he noticed people claiming to be his followers drifted a lot from his own ideas.
He said it. Makes sense in context though, he was referring to people calling themselves marxists while misrepresenting his theory.