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You've been reading too many action/fantasy manga.
Until you smash the state, nigga.
Right, how exactly? You know how much military power the US has right?
We need specific plans to overtake the US government specifically, no other country can achieve communism while the world is under their control.
Oh, it's a stealth Holla Forums thread
So much that it lost to the Taliban and continues to lurch from fuckup to fuckup despite spending more than the next ten militaries combined?
Do you have a source for this? I don't understand what you're talking about. How did they lose exactly when they still reign supreme?
failed to achieve strategic goals, teh Taliban has taken back several regions of Afghanistan
Anyways, the US is in terminal decline, it's unlikely to survive the century. We'll probably lose our status as the global superpower within a decade
Do you have a source for what you're saying or not? I'm asking to learn more, why do I need to ask twice?
No one said it was easy. Sitting by and letting it fester won't do shit but make more of these green text faggot threads.
Complacency doesn't do shit.
Counterinsurgency at home is a good start.
I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Source: 16 years at war with no victory in sight. What do I have to sight an article? I can dig one up if you want or you can use google.
Also Vietnam. US lost that war to a bunch of poorly armed rice farmers.
What about women? Shouldn't they be forged from girls too?
I didn't make the thread and I'm not complaining. You said the agitate, educate, organize meme again while giving no specifics. Getting pretty tired of everyone assuming there's a plan but never hearing specifics of what that plan is. The US needs to topple for capitalism to crash and I see no pragmatic solutions. You preach education, but education for what?
This. People like Richard Wolff are hacked and spied upon so you can see what the agenda of the US deep state is. They are absolutely committed to upholding capitalism.
Zizek talks about it in First as Tragedy then as Farce. The Taliban got pushed out of Afghanistan and into the Swat valley of Pakistan, where they engineered a revolt of the peasantry against their feudal landowners. Then they moved back into Afghanistan Barry began pulling the USM out.
Do you not know how to use google you stupid fucking asshole?
Literally doesn't matter. The US still has huge, strategically important bases in Afghanistan, as well as mining contracts.
I was mostly shit posting, but We do need to start organizing. And education on the contradictions in capitalism. But as for plan specifics? This can only come after organizing.
Modern left everyone
Oh wow, an anti-materialist dude steeped in Romantic ideology and ultra-reactionary critiques of capitalism who fetishizes social domination, misery, and arbitrary social distinctions has a comic about abusing the vulnerable as the setpiece for a badly-formatted and almost unreadable screed? And here I was thinking social fascism was just a meme. Nicely done, user, you've proved Stalin right.
It's not.
all of that was trash OP
I'd prefer making my own place in society to being told what it is.
Nobody looks down on me for what I do, most of the time, they're actually impressed.But anyway.
I'm in a skilled trade, and it sucks sweaty balls.It's exceedingly boring, the hours are long, and it's technically demanding at times.
If it wasn't for the money the skill itself commands, and the benefits the company offers, you can bet your ass I'd be doing something else.