The PSL cucks are going after Nick Mullen
Nick Mullen
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Nick isn't even involved in a movement he's just sympathetic to Marxism and friends with some DSA and Chapo people.
For what?
Edgy jokes he made 3 years ago, for some reason.
Cum Town had probably converted more people to Marxism-Leninism than anything the PSL has ever done to be quite honest famiglia
Why is Nick so hot btw. I just want to be held in his strong arms, stare into his dead autistic Scotch-Irish eyes and hear him whisper sweet nothings about power tools. Please defend my husbando from the Internet Maoists
I would def blow nick, but I'd rather cuddle with stavros
Tankies and "feminists" on twitter are searching his tweets for every excellent thing he said, replying to it and shaming people who are his fans.
hell yeah bitch
It's funny how Adam seems to get laid the most out of all the cum boys despite looking like advanced HIV Jeff Goldblum
leftists arent good for comedy because you have to walk on eggshells around them on whether you are racist or woman hater or iist ist, 4chan is funny because it embraces hatred from whiny leftists and uses as fuel for its journey.
Nick should make a video dressed as a vampire saying "bleh im a racist im a gonna get you bleh, youre morally superior to me bleh"
imagine living like this
Lmao yeah Nick says some questionable shit sometimes but unlike Sam Hyde it's not as if he actually hates black people. Third Worldist tankies are the most "no fun allowed" people ever, even compared to radlib idpol student activists
C'mon Nick.
Third worldists are radlib students.
Reeee not all leftists. There are lots of commie fans of Cum Town
Shame, I thought the PSL was good.
Why are tankies so fucking vengeful and psychopathic? You can tell they all think they'd be commanding gulags.
don't any of you leave psl over this, a flawed organization with a lot of people is better than a perfect one with 2 people
… Fuck you. PSL are useless, and people should stay in it, but only because it's a containment party for all the people too stupid to join a good organization.
Radlib witch hunts are so fucking embarrassing
A Trot advocating people stay within a party, well there's a first time for everything….
Also actively harmful to leftist movements, although to be fair going the other way and declaring that sexual assault allegations are an FBI plot to dismantle your podunk org are the natural outcome of being completely uncritical.
even liberals are funnier than the likes of edgy 12 year olds on 4chan and retards like steven crowder
liberals bled comedy dry of anything transgressive for the past 10 years in the name of shitty idealism about what the social function of jokes "should be" (i.e. all this 'punching up' bullshit) and now Twitter Maoists want to finish the job. It's fucking tiresome and completely peripheral to any kind of real struggle for liberation
Steven Crowder sucks ass but there is something to be said for the way PC purity culture and performative wokeness have actively destroyed a lot of good comedy. You can't even have anything potential offensive in premises or lead-ins anymore because context doesn't matter and everyone is just looking for an exploitable sound bite with which to initiate a pile on against someone's career and score brownie points with the idpol crowd
Well all the e-celebs are on Mullen's side so this ain't going nowhere, maybe chapo will drop down to 40k/month.
there is some jimmy dore clip where he explains the difference between right wing and left wing comedy and right wing usually punches down where as leftwing comedy punches up making it more relatible and funny. I dont know how much impact the tumblr types have on comedy beyond the most mainstream their complaining usually only provides a source of low hanging fruit for boring youtube channels to make endless response videos about. Actual leftism =/= tumblr leftism
Problem is that a decade or so ago somoene like Dave Chappelle would be considered very solidly left-wing in his comedy but nowadays would be considered right wing by SJWs just for not being PC in his diatribes
The number of successful right wing comics in the world can be counted on one hand. Are you being ironic?
The right often claims people like Carlin as their own, ignoring the fact that he absolutely hated conservatism.
carlin hated you lib fucks
He literally got famous fighting censorship
You know we dislike Liberals too, right?
back to r/the_donald with you
Carlin was also painfully overrated, and has now become shorthand for "I'm a gigantic dweeb who gets my opinions from edgy comedy". Fight me.
In Carlin's day censorship was practiced by right wing reactionaries, not liberal identitarians
I don't really understand the whole anti-PC reaction to people saying that making fun of minorities is a bad thing.
It's not like people literally want to suppress your speech by usage of the state, they just generally have convictions towards not using alienating language.
The /r/socialism approach of not treating people like humans when they mess up and call someone stupid is clearly moronic but isn't this idea of """ironically""" making comparisons between chimps and black people pretty much the same shit the left calls the alt right out on? If you culminate a culture of "ironically" making fun of oppressed peoples doesn't that just harbour actual anti-minority sentimentality?
I don't really get the whole anti-pc shtick I guess
he really was /ourguy/
There's a big difference between saying Nick Mullen has made some questionable jokes in the past and saying him and all his friends should be blacklisted and gulaged for it
That's fair
Round two of the struggle session
Have been following KiranOpal for a couple weeks and my impression is that she's a great person and not the sort of virtue-signaling liberal race>class and-I-support-you-black-person-but-only-if-you-agree-with-me-100-percent type that the last couple tweets might suggest.
I think it's cool that 12 year olds can use the information superhighway to talk with us adults without the risk of getting molested and all that, and I don't want to sound arrogant just because I am older, but it's usually the conservatives in the US and Europe who push for censorship and think-of-the-children shit. A hundred tumblrs don't count much in the general pattern. Whether it was hysteria about Dungeons and Dragons turning kids into satanists (it wasn't just Jack Chick pamphlets, that was just a particularly corny part of a more general hysteria among conservatives) in the 80s or violent video games in the 90s and beyond. When in the early aughts a teen ran amok in Erfurt, Germany, it was the German CDU (the conservative party) that bitched the most about violent video games. Right now the CDU just banned symbols of the Kurdish YPG (and pictures of Öcalan), people who fight against islamist that cut their heads off, because of the CDU's "moderately islamist" conservative buddies in Turkey complaining about it.
This isn't the first time she's gone on a witch hunt on Twitter because someone didn't pass her purity test.
she's into idpol, obviously
between the demsoc irony poisoned Chapo/DSA twitter clique and the absolute mental tankie clique the whole 'left twitter' spectrum is absolute rancid and genuinely makes lose faith in leftism a lil bit. luckily most of these people are American because I don't see them as my potential comrades at all.
any time i see someone on twitter with a rose or hammer and sickle in their username i kind of just scroll past it tbh
whatever bitch
This is ableism. Nick is autistic.
PSL's biggest flaw is they are exclusively located in liberal stronghold cities. At least DSA opens chapters in small town communities.
What retarded twitter drama with her have I missed?
I don't think that's particularly lefty-related. I know some people via blogs and whatnot who write about tech and are also on twitter and almost anything they say there makes them look much dumber. If somebody tasked me with designing a social-media platform that maximizes misunderstanding and outrage it would pretty much look like twitter.
I see this account hang around the Molly Klein crew. Do not associate with this accounts if you're on twitter. Do not engage with them or try to troll them. They constantly try to doxx other leftists. People joke that they're cops, but they may as well be.
These people are deranged
https:[email protected]/* *//cum-town-and-the-ironybro-left-ced1a1527e72
the left in the US is in such an awful place that this is what people fight about
Ughh do these people, who themselves are white, know that most people in this country are white. Good luck with a leftist movement with no white people.
the real issue here is the overt witch hunt mentality among idpol liberals wherein someone who says one questionable thing is forever tainted until baptized in their own intolerant blood
this is mainly caused by most of them being closet bigots themselves and feeling desperate to have people believe they are not
This guy is so transparent. He only had about 300 followers this morning and is trying to engage with bigger accounts who are pissing themselves over years old tweets to get him more followers.
It's a mystery fam
It's funny because they could not have picked a comic more impervious to or unconcerned by idpol witchhunts
this is gonna make for a solid next episode hopefully
this is the nigger that pointed out menackers daddy was some kind of an informant/double agent, while i tend to agree with you there might be some truth to this
Similar Drama. Somebody has one bad opinion or posted something problemati.c or whatever and she becomes grand inquisitior.
I don't hate her or anything but I don't want struggle sessions and follow policing shitting up my tl every week.
I don't know if they touch on it for a while. They recorded a ton of episodes to take a break. Adam is in Mexico right now.
It was Wills grandfather and its hilarious that people who worship an heiress think there is some kind of deep state gene.
honestly "left Twitter" is just entirely fucking awful. These people have no idea what comedy is and would not hesitate to use state power to censor """problematic""" speech if they were afforded any kind of authority
left twitter mostly revolves around screencapping other people's tweets and ridiculing them for their bad opinions in a passive aggressive and ironic way
why do people act like some twitter spats are existential issues for leftism lmao
Twitter is everything to these people, she'd kill herself if they took away her blue check.
Don't they know that Mullen and Felix have done more to build the left by unionizing the racism factory,
Sometimes I wonder if this sort of petty cattiness in political movements, and the tendency to dramatize stupid online beefs as if you're a character in a Dostoevsky novel, is a unique pathology of the Information Age, but we've probably always been this retarded tbh
Because all their activism is done through a keyboard. It's really all about their personal brand and twitter cliques to them.
..not versed enough in tweeter cliques to understand this im afraid, i get the feeling its something super obvious..
it was his grand daddy wasnt it, still, i dont fuggin trust chapo, feel free to call me a looney but they are really fucking comfy with certain elements of the east coast establishment, that new yorker piece about them lemao
their presentation as "the dirtbag left" is disingenious to say the least, im not gonna claim they are actively cooperating with the "deep state" but some kind of limited hangout/useful idiot scenario is quite possible, there has been so much of this shit in the last hundred years, something like the DSA doesnt just exist in a vaccum and something that causes a buzz like chapo definitely doesnt.
lol what is aaron doing in mexico, its probably a meet&greet of former south african jewish apartheid criminals
lemao,, fucking dropped, hard to get all righteous about edgy twitter humor when the publication you work for glorifies and embeds with bonafide murderous neonazis, cunts like this should be airlifted into meatgrinder donbass tbqh
I believe the heiress here is redkahina
Some years ago I read in a study that people in political parties had fewer friends in school. The study claimed that these people basically live through things in the party that most other people experience when they are teens when they are in their twenties and thirties.
I think these online warriors are developing mentally as social beings at an even slower rate because they don't see the emotions on the faces of people they talk with and because leaving a discussion in the offline world is more work as you have to move your butt, so you have less of an obvious and immediate in-your-face incentive to try and calm things down and fix relationships. On the contrary, drama BS gives you a quick uptick in clicks, followers, karma BS points.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of Molly Klein. You sound deranged enough to run with her clique.
If they didn't point out this guy was a nazi it's 100% possible it's because the journalist didn't realize that they were. VICE's who shtick is that their reporters are morons who know nothing about the thing they are reporting on (hard to tell the difference between them and the rest, i know lol), which conveniently makes they great shlubs for terrible causes.
To expand on this, one of the neo-nazi's new tactics is that, whenever they are in public, "NO SWASTIKAS". If they have tattoos, they cover them up, if they use a symbol, they prefer something obscure, or simply post-modern and progressive looking.
im answering myself here but i gotta skedaddle, basically what i can gather from fellow anons and my own analysis is that an asset of the Deepstate is calling another asset of the deepstate a sinner..I wonder if there are handlers out there right now conferencing and trying to resolve this…on the other hand infighting is always good for business so they are probably rubbing their paws
oh yess I have heard her name but never had the pleasure of reading her diatribes, her old man is the pay-per-view mogul apparently, a little weird but not as much as menackers ties, definitely pretty fucking funny if shes the type to bang on about priviledge
lul nigger i live in the real world unfortunately, I may be paranoid but I dont have time for that shit, gotta hustle and make dem shekels son, tweeter dont pay da bills, only time I may be on tweeter is if im layin a deuce, also you are implying these people know how to run…
you think im cray-cray and/or have an agenda, kinda wish I was and did on both counts but thats not how it be
I wont rant at you mah nig, just..keep your eyes open for me would ya, head on a swivel and all that.
Most woke individuals eventually have a run-in with the..fraterneties, usually its only brushing up against them like in my case but it gets the job done, you get an inkling of how deep and old this rabbit hole is
basically their two main hustles at the moment outside of spying on everyone are:
a) strapping explosives to bonafide retarded people to justify budget/the surveillance state
b) marginalizing dissent, much more effective than downright supression
Reminds me of Documentary Now's parody of VICE where the journalists keeping getting killed because they are braindead hipster morons.
most of the "Terrorists" the US security services catch at home are mentally ill or retarded people who they entrap they entire way tbh
sure thats very likely, I actually know a bit about the wehrmacht and wouldnt have recognized that patch, also I know from german neonazis that they have gotten similar orders in terms of "toning it down" with the insignia
regardless, VICE has written glowing reviews about the likes of Azov and even misanthropic(who clearly did not get the memo on covering up all the swastis hue) including glorifying foreign mercenaries that fight for said while at the same time shitting on equally foreign fighters from the east, they have a very blatant pro-interventionist slant and are more than willing to glance over about racial supremacism/homicidal tendencies and the like
just to be clear my speculation on chapo is still speculation, in terms off VICE it clearly is not, they are legit propaganda, much smarter minds than mine have written about this ad nauseum
ive posted this article here before but its worth another mention I reckon:
its really getting ridiculous at this point isnt it, the poor schmucks they have been entrapping lately literally do not have bus money to get to the terrorspot, Feebs end up doing all the work right down to transportation.
I read an article a few days ago where a few different agencies were running some kind of counterterrorism operation where they were infiltrating some suspected terrorist group, so when they decided to spring the trap it turned out that everyone involved was a federal agent from one branch or another. they all decided it was for the best to pretend the whole thing never happened.
These people have unchecked mental illness and are a danger to their communities.
Lol see this is why discourse policing is so shitty: literally everyone has said something """problematic""" at some point on social media
that dude is straight up mentally ill
Shit like this makes me more embarrassed for being gay than anything reactionaries have ever said.
It's cool that the American left has nothing better to do than navelgaze about the ethical import of a cum podcast created by an autistic plumber from Brooklyn. Jesus Christ.
COINTELPRO was only ended because it stopped being necessary.
This fucking bullshit literally happens at least twice a week on twitter. Like the day before the same people had to go after the Bruenigs because they're Catholic even though they fucking support planned parenthood.
You are not gay. I know gays.
Rape jokes are never funny and you are not my comrade if you link to somebody who links to somebody who links to somebody who links to somebody who links to somebody who links to somebody who makes a rape joke.
I hope you get raped by bees.
Yeah deranged people love to target the Bruenigs for some reason. It's actually kinda sad cause Liz and Matt are very cool and nice.
In case you were wondering how much of a shit Nick cares about these scolds.
amber from chapo addressing this
What bothers me the most is that if these psychopaths who claim to speak for workers, muslims, blacks, latinos etc. applied their purity test to those groups and asked them what they think about race, religion, homosexuality or whatever the answers they'd get would be more ""problematic"" than the people on Twitter they go after.
I'm not saying we have to accept bigotry but if you apply these tests to everyone and sperg out every-time someone disagrees with you then the left is just going to remain a club for woke college students.
If a single mother says they want to join the party you don't say "I looked through all your Internet accounts and you have a problemati.c opinion on abortion sorry" you tell them "welcome aboard please help in anyway you can". If they have a shitty opinion they can keep it to themselves or sort it out later.
I pretty much agree with this. You can bet that single mother is worried about being able to provide for their child(ren). You can look past one or two stances you disagree with, so long as you agree on most other issues. It's self defeating to cast someone out of leftist circles for the 5% of things you disagree on when you agree on 95% of the issues.
The tweet in the Op reminds me a lot of the antisocial cruelty that was disguised as deep sincerity and empathy that tumblr rekt people with.
The Emmett Till joke was obviously mocking bougie feminists who think catcalling is a more serious issue than actual forms of oppression, idk why people are so pissed off about it
red bull me on cum town and red bull me how this is relevant to left wing politics
Lol. As though Nick would attend a LARPing conference.
Your entire worldview revolves around bending the knee to non whites and women.
Have fun!
which word filter
Cum Town is a podcast about cum.
They're only tangentially leftist. Adam is a DSA member and they all hang out with the Chapos, but they hardly ever touch leftist politics on the show. They spend more times making incest parody songs than talking politics.
sad Nick became a racist after November 16th
but it is cool that Vice is now the leader in the fight against sexism, racism, and irony
joking about rape is never ok (unless you are a white feminist following lindy west's rape joke rules)
not that I want anyone to go after her, but funny how they leave her and Felix out when calling for the heads of the original chapo boys whenever someone one of them retweeted once gets yelled at online
The chapo twitter girls are getting their tits out for whatever reason
Amber is PoC (Chinese looking) so it's illegal to be mad at her
In solidarity with the cum boys, I will be masturbating to these photos.
julia needs a good hard dicking
High quality thread right here
Tfw you will never declare an IKEA caliphate with the nubile expatriate Türk
is it us posting tits or them should i post tits
Tits out for everyone. This is praxis.
The thread just keeps getting better folks
Poor girl
I'm flat out disinterested in chapo and their post-ironic humor, but it's surreal seeing the sjw left attacking "Ironybros" now. Funny how they add bro onto words to make them bad. "bro" must mean like Puerile comradery, and I guess since they weren't loved much as children they have a problem with that.
how bad is this for the left 1-10
Julia's thread is doing more to recruit people to the left than any of the scolds attacking Nick ever will.
For those that like their lefty girls thicc.
This is the future leftists want.
I think irony bros precedes bernie bros by a couple years, but is after brocialists, but maybe not/they came into use around the same time.
A new group of people online get mad at Nick Mullen every five months for the last 5 years and it literally never matters.
I'm in love.
More retarded twitter drama but hey at least we got tits
Jesus christ man
They want a pure leftist movement of 10 people
Lmao this shit is getting out of hand
Oh damn, I forgot it was jontron that was a Holla Forumstard. I thought it was Egoraptor.
It doesn't end
He even got interviewed by Breitbart.
That was unexpected
I just improved the fuck out of my morale to that third picture. Sexual healing is the best kind of healing.
alright whos alt was that last one
"Flawed"? Their membership is tankie containment. Same with the WWP. There's nothing redeeming about 90% of the people in there because 90% of them are cops.
there's also the one who posted pre and post-op pics (she did a size reduction, I think) and pre-ops are HUGE
Here's her and some other girl
damn is pic 2 vinterflamma
she's qt. anymore of her? most of the others are uggos
There's already three of her posted
Oh just scrolling up now. Thought there was a hack or something but nope they all just started posting tits. pretty rad tbh.
Redkahina and philgreaves hate PSL and WWP so. I don't really care about Chapo, but people shouldn't paint all Marxist-Leninists with same brush.
I think of tankies as particularly dogmatic, autistic and sectarian MLs. not representative of MLs as a whole
you mean the nudes posting? does it degrade your view of them?
People who self identify as "queer" like this guy does are usually just straights looking for a fashionable subculture that won't reject them or, if they're political, also some victim hood cred so they don't just get dismissed as le white cishet untermensch
He's probably talking about the Nick Mullen witch hunt. I unfollowed or blocked all the idiots trying to act like they never did nothing wrong online.
what's the difference between queer and gay (if there is)? i always thought they're the same but on the internet people mention em as different so idk
All I see is 100s of tweets talking about how horrible the thing he said is, and NO SCREENSHOTS OF WHAT HE SAID
It's literally just shitposting. Who gives a fuck
The Thread goes on
I think queer is there for people who aren't actually gay or trans to feel entitled to engage in lgbt discourse. Probably crossdressers and people who are some normie sexuality like "demisexual" (only attracted to people they love). It's gay stolen valor.
Great people are back to harassing Liz Bruenig online again and threating to get her fired like her husband.
God I fucking hate online. Liz isn't even a pro-lifer she just thinks it's a desirable goal to reduce abortion rates with more generous family benefit policies.
It's still a dumb epithet. Like the event it's referring to, the 1956 Hungarian uprising was a fascist putsch that made thousands of Jews leave the country out of fear of pogroms.
Sam Kriss giving Holla Forums what it wants.
nice, these are hot
Is she the one who got shut down at a Palestine talk for being pro-Assad? Or am I thinking of someone else? It's hard to tell with all of the drama that happens on left Twitter.
This pisses me off more than people scolding Mullen. In a sea of irony, the Bruenigs are some of the nicest and most genuine people of online.
That was Rania Khalek. She was getting harassed for that and for correctly saying Wahhabists and Salafists are pieces of shit.
Without going into the boring ass history, if you see someone who calls themselves "gay" you can be pretty sure what you're getting. It's a guy who's more or less exclusively is interested in guys or (less commonly) a woman who is mostly/exclusively interested in women.
If you see someone who identifies as "queer" outside of shit talking, it's pretty murky. There's usually some talk about not fitting into your labels man, or being inclusive of trannies, or having some random fetish as part of their identity. It's nearly always bullshit. 9/10 times if it's a dude, it's a straight guy who has trouble getting pussy and knows that it'll increase his chances with a certain kind of woman or if it's a girl, it's a straight girl who kissed another girl in high school and liked the attention it got her. For both (but especially men IME) its a way of fitting into a subculture and giving their voice extra weight in radlib student politics where they'd be dismissed otherwise
Rania was correct in that instances and she's mostly correct about the rebels too but comes off as a bit of an Assad shill sometimes.
Holy shit lol
She's far more moderate than that though, just see how hard Phil Greaves and his friends go after her still. Not that there's anything wrong with shilling for Assad, most of the communists in the region are on his side.
This shit is making me want to get involved in leftist organizing IRL. Some of these girls are pretty fine or certainly better looking then any girl I've ever fucked.
it fucking wasn't.
t. irish
the "colonialism wasn't so bad, we built you roads and stuff" argument makes my fucking blood boil so much
Damn who would have guessed
Wow, harassing an Irish-American on this, Irish American History Month? This is violence.
This is one of the only reactionary views that its still socially acceptable to have particularly among britbongs. Its insane to me that the media will crucify people over the most harmless comments on trannies or whatever but apologism for colonialism is acceptable.
In the communist revolution, anyone who has ever tried to get a prole fired over tweets will go straight to GULAG.
It's always funny that the least advanced civilization was the one that ended up colonizing the most. The Chinese and Indians used to laugh at the Europeans back then.
Majority of Brits are quite proud of it actually.
When you say "hey, that caused untold misery, death and destruction in every country it occupied" you get the typical "SO I'M SUPPOSED TO FEEL GUILTY ABOUT WHAT MY ANCESTORS DID HUH?" or even better "every empire had its good and bad sides :')"
Liz is a qt and Matt is an inspiration to all doofy looking dudes that they can land a qt.
These same types of people would shit bricks if you questioned their 'oppression' but somehow it's fine if they do it during a purge.
Also lol at this gay guy living in new york talking about being scared to death of straight people. I'm gay in the deep south and I'm not scared of straight people holy shit.
This weak ass bullshit is what's destroying the left.
Behead those who insult the Bruenigs
The secret is, just go to church?
Alternatively it's a gay person who is sad that being gay isn't as subversive anymore and needs to stay on the bleeding edge of idpol due to their own lack of self esteem.
t.somone who's country was never colonized.
its like a Holla Forumstard going to a black guy telling him that slavery was ok because they learned to work hard.
i'm speechless.
Nice foot
Fucking infuriating.
beginning to think YouTube is an inherently reactionary medium
When did this guy become such a shithead? I never really kept up with game grumps.
apparently they went to the same high school and matt was the coach of the debate team that they were both on
Totally agree. I don't want people to be ashamed of discussing mental health issues, but the way some leftists glorify being mentally weak and paranoid repulses me. Its like they think being a coward means your more oppressed because you have to deal with more mental stress. Literally feels>reals.
Is it safe to blame this on social isolation combined with capitalism's commoditization of identity?
Duh, it's a corporation.
I think although I consider some of Nick's tweets completely shitty and gratuitous (and they're not old, the Obama one is from january) the underlying trend here is the Left's tendency to pick up beefs like that, often for even pettier reasons, and immediately jump the "are you with us, or with them?" mentality that is absolutely enfuriating. It's important to stand with Nick just to make people realise that if they want to use this shitty tactic they belong to woke twitter
Leftist girls are actually hot as fuck. Def some uggos but go to any dsa/ISO/SA meeting and there are a dozen 10s
He seems to have always been this way, but was smart enough to limit his engagement with dumb shit like gautism gate. After the election he seems to have been emboldened (Breitbart interview, Sargon streams, all of his dumb ass tweets).
This happens, but it's pretty rare. Those guys usually go "genderqueer" specifically and wear yoga pants in public and shit. It usually doesn't last past their mid 20s though.
i see jontron is talking about the monolithic, pan white culture of europe in his replies too. he's clearly far beyond an edgy trump supporter and is borderline Nazi
has this furry chinned fuck ever even been to europe? swear to god it's mostly americans who have never been to europe advocating this shit.
The thing that gets me is they seem to want the left to be entirely composed of these people. What do they think they'll accomplish with a bunch of people who can't go on twitter without being overwhelmed?
Yeah never in this is there a moment where they talk with the person and try and find out why they made the jokes or how they actually feel as a person and not a persona. They've already made up their minds about what kind of person the latest target is, because they have these boogeymen brocialists that they tell each other about.
IMO yes, plus a culture of victimhood-as-currency
I see this all the time when people talk about 'white-culture' like what fucking white people are you talking about? Even in America, white people in montana are gonna act differently to white people in louisiana.
Its to bad this isn't emphasized more like putting leftist qt's in promotional material. I get that this is kind of objectifying and would probably rub female comrades the wrong way but its pretty amazing propaganda. I feel like peoples political views are definitely tied up with sex whether consciously or not. Look at the right and all their airheaded bottle blonde "political commentators."
Yeah the broads is definitely part of YPG's appeal
I like how this piece of shit on the left basically frames his politics and his political involvement as he doing us a favor that we must PROVE ourselves, consistently, of being worthy of receiving.
That's a very healthy recipe for a left-wing movement: everyone joins already expecting something and under the presumption that people there owe them something and that they must behave according to the rules they dictate.
Sorry, but no. This type of shit is what makes the Left so pathetic and only welcoming of college students who care nothing about the wider struggles, only how people engaged in those struggles can serve their own worldview and their own diagnosis of its problems. Everyone nowadays become a leftist already thinking of how they can impose their own personal preferences upon us, codifying those preferences as a set of proper woke behavior that, as Leftists, surely we must do our best to learn! And the outcome is that no one knows shit but speech-policing and everyone has that cynical "oh, that's so leftist of you guys …." attitude that makes cohesion impossible, organization difficult and action a pain in the ass.
It's the fact people like that are everywhere in left-wing movements that a blue-collar worker and a tired overworked nurse will never ever ever bother joining us. Let him be as triggered and as pissed as he wants, let him and the others leave the Left thinking "these guys are just as insensitive as the other guys!" - we're not trying to build a movement centered on your sensibilities.
As if the right couldn't be wrong enough, they needed to have the worst taste in women, too.
someone made a chart of all the famous right wing female political pundits and voices and they're pretty much all bleached blonde bimbos
"culture" seems like it has come to just mean "different from the norm". In Western countries “white culture" is just the one you're so immersed in you don't notice it, it's just normal life.
That said, Im the only white dude at my job and everyone else is Chinese. I'm always getting random questions about how white families do this or that or where some custom comes from
More tits y'all
lmao that first girl was threatening to kill herself because her Internet fiance said he didn't want to look at the tittie thread because he might get turned on.
what's her handle?
@juliabobadilla_ i think. I'm blocked for some reason lol
she was the one who got the jeeves rape accusations started
mad cuz she's worst julia
who's jeeves
not sure, ask jeeves
formerly @jeevesmeister. Bernie bro DSA-er. He got accused of being a sexual predator and he wrote a long embarrassing medium post about it. He's since left twitter lol
i now realise most twitter left women are mirror images of twitter left men: thirsty af and mildly autistic
pretty much. silicon valley capitalism has turned us into autists.
i like that kind of arguments tbh.
makes my benis happy
Most /r9k/-tier men fail to realize their XX counterparts are exactly like them.
Things I've learned from this debacle:
1. Everyone is at least 50% more autistic on twitter.
2. There are no average leftist tits. Only amazing or horrific.
lol wut
vinterflamma was always tweeting about how cucked swedish men were and no one would fuck her
guess she wasn't joking
what did she mean by this?
oh right when I'm thinking leftie women might be cool I'm reminded of what emasculating creatures they are
Its a joke I'm pretty sure.
Who is that first girl?
Oh shit, that reminds me. I asked for sources on colonialism and got a recommendation of Late Victorian Holocausts. I need to read that before I turn into JonTron.
There is a material reason for that. What percentage of people is trans, 0.1? So state healthcare can provide everything and it isn't a big deal. Can't say that about reparations. And if there is ever going to be talk about that it will be in the form of what one nation did to another, with everybody paying "their" share, instead of targeting the fortunes of still influential descendants of key players.
these posts pretty much sum up how I feel about this debacle. I really don't understand why people, especially people calling themselves leftists, feel the need to be ironically racist in front of a big audience. at the same time, I hate how the idpol brigade are at the forefront of ripping everything from its context so that even a joke making a point against racism can conceivably be twisted into an endorsement of racism.
I don't know all the accusations against PewDiePie, nor do I really care, but to use him as an example, he got people to say 'Hitler did nothing wrong' on camera for $5, to prove a point about how easily someone could sell out their own ethics for such a measly amount of money. this somehow got twisted into him being racist.
Leftist ironic racism and Holla Forums's """ironic""" racism were probably caused by the stupid loud idpol college fucks, so as much as the essjews complain they're only encouraging it because that's the response both parties want.
A late addition…
and the fact that there are ostensibly leftists who react to identity politics in such a shallow and self-defeating way demonstrates that idpolers are culpable for such moronic behaviours [i]how[/i] exactly? just as Fred Hampton correctly stated that you can't fight capitalism with more capitalism (I'm paraphrasing), you can't fight identity politics by doing the same shit Holla Forums is doing. the more I see leftists defending this, the more I wonder whether they're actually leftists, because it's just so thoroughly counterproductive to any of the kind of discourse we want to foster.
I may have missed the memo, leftist women on twitter are getting naked? if so, this pic was a very worthy addition.
and the fact that there are ostensibly leftists who react to identity politics in such a shallow and self-defeating way demonstrates that idpolers are culpable for such moronic behaviours how exactly? just as Fred Hampton correctly stated that you can't fight capitalism with more capitalism (I'm paraphrasing), you can't fight identity politics by doing the same shit Holla Forums is doing. the more I see leftists defending this, the more I wonder whether they're actually leftists, because it's just so thoroughly counterproductive to any of the kind of discourse we want to foster.
I may have missed the memo, leftist women on twitter are getting naked? if so, this pic was a very worthy addition.
All the girls on chapo twitter got their tits out for Mullen.
but that isn't what I'm arguing at all. idpolers may be partly responsible for the alt-right gaining popularity, at least in the barely-relevant scope of Gamergate politics. but are they responsible for leftists shooting themselves in the foot by acting like Holla Forums, and thereby completely playing into the hands of SJWs who are out to establish themselves as the only genuine advocates of the rights of minorities to exist?
memeing le ironic racism is just going to kill the left's chances of establishing Marxist politics as being the only genuinely anti-racist and anti-sexist school of thought. frankly I wish the retards who think this is a good idea for some bizarre reason would all fuck off.
fair enough, I guess. I'm not familiar with what chapo twitter is exactly though, my only interaction has been listening to the podcast with Pisspig since I follow the Rojava conflict somewhat.
Nick Mullen isn't a leftist he's a comedian who has some leftist friends
He certainly is a leftist of that mild Bernie variety. He's too much of a lumpen to ever develop past that stage tho
Brooklynite socialist twitter.
Most know each other irl and live in NY.
Being a scold isn't going to attract anyone to the left. Aligning yourself with the same bullshit rhetoric as turd worldists is not going to attract people to the left. It benefits no one other than those who are shallowly trying to build their Twitter brand. If you want to be the next Deray and build your audience for those enticing Wells Fargo paid lectures and Verizon sponsored tweets, go ahead, but don't pretend to be a leftist when you spend all your time scolding people for stupid shit.
The irrelevant US party? Did all 10 pile on this guy?
Well one PSL member got their tits out for him. Basically it was a combination twitter tankies and woke socdems.
Lol dude believing in single payer healthcare does not make someone a leftist
not spouting racist memes is somehow being a Turd Worldist idpol-spewing loony now?
how about fucking reading what I posted and thinking about it?
Your post is nearly indistinguishable from the turd worldists who pile on anyone who uses ironic humor. Which is in itself ironic considering you're posting on a chan.
since you don't have an argument, at the very least please don't say I didn't warn you next time you use 'niggers' ironically in a context that makes it not really that ironic and someone kicks your arse.
I sent 5 more screenshots in the email of racist and sexist shit from Gavin and Shane too.
Fuck these hypocrites
sorry meant this
Nobody on the left including Mullen is just dropping N-bombs on twitter.
This isn't a debate about irony it's about woke social media people getting attention and protecting their brand.
For example eve peyser is all about her little media brand and starting going through his twitter and searching for excellent tweets to denounce when a few months ago she was a Nick Mullen fan and making jokes just as ""problematic"". see
The rest are deranged tankies and socdems with 8 pronouns in their bio telling everybody who disagrees with them to get walled/gulaged.
The desire to be famous will always win. That's why crushing celebrity culture should be a major goal of socialism.
Post yfw these idpol faggots will stay triggered and do their best to look relevant while Chapo will STILL be the #1 Patreon creators
You'll be amazed at how few people care about what your standard of "leftist" is
socialist discourse of the 21st century is showing your tits on twitter.
is this real life?
why tho
whats wrong with communism?
Certain aspects of left twitter who are repulsed by sexuality getting mad at Julia
The left is largely white male because White males, for their sins, in larger percentage take interest in these things, from Politics to philosophy to all the boring niches white men find interest in, there's no point going into denial about it, white males are the most important demographic, it's that simple.
They get stuff done, and put the hours in, do hours of monotonous shit purely out of their interest. If you want a revolution, that will always be your golden thread, and I'm tired of even pretending this isn't the case to pomo scum.
theyre posting ass now
It's just looonstar
I think Felix is fucking her. I remember his Tweets when he went on vacation and she was with him.
My interest ends here
he'll yeah
I have not payed any attention to any of this why are they posting tits on twitter?
lmao this is a new level of delayed mad
missed the boat of people being mad at nick days ago for years old tweets
Not that I'm not appreciative, but what is the purpose of this?
it's not even a racial issue Jesus Christ
They just wanted to show their tits I think. Now the feminist tankies are getting mad at them for self objectification or something
dsa girls triggering libs in tankies clothing they did it to defend nick mullen
is self objectification what prudes call sexuality
anyting that upsets libs and internet tankies is good imo. that its titties is a welcome bonus.
Nick Mullen is a comedian that does a podcast called Cumtown. He's friends with the Chapo trap house guys and is somewhat known on certain twitter circles. This guy shown and made a big fuss about how he's excellent. Twitter "feminists" like Eve Peyser who were friends with this guy like a month ago started denouncing him even though they do the same stuff see
It became a big witch hunt and now everybody who likes Chapo or Cumtown is an ironybro brocialist psyop. In support of Mullen a turkish girl started a thread where everyone posted their tits.
Shes almost as fucking pale and european looking as me. I'd instantly think 'white' if I saw her. And what the rest of society thinks when they look at you and whether or not they treat you different because of that is the only actually meaningful thing about "race".
She is white and has threatened call ICE on someone on twitter she didn't like.
race has got to be the stupidest thing that people care about.
Hm. Could this have anything to do with Erdogan's upcoming referendum?
Oh, don't forget that days later so called "feminists" are mad at the tittie girls for doing what they want with their bodies. It's bad because men might see it and get boners.
Julia and Looonstar are making fun of the prudes now by posting butts.
Islam is the light
It's worth noting that both idiots in this screenshot are in DSA. A lot of their members participated in this dumb struggle session.
The Catholics and Muslims on weird left twitter were more supportive than the feminists. They all just joked about it.
That's because Julia is a Saracen provocateur
Just a function of DSA being the largest leftist org in the US and US leftists in general being a joke, so you're gonna pick up some of these turds no matter what you do. Should be noted that DSA national issued no rebuke of mullen or chapo, and chapo is doing several events in tandem with local DSA chapters over the next couple weeks, uninhibited by this "scandal".
Of course just pointing out this isn't all tankies or whatever
Yeah sorry just on edge from having so many of these retards attack DSA the last two days over this dumb shit. Luckily national just basically posted that this shit is retarded and they couldn't give less of a shit.
Not as thought DSA leadership isn't retarded. The fact that "Larry Website" through a fit and started crying, sending his followers after people when they asked him to use his platform to be a little bit more professional, rather than posting dumb ass memes and fast food ads all day.
didn't Ali Kourani tell this bitch he'd murder her if she ever set foot in Lebanon
(also lets pause for a moment and marvel at how left twitter is a place where YPG and Hezbollah fighters can shitpost together)
Yeah that's the girl and there was a similar "omg this guy in Hezbollah may be unwoke" controversy where everyone who followed Ali was now a woman hater.
Yeah but who doesn't have autistic people in their leadership these days.
lmao what the fuck is wrong with these people
I'd be willing to bet this person follows the Greaves/Kahina cult.
what the fuck are you talking about
"Larry Website" is a guy on Twitter who does some of the social media stuff for DSA. He tends to get butthurt whenever he is criticized.
never thought i'd see the day…but i love being Left and Online
identitarian leftists are like a bizarro version of ARGENTINA IS WHITE!
but instead they want to be a PoC because they're more oppressed by the capitalist settler patriarchal hegemony and thus are automatically correct at all times.
the american left doesn't need any help from the CIA in self-destruction, idpol does the job well enough.
People making these very vague allusions to "safety" and then not following up on what they mean has been one of the more genuinely interesting things about this.
Except the CIA funded elements of the women's movement and established the idpol we have today. Gloria Steinem literally broke up student movements in europe and even tried to destroy the black community in the 70s by publishing feminist hate rhetoric against black men in the name of feminism.
What is up with the strange intersection of those who criticize the Dry Boys/DSA being either Tankie types or RadFems? Is it just a coincidence that they're both butthurt at anything vaguely related to Chapo?
I'm noticing a weird parallel between those who obsess over the damage that 'IronyBros' supposedly do to the discourse and those who obsessively look for CIA plots in everything that any Western Leftist does. It's as if The RadFems and Tankies are both increasingly alarmed at the inconsequential rise of vaguely DSA aligned viewpoints on Twitter as both unwoke and not orthodox enough.
Yeah, there is. That parallel is unchecked mental illness. There is an unchecked crowd of paranoid schizophrenics who worship a porn heiress running around Twitter. Really, a mental health professional should step in before they hurt themselves or others.
That's why I love them
I think the deal is mostly that Tankies and RadFems are mentally ill and they resent any remotely popular left movements
A porn heiress on twitter is the boojiest thing i can think of. How she became the darling of twitter tankies is beyond me.
Yes, this all a conspiracy by Molly Klein, socdems are not all racist morons.
Red Kahina internet defense force
That's wild. Any literature on that?
Remember that time Bernie Sanders called Hugo Chavez, another socdem elected in a liberal democracy, a "communist dictator"? That's racism. Everyone who tails the democratic party and participates in its dumbass bro humor like ironically naming your podcast Mexican Drug Den and referring to your fans by the name of Turkish Fascist paramilitaries is a cuck. It's like Rachel Maddow for manchildren.
Molly, can I have some money?
I thought the conspiracy came from the PSL though.
Molly please I need money to buy books about being a good ally
Which conspiracy are you referring to?
The one that believes Chapo and DSA are psyops, or the pile on against Mullen?
If you're referring to Mullen, Molly's crew have gone after the Cum Boys in the past, but I believe this most recent incident was started because someone named Kiran Opal discovered Mullen's existence for the first time and thought that she could get some brand points out of virtue signalling over months, even years old tweets.
No, I'm pointing out there's a contradiction between attributing all this to Molly Klein and then also believing the PSL, an organization she hates, as being involved. Same goes for all of the MLs outside of her bullshit.
Or how about Weev? Why do Nick Mullen, Molly Crabapple, and all sorts of other left social media personalities have connections with this open nazi?
Molly, please. I could use $50. Please venmo me money.
I feel like there's a sizable amount of Tradcath leftists that dislike them too. They have a really eclectic list of critics I guess.
Chapo (and a lot of young people's) ironic attitude allows them to tolerate their peers well enough to work with them. They can handle dissension from the orthodoxy when it occurs in sincere forms, and they aren't or overwhelmed by offenses that have very little to do with politics. This a very good attitude that helps the cause of socialism, imo.
+1 We need to spread this info as much as possible.
lol you've gotta be kidding
That awkward moment when you realize that gender fems and radfems are just female MRAs and MGTOWs.
she's hot but annoying
third pic made me hnnnnggg