What's going to happen to all the NEETs in a communist society?

What's going to happen to all the NEETs in a communist society?

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Gulag probably.

Why would you not be, at the very least, in education in a communist system. Makes no sense to me.

Why do you think so many ancoms are arts students? Moneyless is basically an escapist fantasy for people whose only contribution to society is bog-standard poetry and drum circle participation. These are the people that are adamant "people would still want to work because they want to be productive!" and then wail about how they're F O R C E D to be productive members of society.

In market socialism they'd be the lepers they deserve to be. Hopefully the same would be true for ancom societies: without a heaping helping of magical futurism star trek replicators making labor obsolete, no community would be willing to put up with their shit.

sorry for wanting to see humanity advance
I'm a tradesman and I can guarantee you absolutely nobody would want to do this shit work if it weren't for the compensation.

We finally get to do fun work and not being held back by private property.

this thread will be a shit show about how NEETs are reactionaries who will all be murdered because people's protestant work ethics. They'll get the mental health care they need, and more than likely will associate with society more due to there no longer being the alienation and mental illness they suffer from. Anybody who goes
is cucked

I wanted to become a science researcher but that plan fell through as it become implicit that it would leave me with no real prospects, and as such, I have to resort to STEM wagekekkery.

Mods pls /thread

STEM doesn't even pay salary any more? jesus you guys need a union

t. still waiting for FALC to descend from the heavens

go move to bolivia if you want to live in squalor so badly

Nazbol doesn't even understand bolshevism. Not at all surprising.

not an argument

If a ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€commissar๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ thinks he can turn up and make me work, he's got another thing coming

Anti NEETism is the main reason why I can't become a ML in good conscious.

My bad. I ment STEM in the more prosperous fields such as IT and software etcโ€ฆ However, they are becoming shittier because of the amount of people pouring into these fields


Good then, the last thing we need is more ML.


Unironically gulag. If you can seek a totally free education in whatever field is most suitable to your abilities and interests to make a contribution to society, and you STILL choose to be a parasite who does nothing, why should you get anything? Mental illness would be the only excuse.

Collective self interest. You are fucking irrelevant if you don't benefit me.

I unironically agree with this sentiment. I have no obligation to you to save you from the consequences of nature.




Haven't read a good argument against this.

It's not just tankies, you see this shit from loads of people on the left. Fact of the matter is NEETs are alienated from society due to autism, anxiety disorders, depression and a whole host of other things that make them unable to be productive in a work environment.

Eh, fuck those who don't produce value for the system though, they're the leaches who must die they obviously all chose to try and wreck the world.

how the fuck do I get a job i can barely go outside
everyone tells me im a leech but no one tells me what I should be doing

There's only so much necessary work to be done. To force everyone to work you must either create many unnecessary working roles and then force people into them (digging and refilling ditches or something) or just murdering everyone who was unlucky enough to not be needed. It also completely ignores artists.

Also doing that shit would require a state, which communism can not have, ever, under any definition, and fuck you if you think it can have a state.

I'm not advocating gulags. However I am not responsible for entropy existing, therefore it is not my responsibility to give you charity. If you cannot survive on your own and cannot provide some utility to the community WHOSE RESOUCES YOU DRAW ON, I see no wrong in kicking you out for being a leech.

Wow, it's almost like I accounted for that.
And of course mental healthcare would be free.

FALC is a future fantasy. As for now, there is a ton of work to be done. I'd rather see everyone work a very short work week than see half of society work a many hours a week whilst the other half leeches off them doing nothing.

Planning how communism would work is even more of an exercise in prophecy than planning how socialism would work. Full communism would likely require some sort of robot utopia at which point working at all is outdated.



The only way you're going to manage to keep the food from me is either working in every distribution centre at once and denying food to all the neets who come by, or by hoarding grain to keep it away from the distribution centres that are UNFAIRLY KEEPING THOSE UNDESERVING PEOPLE ALIVE until the commune decides to fuck you up for hoarding grain.

Not enough for everyone no matter how autistic you are.

Also artists.

That's fine, then people can still dabble in free education, training or craftmanship.
Why become a NEET when you can finally go into VIDYAGAEMS like many of them desire? Mental disorders would be an alright answers but medical aid would also be free.

Are you saying communism can't have art schools and other artistic avenues?

I imagine there will be 100% employment for those able those with disabilities will recieve treatment and given jobs within their abilities


You niggers never read the bread book I swear. The well-being of all, means the well-being of all, not a few.

How are you going to determine whether an artist is working enough to be allowed to survive? Will you create some sort of painting quota?

A community can easily tell you "fuck you, get out" and just bar you from using their resources very easily.


Art isn't work and it certainly isn't necessary or even a benefit to society. That's like saying "I'm not a NEET, I play croquet!" Art is a pastime, a hobby. The only reason it was ever considered a profession is because the bourgeois patronized the arts so they could control culture. Art is not meant to be controlled by a small cabal of "artists".

Tankies, everyone

Professional athletes btfo

I feel the same I work security for a company full time and maybe around 5% of the time here I am actually doing work, I am posting from work now.

At least in regards to fucking food and shelter, where we do in fact have more than enough for everyone by a stupid amount.

And read Kropotkin already. Technocrat scum.

Only an anarchist.

Lots of temporarily embarrassed Jewish Commissars ITT.

It's hard to tell when someone's joking about tankies, or when it's an actual tankie, since they already are jokes. Also I stopped reading at money, I'm half a drink from going to bed.

don't even get me started on the entertainment industry

it's almost like we live in a society that incentivizes and prioritizes labor and production

typical ancom

Ancoms, everyone.

To be fair I did work in maintenance for a private company before I landed this job and it was absolutely hell. There was a good bit of work to be done, yeah. But I'm good at my job. I can finish off most projects in half time.

And my supervisor would be on my ass 24/7 telling me to get to work even though there really wasn't any work to be done. Eventually I ended up really slowing down the pace of work so it would last long enough for the shift

They would probably be fine working any shit job since they would be able to afford to live with dignity even as a sewer cleaner or something.

It could work in a post-scarcity society, but yes, in any immediate form of socialism some measure of registering value will remain necessary.

shhhhh don't talk about market socialism, you'll upset the anarkiddies playing utopia dreamland

Piss off, pseudo-capitalist. The use of money as a means of keeping track of value produced and taken is by no means unique to marketfaggotry. You could even replace it by alternative forms of money such as labor vouchers or whatever, as its only use would be to facilitate the distribution of scarce goods to the working people according to their desire. Kautsky, who for all his flaws was far from a marketfag, said this:
It is a mere administrative tool to be used during the socialist stage of development, not something intrinsically valuable and certainly not something to be used for market exchange.

If you don't want to work you don't have to, but you would probably eventually would want to do something anyway after doing nothing with all the free stuff. That's the idea.

That's why I am not a money-abolitionist myself actually.
Like money is just an instrument and nothing more. It's the structures behind them that are "evil" so to speak, not money itself, it's just a fucking tool for distrubution and stuff.
The only reason you would need to abolish it is if you have a more effective tool, not because "money is the devil"

Money ultimately is just an abstraction of equivalent exchange/trade, which is more or less the same thing as a market

As much as this is a issue for society at large my punk house has a similar issue my roommate broke up with her bf that was the bread winner and was unable to afford the room.

so she had another friend rent the room right now she is sleeping on the couch in the front room not having a job or any other use of income and not paying rent or utilities.

I was thinking the min wage in the area is 11/hour if she worked doing domestic duties one hour 28 days a week she would have enough money for rent and bills and around 150 each month for luxury goods.

She has food stamps and also we have organized trips to the food bank so Everyone has food even when food stamps run out.

What do you guys think about this solution for our house along with society as a whole? Paying people unable or unwilling to find work be employed by the government to fix things we have problems with clean water, homes for everyone, roads, other infrastructure.

I have no problem working to help my family

I just can't be bothered caring about the rest of society. Too many cunts

It could be worse, you could be crusty squatter scum

but no seriously, so long as it's only you folks bearing her burden and you're fine with doing so, no problem here

You of all people should know sweating is like kryptonite to punks

Jesus Christ, this "money in socialism/communism" is a meme and needs to die.


Gulag is not what I was promised by Marx

i'm only a NEET until i can be wifed, so one of you who's ok with a trapwife better wife me the fuck up before I get my ass gulag'd, ok?

What is he, your fucking messiah? What is it with ancoms and their utter dependence on "Marx wrote it down once" argument from authority?



go on for two hours until 10*

triple kek orange liqueur


Making memes and disguising things on chans is a work too. You can call me an independent academic of new generation


salary is a big scam tbh
i mean every once in a while you can find a place where it doesn't just mean fixed hours and unpaid overtime, but that's extremely rare

Agreed tbh. You're a leftypol's "social media coordinator" (This is literally my sister's job title).

Point is everyone is hating on neets but not on these people

Already most jobs are superfluous and I really doubt even the laziest neets would object to talking out an hour or two out of their day doing some stupid task

Or I can call you Inmate

Even modern capitalism isn't this ruthless

Wew, that freudian slip

Yep, gulag'd

You wanna know what's best?
Porky KNOWS his employees are not working 100% of the time and he still makes them come to work for 8 hours.

Forced to labour to achieve planning production numbers

join the post-left instead

If I wasn't autistic, depressed or retarded in some other way I would find employment long time ago m8. What's the point of communism if it always turns out to be more brutal and edgy than capitalism itself?

the workers own the means of production

that's the point, not hippie dippie FALC paradise where we all rest on Marx's flowing fabulous beard and smoke pot all day where post scarcity magic solves all our problems (would be nice though)

Excuses excuses
Oh jesus fuck how awful I have to find a job, what terror, what evil, now how will I sew patches onto my denim jacket all day

You're talking to a tankie and are probably being trolled. stop giving him (you)s.


hey only I'm allowed to be the fun police

no you're not, you're gonna be le gulag'd xd

What's the purpose of it all if toil, pain and struggle never ends?

if not living in star trek utopia is that painful to you, feel free to start a suicide pact with all your crusty friends

I'm not here for you to leech off of me

He who does not work, does not eat

t. Lenin.

i will get an education in masturbating and jack on your face


Who's porky in this situation?

I wouldn't own the means of production though. You working for my neetbux would be an act of benevolence on your side not something I would or even possibly could force you to do

True. But you wouldn't need to; rent-seeking behavior no longer requires private property. At that point merely taking from community coffers without contributing back can make you a rent-seeker. Leeching made easy.

Au contraire, a moneyless ancom society would be designed specifically such that you could do so even without my knowledge or consent; I couldn't stop you even if I tried.

Would you leave the autist alone already

would having various mental..disorders such as severe agoraphobia due to something like ocd and autism be a valid reason for being a NEET? i don't wanna be gulag'd but i genuinely can't.. do much.. i fucking hate my life

Did I get lost and wind up on Holla Forums?

How would you effectively measure and estimate the value of each community member's contribution in order to decide justly who gets what and in how big amount from the coffer? You can't simply say "contribute just whatever and take what you need", If it would allow me to go to the nearest orchard, pick a few apples, bring them to the granary and claim that I made my contribution and deserve my bucks. Such system would merely add another ritual into my NEET life but wouldn't essentially change the fact of me being a leech

How do we measure value right now? With currency

So you don't really want capitalism but you kinda do?

Trade and private property aren't really the same thing

polite sage

Trade between individuals cannot exist without private ownership. You said that you want to measure the value with currency and that you don't want anyone to leech off your work. That's not communism but capitalism reseted when everyone starts with an equal opportunity but after 100-200 years everything eventually goes back to the situation we have today.

Fucking love all the autistic screeching from Ancoms lmao

You're conflating personal property with private property. Wrong.

Yes, this is called the "labor theory of value" whereby workers get the full benefit of their labor.
Such hilariously unsubstantiated conjecture that I feel no need to address this.

yes it can dumb dumb

Afaik property is divided in two categories: movable and immovable. No matter if it belongs to either physical or juridical person it's called private property described with a movable/immovable adjective for further specification. So in this case "personal property" = movable private property, "private property" = immovable private property. Now if I'm understanding correctly in communism all/almost all immovable property and certain part of movable property cannot be owned by a person either physical or juridical. This in consequences cuts off a very huge chunk of trade but doesn't make it disappear completely, people still are allowed to really own certain items like a furniture, tool kit or a car and they are free sell/buy them for currency. Won't it inevitably will lead to a situation when some people being naturally better at obtaining commodities for a lower price and reselling them for higher, will eventually accumulate enough money to buyout whole supply of a certain product in order to create artificial scarcity then resell it back to people for a higher price, then repeat the process with another commodity until this small caste of speculators end up as the ultimate owners of all fruits of people's labour while the only thing rest of society have are factories and land? By allowing people to own movable private property you didn't really eradicate capitalism completely but merely beat it unconscious and locked in a cage, it's still breathing and recovering

Yeah I live with a bunch of ancoms and punks that think anarchism is cool but I have always been a socialist that thinks their ideology is a bit too utopian.

Corrective labor. Most of you will an hero.

Only because you say it is.
No. A truck is movable, yet private property. A hours is immovable, yet personal property.

I hate to say that, but tankieposter is right. You really are conflating personal property with private property.


Nothing because they act like assholes and don't contribute so no one cares about them.

and this my NEET friends is why you should just stick to modern neoliberal capitalism. In capitalism we have a very nice welfare state system which is going to get even more comfy as we implement basic income when all the jobs start to become automated. You will live a very good life under a capitalist welfare state. Plenty of tendies and cummies for you.

Under communism you will be forced to work in a job that your dear commisar has told you to work in and will have no freedom because you have to meet the production quota no matter what. Communism is for self-hating cucks who want an even more exploitative and oppressive system than capitalism to take over their lives.

Pathetic really.


I'd rather just have communism with no tankies desu.

Unfortunately that won't work. Socialist ideals can only be realistically achieved through embracing tankie tactics. There's a reason why the most successful socialist regimes were tankie.

Embrace the comfy welfare state that your ancestors built for you. We will have a NEET paradise in the West once Basic Income is implemented.

Hey ya'll, posting b/c I wanna know if I'm banned.

I mean honestly, this just isn't true

Jesus fucking christ the kind of people on this board.

Kys, Nazbol cuck.



there is a difference between patriotism and jingoism

They should be given psychological help and resources. I'd want them to have enough to at least survive.


kropotkin said in the conquest of bread that all the losers can hang out as long as there's not too many. if it's making life hard in the village they will have to do work or be asked to leave.


it's starting to become commonplace



what exactly? your're gonna throw your piss bottles at him? kek

This entire thread had shown me who the real socialists are as well as the bourgs.

we have 2 of these every week in case you ever need to be reminded