The r/soc mods are now banning people for… being furry.
Does it get stupider than this?
The r/soc mods are now banning people for… being furry.
Does it get stupider than this?
Well, i could easily see that coming after the catgirl case.
What surprise me is that they are still people over there.
Well, they can't always be wrong.
Nothing wrong with this, fam.
Gotta ban something
Identitarian Leftists just hate anything that could give a man a boner honestly, its the whole basis behind TERF and SWERFism.
This is why socialism will never work lmao
Learn a thing from /r/the_donald
I really dislike the inverted attitude mods there have towards banning users. Specifically looking at any post and putting it on a scale of "it's easy to ban this user" to "it's difficult to ban a user" is not a good way to run a forum. It's not unique to r/socialism and imo is more of the rule than the exception to Internet mods in general, especially ones that have inherented the culture of something awful– which is a surprisingly high percentage of forum moderators.
It's why r/socialism will never work. The mods there are really good at generating pointless aggrievements, which a person ostensibly trying to promote their politics should avoid doing.
Does anybody still give a shit about the antics of those powertripping retards?
Why would they want aut-rightists there anyway?
I for one, welcome our new furry overlords
that's actully a good thing tho
That's good. They have my support.
The vault 7 leaks have shown that furries are a CIA psyop.
that place is fucking cancer
I think horseshoe theory might actually be real, but only for idpol
That's dumb enough to be true.
Quints of truth.
r/socialism is utter cancer
So we should recruit them, right?
The Holla Forums resistance movement to overthrow the fake communist government of china reddit.
Is that why you are here?
Please go back to reddit. Try another r/board. Please leave us alone. Who care about r/soc?
Yes. Reddit is the 11th largest english website.
It natcucks can post here furries should be welcome too
Praise kek!
gee, thanks
Just make sure to spoiler porn, its still a sfw board.
They're not being stupid, they're just nasty. Bullying and banning people is what they're in the game for.
yiff in hell furfaggots