What do you think of George Galloway?
What do you think of George Galloway?
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I don't think about him at all.
I think about you, user.
i like him tbh
Bourgeois apologist for fanatics
Don't agree with his views on a lot of things (especially when it comes to Islam), but I respect that he's one of the very few UK politicians who doesn't play the politics game, and sticks to their principles.
That said, there are a couple of events that made him lose a bit of integrity in my eyes. That whole crazy celebrity big brother pretending to be a cat thing was just ridiculous. Also, the way he celebrated when Margaret Thatcher died was very tasteless, even if he had completely opposed her policies.
Fun fact: Alan Gadze ('Comrade Delta') once sucked George's cock, unironically. Or was that metaphorically?
based destroyer of retarded liberals
The TLDR on this video is that somebody calls him a racist and he tears them a new asshole for 6 minutes
what's wrong with that
Why celebrate the death of an old and no longer in power woman? Unlike the likes of Cameron and Osborne, Thatcher seems to have been a genuinely ideological politican and wasn't just pandering to big businesses. Even if I completely disagreed with her policies and thought that they caused a lot of suffering to innocent people, I wouldn't go so low as to smugly celebrate her death. Same reason I thought the people who celebrated when Osama Bin Laden was killed were idiots. It's the loss of a human life, I'm not going to join in the mob mentality and celebrate that.
fuck off mate, Maggie's death was like an unofficial holiday when it happened celebrations of all kinds were great. We had a fucking street party when it happened
I would love to piss on her grave.
Well you guys are probably edgy cunts, and exactly the reason why most people see left-wingers as a bunch of unwashed students with no real life experience. She was a real person with a real family who loved her, and celebrating her death is simply lacking in class.
Your smug high horsing is why so many of the working class hate what they think is the left.
dude you know there is an actual real existing class of people who were treated like shit under thatcher, she caused mass suffering. She went to war with the trade unions. She made Britain the neoliberal hellhole it is to day and held hands with Reagan as they carved up the middle east and Latin America. End yourself.
Kids didn't chant this in the streets for no reason.
I'm not being smug, I'm arguing against smugly celebrating a woman's death.
No, they chanted it because their parents told them to, kids don't form their own political opinions. I agree that she damaged the country in many ways, but it wasn't out of greed, it was out of ideology. I don't think it's fair to celebrate her death.
no you faggot, its because she literally took their milk from them.
Euthenize yourself faggot.
No she didn't, she just stopped giving them milk for free. She didn't take anything that was actually 'their's', seeing as they never owned the milk.
Not an argument.
Good voice, somewhat based, made a bit of a twat of himself during the Scottish referendum though tbh.
Kek'd when a Scottish nationalist told me the old "Galloway wants independence for every country except his own" line.
The only thing tasteless about celebrating that bitches death is that it wasn't more widespread.
Many of those in the neoliberal story can plead some sort of clemency, that their hand was forced: Thatcher was zealous, a true believer.
Neoliberalism lives on. Blair, Cameron, May are all "Thatcherism with a man's face"
Give me a panderer over someone who's ideology genuinely aligns with the bullshit she believed in.
Also, she got swathes of her policy from think-tanks, which in total is little better than directly pandering to business. (Those think tanks being set up directly to shill muh-arket.)
I hope she suffered before she died. :)
Criticizing people for "smugly" celebrating the death of a person who made their or other people's lives more miserable is fucking smug, you retard. The only value her life had to them was the ending of it. I hope the celebration continues when Blair, Cameron, May, and all those faggots hit the dirt. Even better, I hope they are forced into an early grave.
No pine box, no wreath of flowers, with her safe inside
Lets give her a fitting fate, string her up by Tyburn Gate!
Then get pissed and celebrate - party!
Thatcher's died!
All milk belongs to the working people, all milk denied by her, or drank by her, was stolen.
How can you be so fucking dense? They had milk, the she came and made sure they didn't have milk. It's a loss of milk.
He's a cunt but he's our cunt.
fuck off she killed thousands of people with her ideology and permanently ruined this country
Thatcher made the North even worse off than it was, but it's always been shit here mate
He was a recipient of the sponsor of the oil-for-food initiative and a bootlicker of Ba'athist regimes, all acting under the guise of some anti-imperialist stalwart. Be wary of his kind, he does not mean us good.
I recall him saying the IRA were the same as ISIS and also being a paid shill for Assad. Just another weirdo Trot from Britain.
Why are they entitled to free milk? Why milk and not other drinks? Why should the working class have ownership over the nation's milk reserves?
The working class should have ownership over everything, Holla Forums.