Triggering Holla Forumstards is fun, also if you dont consider Trump a dangerous monster you arent really a leftie.
If you are so reactionary you would ally yourself with Holla Forums you dont belong here.
Triggering Holla Forumstards is fun, also if you dont consider Trump a dangerous monster you arent really a leftie.
If you are so reactionary you would ally yourself with Holla Forums you dont belong here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, reddit/ Holla Forums
The link to our arsenal. Have fun.
Try harder Holla Forums
why are you declining to liberalism by attacking a single candidate instead of attacking bourgeoisie democracy?
stop trying to be the opposite of Holla Forums and start being leftist
Because Holla Forumstards are delusional, they believe if you dont shit on Trump that you support him.
Similar to how a bully believes people who are quiet support him, it is a psychological issue idiots have so you have to destroy that defense mechanism
oh Holla Forums you are so new
Trying to "take back" brocialism as a word is about as silly and counter-productive as tankies trying to "take back" red fascism as a term. Sure, maybe it can work, but you'll just be making yourself look like a dumb suburban kid.
ecks dee good comeback Holla Forumsrother XD
this is why we aren't making progress
OP is a facebook nigger and he is not even trying to hide it.
Sage and hide this garbage
This. Praise Trump and fuck Jewish Idpol.
Nice try Holla Forums
Porkybook is bad though.
It's easy to notice how they look after you see them a few times.
lol only right wing mentally ill idiots like Trump
Fuck off, only liberals dislike Trump reddit.
t. Drumfplet
Lmao what the fuck is wrong with Holla Forums
It is just Holla Forums falseflaggers
Shitting on US presidents is not wrong but OP sounds like the type who didn't mind Obama.
that's what liberalpol is for though