More Pirate Posting

Don't let this meme die so soon, Holla Forums. It just started, and I love it too much to be so quickly forgotten.


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stop trying to force memes.

Nah, pirate memes are good shit. People just gotta make more OC.

All memes are forced

we are centrally planning them :^)


should add, Pirates were hung, make sure to look up nasty ways which pirates killed their enemies

You mean "hanged". "Hung" is when you have a big dick.

Well yeah that too

No, hung is the past tense of hang. Clothes are hung. The use of hung refer to "hanging appendages" is just an innuendo, dating at least back to the time of Shakespeare ("Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage") but this pun exists because hung means hanged.

Leave ideology to me

Gonna bring back keelhauling? Gonna bring back keelhauling!

Anyone got resources on where I should begin on learning GIMP/Photoshop? I want to pump out a large amount of lefty memes but they need to be good as well

They used to be two distinct words that happened to develop to sound alike and for whatever reason they kept their distinct separate past tenses.

your pirate memes are good and me and I would like to help spread them. Your meme making abilities are top notch and I would like them to be part of the Action Front. Also, read "Villains of All Nations" I'm sure it will be give you much material.

No, they were never separate words. It is a simple change from regular to an irregular form, which is actually the general trend with English words, where the regular form falls out of use and begins to sound incorrect. The only issue here is that for some reason that is literally arbitrary (ruled by a prescriptivist council) we are supposed to resist the change from regular to irregular only in this case. But they were never seperate words that happened to sound the same. Hanged as in hanged man is the regular form of hung.

No they were seperate words that sounded differently, hon and hangen. Also, it's not really some arbitrary prescriptivist council thing, in a legal context people almost always use hanged and guess what that's where a shitload of talk about death by hanging is going to happen.

I have no idea but I look foward to seeing your OC :)

No, that is where the word "hang" itself original comes from, a fusion old English and Germanic languages. From that point hung developed as the irregular form of hang.


It's 100% a case of people speaking English correctly and the council of grammar nazis stepping in and saying no, you aren't speaking it /properly/.

Whether you think it's important to keep the regular form of hung in use for legal tradition or not, it doesn't change the fact that hung means hanged. Deal with it.

Ahoy, Comrades!~

This has been drafted for spreading it on chans and 1.0 platforms
dis·sem·i·nate : spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely:
af·fect : have an effect on; make a difference to
We are at war. We are in a Culture war.
You are a soldier. Theses are our people and this is our world.
The enemy is trying to claim our lives and our world.
Their desire is to OWN US, OUR LIVES AND OUR MINDS.
ab·stract : existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence:
Your job is to DISSEMINATE and AFFECT.
This decntralized movement on the internet needs a kick in the ass to a localized setting. The biggest hurdle
that people have is meeting up because they fear the real nazi's will brand them as radical violent natzis.
We need to reach out to other chummers in the real space and spread our redpill signal. We need to try something
else besides comment posting on the net or smurfing the twitterdome and the various other slums of the internets.
Its time we use the curiosity of the everyday individual to entice them to redpill themselves.
I'm Talking about (YOU) creating NETWORKS in high traffic areas in cities and places of other high traffic.
Information is not a crime.
Requirements: Purchase the hardware needed to create Pirateboxes with extended range.
Content: Redpill photos, memes, literature, chats where we can drop the pill.
go internet search PirateBox to understand what you can do and the concept of this.
Deployment: Everywhere that we can reach teenagers that are susceptible redpilling.
We either repill them or they fall prey to leftist in school and then college.
The time to reach our core structrure popuation is now.
Put one in you car when you park it in that busy town lot or garage or at the diner in a plastic
bag in the gutter of a building or at a public library. Future war is here and this is an rpg56k.
Immediate : RESEARCH Pirateboxing, develop the structure, Plant them EVERYWHERE. Use latex gloves.


t. only read to the 4th line

It's not about being proper. It's about clarity. "He was hung," means something very different from "He was hanged." I honestly thought for a moment was saying pirates had big dicks.

Thus the phrase hanged, drawn, and quartered.

i just hope the serious pirat poster keep posting good and the meme continuses

how do i become a pirate poster?

Use a pirate flag, newfag. :^)


Click [▶ Show post options & limits] and select pirate flag



This thread got me to reinstall Pirates! after pirating it :3c

Thanks Holla Forums

thanks matey

check /freedu/

Read a book, niggarrrrrgh!

i like the flag. YARGGHHHHH

Yarr welcome!

It's the ukrainian flag, but it will do

Stenka Razin was a pretty based Ukrainian landpirate.

I did and I didn't find shit. Help pls

I like this.

Just dick around with either of them until you feel comfortable.
Google how to do certain tasks.
Figure out how layers and selections operate and you should make things a lot easier.
Ctrl-Shift-A in GIMP to stop selecting anything, Ctrl-D in Photoshop.
Get meme'ing matey!

These are pretty good

NazBol Gang > pirates