What are some leftist fiction books/movies/games/whatever?
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What are some leftist fiction books/movies/games/whatever?
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The Tin Drum
Part of the story is about a literal Nazi cuck.
this game is a must for everyone
La Haine
Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie
faggy flag, faggy taste
How could anyone be such a pleb??? What do you enjoy to play, FIFA?
What's the sauce of that image?
The "Culture" series by Iain M. Banks.
seconding this
I'm reading the Moon is a Harsh Mistress now. It sometimes comes across as leftist but then Heinlein starts talking about free market shit. I'm not really sure he even understood what that meant, though, so it kind of comes across as a place holder for economic equality. Fucking Americans.
pretty much all movies from the 60s and 70s tbh
There's this comr8 who sometimes makes threads about socialist vidya, dunno his name or YT channel nor whatever tho.
Out of all sci-fantasy authors, why did it have to be him, God damn it?
mirror's edge
It's basically Atlas Shrugged in space. Even 16 year old could see how rabidly lolbertarian it was.
Sid Meiers Pirates!
Sure sounds like something a lolbertarian would advocate, collective action to protect the environment
I heard that das capital is excellent fiction :^)
16 year old>Average lefty when it comes to intellect
Well I was only on chapter 4 at the time so I was holding out hope that it wouldn't be a Randian circlejerk.