Will the nuclear family survive when global communism takes over?
Will the nuclear family survive when global communism takes over?
lets hope not
I plan on slitting it's throat myself, so no, and good riddance to bad rubbish.
will global communism allow me to be a housewife?
What kind of immature faggot wants to live like that?
First off, you can't build a fucking house. I know you can't. Beyond that, why wouldn't a woman work if she wanted, or a man go full-neet if he wanted?
what will replace it? breeding compounds attached to gulags?
The only options you see?
The suicidal genocide of the human race is what he had in mind. Everyone would become so apathetic that they would just sit in their armchairs until they all died.
News at fucking 11. Don't be stupid.
The nuclear family is an invention of the 1800s, there are other family structures like an extended family, or a communal family.
I've personally always just wanted to live in a house filled with my good friends.
What do you mean "survive''? Raise your kids how you want to
But everyone else has to do it the same way because, uh, tradition and it's just right.
i wanna be someone's trans tradwife honestly, i want to be kept as a trapwife and make some guy happy for the rest of my life to the best of my ability.
not modern, but definitely a valuable ancient tradition
you've been poisoned by flouride
this is how you create Holla Forumsyps, do not speak this way to normies especially from the midwest and south you idiots.
We aren't talking to normies, we are talking to people that have chosen their convictions.
What alternative do you prefer?
This board is pathetic and I'm not even from Holla Forums
oh, your not a gay trap :(
I want me and other trans lady cuddles
Why cant i stay home and clean? i enjoy that shit, id have so much free time too. I could paint, we all could paint. Communism will allow us to all paint.
In all seriousness, and not to brag, but in previous relationships ive ended up with women who arent always smarter than me but have higher career ambitions and are certainely smart enough to exceed them. Ive sort of made it my goal to get to a point where id feel alright about using paternity leave if they were pregnant as to not lose the main income, house husbands are good dads imo.
Are you ignorant or just pretending? Jesus christ, you don't even know what you want.
No normies have a blind fetish for dead traditions they don't understand.
destroy all human social relations and values, as long as we have fair profit-sharing distribution in the market.
It's not edgy to not want to follow your stupid blind fetish for something you have no clue about.
You missed a comma there kid
Anyone care to enlighten me as to what model of family (family?) do you personally prefer instead of the nuclear family?
can't tell if troll or just some nihilistic edgy 14yr old
You tell me. What would change from capitalism to communism that would change your identity politics?
lack of national sovereignty
borderless land being despoiled by the third world
mass famine and desolation
centralized breeding compounds
lol, I might trigger Holla Forums
Any of them. Most of my friends just live with groups of friends, or on their own. And what about those that live with their parents but it's a normal thing in their culture?
I don't know, it sounds like some dumb kids fantasy you're spouting.
no you might make your position seem even dumber than it is.
really, all of em? i mean the fair profit sharing is good but i have a feeling you've got some blinders on as to achieving it. If 2 people are sharing a house, they get 2x the profit than a someone on their own. Whilst its fair on a person to person basis, is it fair on a household basis? this is implying housing is free and universal.
No you might alienate 30-40% of the population in Europe and America and will have a culture war on your hands if you ever get into power.
40% of the population does not want your made up fantasy.
I mean capitalism has already killed the nuclear family for the lord's sake.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves and take it one step at a time. Start with the lack of national sovereignty, how does a lack of a nation affect family structure?
ya calling good fathers who have careers and support their families "wage slaves" is what edgy, entitled 14 yr olds do who think they are too good to work.
calling stay at home wives "idiots" is just further proof your ideology is probably just masking some mental problems.
Do you seriously want to wipe your neckbeard hippy drug dealers that you mistake as "friends" their asses when they are 80 years old or are you gonna let a state nanny wipe yours?
You lack about 10 years in mental maturity. Eternally living with friends, heh.
The nuclear family existed for like 30 years out of all human history in a very specific strata of one country, so I'm going to bet that no, the nuclear family will likely not reconstitute itself under communism
Learn the history of the word wage slave. Learn basic anti-capitalist theory you stupid, stupid, childish manchild.
And this is why nobody takes you seriously anymore.
Communism will never happen so thats a moot point
lack of security and lack of meaningful political representation.
what are you even talking about? you are literally 14
You'll kiss the wall sooner than you think, porkie
Because I said wage slave? A term you, somehow, thought was a recent invention? You sound younger and less educated than me, traditioncuck.
ehh….well you tried.
Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary, especially when the dependence is total and immediate.[1][2] It is a pejorative term used to draw an analogy between slavery and wage labor by focusing on similarities between owning and renting a person.
The term wage slavery has been used to criticize exploitation of labour and social stratification, with the former seen primarily as unequal bargaining power between labor and capital (particularly when workers are paid comparatively low wages, e.g. in sweatshops),[3] and the latter as a lack of workers' self-management, fulfilling job choices, and leisure in an economy.[4][5][6] The criticism of social stratification covers a wider range of employment choices bound by the pressures of a hierarchical society to perform otherwise unfulfilling work that deprives humans of their "species character"[7] not only under threat of starvation or poverty, but also of social stigma and status diminution.[8][9][10]
Similarities between wage labor and slavery were noted as early as Cicero in Ancient Rome.[11] With the advent of the industrial revolution, thinkers such as Proudhon and Marx elaborated the comparison between wage labor and slavery,[12][13] while Luddites emphasized the dehumanization brought about by machines. Before the American Civil War, Southern defenders of African American slavery invoked the concept of wage slavery to favorably compare the condition of their slaves to workers in the North.[14][15] The United States abolished slavery after the Civil War, but labor union activists found the metaphor useful. According to Lawrence Glickman, in the Gilded Age, "References abounded in the labor press, and it is hard to find a speech by a labor leader without the phrase."[16]
The introduction of wage labor in 18th century Britain was met with resistance, giving rise to the principles of syndicalism.[17][18][19][20] Historically, some labor organizations and individual social activists have espoused workers' self-management or worker cooperatives as possible alternatives to wage labor.[5][19]
you don't know what anarchism means do you?
Everytime I visit this board I leave completely disgusted by the edgy cunts and the smug misinformed rethoric. You are doing a shit job at converting people to your side.
I am now a firm believer that this board is a Holla Forums honeypot.
Obviously it means supporting wage slavery, and dead american cultural values. Obviously. A stateless society based on voluntary non-hierarchical organization has nothing to do with it :^)
why are people arguing, I just want to be a goddamn trans housewife, what's going on here
it is you who doesn't know what anarchism is
It won't be such a thing that any sort of familial tradition will be purposefully destroyed, but changing economic conditions will cause them to shift organically into what is needed by the individual, as it has before (see how the rate of birth changes as countries advance.) I'm not sure what OP describes even exists now, I don't know any mothers who stayed at home, all of them worked.
Porky's afraid so he's attempting a divide and conquer tactic with identity politics on this board, it's very simple.
you're reading the wrong fedoras my friend. Anarchism makes space for alpha males to have families or beta-males to die alone and bitter.
why do you want a man disguised as a woman to live with you?
No. That's wrong. It contains marriage, a family, and tradition, but it is not those things on its own. To have all of those things does not necessarily make a family a nuclear family. Learn what you're advocating.
You seem smart
Also I'm not some incel robot so that fear tactic won't work on me.
the discussion became more general than nuclear family when you attacked marriage and fatherhood and stay at home mothers in general, try to follow along
im a leftist and have nothing wrong with any of marriage / fatherhood / stay at home mothers.
I never attacked marriage, or fatherhood, or stay at home mothers. In fact, I supported stay at home mothers/father as well as working mothers/fathers, in any of the more popular choices for a family structure.
I asked how a lack of nations leads to a forcing of family values and you came up wifh completely unrelated nonsense with no logic whatsoever, thanks for admitting you're just trolling it saves me some time.
fucking hell mate, you are so new here. let it go, your getting you shit pushed in, my advice as a former socdem who knows what that is like, divert the attention to nazbols or tankies then quickly get rid of the flag.
I got banned from /anarcho/ before n1x took over. I'm not new just because I'm not some autistic incel, that's a really pathetic way of looking at things.
And Holla Forumsacks crying about how nobody wants to go back in history and live like nobody lives anymore isn't exactly me getting my shit pushed in either.
half of Holla Forums wants that as well, just not for the same reasons.
You're validating an obvious troll by arguing with it, he won you lost.
White families who seemingly appear "nice" and "stable" are actually miserable/indifferent in reality.
Also, it's not only white families that can be nice & wholesome.
Btw, I saw this same thread in Holla Forums, so you can fuck off, OP.
Also I noticed you need to learn how to argue properly. You need to be asking questions not giving answers.
Half of Holla Forums wants to go out to work while their wife stays at home to watch the kids, while living with nobody but their wife and children? You know I sincerely doubt that. People only began living in the nuclear family because it was financially viable, and they have already quit because it is no longer financially viable, only people with a fetish for the 50s have such a desire and leftists don't worship the traditions of the past.
If you don't reply to every retard, those retards will go unopposed and their ideas will seem like they are unopposed.
if you think your getting attacked by Holla Forums rn, youre new.
If you think this isn't a Holla Forums thread you're that autist socdem who always rails on about autistic justice.
Fuck off
Well somebody has to, it doesn't have to be me and it often isn't since I obviously can't post in every thread and reply to every nonce.
Wow, such a huge difference in percentage points. I mean really, truly astounding.
what are you fucking talking about. this thread, whilst a sketchy and a bit misguided, poses a serious question about relationships under communism. Whats the most well known political allegory for family relationships with the state? the nuclear family. get your head out your ass
You're just uninformed about some very basic elements of Marxist theory tbh
The basis of all society is the reproduction of the current (material) state of affairs. This entails a certain amount of "socially necessary labor" that has to be done and continuously redone. The physical means by which you can do these things, such as farmland and factories, are privately owned by a small minority, who make your "right" to do them subject to inherently coercive labor contracts, necessarily extracting surplus labor value from the worker through the wage system that underpays him for the real value his labor adds to the commodity.
Honestly people like you are the type to claim to go on a libertarian forum and claim to have have "debunked" libertarianism, without first knowing what the NAP is. Theory takes work, I'm sorry. It's not our fault some perma-newfags in the post-KYM era don't know how to lurk.
Likely we'll see an even more efficient specialization/division of labor than that. The nuclear family was a product of capitalism, and its degredation, of capitalism today.
When it's necessary for both parents to work to survive, of course they're going to have to share childcare responsibilities, and do so overall less efficiently than is otherwise possible, to where the "mother" and "father" paradigms blend together.
When they both want powerful careers, it's often more efficient or profitable to get private childcare, and the parents blend together into one "breadwinner" while the "caregiver" is a suite of people outside the family.
Obviously with specialization comes efficiency, and a state of affairs where everyone is free to specialize to the greatest extent both possible and desired is one we should prefer. Breadwinning and childcare are not the only family responsibilities, and we always see communities delegate them (coaches and so on).
Not him but that's how "prove me wrong" became a legitimate, mainstream rhetorical strategy. Everyone who understood burden of proof assumed everyone else could tell it was an obvious joke
It's a thread that apparently has been posted also on Holla Forums. It's about already long-dead american traditions and how they're the correct way to do things, and as well it's filled with people who don't really understand the traditions they desire, instead they just have a fetish for the 50s. For a time where they imagine things were better and they'd be able to get a loyal wife. It's not really that serious of a concern.
no, they dont. Point out its bait and move on. Please dont say i have to explain what bait is to you because quite frankely with every post your exposing yourself to be an edgy anarkiddie new to chan culture. bust out the image macros kek it is wednesday ma dude haha lol
again, fuck off
I imagine if this was the 1800s, some dipshit would have a survey about how black people scored happier under slavery.
You can't just call everything bait and be done with it, that's boring.
i get your point, but it only really applies to our few boards. other places in the internet thre is soooo much less bait, and when there is either goes unnoticed or gets the reaction it wants. There is an issue with a lack of evidence, which is why the best thing to do coming up against a oint with no evidence is citation needed
i can do exactly that. Responding to bait is boring because, unlike you, im a regular for a few years and ive seen this thread 10 times over, and ive seen the bait 100 times over. ive done my time as the noble debater, uness they bring facts, i dont bother. got better shit to do.
Anyone post '06 is new though.
Nothing is nice or wholesome user. Everything is varying shades of vice. One has to wonder how they could put so much ice everywhere.
wrong. Your new cus your mate recommended you this board le ebin me mes yesterday and you thought anarchism sounded cool cus "anarchy is flames lol". Please, pleeease, just go to wikipedia and read anarchism, then realise you dont know what your on about and read marx.
jeremy corncob is nice and wholsome user
Probably not, the economic foundation that the nuclear family rested on will not exist.
I've heard lots of ideas about polygamous relationships or free love with community rearing of children, but I don't think any of that shit actually works in practice and it's just utopian anarchist musings.
I think the family of the communist future will be a bit more boring than that. A regular monogamous relationship where both parents are equally engaged in work and family duties. This is something that is already emerging now amid the proletariat as the nuclear family becomes nonviable.
But he was wrong about the lumpen.
Just so you know, I've brought a lot of new people to the chans over the years and feel no remorse .
First you start triggering with cis male and then say the women happens to like staying at home to invest herself into raising children?!?!???? That is UNACCEPTABLE!
How dare you even suggest that Holla Forums would have it any other way!
The nuclear family was American propaganda based on a false sense of individualism in order to draw more money for the economy by splitting up an actual family of more than just four beings.
Don't fall for it, comrades.
It's either the nuclear family or total annihilation of the cis white male! Which we need or else there is no end to personal property.
Family has to be entirely collectivized and you can never see "your" "wife" ever unless she wants your sperm and workforce! LEARN YOUR PLACE!
you probably should, they woudve gotten some work done and mabye be further in their career if it werent for this site.
Having fun?
A chicken in every pot, a toothbrush in every asshole.
Don't ruin this for me
I'm okay with that.
The nuclear family is a recent invention of industry (the norm previously being the extended family), and I don't think it's going to survive in the Western Capitalist society much longer - let alone some supposed Global Communist takeover.
Corporations eventually took to the women's liberation movement, and found it very effective for maximizing the labor pools. More employees to choose from, all working for effectively half the money, as it is no longer expected that one average man can bring in the income to support an entire average family.
Thus, in most of the west, it is accepted that women must be career minded. This is counter productive to a family environment, thus, increasingly, child raising is being left to the state and service industry specialists.
There is no easily socially and economically acceptable way to return to the nuclear family model. Thus it is already tearing at the seams, and ultimately doomed, barring a revolution of one sort or another.
I suppose an industry minded global Islamic caliphate may bring about its return, but short of that… Capitalism killed the nuclear family.
what a dream, need to keep corncob safe. poor guy is losing it, we need to make sure he doesnt go grandpa simpson crazy
and much like that youtube channel, the nuclear family is dead. Shame it went.The channel that is
sleep on your sins
And created it. The dialectic giveth, and the dialectic taketh away
Of course not. Women will be bred by superior males and inferior males will gladly pay for being replaced by a mixed beautiful offspring.
See, every time I'm like "maybe leftism isn't that bad" shit like this happens.
Ebin cherrypicking, be sure to make a zoomed words picture of it and send it to all your classcucked friends.
what!? you dont like the Nuclear Family youtube channel? dont see how thats a bad thing about being left
"If you like your family structure, you can keep it."
-Comrade Obamanev
or as history shows nope
since the proletariat must work seperate from their own families to enforce loyalty to the regime and decrease chances of disloyalty
Mind telling me why the same doesn't happen under capitalism? What makes this unique to communism?
You can do that much more effectively by making it in their material interest to support the current state of things. You can't just pull some adventurist experiment in destroying social ties, because we're social beings and community is a great deal of what it is to be human.
Start breaking up families to """enforce loyalty""" and you sow the seeds of disloyalty
Besides, the "nuclear family" is meant in contrast to the extended family, and capitalism broke those up, in large part due to exactly that need to atomize and control the lives of workers.
ive no idea
something probably about ensuring the consumer stays stressed with their desires suppressed so they remain unhappy and keep buying pointless shit
alot of communist states did that though
capitalism didnt break up the extended family that was destroyed by cultural propaganda and shite like that american dream bollocks
the nuclear family became a state sponsored ideal they could sell to the working class as an 'ideal' life
so you can keep them nice and dumb and happy working and saving up pennies to afford a uniform suburban prison cell where they can breed a new generation of workers and consumers to start it all over again
because when the child gets old enough it must redo what its parents did
work hard, save up, buy property, reproduce, consume, die
Nuclear families are disgusting. Extended families are what communism is all about.
unless you're a party member
then you wear the uniform jumpsuit and sleep in sex segregated state dormitories
neither create the natural state of family
Unattached sex and mothers raising children on their own as in primitive communism is how we win. No family structure can survive. Polygamy and other abortions won't either.
Those with cuckold and gangbang fetishes enjoy yourselves.
Just like Plato wanted it
so state controlled tribalism?
biology disagrees kin-selected survival strategies are commonplace throughout the entire animal kingdom and its the only reason eusocial traits develop in species
our own society is just an extension of the eusocial behaviour of primates
you cant implement behaviours in society that counteract our very DNA without altering that DNA otherwise you'll have to suffer eternal re-education
not quite how he wanted depending on which translation you've read but yeah a bit similar
except for the whole forced part of it, where you're forced to remain and the whole part of not actually having a say in state policy despite being a party member unless you're a part of the upper echelons
He, jokes on you, half of us are gay!
you can mix people up to keep them from being tribal
then why is everyone complaining about the nuclear family?
then why is social justice and 31 flavors of gayness all a thing? or is that eternal re-education?
yeah the Khmer Rouge did that
didnt turn out so good
because as my earlier post states and that other guy >>1465432 the nuclear family is an artificial construct developed by capitalists in the early 20th century
could be an extension of the ideal depicted by Victorian England and their 'model family' being the symbol of the nation when Victoria was young and Albert was still alive
I dont know what you mean
social justice? tell me you dont believe in that hogwash
no but it's changing behavior of the brainwashed at least as much as living without family, it's completely artificial what most of them are wallowing in
what the nuclear family or social justice?
i think both are a construct being pushed on the population by powerful elites for their own purposes
a housewife seems pretty neat, you don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning or dishes
I wish it wasn't true, that's one big limit of the imageboard format.
I don't get the problem with 'nuclear families.' Entire extended families don't need to live under one roof. Or is the point that people leaving their family's community is the problem?
If people want that, then go ahead.
What do you mean by
I don't think so. Plenty of people would like to live in the traditional way even when communism allows you to basically do what you want.
Most people ITT underestimate the work it takes to raise a child. Pretty much every study shows that kids are more stable when they have a mom who can afford to stay at home.
The nuclear family was enforced by capitalism and destroyed the existing family structure. Why would you even want to keep it.
This. Why are you not supporting the extended family, OP ?
The poster I replied to has no meaningful construction skills or equipment.
Under global Communism new workers will be grown in vats.