Post here or don't, I don't care!
Post here or don't, I don't care!
Other urls found in this thread:
almost 2 cool to post here
I care
my current tkl fits
fite me and my to-be model m
I'm not reposting.
Caspers too mich of anaddict to post here
I think I could just slam you and you'd die
special reply for special person~
I miss him
he used to randomly call me on my commute to work
Yeah, she's adorable.
I suppose it doesn't help that the keys are diagonal.
Casper is top tier poster
casper got boring p quick
have you ever talked to this myth?
sadly no
from what ive heard i think we'd really hit it off
the most adorable
like I said there are exceptions it is not 100% it's just the more common case
w/e u just dont get me
I think you'd make a great pair
Yes ma boi
Except Mochi.
Let's play.
*uses model m as sword and thinkpad t60 as shield*
Who's the cat you post?
maybe if she got rid of the weird shit with her hair
I miss kuus owo
no im fucking tilted
I would hate to destroy such nice hardware
I concede
You have Erin, that's almost the same.
You played with Luka again ?
Sci has 0 chance with anyone in this community
Like hahahaha
I'm having trouble picking up new kat
or if she shaved her head too
that might be fun
you're into that shit eh
i dunno but im willing to give it a shot
Fuck new kat, it was shit before it's shit still, play something else.
Leave that shit to Nick.
What the fuck is actually happening right now?
I'm so lost
Vegito is no more
Super fucking massive spirt bombo swords
what the fuck
so adventurous
I mean I did have one game where I went 44 kills in 36mins
but it doesnt really count cuz I was with silver friends
I caved and bought a PS4 and Bloodborne and DS3
Is it just me or does Forchun always look like he has no idea what the fuck is going on?
yea thats me
Oh, she's OC :3
ahh im jealous
enjoy it my dude
so you playing any vidya lately?
Why unfortunate?
You're gold Grim, it counts pretty well.
nope im done w/ those
only game i kinda miss is splatoon
There isn't more art of her.
He's challenger stuck in a gold's ladder.
gold is shit
plat is shiny shit
diamondV is shit encrusted with glitter
I think if you're stuck some rank in a game that makes you the rank you're stuck in
Not even on pixiv or a *booru?
Must be all those luka games fucking up his elo.
My bad.
And there's you, the living radiance in a pool of shit.
he actually looks pretty cool with a hoodie on
He seems like such a sweet guy
btu not a leadder
Echo did you ever manage diamond on EUW?
I tilt harder than the fuckers in inception
it just wasnt a good time for him to run
he's not super old
maybe in 8 years
eh, teeth brushy time
No no, it's his team being too heavy.
Not that I've found at least.
Y-Yeah man!
Please clap
I named my Bloodborne character Bluddy McBludman
I didn't.
But I managed to fall to plat 5 after neglecting ranked for months because Neru dragged me to turkey.
I'll get there this season though. maybe, hopefully.
I keep having less and less time for games even the time I have for them is split now thanks to OW.
i once told this to neru but you're EXACTLY like gnome. the only difference between him and you is that your mechanics are solid.
His are shit. But that thirst man, that thirst..
I dont even tunnel any more
thats completely gone
hell I'm even hesitant now
Nee nee
I realized recently that I'm decent on Ezreal so that's my thing now, playing ADC.
But yeah Ez is pretty reliable.
Did you hit dia yet?
I-I'll get it this season. Blue build all the way, 1 second CD on Mystic shot that applies frosty mitten is too strong.
I have like 3million baronreplays files do you want one?
sounds excusey but okay
goodnight, imma go do sleep stuff
rip mochi
But useless autos
Blue ez such a bitch to play against.
The one you're most proud of, sure.
I thought Baron replays were down though.
Autos still does considerable damage with IE Muramana and essence reaver. I like that he's more a caster than an ADC.
Back when I played BNS, I was stuck in a rank that really isn't apt for me.
I just had really shitty latency, so I just literally could not do anything.
Even when I was the hard counter.
This is a random game I selected
You play mainly on euw?
Can't wait.
Only EUW, apart from the occasional game on NA.
Your name?
I was more so teasing but shit happens still means by all ways you are that rank until you fix it or next season shows, whether you maybe could've gotten higher or not. you know?
Archon ii
That csing
I feel like you're being too general.
Some people play at a rank well above theirs, but just can't pass it for reasons out of their control.
BnS's netcode was fucking horrible, and having the high latency I did meant that someone didn't even have to be in parry frames for my attacks to be countered.
Hell, I was testing it with a friend once, and my skill-seal didn't even register most of the time, if she was doing anything at all when it hit.
You got better though.
that ahri wanted my dick
I gave it to her hard
Ahri getting outcs'd by zed is a pretty special thing to witness.
Let's play something though I'm bored.
Subtle's ignoring me.
no I'm just saying on the simplest level you are the rank you are, like I do believe I should be deep into plat on ow but thanks to solo and duo queuing for my placements I am gold edging on plat. it just is reality, I'm not trying to diminish yours or grims skills at these other games, I'm just being stupidly simple about it
bout to go read
drinking alone is boring af
just wanna go sit around a fire in the woods with bros
Did you just remove me
I think that's what I said at the very beginning.
forgive me, as I've told you and others before I'm not the sharpest
I remember I asked my gamestop if they had Battletoads once.
They laughed at me, and we started talking.
Apparently the one girl got another store with that.
Soos might be a bigger bro than Seiko.
soos is pretty based
I am not very good at Bloodborne
Ian want to hear a joke
youll get used to it its great
To be fair, so is Seiko.
Strangled by the girl she loves in a haunted fourth dimensional school of death, and doesn't stop loving her.
As a matter of fact, the fact that she doesn't stop loving her is what saved that girl's life.
Eyyyy I beat the big fat guy on my 5th try without being damaged
Also Yan I was saying the joke was me like you were setting up for a mean joke
No, here's the joke
The text. I'm not spoilering it because it's too many lines and fuck it.
Recipient: Naomi
Subject: No hard feelings
So how the hell are ya babe!! ^_^
sorry about earlier - sadface!
i apologized though
so you have to forgive me now!
if you dont ill email you a bea-utiful crotch shot
---so watch out ;)
lets get the hell out of this dump together
hand in hand :3
until we meet again....
youd better get it on with your darling mochi
---or else!
ill be waiting for you by the entranceway
we can kiss & make up
ooh la la
I laff'd
This card is stacked I can't miss it ;~;
that's creepily adorable, corpse party is it? I had heard of it before but are rpg maker horrors really that decent?
I love my new setup
I have my computer on my desk with a small tv and the ps4 right next to it
I can shitpost and vidya
Until Blood Drive, anyway.
That one wasn't even, like, decent.
what games do you have for ps4? I'm getting one soon
that .gif's scary
I keep expecting something to jump up at the window, looking through the glass with hungry eyes.
You watch too many horror movies Yan..
i wouldnt want to fall asleep in that room
it needs curtains
All of the NPCs in this game are fucking dicks
Currently I have Bloodborne, DS3 and Uncharted 4 that came with it. I'm probably gonna expand tho, what were you thinking of getting?
So do I, apparently.
dlc scythe is my main now
uncharted 4 is pretty fun
great platforming
No I don't
Fuck windows, windows are terrifying.
I wanted to get doom, witcher 3 and maybe battlefield 1
I've heard bloodborne is really great
To clarify, I got the first one because it was cheap, and it promised to at least be nifty for the cost, and I was actually impressed.
There's a lot of spots where it could have used some polish, but for what it was, it was really enjoyable.
Book of Shadows served decent as a sequel, but it changes a lot of the gameplay, so it might be weird to get used to.
Blood Drive was...
gory, at least?
It seemed kind of... uncaring towards the lore that the first two games established, and just kind of went balls to it.
I stuck with it just because I liked the first two so much and I wanted to see it through, but...
If there were a pay-off it'd've been fine, but because I'm so used to similar scenes with something spoopsy having, not having the spoops just keeps building the tension with no release.
It actually makes the image way creepier, tbh.
the world is
have not heard of that one strangely or is that why I wouldn't have?
I'd just be a cheap bastard and pirate it all lol
I don't know, I don't really know many people who actually know the series to begin with.
Besides Yan, the only person I know who knows about it, and played the games, didn't like 3 because it was just so...
not... what the first two games were.
Oh god I'm at the Cleric Beast and I got comboed to death in the corner by those two smaller beast fuckers just before it
Doom looks godly, I'll have to get that one
I watched playthroughs of Bloodborne but I couldn't play it because lolps4exclusive
Now I can!
These fucking Canadians are really the worst
Let's pray for a northern border wall too, and several proxies to keep them out of America's internet.
Can confirm, am Canadian and am the worst.
can someone post dick i need to text test a new penis
Is this scary?
Why is it a gif if there's no animation
lol you can't see it?
tysm ur all very g-
wait, those arent your own dicks? (baring nixon)
What the fuck am I supposed to be seeing?
uh, yes it is ??? i just took the picture ???
help with pontif
Wait, you don't think I'm Richard Nixon?
Nothing, you were right the first time, it's a static image :P
The face in the pillow, and that cat behind her kind of ruin it.
Also it's not even animated, man.
I've mostly heard of them through lets players playing the games they seem so fun but I fear I'd be too stupid for the puzzles
u can be whateber u want bbgirl
Fair enough, I guess.
That might be why you haven't heard of Blood Drive then.
You're way, way past me.
I haven't beaten the Deacons (I'm close) or even killed Wjolnir.
gay do you want my help
wwwwew laddy
Maybe in a little bit. I was going to fap or something first.
im disapointed
is it very puzzly?
that's pretty gay
not me
Its alright
jfc how horrifying would this thing be
Apparently someone drew qt
I just don't think Corpse Party is where the views are at, so most probably either didn't play it, or played it on their own.
After all, most let's players do that for a living, so if something isn't going to get the views, it's better to just find something that is.
oh thank god im so relieved
ooooh true but some of them try for the more out there titles to be like the first to do them or the most popular to do them at the time so
Yeah, but you'll usually only try to do that with games that have some kind of following.
so mean y r u bully me
o o b l e s l e t m e c u m i n s i d e o f y o u
operation spook rin failed :c
im gonna throw up
damn it oh well
then i'll settle for just being steam friends thats my final offer
thats clearly the passenger seat ya goof
frontside passenger is for the copilot
if you wanna be distracted sit in the back
It's hard to spook me because anything I'm afraid of is either incredibly situational, or doesn't work once it looses the third dimension.
true! I wonder how much the developers of these games really net out of their games anyway
Notch made millions.
its funny how he got so sick of the game, when he retired he didn't want to hear about it again
notch is worth 1.4 billion my man
It really is.
oobles a good girl
she knows better than to text and drive
notch didn't make an rpg maker horror game doe
are u gonna buy me a steam game??
i only take pictures when driving (sorry guero i am bad girl qq)
You're saying that like it means literally anything at all.
That pic has to be the gayest thing I've seen all day, and that's saying something.
Loonie is not nearly brass enough.
The doll in Bloodborne is adorable af
fuck no i dont give away money. why? are you?
One of the many reasons that Punky Brewster was cancelled is because the star of the show, Soleil Moon Frye suffered from a condition called gigantomastia, literally giant breasts, and had a breast reduction surgery prior to her 16th birthday to reduce her 38DD to a more manageable size. The actress developed so quickly and so large that the producers felt there was no way they could reasonably portray her character age-appropriately.
Loonie would totally be a steel/flying
Pux would be at least part ice.
Hozer is water/grass.
Not sure about dubbledubble. water fire?
i kno im sorry
no i am a woman i dont buy people things wtf
you're gonna end up like that guy who died live on snapchat and im gonna kill u a second time
no cummies 4 u
well notch made the game essentially from scratch while the rpg maker games are made through a really simple program, isn't that a bit of a difference?
have you not looked at your mirror yet? gotteeeeeem
but ur a lesbian u dont count
anyway did u listen to those albums yet
Bruh, that's what I was talking about.
I think you're missing a something if you think any programmer doesn't start with a baseboard when they make something.
The bulge in my pants ain't not kit Kat.... But you gonna be needin a break lmao 😅😅😅 like comment subscribe
comment: did not laugh, try to be funny next time!
you cant resist giving me cummies thats an empty threat
yes i did i would rate 7/10
Anyone I love left?
look up rpg maker on steam, that's what they use
well first of all 7 out of 10 can mean a lot of different things. is that like average to u or actually a really good score? also is that an aggregate score or was each album a seven or if not what were the individual scores? also did u really listen to them or just pretending?
I have RPGMaker.
I've had 2k, 2k3, XP, VX, VXA.
Kinda want MX but I just don't have that kind of money.
Your point is?
You do realize that RPGmaker has scripting involved, yes?
And that there are more games that make use of it than not, right?
fucking fight me i will seduce you here and now
i listened and thats a decent score id say all ofthem were 7/10
i usually like most music but my fav was the first one u said? i dom remember tje name because my computer is unhooked rn
Is this part of a folder I love this girl and anime
Didn't think so :(
try me punk
my dick is impenetrable
okay cool. i think the first one i said was strangers from the universe. now that youve listened to those u probably have a good idea of my taste generally, but i still only got that u like that alt rock/post rock/indie rock band u linked and aren't too keen on death cab, so tell me more that you like.
yes, aika is my waifu and also me
Wow nice
I'm not going to continue this, I don't see much budging either way
though im just starting to get pictures right now and havent actually read/watched it but i just saw a chart on /a/ with a bunch of anime personality types and liked "tsun-pure" and thought i could identify with or maybe more that i wanted to identify with it
idk what do u think? am i a tsun pure, subtle?
just msg whoever you wanna talk to on steam or whatever
I don't know if you're tsun-pure but I know that Aika is amazing
The reason I'm not is because you seem to be missing something somewhere.
that is a v safe answer oh well
what about u subtle what anime personality trope thing do u think u are/like best?
yea hi i posted that whats up
im gonna stick things in ur dick at this rate
i mean July Talk is one of my fav bands um what else i mean Porter Robinson is ok too, mostly still just alt rock and some random shit i listen to is Wintergaten
no I just believe minecraft probably took more than twice the effort any rpg maker game would as far as the basic creation, obviously anything with a semblance of a story put more work than notch ever did in that part lol clearly you see it differently which is okay I just don't want to go back and forth over it if neither of us really is budging
porter robinson i know he did that album with the hand in the sky but i dont know the other two. i find that a lot of the time when people say the like alt rock right at the outset they always know these extremely obscure bands that nonetheless have a very strong pop sensibility. kinda blows my mind. i will check out these other two ty
I can't say much for your personality since I don't know you very well
And anime personalities don't always translate very well to irl
Maybe dandere-haraguro
Am I a horrible person for wanting my mother to die?
yea i know, thats a real shame too i think ur a cool guy but what can ya do
thats interesting manaka thinks hes a kind of haraguro person too but i dont believe him
ya i mean i dont just like alt rovk thats just the primary genre i listen to
i also have a soft spot for the madoka magica orchestra bgm
thats some good shit 👌💯
i know hun im sorry umu
no i want my father to die too
Well good. Want to do a swap?
oh great! in that case link the track from the madoka thing u like best and ill listen to it right away
Toronto lostered
i will tomorrow i dont know how to operate a phone well??
i'll let you put a pen in my dickhole for the low low price of like
50 gs large
Guero and Oobles sitting in a tree
when you two meme about "cummies" it makes me physically sick
please think of the brown man
keep him in your hearts
damn okay then tomorrow
tell me about ur gf or whatever it is
on it!
it would be fine if it were ironic but the sheer fact that it's not puts it on a whole new level of kimochi warui
i was gonna say
the best part is you think we're meme'ing :^)))
Why do the furries wish death upon their parental units
I expect cute pictures of you two
don't let me down
u think a person with a good childhood would grow up wanting to fuck anthropomorphic animals?
that was quite a pleasant tune ty v much subtle
The soul can be corrupted at any stage of its development
w-what i dont want to omg
omg ahahahaha
its true except ill be on it nothing goes in it
ok i am sorry my mom is facetiming my half sister and i need to hide brb
maybe yours can!
good grief seeya
I like Oobles
I think we are soul mates in shittery
Also I'm drunk
You guy might be too far into the hockey master race thang.
back off dude she's mine after her current gf goes away and if bc isnt back by then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont photograph well but she's adorable enough to make up for it
i'll be sure to take some pics at the con
oh thank god
i am horribly afraid of sounding after seeing that one video mff posted with that fucking guy pulling a bent up rebar out of his fucking innards thru his dick
She'll like you just as much as the previous people you liked
AKA not at all
After reading that I wonder. If I was a good player for the canucks and we made it to the stanley cup finals and only scored one point a game as a defenseman and lost, would you burn my house down?
hey but lots of people think im great at first that has to count for something even though it never lasts
i'm not a girl sci
Yeah, T Dot is a media battlefield.
yea so? what do u have to do with it?
You're good at hiding how shit you are for short periods I guess
yeah you know what nevermind lol
bitch i kno what u implying i just dont believe u
i dont concern myself with the opinions of eggheaded pedophiles
just remember, everytime your teams DOES win, they are making it harder for everyone else to actually get into the playoffs.
Also, you guys gotta be cardio machines like a real life support machine if you guys are on par with the best in hockey in Canada
im a gi iri
at least im somebody what the heck are you
sci you're a nobody
dont drag uncle charlie into this
Guero is shit.
jk I love you Tristan, always will
this ironically
48 hrs vs beverly hills cop which is better
loev u too buddy
48 hours.
ok hello i have escaped!!!
That's really nice
He was a SEAL, too. We didn't get along super well but he taught me a lot
fix ur following distance ur way too close
Did he teach you how to be a man?
Going back to the future?
No, Mulan taught me that
But no, he taught me a lot of mechanical stuff that I wouldn't have known otherwise
I can do basic maintenance on my car myself now even though I am garbage at it
my dad taught me how to call people to do that gross stuff for me
brb walking to liquor store
texting and driving kills!!!!!!
a lot of my friends can't even use basic power tools properly because they were raised by the scourge that is single mothers
oobles what do u have against ur half sister
i only found out i had a half sister a year ago and shes 10 years older then me and tries to get me to wear dresses and makes me feel uncomfortable overall. i grew up an only child and found out i had *three* half siblings less than a year ago i am SO UNCOMFORTABLR
damn thats crazy ive never met someone who actually found out they have siblings/half-siblings later in life
also give her a break im sure shes just trying to be nice
oh ok then, that's fine.
how are you tonight? :3
as uncomfortblr as this makes you feel?
no i refuse you cant just come into my life and be like "haha im ur sister lets do sisterly things EKS DEE X3333" AND EXPECT ME TO BE OK WITH IT
im ok besides being riled how r u nezi kun
yo dont act like a stuck up bitch about it just cuz ur half-sister is clearly taking it way better than u
just try to be nice
no we have nothing in common and i am extremely salty let me be salty oh gosh
no i wont placate u in ur childish behavior thats not how i roll
Mine has long since been tainted by evil
I struggle every day to bring some light back into it
nolike i grew up being told i was an only child and suddenly i have siblings and i am expected to get along with them like excuse me r u high? im more mad at my parents than anything
careful on that edge
ahh, just give 'er a little spit-shine youll be okay
so be mad at ur parents dont take it out on ur newly found siblings who are just trying to make the best of it
I've been through and have committed some sinister acts
fahgit about it kid
no i dont know how to control my anger
im the tiny ball of hatred that bites everyones ankles
No way jose
w/e im already over it i'll lecture u more some other time
suit urself i choose to forgive and forget
nezumi is also ban right?
ok sounds good im gonna head to bed anyways gn
also grim stop be edge boy go watch some cute anime
Why do you want to know?
Maybe one day
I have webms for him
sweet dreams deary
Is Westworld a cute anime?
Yeah, that's him.
I wanna talk about the drama that happened recently. Do you think I deserved the full 7 days, even after learning the full story?
i believe it was about damn time someone besides me got banned
You're the only one that deserves to be banned
-hugs you to make up for teasing-
I'm okay
grandma came home from hospital again
can I ask you to tell me the tale of squidge
I'm quite curious
oh yeah? for what?
Being terrible.
depends do you mean 7 days before or after the evading? cause you may disagree with evasion adding time buuut sci sort of cemented why that rule was needed lol I think you at very least deserved 3 or 4 at the most but you would've made that 7 days through evading cause you managed to move 7 to 11. so tl;dr no, I think you deserved 3 plus additional hours for evading
How did he cement that rule?
Okay. I was jw since you refused to talk to me on steam about it.
lmao ive always loved this excuse
i grew up in a worse environment and im not a cunt about it
oh yeah? at what?
bee n a long time back years and years since ive talkedd to him so most of the details are gone by now
Met in one of thsoe group msn chats and he added me and i had him added for like 2 or 3 weeks and every day he'd message me talking about how he'd still panties and jack off in the m and about how he wanted to torture and fuck little girls
I feel like he was also a coke head or something vageuely
Literally everything
You cannot do anything well, aside from being awful
How sinister are we talkin'
You talking about the squidward poster?
Alright yeesh, thought I knew this guy for a second. It's been so long I thought I don't remember what name the squidward poster went by.
Happy birthday me!
Well yeah, you internalize it all. I'm sure that's done its damage.
I would say 81 years in prison if everything was tallied up and I plead guilty
heyyyyy birthday boy how u doin'
That was just squidward
he was a pony too
he was a good guy
Happy one step further into the grave day.
oh well yeah im fucked up but at least im only a burden on myself a grand majority of the time
Grim pls no terrorist
New thread when?
Just had a $200 meal so feeling full
Not too many years left for me!
Why do you think I get so much joy from helping people
it helps me stave off the feelings of regret
Shut up Test
Go on...
That could be a reason too
But how do you get loadsamoney then?
You shut up, fuccboi
Kinda don't believe that with you tbh
as opposed to being a burden on others that seems pretty good
dont be retarded ian humans are inherently selfish
we only help eachother because it makes us feel good
high horse pls go
every time I think about how I like helping people it reminds me of the OP in Kokoro Connect, and how someone bashes his kindness and makes him believe that he's only helping people because it makes him feel good and he's actually just selfish and doesn't care about others. He just wants that good feeling he gets from helping people.
Also I'm not on any kind of high horse
Only you know your motivations, I guess
Who am I burdening
that's more to due with my distaste of the admin's choices to never keep to anything and sci cemented it by always evading like every hour for awhile after his perma ban
Did you ruin someone's life..?
Does this place even have moderation?
*to do
Yeah they do a good job
It has memes, does that count?
You know about 8chans policy on "perma bans"?
They expire after like 3 months
Because they dont believe in true perma bans
Ultimately since this is animus and bebo is in charge, the final call is his.
Look at sci now, all he does is mildly creep people out
Let's stop here ^^
Oh god ok
So how's your morning going
how many times have you had a little bitch fit and then had to ask for forgiveness from people you considered your friends
I'm playing a game right now I can't be assed to keep track of little mess ups bro
there is no amount of "look at him now" you can do to get me not to see him as a pedo
Oh my god the bugs in Xenovrese have killed me one to many times.
I'm upset.
Awesome, I'm actually staying up to watch UFC and it's almost finished
Worth it so far ^^
scrubadubdub eh?
The game forced me to lose about 3 matches.
How can they let bugs exist in a fighting game of all things?
I don't think you understand how bad it actually is.
Isn't it more an RPG or something?
Like how bad is it then?
Idk I thought it was a 1v1 fighting game
I'm just thinking, if you have a bug in Skyrim, that's alright, you go to your last save
But it's different in a fighting game
Have you ever been launched out of the map into a black void of nothingness in any other fighting game?
lol never in a fighting game, no
You must've taken one hell of a kamehameha
That's a shit hell, there isn't even a blood pool.
I just biked out to wal mart! yay!!!
I have some jlly filled bismarks
and some sparkling white grape juice uwu
I got mad and went back into ranked and recorded it.
I won :)
The blood pool is only like 4 feet deep. lame
poor fusion
Wanting to fuck kids is wrong dude you need jesus or sumthng
I still don't know what the fuck is happening in super right now.
Spirit bomb swords and shit
more like Hillarity Clinton
ye and the retcon time based earring rule, cause god forbid we explore a possibility of them being fused possibly for a whole other arc or at least long enough to do more
i wish i had a smaller wiener >__>
Maaaahogany, ma-ho-gany. Mahogany.
Its also means we will probably never see gogeta in super.
If the ear rings last that long the dance probably lasts less than a minute.
what is this cuckery
How are they trying to rationalize a time limit on th earring?
I thought it fused them together forever
ssb gogeta for 1 and a half seconds
a two finger massage
What the fuck is wrong with you bro
piercings are disgusting
this looks like torture
me too buddy
me too
Well, that's the thing. He posted an LS model image which although is pedophilia, it isn't hardcore pedophilia. The kid was clothed. NOW THIS IS NO EXCUSE, HE POSTED PEDOPHILIA. But since he posted something on the tamer side, and only did it once, one can assume he did it for an attention grab.
That's why I don't think he's a pedo, and he did it for attention. (I mean, look at his personality.)
That stuff's so brutal
They said it only lasts for 1 hour now if you're not a god.
The supreme kai is pretty much always wrong about everything.
I don't like him very much anyways.
you guys for Conor mcgregor or eddie alvarez?
thats freakiing stupid
I like to think that fighter safety is their #1 priority
When you have multiple doctors ringside, even the worst situations can get turned around
But I don't like the hate Alvarez gets
she had her bare 7 year old ass out
I don't like it very much tbh
I guess it would be better if it were asians in there.
some piercings aren't so bad. quick skeet
i am hoping that alvarez gets it
it would be exciting to see a multi weight champion
oh, did she now?
I never saw the image, just knew it was an ls model one
concussions happen
and docs can't prevent them
Yeah, now I can ignore all those people who were saying how trump and white people are literally hitler
thanks man
meet the flintstones
for a modern jav or a p o v
| ||
|| |_
People like that make me feel better about myself. Fuck.......
Who, that cat?
What is this
He has ignite on the wrong key. GROSS
Apple cider !!!!!!!!
green tea
KEK. I used to watch that show
i would text young joe biden at 1 27 a.m in the morning
link plz
holy shit it's time
im cold
need snuggles
Do it yourself.
If you google it lots of things come up.
no u
that was the most bitter sweet part
you gonna keep me warm tonight~?
I was not dissapointed.
Bard did you just see that?
It was great.
Everyone looked sad where around where I lived.
I was probably the only guy walking around with a big stupid smile on his face.
yes because d for dlash
Here moogs
because some people are cockmeat
there is a photo of Romney looking like shit soon after losing
i imagine its very soul crushing
F isn't for Fire also.
when you put so much money and effort into it
could try to imagine the pain
imagine getting btfo by half of america
i wouldnt want to leave my bed
Test and Guero won't let me stop OW.
ah fuck I was 1 win away from that masters 3500
then it all went to shit
depending how low my campaign went I wouldnt leave my house for a while vs I would congratulate my opp and accept defeat humbly
tell me about those gamebreaking bugs in your dbz game
losing to trump especially must have been awful
unfortunately i cant imagine her beating anyone else
and she couldnt even do that
same ;_;
I'm back up to 3360 or something but it's a long journey
did you ever add me? i can't remember
The worst one is the turnaround bug.
You can see me hit him a 2 minutes in my video and it randomly turns me around.
You can't even turn while using that move...
he deserved that win