18 / MLM / demisexual / disabled (retarded) / Jewish Muslim / obese / [they/them] / MUA / Kill all poor white people
Is my bio ready to join Teen Tankie Twitter?
18 / MLM / demisexual / disabled (retarded) / Jewish Muslim / obese / [they/them] / MUA / Kill all poor white people
Is my bio ready to join Teen Tankie Twitter?
In my anecdotal experience with political activists and parties to that matter anarkiddies tend to be more of identitarians in relation to tankies.
Remove poor (too obvious troll) and you're pretty much set.
Tankies kill Jews Retards and Gays
They are IRL because they're mainly clubs for edgy liberal college students, but online it's mostly tankies.
Keep in mind that "anarchy" is much more recognizable to normies so the vast majority of self-declared anarchists online are only familiar with the iconography.
honestly this is the same level of absurdity as a fuckin dril tweet
I am not sure if Soc Jus Maoists are big fans of da JOOZ.
Idpolers in MLM and anarchist camps tend to be attracted to different kinds of idpol. MLMs are more racialist/racist, may have TERF or SWERF views too while Anarchists may be more into LGBTQ+ and non TERF feminism.
Nothing will ever beat this classic.
Its worth noting that ML and MLM idpolers would be closer to the kind of idpol you would see on the far right, its just they advocate for different racial groups. The Left leaning Finnish White Nationalist Kai Murros was actually influenced by Maoism.
Hes an fascist not white nationalist in particular.
Eh I suppose, he does advocate for a pan European identity from what I saw as opposed to a particularist nationalism though.
Tfw tankies are Jews, retards, and gays
No way this is serious.
Yeah this is one of the checkmarks.
I find the contrast with tankies authoritarian ideology and their special snowflake syndrome is funnier than the anarkiddies.
It's the contrast that makes it funny!
Everyone wants to purge the undesirables but nobody's Aryan pure (except Nazbol)
Yeah, I'm with calling bullshit on this. It's almost too pure.
Sweet Jesus, I really hate my own countrymen sometimes. Please Putin, nuke this blight of a country off the face of the planet. None of it is worth saving.
I've seen plenty of Anarchist TERFs myself
wow user you should @ bennykoval next time :^)
This is a troll blog, I recognize "the checking of the muh privilege"
Ah Nazbol posters. I missed you guys.
top zoz
I like how the Finnish people are Asian thing has debunked decades ago, but you people keep on using it.
t. 孫德明
You're right, that image is deeply offensive
To Asians
Remove retarded and poor. Replace people with imperialists and you're golden.
The guy in that photo is an immigrant from Angola. Hes also angry at immigrants for their poor integration skills. Often described as a neo-nazi.
So does Holla Forums likes this guy or not? hes black which must be a real dealbreaker
There are actual self-hating blacks in Holla Forums.
she's the fucking worst, typical vengeful little jew
18 / MLM / demisexual / mentally disabled / Jewish Arab / obese / [they/them] / MUA / kill white thrash / 🇨🇳🇨🇺🇰🇵🇮🇱🇸🇾🇿🇼
why aren't the flags working
china, cuba, north korea, israel, syria, zimbabwe
What is it with Leninism/Maoism that draws in these types?
They wouldn't last 5 minutes in the USSR.
This thread needs to do some self-crit :^) *honk*
they all seem to love Davis, Kahlo and Camus
We do, for the absurdity if nothing else.
gotta have some 🇨🇺🇸🇾🇰🇵🇨🇳 in tha bio fam
You guys are just jelly because MLs get to bang qts like that. I have never seen an anarchist "girl" that wasn't a pierced blue-haired dyke with armpit hair smelling like lager.
Or wait I did. AnCap girls.
But what if I'm into that?
Each to his own I guess. Pic related are anarchists from my city.
Huutista. Toivon todella että hän pääsee kaupunginvaltuustoon.
that one girl has way too many rings on her face, I almost fear her upper lip and nose is going to fall off or something
it's more their flaunting of their ethnicity that bugs me
why do people feel the need to act so smugly about it, and other aspects of their identity, and rub it in everyone's faces? it's just fucking annoying, just shut the fuck about it
pic related first google search result for anarchists from your city
look like qt 3.14s to me, kys tanktard tbh
She seems to be pretty young to me. Sure the Third Worldism IdPol can be annoying but give her some more years. I'm fine with it as long as this is the way she swallows the ML pill
If she gets a proper socialist boyfriend she will be reading Grover Furrs "Blood Lies" with her cute nerd glasses in no time.
I doubt they know any Anarchist theory, they are just Antifa liberals who want to virtuesignal because of muh refugees.
Furthermore, all of them look like extremely boring normies. Also
That's cringey. They probably listen to shit like Deichkind.
Nah, I'll stick to ML girls they are ten times more interesting even when they are snowflakes because you don't just become an ML without already being exposed to ideas outside the normiesphere.
I haven't a clue. Stalin was a total social conservative, and Lenin wasn't particularly appreciative of issues related to "bourgeois sexuality" either, even if he didn't outright forbid deviant behavior.
obvious troll
youre making a lot of pretty retarded assumptions to justify some autistic argument over which sect of leftism has hotter women. can we all just agree all leftism women are beautiful and unite? :(
Left unity is a joke. Marxism and anarchism are fundamentally incompatible and have completely contradictory methods even if the goal is nearly the same.
This. Marxists have proven themselves time and time again as willing to slaughter anarchists.
This was a troll thread from the very beginning. I just find it funny how some guys make fun of a girl they'd fucking propose to in a second because they are butthurt because she's considering herself an ML.
Obviously I'd be totally fine with hot Anarchists girls, geez.
Whilst anarchists will inevitably attempt to destroy the Marxist socialist state just as they would destroy any bourgeois state. It's only logical for Marxists to kill them as their goals necessarily involve the destruction of all the Marxists have fought to achieve. It's nothing personal or even a betrayal, really; these ideologies just aren't compatible and it's confusing to me why they even hang out in the same spaces.
it's not because they're MLs
it's because of all the modern shit that gets thrown in with that, like veganism, LGBT rights, pro-Islam etc
as said, Stalin and Lenin didn't give a damn about any of that crap
maybe. one thing that i thought was interesting though, was that Kropotkin moved back to Russia during the revolution and was disappointed by the outcome but nevertheless stayed and was about live in comfort without harassment despite his critical voice of the Bolsheviks. Also when he died they flew the black flag in Moscow n´shit. Idk if all this was because he was a well known intellectual and they didnt think it was worth it to fuck with him or (as i would like to believe) there was some level of respect for a big, even if adversarial, contributor to leftist theory.
too old teen tankies are 16
The Jewish Muslim sounds fucking baity, just put something like / SemiJewish / also call out for a TransX, that always works.
Use hashtags about feminism a lot and you will end up gaining sjw followers pretty fast
Lmao that condompizza account blew up yesterday because she went on a long tirade about going to San Francisco to hook up with a guy and called it abuse when he didn't feel comfortable with a stranger from the internet staying with him for a week. Teen Tankie twitter were sucking her nonexistent dick over it while anyone else who say the thread thought she was insane.
I started the thread and I'm an ML. I'm sick of Tankie Teens.
I like it :)
So this person is harping on evil colonization, but complains about Greeks expelling Muslims. They know the Greeks were colonized by the Ottomans right?
there's a new brand of woke around fam
Doesn't count, Ottomans were a progressive force and Greeks still benefit from white muh privilege lmao
Only whites can colonize other nations. Whites are inherently settlers who benefit from colonization of colored peoples. "Colonization" of the Greeks by the Ottomans is simply a nation of color re-asserting its way of life over a settler nation.
t. typical third worldist retard
wtf I love phrenology now
I think this is true, but only because more anarchists exist and are politically active tankies are usually at home larping and smoking cigars.
Someone make a happy merchant Bookchin
idpol detected go back to /r/mgtow
I'm not sure if its one poster doing these but they are fucking hilarious. The type of meaningless word salad is aped perfectly.
You're golden.
Reaching out to r9k was a mistake
how is that not true though?
hello where is da proofs ::DD:::DDDDDD
Because MLism, at it's core, is "nationalism of the oppressed", its the idea that certain ethnic or political groups are missing out on capitalism and they want their share.
MLism has always been pretty stuck in a socdem narrative.