Was this a Trotskyist book?
Was this a Trotskyist book?
Yes, it's trash
Orwell was insufferable.
Imagine if he got knocked off in Spain; the world would be better off for it.
Orwell wasn't a Troskysist himself, but he did sympathize with them.
Apparently he officially subscribed to Democratic Socialism.
Is there anything worse?
a liberal?
I hate the IZ ABOUT GOMMUNIZM meme. I think it was inspired by the disillusion and bitterness about ahow the URSS turned out to be but the point of the book for me was about how it's not important how good are the intentions behind the actions if you let other people who seem to have everything under control decide everything for you and your movement.
me when i see people mention ANIMAL FARM or ORWLEL
That's exactly the point of the book.
Burgers think it's about all leftist politics because people with deep anti-intellectual sentiments don't understand the difference between theory and realpolitik.
demsocs and trots are liberals
ITT Orwell was every single leftist school I don't like
He, like Chomsky, was an anarchist that died a succdem
You just get succdem when youre old I guess
except Chomskys not dead yet
He kinda should be tho
I mean I don't even know shit about stuff like realpolitik you know but it kind of just saddens me how for a lot of burgers it doesn't matter how much/what books they read they'll always see everything in the black-white dichotomy flavour fad of the moment
You have to remember that these people were literally brainwashed for the sake of a simple power struggle on a mass scale.
I don't know what you mean sorry can you explain please I've been living under rock for years
A demsoc nazbol
Napoleon was Stalin.
Snowball was Trotsky
Fredrick was Hitler
Jones was Nicholas II
Pilkington was Churchill
Major is Marx
Boxer was a representation of the young tough working class
Benjamin was a representation of the older russian citizens
and the Hens were kulaks
It's been a while. Who was Lenin?
Major if anybody.
Anti-Czarist and Anti-Stainist book.
Well Orwell did fight for the Trotskyist POUM
In his book he says that the association of the POUM with Trotskyism was pure slander.
I now believe this quote is true also.
Anti-Czarist and Anti-Stainist book.>>1464274
The pont stands.
T-take that back! :c
Or you evolve into a communalist
Also the female horse (Molly? It's been awhile) represents the petit-bourgeois of Russia iirc
Trots are a subset of that, but they're far from having a monopoly on it.
No real insight into why the revolution failed though, so it's hardly a Trot book, or one that deals with theory at all.
>it's the faction that doesn't phone in the revolution once a bureaucratic elite displaces the aristocracy and bourgeoisie in a single country, actually, that's full of pussy socdems - because they didn't commit genocide in the 20th century like MY heroes, the filthy milquetoast moderates
Hey, I know a place you could stick your "social democracy at the barrel of a gun."
This is what people sound like when they substitute memes for knowing what the fuck they're talking about. But hey, le icepigg :DDDDDD
I say it's a trot book because snowball (whose the pig version of Trotsky) is a heavy theme of the book.
Even Khrushchev was leery of the Trotskyist scapegoating, how mechanical failures were always deliberate sabotage by sekrit Trots, and so forth.
I mean, it's pretty sympathetic to Snowball and his position as a favorable alternative to how things turned out, but a lot of the anti-Stalinist left felt that way and Orwell himself was hardly a Trot. I can't really call it specifically Trotskyist in theory or outlook, though. It's just an allegory for what happened, and not why, which is why it's so popular for 9th grade classrooms.
It's the book that made me a communist.
The problem with teaching it in 9th grade, is that students are often left with the impression that the story is anti-leftist altogether. Theres little explanation into it. When I was taught about it in my high school there was no mention whatsoever that Orwell was immensely left-wing. .
Sick of tankie retards. You've had over a century to realize your entire zeitgeist was an utter failure and you still let older tankies convince you it was actually trotsky.
Kill all state capitalists.
I just don't understand why Tankies think Stalin was a good leader. The guy was a literal fucking gangster with mental illness. It's quite obvious that he was a power hungry looney who wanted the world to serve him and suck his dick.
Exactly. It's "death of the author" at work.
There's one dedicated tankposter on here that keeps responding to this point with "it's idealist to think that one man could alter the course of history." Just wait and he'll turn up, I'm sure.
also i said he joined poum becuase he had papers from a party that was connected to poum
Because modern tankies are Westerners that are so used to ridiculously unrealistic anticommunist propaganda that the still-shitty truth seems good in comparison.
Goldstein in the book is Trotsky.
I'm retarded, I thoight it was 1984 for a second.