
What is up with the many genders? I've seen people like Contrapoints talk about this but I still think it's ridiculous to make up all these different identities.

Let's just define some terms here so we can know we are talking about the same thing.

Sex is the biological gender, aka male and female. I know these definitions can be a little wonky since there are technically intersex people that come about through some reproductive malfunction but the social construct of just having two of these instead of two common ones and an infinite number of decreasingly rare ones seems useful to me in this context.

Gender would then be something in the head of people, an identity, usually related to the sex.

Transgender people make sense to me, you have some malfunction that makes the brain develop in a pattern incompatible with the sex of the body, like using an Nvidia graphics card and running AMD drivers. Since it would be terribly unethical to change the mind of someone, which would amount to killing them and replacing them with a different mind, as well as beyond our technical capabilities, we instead change the body to be as close as possible to the mental framework so these people can have a better life.

What doesn't fit into this worldview is the 10 gorillion other genders that seem to show up in certain circles. These aren't sexualities, nor do they seem to be societal roles or alternative conceptions of masculinity or femininity. Instead they seem very vague, almost undefined.
What makes people create these and is there any rational basis behind this? Am I being an asshole or are these people being idiots?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pornographic ideology, an incremental drive for imagery.

A lot more than that too, but this is the principle.

Read Bookchin tbh

They're idiots. Instead of freeing themselves from the prison of gender, they merely give themselves more choices of wallpaper in their cells.

Why don't you give me some info about what enlightening things your meme has to say?

In my experience as a transgender person, non-binary folk are pretty much the bisexuals of the transgender community. They are like partially transgender, with some dysphoria, but not enough to be all the way.

Ah, so they're not paranoid enough.


If there are any legit CIA posts, it's these.

They don't want you to be asking "how would he take first steps towards organizing to dismantle capitalism", or "how do express the point that the dismantlement of capitalism should be a first priority for people of all gender, sex and colors?".

They know that capitalism stands behind all of these problems within social relations. It keeps the power of capital in place so we can't truly address social relations without being caught in white noise by the capitalist propaganda machine. They know that if trans, black or Asian people suddenly decided to put all differences aside to topple capitalism it would happen within the week. But it's these questions that splinter people, since there are so many different positions to take on the questions between social relations (and with many sensible positions to take) they know thats simply throwing that intellectual bone into the middle of the group will keep the rifts open and probably grow even wider.

Fuck these questions. Organize against capitalism to fix the toxic social relations and alienation put in place by capitalism for its own survival to stave off proletarian unity.

Absolutely pathological.

If you want to define it that way then yes, they aren't. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't allow them to have the kind of body and be seen as the kind of person they want to be.

Imagine if there were only black and blonde haired people. Now imagine if there was a mental illness (sidenote, I hate how this word makes people less and not more sympathetic with people) that makes people super depressed because of the hair colour they were born with and that can't be cured in a regular way. So your culture accommodates this and allows people to dye their hair because it's better to have some "pretend blondes" around then to have a portion of your population suffering crippling depression for being forced to stick to their true haircolour.

Not watching that video btw.

Why do people on here assume that the entirety of the bourgeois are perfectly schooled in marxist theory, applying it to the letter, while at the same time claiming that none of them know what marxism is really about?

Then what is it, smart ass?

How did you get any of that from my post?

By the way, I don't assume anything. If I was a CIA person of authority, you'd be damned sure I'd be telling my underlings to study the philosophy of Neo-Nazis as well as communists. You'd be a damned fool to think that your enemy is so ignorant that he wouldn't follow the simple maxim of "know your enemy".

I honestly don't care. Half of people against it don't even realize how many traps were throughout history, nor the tradition they long for wore clothes as gay as possible and pancake make up.

For fucks sakes, Benjamin Franklin of all people created an entire identity based upon a woman he wanted to be.

This shit has been going on since man saw a vagina and thought "Damn, I wonder what that's like" and vice versa.

History is so full of traps that nobody likes to talk about when talking about the good ol' days that if we went back in time, let's say magic school bus field trip with Holla Forums, they would vomit on the spot.

Because guess who practiced being a eunuch by tradition. Just just the East.

The West.

Body modification in history is nothing new and the more I learned about it the less I gave a fuck. Some boy wants to be a girl, fine. I really don't care. He's acting more in the American spirit of trapdom than the angry dads and moms and young conservative sons that complain it violates their christian moral values.

Because if they were half as educated on America they would realize that shit ain't that clear cut, and never really was.

So without an argument to "tradition', what do you even have to care about? They're different?

Who gives a fuck

because people who have king size victim complexes want to feel special, and so make up a fuckton of retarded labels instead of leaving the house and doing something.

All genders are made up bullshit, it's just that the two most known ones are based on something tangible (genitalia, chromosomes, etc) but in the end still comes filled with spooks (aka gender roles).

Only sex matters.

The Bourgeous don't need to read marxist theory to understand the principle of divide and conquer. Its documented that the patrician class intentionally used divide and conquer tactics against the plebs in Roman times and its probably been going on for even longer than that.

Language is the prison of the mind, they already have you, from the moment you looked in the mirror.

You will forever be inauthentic because the fact that you do not exist all alone in this world means that every thought you have is reliant upon the constraints set by others.

Your paranoia isn't irrational, but over-rational.

It's the great irony, the true marxists being the bourgeois, for it is them that act as they are supposed to do as dictated by their class.

If they're the only ones that act as marxists should do, aren't they truly the chosen ones?


this gender does not exist
this gender does not exist
this gender does not exist
this gender does not exist
this gender does not exist
this gender does not exist
this gender does not exist

I know you have no reason to believe me but I'm honestly just curious and confused.
I'll be keeping the flag though.

she's right. there's only two genders. everything else is just extra

there's only one gender, stop creating new ones

porky wants more divisions, porky wants more demographics, snowflakesexuality tends to both

essentially, it's the first step towards commodifying sexuality. in a previous post, I commented how modern society is so obsessed with sex because their sexualities are the only things over which they still have full agency. well enjoy it whie you can because porky is coming for that too

In my opinion, no genders = no gender problems.
More genders = more problems.

whats the only gender?

the only pronoun you need is comrade

I used to think this then I read more into American history deeply

And god damn there were so many traps

Beyond a century

I think you're just forgetting until historically recently Europe still had fuckin Eunuchs

Before the 70s, pretty much every transgender woman was just a trasnvestite unless they were wealthy

They're back in queer form, they're called nullo's.

the gun

I can't shake the feeling that the past was more tolerant in it's own way. Village Idiots had much more freedom than the mentally ill today.

Gender is a spook. :^)

Well, you aren't wrong.

Little bit true, little bit false, but nice Foucault imitation.

Eunuchs weren't really Eunuchs by choice most of the time.

The penis is evil

0 genders exist. None are real.


tho not commodified, sexuality did use to be alienated, now that you mention it. I suppose Porky did relent on something then

now that sexual liberation gave people a little taste of freedom, a little corner of their lives whether they have full control, people are clinging on to sexuality like a vice because of that sweet agency, but Porky will still come back for his dues, with interest

I think more than anything people are clinging onto identities because really, right now nobody has a real identity. Not to be trite or an edgy teenager, but all of us feel similarly and are just, totally alienated.

Some people need an escape, a way to cope. Metamorphose into something completely different is a seductive idea to a lot of people, almost like the same way religions suck people in so easily in the past.

But this is better than religion, it's sex, it's changing, it's becoming something else, something you don't hate about yourself.

It isn't a conspiracy, and it is a medical issue, but for a lot of people, I think it might be a form of dealing with being nothing at all with no future.

This is the 99999999th time this thread was made.
It's just irrelevant cultural bullshit.
Fuck you.
Sage & Hide.

gender is stupid but these people who claim to hate and reject gender are just reinforcing what they claim to despise
i dont care about gender and dont feel male or female but labeling this is stupid imo and there doesnt need to be more than just female or male or something that indicates neither
even "both" is just neither really
i dont fucking care dude
ive had so many discussions on this ive gotten to the point where all i can say is blame foucault and tumblr

dae sage as a downvote XDDDDDDDDDDD

literally this
ive seen some people say this then immediately be like "uwu demigirl pride!! luv ur genderqueer folks!"
they dont fucking get it

but you get it user
you get it

if I had a piece of garlic bread for all the genders I think exist

this really [unironically] made me think

Snowflakesexuality is the heroin of the masses.

There are only two genders, male and female. A transgender person, is someone who is transitionating from a gender to another (weither or not that's a sign of mental illness ilness is beyond the point).

Any other gender is made up.