Post images that best describe your ideology
Post images that best describe your ideology
Here's mine.
Jesus fucking christ
I see what you did there. This is 100% accurate.
Didn't mean to reply. Oh well.
flag checks out
I like you
You two should hang out sometime
I see you found Hoochie's real life FB.
It just posted twice for some reason.
Unironically me
she cute tho
where did you get this video of me
The joke is that that guy is Hoochie. You can laugh now.
Oasis has really changed
Yeah, right. MAGA!
Hes talked about how he used to be a 'college liberal type' during the bush years or something, right?
So a libtard became a lolbert, kek.
I hate Obama but this pic is perfect kek
….and I'm probably gonna get v& now
unironically pro-ceausescu
mfw they actually take my toothbrush
Thanks for triggering my PTSD caused by this manga. Faggot.
What's it about?
The president of the United States fucking a baby. It's awright.
mfw I take your toothbrush
Mannn, this shit used to be posted often during the first years of 4chan.
whats this from
is kaiki an ancap?
#fiat #bitcoin
good OC, do you have more monogatari OC? i love monogatari btw
Not surprised.
OH YES! finally someone with GOOD TASTE
I wish all software gave me these options
is this a thing?
I think I need to investigate it further.
I actually printed out and took in the good luck charm for my midterms. It's definitely spooked, but I lowkey credit it for my ability to retain my scholarship.
SZS is just so good and wholesome and means so much to me. Probably one of the few fictional works that i've read that actually compassionately addresses issues of suicide / mental illness without whitewashing it with the "suicide is treatable and caused by mental illness go see a doctor" crap.
history is stranger than you think
It's "Mai-chan's Daily Life." It's about a magical whore that regenerates like Deadpool.
Fascinating, more proof to me that any symbol can be co-opted.
It's all fun, wacky, and absurdly relatable despite being completely fucking nuts. Definitely the most inventive slice of life I've ever seen, and one of my favourites to boot. Adaptation was pretty stellar as well, especially because they got Kenji Ohtsuki to do most of the openings and endings and he's actually a genius.
And it sometimes does things like this.
ahhh yes. I loved that scene where Chiri tied down Hito Nami to a chair and forced her to watch leftist documentaries about Che (and then she's seen watching Meru pick out a shirt with Mao on it…)
Best parents ever. Seriously. She comes out to them, "Mom, dad, I kiss girls." They don't act all worried. They don't give her an awkward talk. They buy her a double-dildo, probably laughing when they dropped it off.
I actually fully empathize with her in that situation. Actually figure out who your garbo dated revolutionary icons are before you start using them. Ignorant left-libs with che merch make me pretty hecking angry.
Honestly I think Chiri would probably be a comrade.
Pick one.
by that standard, fampai, this entire board should probably be purged asap - do you honestly think any of us are going to be breeding?
Completely unnecessary for females.
For males however it is an essential necessity to avoid prostate cancer.
Chiri is good.
gotta flush fluid through the Nutbladder/Shirikodama regularly to keep it in top condition, yes
Wait. Do you seriously beat off out of biological necessity?
try an aneros / (or enemagra, the JP clone of the aneros), it feels really good :3
Once every 2 weeks if sex is not possibility, yes.
get an aneros yo!
Well, that certainly explains a lot.
yeah bro you gotta fap often, it feels good #nofappe
the post you're replying to is insinuating that an unpleasant/problematique aspect of you or your personality is likely caused by you not fapping enough.
I'm an autist and used to not be able to understand that sort of insinuation but I am glad to help others understand this sorta shit~
pick one
I just want people to be happy.
Huey would definitely browse leftypol
Kaiki is the very opposite of an ancap; He recognises currency as the frail thing it is, He's just more than happy to play the games he is expected to play.
SZS is a masterpiece. Kumeta-sensei and Shinbô-sensei is a godlike combination. I'm pretty sure the unique quality of SZS influenced all later SHAFT animation.
Yeah buddy
i recognize the artist you filthy whore
Holy shit. Is all of Boondocks this anti-capitalist and anti-liberal?
is that a pellet gun?
it's for the best
thank you for cheering up my day :)
picture related: I'm an autist so when I saw Kaere complaining about espionage with a ship in the background in an episode that mentioned North Korea and espionage i immediately thought "oh it's a USS Pueblo reference" and holy shit, the ship in question literally could be AGER-2.
here's actual AGER-2. It looks almost the same as the ship behind Kaere. Holy shit.
btw this is what i mean when i say that i love SZS's relatable and honest take on suicide.
like, as someone who's been chronically suicidal for a large part of my life and been involuntarily committed five times for suicide attempts, every aspect of this is relatable, from the "anything you say may make me want to kill myself even more" to "you have the right to stop me with a third party".
These are the words of someone who has seen despair. I love Kumeta.
Speak for yourself. I can't wait for the YPG to take over America and make fapping illegal.
holy shit the findomme crowd (Shanley) was right, men *do* need to be locked up inside chastity devices. Fuck. Reconsidering everything.
I'm a hardcore SHAFTfag thb. I think specifically Kaiki is one of the best characters in fiction of all time. He is akin to a Stirnerite anti-Stirner - he understands and utilises, even believes the spook completely, only to discard it at his leisure.
would spooky ougi, strictly speaking, count as a spook?
But they only give a shit about fapping because they're at war. If they took over the US who would they still be at war with?
Ougi is the manifestation of spookiness. Like a deeply held ideology ideology, you don't question its existence or its influence.
What ithe fuck is this voodoo shit?!
Chiri and Kiri are tier 0 waifus.
i love how in Monogatari araragi koyomi wears yukata once, it reminded me of the SZS i love so much. I want this man to make me his wife.
My favourite SZS screencap.
i want to be this man's wife.
i call it "sad socialism"
Didn't know SZS made jean luc godard references. Also secnd pic for my ideology
I'm fucked in the head somehow
Kōji Kumeta is /lit/ as fuck, the story at the end of episodes are rewrites of 1984, Snow Country etc.
Shame he's a ultraconservative.
And Maria, and Mitama… tbh they're all olev.
for the most part. the show's creator Aaron McGruder was extremely based. Huey even quoted Marx a couple times.
ty for the Monogatari and SZS OC.
Whatever the leftist equivalent of this is.
seeing this made me think of Gil Scott Heron's Comment #1
"The irony of it all, of course
Is when a pale face SDS motherfucker dares
Look hurt when I tell him to go find his own revolution
He wonders why I tell him that America's revolution
Will not be the melting pot but the toilet bowl
He is fighting for legalized smoke, or lower voting age
Less lip from his generation gap and fucking in the street
Where is my parallel to that?
All I want is a good home and a wife and a children
And some food to feed them every night"
white pudgy looking leftists absolutely btfo
Prolly this
This tbh
Too real.
Choose up to one
Choose one.
Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism
So? Did I say I was making an argument? Are you autistic?
you guys only call yourselves anarchists because it sounds edgy don't you? private property can't exist without a state. that's like the basics.
praise proudhon
That statement is so retarded I don't even know if I should try rebutting it. The concept of private property is one of the most essential and inalienable concepts of mankind.
I know you're just projecting, but left-wing "anarchists" are the edgiest of the lot, you don't see ancaps going out destroying property and committing acts of violence on the pretense that it is achieving some political good. It's just an excuse to glorious uprising. And it has no economic basis in reality, collectivism has never worked without an authoritarian state, it has been tried many times, in Europe, communes in America, it has failed every time.
c h i m p o u t
funny, private property wasn't important enough for that span of human history that didn't involve mass genocides of one people against another…
[citation needed]
You know, except for the thousands of years in which it did.
See: all of ancient history
no im not projecting shit; the first that called themselves anarchists were against private property. spooked fags like you calling themselves anarchists is just historically, and etymologically wrong.
also check the definicion of "state", it may help.
btw mutualists don't support violence nor revolution, those "ancoms" are just cripto communists who doesn't know what a state is in the first place.
You really have never opened a history book, have you?
go back to /liberty/ you cuck
You can say all you like about your rights, but it doesn't mean shit unless there's someone enforcing those rights.
Do you really have a right to property in a stateless land if a bandit group gets the drop on you and forces you off your land at gunpoint so they can live there?
Let me enlighten you on something, it is only the last few centuries in which humanity has had the capability of mass-genocide (most of which has been done with communism). Since our inception, we have been beating each other over the head with clubs, humanity has always been violent, but the violence that we could inflict upon each other was limited by our means.
you're such a faggot jesus christ.
read an anrhropology book anytime, gif economies have worked for thousands of years
would rub on face/10
Of course private property must be defended by force. But in our society there is a consensus that the initiation of force against someone or their property is wrong, therefore aggressors and looters are the minority and cannot take over property by force. I don't think I should need to explain the concepts if private defence agencies.
I couldn't care less about your leftie psuedo-science. Sharing goods can work in small communities insofar as you can know everyone and keep tabs on favours, but as society gets larger this is impossible. And don't tell me there were no power-structures within these primitive communities.
how does it feel to be fucking stupid?
citation needed
you implied that the majority of the people have decided that rpivate property must be respected, obeying the rule of the majority is democracy, and we should physically remove you due to this
wtf I meant to post this image
Any attempt of communism at a state-level, anywhere, ever.
And obviously you have no idea of the difference between commonly held beliefs and principles, and democracy, i.e. tyranny of the majority. The NAP is based on negative rights, in other words, the right to be free from aggression from other people. Democracy is based on "positive rights" in other words the "right" to use your collective numbers to enforce your will upon other people and make them do what you want them to under threat of violence.
I am not arguing in favour of communism, I am arguing in favour of gift economies
You are intellectually dead if you think you can imply I am arguing in favour of communism
you claim gift economies are an impossibility in large societies, I need a citation for this
Private property needs aggression to be mantained, therefore, defending it is againts the NAP
Mcfucking gulag yourself buddy.
Our current society is highly specialised and disconnected, to the degree that an entire town will produce mainly one good which will then be shipped to the other side of the world. If you think that is a "gift", you need to look up the dictionary what a "gift" is. You have two options, one, basically communism, where people are expected to be ants and work hard for people they don't know and have never met, or you have the highly idealistic and impractical notion that society will organise itself into small communities, which is inefficient and impossible.
Dear an-crap
Private property is not "owning ur own stuff".
There is a form of "property" that is as natural and innate as you suggest. Its not the one where someone else lives in the house but you "own" it because of the magic piece of paper from the government that promises to defend your "ownership" with violence should it be threatened.
therefore if you can defend private property without violent means, you shooting someone for looting or breaking into your property breaks the NAP, as the NAP can be defended without the necessity of force
this mean that, while you can defend your property, you cannot use violence, as it is not a necessity and it will break the NAP
404, citation not found
feel free to provide a citation that praxeologically proves that gift economies on an industrial scale would be impossible
that means you can't
I guess you're in favour of there being no houses, or everyone living in mud huts they built themselves then, since obviously you deny any incentive for anyone or any industry to specialise in building houses for other people to live in. As society advances, so does the concept and utility of private property.
You have no idea what the NAP is, or what the word "aggression" means.
No, you haven't even defined how your ""gift economies" would even work in an industrial society or how it differs from any other type of collectivism, let alone provided any evidence they would work. I'm not retarded enough to play your game and try and disprove some vague and ethereal notion that is your economic system.
nice, ragequitting and engaging in post modern garbage
Yes, you claim that gift economies don't work in industrial societies, for you to be able to claim this, you must know how they work in order to claim that they be disfunctional, you cannot criticize what you don't know, as such critique would be mistaken, as it is based on ignorance, it cannot be accurate
if you claim that gift economies wouldn't work, it is because you know already how the would work, as you claim your critique is a correct, accurate one, and I do not need to define them, or you don't know how they work, so any critique given by you is automatically incorrect, and you are just autistically screeching on the internet
chose one
Maybe I can help.
Don't even know what you're talking about anymore.
I'm not gonna play your games on semantic bullshit, if you're not going to explain how your system would theoretically work, then I consider this discussion over.
Oh, please do. I love to hear about how law and order will be maintained by bosses' private armies and how they are totally not states.
But you said that you knew how his system worked!
So you accept you don't know a single thing about how gift economies work? Why should we even consider your critque of them as something valuable?
You made a claim here that gift economies are impossible, in order for you to do this, you must know how they work
I can claim that putting water in the gas tank of a car doesn't work, because I understand how a car works and how such thing would fail, you on the contrary, doesn't know how a gift economy works nor how it would fail and are just autistically screeching
go back to /liberty/
don't do that, all states are private, such distinction between private and public states is propaganda
I'm gonna bring Stalinism into the 21st century
This is degenerate.
Czech'd, impostor.
The anti-imperialists in Russia