Shit popping off between Turkey and the Netherlands. Large Turkish rallies and marches happening right now in Holland apparently.
Shit popping off between Turkey and the Netherlands. Large Turkish rallies and marches happening right now in Holland apparently.
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It's the Dutch leadership calling Erdogan's bluff.
He's attempting to bring back the Ottomon Empire
Not that I care for how many dictatorial powers Erdogan gets in his country, but these fuckers have no right to visit someone else's land and then raise a fuss. Hopefully Holland sends them back so they can enjoy Erdogan's company since that's what they want.
they're flowing through streets chanting Allahu Ackbar lmao
never forget
I didn't notice anything here in Amsterdam, only a women's march (which was typical bourgeois liberal feminism)
I fucking hate how much the Turkish government reaches out to the Turkish communities here
AKP uses the Turkish diaspora as collective sleeper cells.
Kek, why are Turks so spooked? They are even worse than Serbs and Albanians…
waarom zijn turken zo verschrikkelijk SPOOKED
omdat multiculturalisme feitelijk een vorm van apartheid is, en dat werkt niet zonder spookjes
nationalism, we wuz ottomanz and shit
wat zegt, het liberale ideaal van multiculturalisme is niks anders dan een nieuwe vorm van segregatie, turken zitten in wijken vol met turken en gaan naar scholen vol met turken, liberalen vinden dit geweldig omdat ze dan 'hun eigen cultuur kunnen behouden', ongeacht dat die cultuur super reactionair is
lees zizek
Maar Turken hebben dit veel erger dan andere groepen buitenlanders. Geen Marokannen of Surinamers die massaal de straat opgaan met hun vlag om hun leider te verdedigen.
omdat de marokkaanse en surinaamse regering niet te autistisch is over hun diaspora
en turkije heeft simpelweg een meer reactionair klimaat
politiek klimaat moet ik daarbij zeggen
Die culturen kennen geen führerprinzip.
Has it reached Fascism levels yet? Like when italian immigrants would suffer violence and marginalization in their own communes if they didn't go along
There has been a purge in Turkish organisations of people connected to, or accused of being so, to the Gulen movement.
He's a wannabe sultan who keeps fucking up at every turn. It would be cute if there weren't so many people getting killed because of him.
how is Holland being more strong in its stance against Turkey than Germany, who made it illegal to display any YPG or PKK associated flags or imagery at Erdo's behest?
As a person born from Turkish immigrants I think this is pretty fucking retarded
Holland isn't as committed to what Germany and France still perceive to be their positions on the world stage. They crawl and cower in the belief that it is imperative for their political and economical interests to not offend the sheikhs and sultans, unable to realize that it is not pleasing that gets their respect, but being unyielding.
This is why muslims lose their shit over european muhammad cartoons, while being silent about the ethnic cleansings of muslims in china. China doesn't give a fuck.
Erdogan whipping up nationalist sentiment for his upcoming "endorse my dictatorship" election. did the same thing the last time by escalating the war with PKK when he needed votes.
I seen pics of a huge military parade China did through a Muslim majority area in the country the other day, was basically a big "if you try something, we will fuck your shit up like never before". Was kinda funny actually kek
Some Uighurs got fucked up in Turkey last year because they looked too "Chinese."
You can bet your ass that Islamists hate China.
Then why isn't Erdogan calling them a bunch of nazi's of fascists?
He probably did. The tensions flared up last year.
I am not disputing your main point that Europeans allow Turkey to bully them though.
Doesn't sound that funny. Sounds pretty fucked.
yesssssssss i hope erdogan keeps burning bridges, all of the bridges
All he needs to do is piss off Russia again and boom, no more friends
How can one country be such a mess?
Turkey is an ethnostate, same reason why Christians don't give a shit that Nigerian Christians are being persecuted.
Where's the fucking Antifa when you need them?
They do, there is active support for them from numerous churches and christian politicians press the issue.
how can one country be so fucking cucked, jesus christ
so basically lip-service, wow it's fucking nothing.
Would antifa be comfortable attacking brown nationalists from abroad?
In the PPG interview on Chapo even basically said that Daesh uses Uighurs as the shittiest cannon fodder to soak up bullets that might otherwise find their way towards their scary fucking Chechens.
I actually feel pretty fucking back for the Uighurs. They're getting completely repressed and not even the caliphate wants them.
i agree
Well if they are going to be so damned Turkish all the time they might as well do so in Turkey. Deport them all!
Chechens are like the ultimate bad guys in Syria. Anytime someone kills ISIS they try say "yeah it was Chechens too!" because it's more badass. In reality though I think most of ISIS' Chechens were killed in Kobani.
Not even a crusade, it's like christians don't even care.
Reconquista soon. People are waking up.
tell them they're doing it for rojava
if Germany is not permanently disbanded after WW3 we should all make a pact to start WW4 solely to achieve that aim
but if there's no germany who would start next world wars?
Dutchfag here. The rallies being large is bullshit, there were around 900 protesters and havent seen any agression when I last checked te news couple of hours ago.
That is a quite chauvinist stance you have there, comrade.
Bullshit detected, the state was increased awareness, meaning the police force are there to prevent shit from going sideways IF someone goes bananas. Also please dont believe any news source from Turkey
Nice fakenews
No need, bring back the GDR!
Germany is a waste
Germany was a mistake
Napoleon wasn't tough enough on the Austrians
Versaille wasn't tough enough on the Reich
Historically, France has always been the weak link in defeating Ze German menace. And they pay the price every damn time
The whole thing is overblown. In Rotterdam alone there were barely over 200 people for that 'welcoming committee'. Clearly posturing from both sides to win souls for their respective election.
The real gem is Turkish representatives claiming the Dutch government is out of line and no official should be restricted access to any nation… even though Turkey not just refused, but ejected a Dutch functionary just a couple of months ago.
Just checked national, regional and local. Nothing: this is bluster.
Some AKP propaganda…