BadMouse made a new video and I think he missed 7th - 12th grade history class.
BadMouse made a new video and I think he missed 7th - 12th grade history class
seems bretty gut?
badmouse, don't advertise here. also using the extermination of the european jews as a backdrop for your dumb internet arguments is totally tasteless, and you should've used a Rated PG Parental Guidance.
*Trig.ger warning
stop being gay
why does his avatar look so godawful
those ears look like olives with pimentos in them
lmao i didn't expect it would be so awful.
yiff in hell furfaggot
Reply to my comment BadMouse.
Oh and why do your videos get so many more views than mine. I cry errytim
Bad Mouse has been around for a while whereas you've only put out 3 videos so far on your lefty analysis of games. And he is pretty broad whereas you just focus on gaming
Yeah I know. I was mostly kidding. We'll see.
I emailed Muke about his leftist community thing or whatever he wanted to make but he hasn't got back to me yet. I'm working on my next DR video now.
wew! another e-celeb thread! KYS.
well its not tied to drama so who cares?
Better than his old one
What's wrong with it?
Yes I did. Check your PM's on youtube.
Oh shoot, my bad. Youtube's PM system is garbage.
Messaged you now.
send nudes
Muke, how often are you on here?
Whenever I'm at my computer I have threads of interest open on separate tabs and keep track of the posts, along with twitter, youtube and any other chats. I pretty much dedicate my second monitor to all that stuff.
I refresh the catalog whenever I'm procrastinating from work.
Oh ok, cool
Anything is a step up from anarchism, I suppose.
seems fine to me.
nazbols don't get to deride shitposts.
If you get me to 100k subcribers I will :3
post feet here in this thread now
Fuck that, shoe on head right now!
Hmm. Okay, feet at 20k subs, shoe on head at 50k subs.
Says the tripfag
Come on dudeā¦
Post shoes on feet fgt
10k subs for that
god what a newfag
The video assumes, without actually examining the proposed systems of stateless capitalism and communism, that ancompton would be working perfectly while ancapistan was at constant threat of collapse. The entire analogy is basically worthless from this point, other than to demonstrate that an elite class will resort to authoritarian means to preserve itself rather than dissipate. It's also particularly crude because it's pretty clearly the opposite of what happened in commonly-known history (germany and korea) and he has to stress that the blank-slate scenario he described would be different than our real-world one.
Also, the tankie bit and "get on the meat hook" line are incredibly vulgar, it's essentially a reversal of helicopter larping. He's done this before in his earlier post-election video where he goes on full edge and then turns back and clarifies that he doesn't *really* hate liberals. Internet memes have made him seem like an anarcho-stalinist.
Basically, his video has no intellectual value, and no appeal to moderates.
Yeah well you'd better not forget the socks
honestly this was one of his weaker videos.
Also is right, the old avatar was much nicer to look at, new one seems tryhard.
I didn't dislike the video, but I reckon it could've been a lot better. Can't speak on the mouse avatar dude, though, it has never really done anything for me.
I never liked thge old avatar but this one reminds me a lot of all the right wing tards on YT lately (TLDR, that edgy anarchist guy, Armoured Skeptic, etc). That said I probably wouldn't mind it that much but the colors just don't look very nice. If he's going to switch to a more anthropomorphised avatar I think the colors should be more natural/not clashing.
But hey that's just my opinion.
You also have no style.
It's a meme you dip.
Stateless isn't governmentless.
What does this have to do with my post?
Everything. Ancompton doesn't have a state, but it does have a government.
Bookchin insisted he wasn't an anarchist, but he really was. His vision of government had no hierarchy, so it wasn't a state.
But I never contradicted this in my post, I never implied that ancompton has no government. I didn't go into how ancompton was organized at all, which was the point of my post.
Oh, I misinterpreted your argument as one of "anarchy would fail".
Now. His only real presumption was that workers would leave ancapistan to seek better laborer's rights. This is a fairly reasonable assumption in my opinion and he backs it up with basic economics. Ancompton could be anywhere from better off to slightly worse off and people would still migrate to it.
He imagines ancompton as horizontally organized (assuming the best of libsoc theory) while imagining ancompton as essentially our current system but with no labor laws or regulations (assuming the worst of libertarianism, from the prospective of soc theory). No libertarian would seriously propose a nightmarish neoliberalism as their vision of society. You can argue that these two societies are correct portrayals, but badmouse doesn't make this arguement, he asserts them to be true and then goes on to explain what would happen from there (workers migrating from ancapistan to ancompton.)
It's true, if ancoms are right and ancaps are wrong, people would migrate from ancapistan to ancompton. But this only appeals to ancoms who already agree with him (while not going any further to inform their views) while offering nothing for ancaps to consider.
The definition you just posted doesn't say that states must be hierarchical.
actually the DPRK was doing way better than the regime in the south (military dictatorship) all the way into the late 70s and reports of people fleeing to the North were quite common.
The main problem was how the Oil Crash and the fall of the USSR made them incapable of getting the raw materials they needed to keep their industry running, that's also around the time when Juche stopped being a theme within the Party to being the ruling principle behind the whole country.
yah, that's the point.
That's true but he's probably pretty tired of moderates after the whole Sargon thing, he still has a reasonably big ancap following from his older videos and was touching on a theme that has been discussed in their circles on youtube recently.
Seems good
It's a little hard to see, but he's not trying to prove that ancapistan and ancompton would necessarily take those forms. What he's proving is an "if A then B" statement, that is, constructing a set of circumstances, A, under which ancap premises undermine themselves and obligate ancaps to renege on them. This is important because to be correct, a theory's foundational assumptions should be valid independent of context.
None of this is important, I wasn't making an argument against the GDR or North Korea, the point is that what people know about these places is that people fled from them to their capitalist counter parts, and in the GDR's case a wall was actually built, and so it makes the analogy seem ridiculous.
By "tankie", I mean the point where his avatar rode into ancapistan on a tank.
I know it's the point, it's still dumb.
I point out that he has no moderate appeal not because he has have it, but because he introduces and ends the video by trying to appeal to them.
This is a good point.