Does anime turn men into sissy?
This picture is a proof
Does anime turn men into sissy?
This picture is a proof
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And what's wrong with that?
for me it was the erotica that changed me
those tg comics I'll tell you waht
If you fuck an anfem in the mouth does she call it rape?
I see nothing wrong with that
I fail to see any negatives, even if it does honestly.
Well that is perfectly understandable.
It does not excuse you being a leftcom however.
Holla Forums and Holla Forums confirmed sissybois.
The United States was founded by men who wore make up and in letter correspondence at one point for a long period of time Ben Franklin pretended to be a woman
Men need to go back, back to tradition. Make up wearing trap American tradition
FML, I'll never be a qt boi, may as well kill myself now
Ben was fat and he pretended to be a girl and wore make up. I'm sure you can manage.
They can never have the girl, so they become the girl.
Yes it does.
That's interesting Hoochie. Do you have some kind of vested interest in men becoming traps?
Everybody does
I don't.
yes and it's a good thing
Hey Holla Forums
Lots of pol likes traps
Taliban leaders have trap harems. Traps are reactionary to the core.
Honestly yeah because I like men just fine but I like skinny dudes. I don't know what its about but I find masculinity just……unappealing
I would rather take some tradition from back in time and transport it now so all men wore pancake make up and spoke like fags because
That sounds like a better more good world to walk around in.
A world where everyone wears make up across boarders….
But they would never admit it (at least not here). Holla Forums is the ultimate tsundere.
Or maybe reactionaries are straight as hell and totally not gay in everything but name and like dick and are compensating
Traps aren't gay though
But most likely not, the division between homo and hetero sexuality is a 19th century one, it doesn't exist as such in reactionary thought.
Traps aren't gay because sexuality is about appearance and not gender, if it were not, pornography would do nothing to us, because a picture that presents a woman isn't one.
good taste fellow user
The mindset behind transgenderism is a primarily a pronographic one with a dismal outlook on womahood that only a male could have dreamed up.
Mass-market anime that caters primarily to the desires of unspectacular young men can absolutely align with this outlook, much for the same reason that so many alt-righters on Twitters have moe anime avatars. Both camps have very similar perceptions of the ideal female, but the rightists stop short of seeking to embody this mockery.
don't troll leftypol while you're so drunk off your rocker that you can't type.
Shut it down!
Just woke up + have a $5 Chinese keyboard
That's a pretty common idea in TERF circles.
I've been called a TERF so many times now it's lost all bite (as if it ever had one in the first place.) Men have invented slurs for outspoken women throughout history. It's nothing new.
I'm kind of suprised you are here, if I was more edgy, I'd see TERFism as identity politics up to 110%.
1. There is nothing wrong with addressing concerns unique to a particular community within the broader context of leftism. It just can't be all-consuming.
2. I'm in many places.
3. This community actually has *less* smug irony boys telling women to shut up and suck their cocks if you can believe that.
I wish TERFs didn't hate me, you all seem so cool
No, it's the chemicals in the water.
Wake up people
What I find funniest about that whole shit is Alex Jones apparently hasn't even fucking seen Jurassic Park, because there are amphibians, who can change sex from male to female in a single sex environment.
Evolution is the problem really. Natural selection turned our patriotic frogs trans.
Not all trans are autogynophilies.
Can frogs though?
Actually his point was not so crazy as in theory it's possble for some chemicals to be affecting hormonal balance of the frogs.
see this is why I am not an enviromentalis
True, but so do so much other things. And he obviously meant something by 'gay" implying they're turning our precious children gay to, as a way to avoid uncomfortable facts for his audience.
But yes, a good example is the Common Reed Frog from the Congo. If a population is single sex, say, females die off or vice versa, a number of frogs can change sex from male to female, female to male. Not just in hormonal change, but entire reproductive change. One of these frogs can go through a metamorphosis into having the organs of the opposite sex if need be.
lmao if you think that "autogynephilia" is a thing somehow unique to trans women and not something that's also quite prevalent among cis women too:
the autogynephila thing is so fucking funny because I love how it took until 2009 for some joker to ask the autogynephilia questionnaire to cis women and realise that there's not much difference between cis and trans women when it comes to that.
You want to talk about trannies scientifically? cool, just don't post literal pseudoscience hawked by ideologues who are afraid of control groups.
autogynephillia is spook
liberal women are on a whole nother level
Under communism all guys will look like chihiro
ITT : Retards who get 100% of their information about trans individuals from pornography
Pic related, it's totes feminism
i think the part that made me (leftist woman autist with a serious daddy kink) go REEEEEEE was the "Oedipal trauma/dysfunction bit"
See, Oedipal complex is mommy kink, not daddy kink. Daddy kink would be ELECTRA complex.
holy shit, if you're gonna pretend to be pedantic online about daddy kink at least GET IT RIGHT
I posted about sex changing frog that's got to be more than smut right
[Aoyama Akira] Koko wa Bitch gai!! - Here is a Bitch Street [English] [desudesu + SaHa +]
Well it is the worst position.
hes so good at drawing but all the rape, snuff, and vomit just turns me away tbh
he's getting into drawing otokonoko and honestly i feel #blessed
They're not cool
You should shut the fuck up, you're a sexist and drenched in idpol.
we need to convince more aut-righters on Holla Forums and elsewhere that anime is homosexual communist propaganda that needs to be banned
this will alienate a lot of anime fans from right wing politics, which they are currently moving towards because "fuc sjwz! xD"