Race is a social construct that wouldn't exist if everyone had the same socioeconomic backgroun-
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Even if there are measurable Autism Level differences between the races, what should realistically be done about it without sliding into fascist bullshit?
I've never understood how would Autism Level shit matter if we were all of the same economic class.
Seperating the different races through nations. Everyone gets a homeland, socialism in 200 countries.
The race is over
time to discover
brand new spaces
What does that achieve? Also, a lot of nations are already multi ethnic. Also also, borders are a spook.
Why not just force low-iq people to have better kids with those who have higher i_q than them (not marry) and improve human intelligence?
Because then the low Autism Level people drag down the high Autism Level people.
Because Holla Forums's eyeque is so low they'd never get to reproduce.
Eugenics would be more effective in that case anyway. Engineer all babies to move towards positive traits.
Why do Amerifats care so fucking much about intelligence quotients?
When will the meme die?
And yeah your i.q. is going to be higher when you have better access to nurtitional foods, better schools, material conditions
.none of your points are arguments or counter-arguments. just personal attacks
Allows different races, cultures, and average Autism Level level populations to build their own form of socialism without being dragged down/kept down by different people.
tbh a lot of people on the left subconsciously know this, they just try to rationalise it away as "white muh privilege"
Racism is not an irrational feeling, but a rational stance based on statistical analysis
self esteem of black children are usually lower than whites. there are psychological implications behind being told you are inferior.
If the free market is a meritocracy and white people are superior why are their so many jewish CEO's and such?
Race is a social label that is attached to a Phenotype.
A Phenotype is an outward expression of underlying genetic code.
The genes that code for the traits of Phenotypes that are used to identify Race are not the same genes that code for predisposition toward intelligence or various socially adaptive or maladaptive behaviors.
There is a strong correlation between all of the above as a consequence of breeding populations manipulated by everything from deliberate slave breeding back in the day to social and economic pressures relating to the success of differing mating strategies within various strata of society.
Nazis always seem to cherry pick studies that support their attitudes toward Race rather than delve into the underlying scientific causes of those studies, which signals that they have no legitimate interest in the science of genetics save for clipping certain graphs to use as visual propaganda on the internet.
As a transhumanist, eugenecist, and student of science this has always deeply disgusted me. You make many errors in your thinking as a consequence.
Separate breeding populations exist within the "White" Race .There are White breeding populations on the same tier as the averages that broad studies of the "Black" Race are in terms of maladaptive social behaviors and low intelligence. Your breeding population of Whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Blacks in a middle class or upper middle class suburb is going to have a much higher Autism Level overall than the breeding population of a White trailer park, a Hispanic bario, or a Black ghetto in the inner city. The latter trio will have comparable numbers as a consequence of boundaries to mate acquisition and the relative utility of their mating strategies.
Typically you advocate for eliminating various Phenotypes while ignoring that you would simply be painting a ladder of multi-colored genetic steps white without changing the underlying causality of the behavioral patterns that you ostensibly seek to eliminate.
Your philosophy toward race is an ironic one.