Why do white women always talk about white man muh privilege but when a woman of color starts to talk about white womens muh privilege they get really mad and tries to avoid the subject?
White women privilege
idpol bullshit
Everyone in this thread is going to say it's fake
But everyone in the thread knows it's real
Most black children in the US don't live with their biological fathers.
And most white children are nonchalant consumers so whats your point?
That's because property value per education is in the shitter, and funding for infrastructure also comes from property value, realistically. Really forcing minorities into a inescapable position of being forced to move to areas that America is failing and are truly falling apart.
Look at St. Louis. An entire city full of whites who couldn't plan shit, suburbanized the large urban population, and soon entire swathes became ghost towns and places of high crime.
There's more to everything than "lol black people are stupid" or "lol the coloreds hate the whites for no reason"
Racial animosity is real, and unfortunately, it exists because whites are addicted to idpol. To not take into account the material effects of centuries of being high off their ass on their own identity politics making poor choices for everyone.
It happens to this damn day. This is a joke thread but nobody here is ever going to realize how much suburbanite whites have fucked over everyone into becoming the stereotypes they used to make, further justifying their own shit that flies off their tongue and politicians tongues.
The animosity isn't a fad, it's been a thing for the urban and lower class for a very long time, and half of it is because they are trapped in a position where their son or daughter could live in a life of crime because of forces really outside of their own control.
That the assemption in OP's pic is reasonable.
40% of white children's parents end up in divorce and that number is rising. There are a lot of problems in the white working class family that isn't discussed on a national level. I wonder why that is
somebody is on their period
Yeah it's the little bit of time I get to experience how much being a man must feel like
Even Nazis are more serious then you
I never claimed white people were perfect. But the race bait in OP's pic is bullshit.
We do not whine begging for rights. every single feminine ideology is a whining racket. quit shitting up the board with your period blood.
I'm going to make you drink my vagina. You won't touch it though. I'm just going to like, chain you to a chair stand on a table and squat while you enjoy some nice tomato soup lol
pick one lol. your personality is repulsive. ur dismissed
I thought you were lesbian
are you going to turn this entire thread into banter where I get blamed for it.
using someone as a living tampon isn't really sex.
Makes sense.
Why are you saying all of this like it's something people here don't know?
goodfellas sucked
because this board has gone to the dogs and it's mostly high school students. Besides I thought some of you were all about 'recruiting Holla Forums postes' 😂
Daily reminder that every country of non-white people is a crime-infested, poverty-ridden shithole where its inhabitants clamor to immigrate to white majority countries
I think its not characteristic of all white women, but go to any reasonably upscale city, find some white women, talk about real racism and how they may be contributing to it and yeah they will likely get embarrassed or something.
lol I am in mi 20's but ok. And no I see lots of ppl here call out Holla Forumssters when they need to so idk what you're talking about there. It is strange when people try to stereotype this entire website tbh.
Yes, white countries made their wealth from slavery, theft, extortion and war then created institutions to protect that wealth.
I mean not really but when your entire nation declared war on the entire planet physically, covertly, and through market, because it was afraid of communism that has geopolitical consequences, especially if you can't take care of your own at home, let alone the veterans of your conflicts of ultimate stupidity
The question shouldn't be "lol non whites are dumb" but "what has all the racial animosity I've created going to result in"
And right now it's resulting in you falling far behind in the education department where non whites really are succeeding. I mean asians don't even benefit from most college support where others do and they're out competing you ten to one.
Let's not pretend places like fucking Hungary are white paradises of technological ingenuity lol, you're only referring to this bastard state of affairs we call home
Putting somebody in your cooch seems pretty sexual to me
daily reminder that you should read a book and talk to more immigrants/blacks if you really want to find out why all those places are "crime infested, poverty ridden shitholes" in the first place.
White people made their money through the industrial revolution
Why did Sankara had to die ?
And im a white guy saying this
No its squatting over somebody I thought I made this clear.
Like is shitting on someone sex in your mind?
Do you think they were exporting machines to foreign companies?
Or using those machines to steal resources faster?
Sankara is a shining example of what happens when (or would happen) european countries BTFO and respect african sovereignty.
He's worth bringing up any time people try to do this stupid "black ppl r inherently sub homin" shit.
You said you were going to use him as a tampon, I'm pretty sure those go inside your vagina.
It can be, it most often is
There wouldn't be physical contact in this joke I actually wasn't joking about. Like the idea was, let's say he's chained down right. I feel something juicy, I stand on a table, hover over him, and blood goes on his face.
I mean that can be hot and steamy if you want it to be, but at the end of the day all it is is hot and steamy in the literal sense.
Mostly just selling their finished products, throughout the industrisl revolution most European trade was intra continental, as it still is.
Nice meme
You just made me erect.
why live?
are you saying pointing a gun at someone's head as you take their shit isn't using machines to steal resources? because that happened.
Colonies were an economic drain on their mother countries. The thought that the bulk of western wealth was "'stolen"' from the third world is an idpol meme.
not even memeing, middle/upper class white women in western countries are the most muh privileged demographic of all
But non-white countries also have slavery, theft, extortion and war and they are still impoverished, undeveloped, uncivilized shitholes.
Try again.
White males are falling behind educationally because they were raised by feminist single mothers, subverted by socialist ideas of equality and diversity.
When white males were raised by fathers in a traditional household, they excelled at everything they put their hand to.
All the great things about civilization, all the arts, sciences, sports, politics, technology can be traced to white people. We are the master race and non-white people and jews hate us for that.
What a load of bullshit.
White women think they're everyone's mom.
Do you have a single fact to back that up
Are you going to ignore everything else I said and just point out you have problems with your mom you dumb albino fuck
he was not, herself, hugely in favour of motherhood in general. Obviously it was necessary, but it wasn't exactly difficult. Even cats managed it. But women acted as if they'd been given a medal that entitled them to boss people around. It was as if, just because they'd got the label which said "mother," everyone else got a tiny part of the label that said "child"…
-Terry Pratchett
nothing wrong with sociaism. it's feminism that is cancer that emasculates young boys and takes away their vitality. boys aren't even allowed to boys anymore.
terry pratchett is a talentless hack who writes genre bullshit that amounts to jack shit in terms of meaning, throwing all sorts of questions that are to be fair, deep, but if you keep relying on that over and over and fucking over it becomes surface level.
Terry Pratchett should stick with what he's good at, communal neckbeard prostate massaging
Europe literally had a time when they had Eunuchs just like everyone else. In fact they stopped relatively recently, historically.
One thing American young men who spend their lives on the internet deserve is to fucking start a movement to bring it back so they can stop bitching about how fucking weak they think their peers are.
All of Holla Forums is obese. All of MGTOW is obese. It's either that or they're skinny. And all of them have mom issues.
There is nothing you are being oppressed or changed by.
You are simply unhappy with your boring life.
First world white women want to be white men, they want their power.
First world white women are probably the most muh privileged people of all time in the history of anything.
I think white men actually have more people trying to come at them and have to deal with more shit than white women, the same shit men have to deal with in general i guess.
You thought feminism was serious?
Actually it was a decades long troll all leading up to the 2016 election where we slapped the shit out of white women.
Pic related, white men in troll operation control room
White women want white mens power, and they also see non white women as sexual and political competition, white women are forced as the standard of beauty through the media, this allows her lots of control over men who think with their dick.
Have you actually read about the history of feminism?
White women literally wanted to vote because they got butthurt that white men let black men vote before them.
The suffragettes where racist as fuck
No but see you pointing out whites have a long standing history pushing idpol more than anyone else on a political and socioeconomic level is wrong because its idpol and fighting fire with fire is awful and it hurts my feelings.
I'm not even a third wave feminist stop getting upset because I think discworld is boring reddit shit that beats around the bush for an overall moral, and overall guiding principle. Like most of Terry's work. It just doesn't really, mean anything. And it's not like it's attempting that either, it's just genre shit that has the esteemed position of being slightly better than most. He has the most ADHD writing style I've ever read besides myself.
It pains me you spent this time to even put music over this, I'm going to save it for every time someone does this.
good argument
socialism is the trojan horse of feminism
basically this
You literally gave an adhom as an argument and I responded in kind.
See this is why more and more whites are dropping out of high school
They can't reason beyond screaming autistically at whoever on the internet mocks them. It isn't feminism. For all I know your dad just was never there in your life.
more ad hom
project much?
My dad is better than my mom. I have mom issues, you know, just like you and all your friends if you had any :)
Hungarians aren't white.
this is just getting kinda sad
How does it feel knowing ad hom is the only bait you have to attack with? Must be pretty boring.
Oh hell, you look all the same to me.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
too bad he got assassinated by the French.
At least you've finally conceded defeat. My work is done here.
chink is addicted to deeply triggering and problematic idpol
its whiteys fault
Internet War
10/10 wordfilter
I hate the "tip fedora xddddddddd" meme but damn, I really want to use it now.
I like how I laid out exactly how white idpol in the past effected socioeconomic conditions, actual idpol, but you get hung up on that fact of material consequences of it because you are literally too stupid to actually talk about these issues without getting your feelings hurt that you're white.
*teleports behind u*
Go ahead. I'm sure it will make you feel better.
you laid literally nothing out
this is not laying anything out
says the guy trying to win arguments on an imageboard
Cherry picking bullshit.
Infrastructure, education, actual material benefit from it, is in fact, in relation to class.
If you don't want to talk about it blame your fucking family for forcing it, because until then if all you have is your feelings to guide you, go ahead and kill yourself because it's only going to get louder and louder.
You don't have any friends anyways.
Not an argument 8^)
le race realism
greentexting is not an argument dude!!!!
my thoughts exactly
black and white idpol are both problems.
isn't an argument.
Heh… looks like I win… AGAIN!
I share the same sentiment towards your ilk too, friend.
At least I've successfully derailed a shitty thread and made myself the topic of discussion.
Feels good man.
That isn't race realism that's socioeconomic impact from whites perpetuating self mastrabatory fantasies about themselves for generations, still impacting us to this day.
As an example, you literally cannot talk about racial animosity without feeling like you're a victim.
If you're so victimized then what is life worth living for.
I can't believe I've been "No u'd"
Finally. You got the joke.
At least use sage.
nobody is talking about you except when you bring yourself up because you're obnoxious and can't handle whites even being suggested at having class benefit from decades of idpol policy from the state.
Yes they are.
no, shaniqua, it isn't
its literally you claiming whites lack the means by which to create plan functional societies
which is no different than Holla Forums saying niggers are prone to glorious uprisings and can never maintain a nation
t. people who accuse people of relying on their feelings
Well, yes. Yes it is. The United States lacks the means by which to create or plan a functional society.
But I have more (You)s than you. Therefore, I am the victor.
I'm black now
Why am I not surprised you're just some dumb newfag?
you're a rachel dolezal who goes about things a bit smarter
I'm white pretending to be black now
What if I'm black pretending to be white pretending to be black pretending to be asian
Would that make me mixed?
At least get your unfunny memes right.
you seem particularly triggered, my newfag friend
quite the shift from
I'm not the one using neo-4chan memes :)
I wasn't the same poster you were having a sperg out with.
wow, your virtue signalling skills are off the charts.
make jim proud
no, you're addicted to a view of the whites as the great scaepgoat, while willingly living in a white nation for the benefits it brings to you, instead of packing your bags and fleeing like you would if you actually believed anything of what you said
have a (You) friend
Are you autistic
The United States is a majority white nation, and has been enforcing white identity politics into its own socioeconomic conditions far harder in the past and even present than most other nations have even tried.
Education funding, what little we have, on property value, is perhaps the single most disastrous policy to America's political and social future I can think of.
On top of our fucking infrastructure, likewise, which has a racial element.
It's all self perpetuating shit.
But please keep getting hung up about how you think I'm saying whites are the devil, you couldn't even talk about class to begin with so why try
No. I'm criticizing American idpol. Whites can have it to, in fact, they acted on it.
Please continue defending American class values, fellow traveler. lmfao
Where do you think they got the raw materials for the finished products? The colonies were only economic drains because the capitalists who were getting all the money forced the state to pay for basically everything. Expeditions, native suppression, railroads/roads, land clearance etc.
The same way that agriculture is a major money sinkhole for the American government but is still a wildly profitable industry.
that's like saying blaming the jews for everything is just criticizing idpol
it's still pathological
Why do liberals focus on trivial much feelings shit like Holocausts when many communities of color in America don't even have safe water to drink or housing free of toxic building materials like lead and asbestos?
Blaming Jewish people is idpol in it of itself
(proles, not porky)
No, it isn't. You have no way of separating your feelings about the color of your skin from the objective fact whites have dominated politics in America and still work to keep the urban urban and the upper suburban clean and tidy.
Idpol is literally the cause of this class issue, white identity politics, but you can't talk about it because twelve whites will jump on you for accusing them of being evil.
I'm not fucking calling you evil dumbshit, I'm telling you the facts. If you keep getting offended on behalf of this class issue racial animosity will continue and you'll be fueling a fire I really don't think you want to fuel.
Since it hurts your feelings so badly that whites benefit from American class.
OP here
Stay to the fucking start of the thread and not attacking this Hoochie Minh person you sperg lords
Fucking this is exactly my point. People are too hung up on race to realize that our infrastructure is crumbling, for entirely ridiculous reasons waved away by "budgeting" for either purposes of war or a lighter form of segregation.
That's why I brought up St. Louis. It's the perfect example of this. White flight ruined entire swathes of the city, and schools became abandoned quicker than houses were vacant.
Nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room because someone will think you're being called the white devil.
They may not be but they're the most sensitive bitches I've ever encountered.
Hardly any whites benefit from this idpol, especially those in the rustbelt.
and so is blaming whites, especially when the reasoning comes down to "america is mostly white so everything that ever happens is specifically their fault"
also, if this is true, then why do non-whites move to the U.S en mass, instead of emigrating from it?
jews dominate banks, therefor jews are responsible for the banking crisis. same logic, but with a less acceptable racial scapegoat so it isn't as popular
Jews didn't do it because of Jewish nationalism.
Jews didn't force white America to segregate, enslave, or even cause policy that perpetuates it in anything but name, which effects all of us on a class level, beyond just the regular things, we still live in the shadow of state enforced identity politics that benefited whites economically.
No Jew did that. In fact it was good old fashioned Irish Americans.
The fact is they did, economically, which puts them ahead of others. A jumpstart, if you will. There's much more to this, and the silent segregation going on in our communities, to wave it off as "the coloreds are idpoling again damn sjws"
It's a fucking class issue that identity politics were enforced on a state, local, and economic level. How is this hard to get.
Neither did whites for the longest period of time until the slavers came along forcing the arbitrary divides between ethnic lines. You also ignore that the KKK, and a significant portion of counter-reconstruction occurred because of wealthy whites, and ex plantation owners wanting to take political and economic control over their states again.
I never denied it, I just don't think the majority of whites benefit at all from this idpol.
seems obvious that a nationless people doesn't do things out of nationalism.
point being?
jews earn more than whites, so by your logic, they must be even better at this game of dog eats dog racial war (through other means or not)
also, if blacks are still enslaved, then why aren't they fleeing from america? then why isn't racism against them actively encouraged, instead of saying "nigger" being a career end?
it's exactly because you are wrong, that what you say is so popular, like how the countries in which feminists complain most about the patriarchy being in fact the least patriarchal, the more you get what you want, the more you turn up the rhetoric, for the scapegoat has to remain, it's an ideological necessity
thank neoliberalism for obfuscating material relations away from people with identity relations that perpetuate CMC' cycle. I think it's one-sided to say there doesn't exist a level of racial politics, as well as social and cultural divides in America.
When the government wants quotas people are gonna fill em in
Everything that happen to the US is consequence of all the bad shit it does
Prisons want their cheap labor and movement is difficult without sufficient funds
That does nothing to change the fact. And I'm not accusing you of a god damn crime.
I'm not. I'm in fact, taking that fully into account. That's why I said 'white identity politics".
For better or worse America as a nation has a history of identity politics being enforced on a massive level, and not only do we live in its shadow, but we live in it still.
And this doesn't effect just poor urban communities, it effects all of us. What you think lack of funding for urbanites in South East LA won't effect greater LA, that crumbling infrastructure in poor communities be it white or black or whatever won't come back to haunt us?
Porky doesn't give a fuck. The fact they still are hard on for the idea should be giving you hesitation, not acceptance or denial.
It isn't privlege theory, I'm talking about fucking class issues that relate to white identity politics.
Stop getting offended everything that brings this up is fucking a social justice warrior, it takes us down a dangerous path where class issues like this can't be discussed,
Holy god can you read.
No. In fact, that isn't the same as forcing basically apartheid temporarily at all.
If this was Israel I would agree with you, but this is not Israel.
I never fucking said that. Please never talk about class issues again for the rest of your life. Jesus H Christ
Why do you think it is? A conspiracy? Give me a fucking break and stop posting here. The fact you aren't banned on the spot is a farce.
The point is that white identity politics don't give "whites" a jump ahead. Same for all identity politics. They on'y benefit those at the top social status of whatever group they claim to represent.
They have and they can. For example, plantation owning families still benefit enormously from the wealth they had as slave owners inherited.
I'm not saying all whites are fucking rich and aristocratic, I'm saying the state allows people who aren't to fall through the gaps in education and suffer through poor infrastructure, as well as racial issues that otherwise ruined entire cities, again taking St Louis into example as well as Detroit.
everyone here who isn't a NazBol or a faggot Nationalist thinks Middle Class Whites are the source of many of the evils of capitalist culture and are probably the least deserving group of sympathy. that doesn't mean Keri Hilson is more oppressed than some working class white women who can't get promoted past secretary at the warehouse. The black kid at Juliard on scholarship is not more oppressed than the whigger selling bags of speed behind the gas station. The dad with the collapsed spine and pill addiction is not more priviledged than the black mom whose a general manager at the local Toyota. You don't get EXTRA oppression points for being black. Your oppression stems from what your lived experience is like. As a black drug dealer your life is worse than a white one, as a black service industry worker your life is often (but not always) worse than a white counter-parts. But that oppression doesn't mean that middle class black girls who go to school for free and are almost guaranteed employment after college, are more oppressed than the exact same demographic in white women. Its too small of a difference to matter. Black people bitch about representation in media, celebrities """""""wearing their clothing like costumes"""""", and muh reparations. They aren't bitching about tangible identifiable oppression like zoning laws, rent seeking, slum lords, voter ID laws, crazy differences in sentencing for crack and powder cocaine, insane rates of arrest for marijuana. Those are instances of verifiable oppression. I can point to stats, anecdotes and make strong rhetorical points that this is indeed oppression. Oppression olympics is where insanity starts to set in and people start perceiving oppression where HIERARCHY and differences in ability are actually in place. Hiearchy is not oppression by some unworthy group, its the artificial establishment of social tiers based on power and influence. Stacy gets more attention than Tanya not because people are racist but because Stacy is a hot slut who brings cookies to class once a month and wears crop tops and flirts with the teacher. Chad gets more loan offers than tyrone because he's taller, better looking, is more articulate, his father is wealthy and he has frat connections that normal people don't. That's not racial, its social-sexual and economic hierarchy. What the issue with gaysvsblackwomenvswhitewomen axis is, is that at a certain point the disparity in muh oppression disappears. And the examples of oppression sound like heightism, lookism, socialites vs introverts, rich vs poor, sociopathic gaming of social behavior, greed. They don't come out looking like examples of racism or sexism or homophobia. Gay men happen to be more effeminate and smaller than straights. Women are more timid and less likely to break rules. Blacks are less likely to draw on social ties for financial transactions and more likely to try to be good salesman or to finesse the deal, whereas jews and whites use social gaming to make deals. You have to start paying attention to patterns that transcend or preclude race.
I never said you were.
Of course it will, but this is a problem regarding the poor as a collective, not really a matter of identity politics to me. The GOP who want to slash HUD funding by $13 Billion, and gut social programs for veterans is a concern affecting everyone in the low-income bracket.
I don't understand what you're saying here. I don't deny there existing cultural, and social divides in America, I'm saying I don't think whites benefit from this idpol at all. The whites in the rustbelt and the entire Appalachia's are living in dog shit, poor conditions.
No, there has never been any legislation against jews in the United States, they were simply treated as long nosed whites and enjoyed the same legal benefits that whites did. So Hoochie's argument is valid.
Obviously when you factor the broad "privilege" (which is what this thread is about really) of being Jewish included accumulated property, education, skills and (usually negative) social prejudice, jews are different than whites but then again, so are are the Irish and Catholics (who did actually get legally discriminated)
I skimmed this wall of text but all it amounted to is assuming I mean All White People Do This and All Black People Do That
When that's not at all what I'm saying.
Stop proving my point you're just in this because you're offended or confused, I want you to be above it.
This is exactly what I'm talking about, dumbass. Most whites aren't descended from plantation owning families.
If its not a blanket statement or a point targeted at a substantial portion of a population its just meaningless. Most whites are not significantly advantaged compared to their middle class black counterparts. There are generational gaps in skill, epigenetics and temperament that take decades to overcome. White women in college are almost never better off than black women. Its just totally false. The rates of graduation for black women are astounding
there is, and it isn't done by white supremacist (who are simultaneously obese virgin basement dwellers and almighty dominators, another sign of anti-semetic logic)
it doesn't seem to me that dirt poor mexicans and somalians have the funds to travel to a different nation, while black americans don't
what's the intrinsic difference in the cultural networks of jews favoring jews over the networks of whites facing whites, except that jews seem to be better at it?
aren't the hasidic neighborhoods under a de facto state of apartheid?
I never said you were either, it's just a figure of speech.
Not all nations are the same in regards to nationalistic or otherwise identity issues being enforced in capitalism as America has.
That is my point, it does not mean all whites are evil, stop taking it as I'm saying such.
I'm saying that identity politics effected how this nation operated and still operates, so obviously it's going to be a class issue whether you like it or not.
Don't blame me. Blame the people who made it possible and put us all into this mess, and increased racial animosity. Not as it used to be, but obviously its growing.
You can't ignore this forever.
Poor white communities also, obviously exist.
They're economic from cultural.
No, it isn't. You're talking about something else entirely. Until you can talk about class I'm just going to assume your feelings are clouding your judgement.
Can you read? I just fucking said that in the exact post you replied to.
It isn't meaningless because it's a fucking class issue you ridiculously stupid hair trigger fuck
That's rich coming from you.
Then critique identity politics on those grounds and stop being an apologist for it.
Yeah you're upper middle class if you think you have it as bad as Appalachia or St Louis or Detroit.
In fact it's an entirely different issue altogether. I'm not going to get into a debate about jews to distract from the argument I'm currently in, you're trying to change the subject.
There is obvious difference between how you are treated and how blacks were treated for being seen as inferior to whites.
Identity Politics in relation to class is as American as Apple Pie.
Just post on Holla Forums and stop trying to grasp Class, it's easier for someone as simple as you.
None of them do that's why people take desperate risks
That is what I'm doing but you are literally either too stupid or to naive, or just actually offended, to see it.
I have said countless fucking times that this does not mean white people are the devil for god's sakes.
then why don't black american migrate to other countries in large numbers, in fact barely doing so at all?
it can't be poverty, it's not that there's a wall around the U.S preventing them from escaping
i'm showing that for you it isn't a matter of logic, but of subject, anti-semetic logic is fine for you, as long as it concern whites instead of jews
which is a hierarchy that you are sustaining by turning it upside down with slave morality
sage isn't a downvote you dumb fucking newfag.
Because idpol is now, and always has been, and always will be bullshit. Focus on the revolution that actually matters instead of this petty distraction.
This happens every other day now, someone starts up a thread about idpol and the redditors come out of the woodwork.
Sage was supposed to be used for irrelevant to the topic discussions, which these are.
Idpol get out
Idk go ask some black people lol
never talked about anyone's "privilege" tbh
That's rich from some newbie posting irrelevant shit you don't even try to keep your pics on-topic. I don't care about the thread since the other fags are still keeping to the main topic which is idpol, if you think sage works like a downvote then I'm going to point out how much of a newfag you are.
lmao you're the on sperging about muh black women. You realize all of your championing of black rights fucks over your group right? You understand that asians are massivelu fucked over by pro-black subsidies right?
Cool, you don't even have anything to say.
sage is just a tool you use whenever you feel like don't bumping a thread, it doesn't have any other purpose, whether positive or negative, and anything else is just shit 4chan decided to make up 13 years ago.
If you don't like a thread you just ignore it.
Oh you could also report it. That's another option.
Props to the vietnamese tripfag for deeply triggering these lunatics.
Hey I'm just speaking in a general sense, I think this thread is (was?) perfectly fine.
That's the dumbest fucking "we're all equal" bullshit I've ever heard and you should be permanently banned from the board
I know what will stop discussion about America's race issues relating to class on a board dedicated to class struggle
Complaining that your feelings got hurt
I'm actually speaking up for how this all effects poor white communities and even you, but why bother
You haven't even read anything past the first few words of a paragraph of a single book
Or you're just lying to fit into a dying board.
imagine being so buttblasted you need to flood a thread with touhou pics
Your thread is idpol shit that belongs off Holla Forums.
"I hate idpol so much you know what I'm going to do, spam Danbooru until I get banned to show I'm actually not upset"
ok leftypol. This is why you're a laughing stock.
Well I'm glad you got the shitty pun.
I still think you're pathetic for flooding the thread though.
Getting mad about socioeconomic issues on a board dedicated to socioeconomic issues because I haven't read anything actually makes me the new Sergey Nechayev
I never said this
I agree with the first statement, but identity politics I don't think is close to resembling a class issue. The illegal latino immigrants being exploited to work for shit wages in farming jobs isn't a matter of identity; it's a lack of collective rights and a path to citizenship which would end some of the problems they're currently facing.
Not growing more so then just the pendulem's swinging back in "favor" or whites again, especially after the counter-culture and civil rights movements. I don't think it's going to last long though since your country's education, and infrastructure is crumbling, and left of democrat parties are starting to emerge from the grassroots level.
Other way methinks. The violent and repressive culture of the South didn't emerge prior, it existed because of a system that was founded on those same principles, that being slavery.
Some retards will call fucking anthing "idpol", only making it harder to detect and act against.
It doesn't matter if you said it or not it's the content of the discussion.
It shouldn't be but it is, because it's been enforced.
Do you think that the American Health Care system, rising unemployment, rising economic divide, as well as terrible urban planning and development, education, just every little thing America has, is going to benefit poor communities be they black or white?
That's my fucking point.
It has nothing to do with identity politics on my front, but the fact that we live in a nation that has made Identity Politics a state issue, which has come to not only bite targeted people on the ass, but eventually all of us by creating economic segregation and racial animosity
This creates idpol.
I am not making arguments based on identity t all.
That's naive, but also correct. It's a bit of both. But nonetheless on a state level, America has forced identity politics to become an issue. Ever since this nation was founded, and before it.
The birth of the industrial revolution was the only time that it looked it all could fall apart.
But really I think you and a lot of people have a naive idea about how conditions effect demographics differently.
It isn't identity politics to point out that America has an identity politics problem on the deepest level.
This is even more hilarious if you're doing this because you're a white woman.
No better yet, if you're not white.
Then I agree, energy should be focused on dismantling the material divides that exist between the rich gated communities and the slums where you can't even get clean water.
I think the opposite, but that isn't really the point of discussion.
I don't think you ever really explained how either to be fair.
I never said it was identity politics either, I don't really care for much of what the rest of the people in this thread are saying though.
Why is this person spamming my thread?
tbh I wonder which mod Hoochie is
lmao hoochie
Sometimes Hoochie says very dumb shit but I fucking love how mad she makes some spergs on here.
this, by far the best tripfag we have.
Thank you mod
Who are you Hoochie
uh you kind of have to be delusion to think that your pic related is a common thing
All tripfags are cancer.
It's a mod that occasionally likes to LARP as a woman.
If I was a mod I would clean house
alas I get banned for spam for not even spamming for calling someone a nerd, while someone is legitimately spamming
such is life
a boring bitch who heard this place from osmosis a while ago and I'm very hated by a group of people I assume will start theorizing I'm John Podesta
No need to admit you're one. It's easy to notice how you bait spergs and retards into replying so that you can get them banned. I've seen multiple instances of this. I'm not entirely against it as it helps to identify Holla Forumsyps but I'm sure some bystanders fall victim to your shenanigans as well.
What is the antidote to idpol?
If we had competent moderation that's what they would do.
But we don't.
If I was a mod I would have banned the spammer probably before the twentieth image since I'm in the fucking thread.
You shall not need to give instructions;
'Tis not the first time I have kill'd a man;
I learned in Naples how to poison flowers
To strangle with lawn thrust down the throat;
To pierce the windpipe with a needle's point
Or, whilst one is asleep, to take a quill,
And blow a little powder in his ears;
Or open his mouth and pour quick-silver down.
Plausible deniability. All I'm saying is that any comrades that want to see your strategy deployed when you enter a thread only need to check the ban logs and the content of the post replying to yours. Again, I'm glad you're hear to sort out some of the autists but sometimes it goes too far. I admit I could be wrong and you're a clever goon but the ban logs point to you being a vol or mod.
I'll leave you be now Hoochie.
You are using the same logic that I'm a mod that crazy people think little green men are in the basement of Wright Patterson Airforce Base
Are you saying I didn't ban someone because I wanted to show you that I'm not a mod
That doesn't make any sense
We know your game, tripskank
I'm Jorge Posada, the former catcher for the Yankees
Funny, would've figgered you for a pitcher
US race obsession 101.
It's not as much an obsession as a historical consequence of the government fusing class and race into a horrible abomination where some form of segregation will always march on, even at the cost of white communities.
They don't like lower class whites either.
It's all aristocratic bullshit that's coming back and getting worse. It's complicated because the state forced idpol into political and economic discourse, so it almost seems inescapable because you can't talk class without bringing it up to some degree.
It's dangerous because of how well it distracts, how well it forces us away, instead of together.
St Louis is a horrible place to live because of black people.
Niggers beat up Vietnamese in schools of Philadelphia I hope they do it again.
I get it. But from an European perspective US race relations and stereotypes seem pretty weird. We don't have such large minority populations that have been in the country for so long. So I guess our perspective is somewhat different.
Either way, I agree that it's a dangerous distracting and dividing trend.
the only person who gets beat up in school are chumps like you.
St Louis had a large white population. During the mid century during the baby boom, a lot of people moved there. It urbanized, suburbanized, and ultimately, fell victim to urban sprawl.
While the impovershed lived in the city, again, infrastrcuture and education come into play, especially during the time, blacks were forced out to live in these sprawling suburbs because the real estate was cheap.
That's always a bad sign. The education was cheap too, so was the infrastructure. Healthcare not need mentioning. And people wanting to swindle.
Nonetheless you end up in a situation where poverty is inevitable, as is unsafe crumbling pipe systems and the lot.
Needless to say poverty always creates violence, black, white, whatever. It isn't like American whites are free from it, the 19th century is a nice example of how civilized whites can be.
But back on topic, for a combination of all these reasons, white flight occurred, and above all else, this crippled St. Louis economy.
And it was nothing more than poor urban planning with a racial element that made it the way it was.
If you blame people and not the money, you end up being a sucker for the same powers that ruined the city.
No blacks ruined St. Louis, far more, the very thing I was talking about. White identity politics from our state influencing policy and urban development.
But who am I kidding, I'm talking to someone who thinks "Dur Dur Durrr rif we just kill al duh jerws and duh nikcers we be fine"
No you'll get fucked over you don't know the world you live in.
Maybe one day in this future we have going for us, you'll end up in a stretch of land fucked over with no say in the matter. But people like you are so stupid, and so uneducated on politics yet arrogantly pride yourself you have even the slightest ability to speak on it
I doubt you'll do anything than get on your knees and suck
Fucking gross.
Yeah that's the point.
Niggers are dumb subhuman animals with higher instances of the warrior gene plus poor impulse control and lower cognitive faculties, this is irrefutable, St. Louis went from a decent town to hell on earth when niggers replaced white people, this is irrefutable, race is real and observable no matter how much you want to put your head in the sand, this is irrefutable.
That's funny, I thought you were talking about yourself and your fellow friends failed by the American mental health care system
Urban planning doesn't exist. It's only people. God bless America, ok, my black neighbor stairs at my mom's ass
Not an argument!
It actually is because you show an astonishing level of not just problem solving or piecing together problems and their causes, but highly volatile emotions and jealousy at the slightest provocation.
It isn't that I'm calling you perhaps handicapped out of spite. I'm saying that you, and your, what you could call a movement, is part of American Capitalism's failiure to help its youth succeed in life and get the proper medical care they need.
Because all of you are nearly exact clones, and all of you share the same problems just ripe for the DSM. It's unfortunate.
I meant no offense, but in the fantasy world you live in where you have to stigmatize the weak, whatever that means, you can't even suggest for a moment you've been failed.
My argument is you're incapable of talking politics on what you believe because you aren't capable of objectively analyzing the way the world works.
It's much more complicated than niggers this niggers that.
You are just as at risk, and so is everyone you post around, of being completely fucked in the future.
Poetic, tragic, inevitable.
Your entire argument is feels > reals black people are not on par with white people when it comes to intelligence and there hasn't been a single study that contradicts this, I'm sorry you're sticking your head in the sand with your belief of racial egalitarianism and call anyone mentally ill who dares to question it.
lmao every time a race realist thread is made they get wrecked with not a single exception>>1463814
It actually originated from 2ch.
One simple example: India
People piss and shit on the streets and garbage is literally strewn everywhere. No white class oppression is forcing them to do this. They are simply pig people of an inferior racial group.
You can extrapolate this to all non-white countries or non-white areas of white majority countries.
It's a racial issue, not class oppression.
BTW mod go fuck yourself. It's not shitposting, it's your typical commie suppression of dissenting views and wrongthink. lol have fun trying to keep up with me
Uh, yeah, I'm perfectly aware of that. I'm talking about the bullshit meaning 4chan goons decided to attribute to it (like sage being a bad thing).
Eh, sounds like a typical American city.